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June 2004

Yo-yo diet syndrome sheds light on both malnourishment and obesity

The sad irony of obesity in food-starved nations has drawn the attention of Prof. Roberto Frisancho. In a new report the U-M anthropologist attempts to explain the odd co-existence of malnourishment and obesity by comparing them with the yo-yo dieter syndrome, where the body compensates for starvation by storing fat for later.

Talking About the Movies with Frank Beaver: World War II in films

This month, Professor Beaver recommends the top feature films and documentaries about WWII. Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan (1998)and John Huston's The Battle of San Pietro (1944) top his lists for each genre. The still from Private Ryan shows part of the squadron in a town in Normandy.

The Case of Swimmer's Itch or: Parasites in Paradise

U-M researcher Lois Verbrugge, an avid swimmer, found that where people swim and how often they swim determines the likelihood that they'll be affected by the parasite that causes swimmer's itch.

Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit July 11 - Sept 26 at U-M Museum of Art

An extraordinary UMMA exhibition will examine the iconic work of Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986). From her earliest works, O'Keeffe was a visionary whose images connected the worlds of the external and internal sublime. "View From My Studio" is a 1930 work.

Born to die young: man's fate

A U-M study shows males are three times more likely than females to die at the cusp of adulthood. "Being male is now the single largest demographic risk factor for early mortality in developed countries," says Daniel Kruger, lead author of a mortality study and a social psychologist at the School of Public Health and the Institute for Social Research.

Listen to the beginning of 'Sevilla' by Roland Vazquez
(mp3) (requires audio plugin)

"'Sevilla' is a 'musical reimagining of Spanish Seville, when Muslims, Christians and Jews collaborated to build a very high culture," says Roland Vazquez, a drummer, percussionist and composer who teaches jazz composition at the School of Music. The piece is on his CD Further Dance (1997).

Listen to poet Thylias Moss sing an excerpt from The Rapture of Dry Ice Burning Off Skin as the Moment of the Soul's Apotheosis
(mp3) (requires audio plugin)

Thylias Moss, the award-winning poet and professor of English, sometimes sings her verse, accompanied by son Ansted. The entire poem is published inside.

Ecologists tackle the problem of adjusting to an overcrowded planet

As our planet's population swells and increases demands on natural resources, ecological scientists should work with other experts to make sure our basic survival needs are met, according to U-M evolutionary biologist Mercedes Pascual and other researchers.



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Talking about words

Talking About Words with Prof. Richard Bailey: Like, WOW!

When you hear someone say, 'He was, like, I don't know, and I was, like, whatever,' you'll know that that is an example of a grammatical form called the 'quotative like,' first attested to Moon Zappa in 1982.


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