I:. Lt, ) N, t "I!, ti ' ( ' I (1\' 1 l' I V '-ERS i 0 (1 ' ( 1C II ( A I 4. 3 - 3 PRCRCT-ZS RIl OR? NO. 12:d CH;TR2CT 3-.',;30 ac 21100 PE? T ( 12 1 May, 1950, to 1 July, 1950

ALION,( A N"'A I l RKS!-:XRC' (I'NTER - UNIVERSI'Y (); M'1ICHIG(AN TAL — OF CA -ITs TAl.BLE OF C NTTI I. Iqt of Figu-res II. Sumrary of N'ork Conducted during the Period 1.ay, 1950, to 1 July, 1950 III. Progress Effect of i ressure and Temperature on 3Blrowoff VeLocitils of Flame Holders Combuastion Chka-ber Deslin Pressure and Temperrature E ffect s on Corabust-ion Flow 'ssociated with the V-flame Detonation Experimental u Techniques 17. References Pna1e No. 1 3 4 15 16 17 la I - — ~ — -~ ~~- —~ — ---- --~ —i~ ---- —

AE RONAITTICAL RESEARCH CENTER - UNIVERSITY (OF MIx I-AN LIST FI-C --- LIST C? TIGURS3 Fi Nu _ gure mber 1 Interior View of Test Stand - Combustion Chamber Design 2 Exterior View of Test Stand - Corbustiac Chamber Design S PExterior View of Test Stand - Combustion Chamber Design 4 Burner Viewed through Test Stand Observation Window Combustion Chamber Design 5 Details of Burner No. 2 - Cobustion Chamber Design 6 Details of Burner No. 3 - Combustion Chamber Design 7 Plot of Ceramic Temperature at Exit Versus Mass Velocity of Propane-air Mixture - Cmnbustion Chamber Design 8 Measured Pressures Upstream of Burner and Calculated Bxit Pressures - Combustion Chamber Design 9 Combustion Chamber Parameter 3a Versus Mass Velocity of Propane-air Mixture - Combustion Chamber Design Page Nuwber 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 14 u —;.;-~ii —'-~ — -~~L ----C Y~-~ -- _~_.11._ I-I~ _ --- ~-~~-i - __~*~.~_-I —~ --- i~_. Page 1

1 AERTONAUTICAL RESEARCH CENTER - UNIVERSITY OF MI.XI( IAN _II:';~I~,?.'Y^:. Y aO? 7?CR' COI.rjU" '! R. T.43 TI. r, tf.Cs, Gor,'T F: DUI2 T~T LV - Ic"D ~-~r I~r~ ~T~~I~i~~lr (~LDIIR: Sffect of L resoUre and Pe. ture on Blowoff Velocites o Flime Holders The ex -,riie,ental work of this study b:'o.s been coicluded, as previously re orted.:,mn.ttemlpt will be -vide to correlate the duit^. Ciombulstion Chinmber Design ^erLTmic-lined Cambustion Ctmtnber - The test stand hias beeii essentially cormpletod d ad sae preliminary test inl has been done, -ressure anl?I'o4erature Effects on Coibustion Th:e operodl wis spent cctapilir* ex]peri-rental dati ulsin. Bunsen f1l:mes burnrne at varIo:Ls;'ressures and inlet ras teir;er' turer.;crue prelTiinriar concit.13ions have been reached, F'low, ssoci.ted with the V-fltoae I'ork' cc(r tiiiued on the invezstti..tion of th'; resonant conditIon in the 1" X 1" x 24" coabustion ccha_.mber,.. "sensitlve re^.lonr' -:b fouid about one inch above the fl-ic holder. at ot onr: tio Fittian s were desi.ed to ieasure by b'lrstin. of thi;n din-Aphro;s the ve oc tty of slocc w:aves in tlie shock tube, ['ezts to deto-lcte propn-ai ir r:ix: ures i:r the sh,:ck tube were not stccessful..'cetylene-oxyeIn - ixtures i - vS bemen.:'ton ated at low.4nch.ni.nmberj. 'E;' e r ix:: enet a C Tehrii:ues.ioe design of the inteerferoeter is in the final ost-:o. drk o the th woi- ch l 'terferciaeter has coltiiued. The Bli-6 l:;.pr li;ht source ha3 been COnel [, eted, - ------------------ ------- --- ---- - --------- ------- - Page 2 -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- --

AE RON AUT ICALt RESEARC H CENTER - UNIVERSITY ()tF XMI (-I (;AN I MIR43 III. ROaCRESS Effect of i ressure and Tenmperature on Blowoff Veit iites of Flum1 e Holders The experimental work on the blowoff velocities of s hericsl fllae holders in propane-air rixtures h::s been substan. tilly corpletedo. )lrin' r o periods, tests were made with nine fuel-lir ratlos, for flamre hol.der ianle -ters, five nozzle diameters, at vnrious h'i,-7/ts of the flizne holder above tne 8et and with pressures fro 0.4 atmosphaere to I atmostphre..n attempt will be m.lde to correlate this data, 'The correlations presented by invest igttorn at other institutions have been inadequate irenr the effect of syste: ieouetr s is imposed upon them. Some of the \e-rsonnel on tlii phase of the project h,:sv been essined to the work bei;:;i done onl the effect of.ress3 re and te; oraturr on Buisen fltias and tc the work oei:c doue on t.h cerami-l iIed ^>.'ist ion) chsab er. I --- - - - - -----.~~ — - - - --- - _____ _. -

AERONALTICAIl R!ESEARCHI CENTEIR - t:NIVERsrIY 0( M11'1II(;A\ -- Cnmoustion Chamber Destin The test stand for the cera:tic lined car. bst ion ch!muber t s bet-n essentially completed and a few preliiinaryl runs hl:.ve been ilde.,v.rt!l,; 0otographs of the test stand while the bu.rnler is 1; ocur':tiori.-:;r t;.!ke, -..t;; t..; may be seen in Figures 1, 3, and 4. Fiure g 1 is an itrtr.or vi[v; of *;, test stand showing the control valves, instru:wont a)nel, nmd ose. rva tion wind The air flow and propae flow re metered wit'h fit f lnt orifice3 and the instruments for indicating the orifice pressure, te —per-.ture, and pressure drop may be seen, as well as a pressure gige at the inlet to tui burner and temperature indicators coinected to the burner shel1. Figures 2 and 3 are exterior views of the test stand s8owi.a the burner and the PAi::!n., Air at low flow rates is obtained frci a naill turbo-blower while Air tor h:git flow rates is obtained from two 8 cubic feet storeage,atrJ:a at 2500 I!.si. ' air is reduced to 500 psi, metered, and mixed with Motered propane obtxined from an 1100 gallon supply tank. Figure 4 is a photograpl th tkhrcugh ti: observation window of the burner operating at a high flow rate. It,nry e seen frcm these photographs that there is not a great deal of combustion occuring downstream of the burner, which might indicate that a lrrge ':ercentaep of the fuel is burned. The burner shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4 wae Burre 2, which is described in Figure 5. The annular rings on the burner inner sirfce described in Fiture 5, ity be faintly seen in Figures 3 and 4. Burner 1 wvm. previously describedl while a description of Burner 3,ay be see:, i- fi-r3 t5. omne preliminary data was obtained with the use of Burner,. The t.ari - r,ture of the ceramic at the exit of the burner was obta;i:ed by l:eins of an optical pyrometer and this te-Rmperature is plotted versuss a::ss ves ooity (fo- a propane-air ratio of 0.060) in Figure 7. It may be seen fran Figure? i.,at as the mass velocity is increased, the certaaic surface teier-tulre aiproaches asymptotically the adiabatic flame temperature.2 Measurements of the pressure immediately upstream of the burner were obtained and these values are shown in Figure 8, as well as the calculated exit pressure. The exit pressure was calculated from the exit temperature measurements and the known mass velocity as follows: At mass velocities below Mach = 1 at the exit, the exit pressure is assumed to be atmospheric pressure. However, at mass velocities greater than that required for Mach u 1 at the exit, the velocity at the exit is equal to the velocity of sound; hence the exit pressure may be computed by means of the conservation of mass, i.e., in which P: exit pressure to be calculated Tg _ ceramic surface temperature at exit measured by optical pyrooter assumed to be equal to the stagnation temperature of the exit gases T average temperature of the exit gases = Tso 3 (or i ratio of specific heats - asseird to be equal to 1.32 (for equilibrium conditions for the fuel-air ratio and exit temperature used) -- --- --- -- -- -- Page 4 - ---- -- --- --

UMR-43 FIG. 1 INSsRUMENT PANEL BURNER TEST STAND FIG. 1 INSTRUMENT PANEL BURNER TEST STAND I AL.'< -- -. -, _ __. _.... - -.......................-....... - _ 'l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIG. 2 EXTERIOR VIEW BURNER TEST STAND PAGE 5

AER.N. IT I ALC A.......E E ' - i ^ ': IN" '' '! a N' I V "F S VI " A N |~::::::::::::^:' 1^ C: B *** *^ <sssg g Sl_* _ '* tv ". 4Pif: > - xterior a, ~ ie^ e T t. S t-nd - C(" t8) 0 3 t Chami er. Des.igrn I; dI~ I I indow - C*n' sw s..t t Chaber, Pe;9.>si n

;~' ~~1 _3.: ~ i:::;~~ i ~.. ~~~: —:;~~:.:: ~~: L.I~:;~ ir ~ ~.r. ~i~ -.i I eorl~s-~ r -wapl. I m~~~;d~~~~rr WI-I'w ~ ~ T hq-> 1~~~''1~~~~~~~~~.I*r~~~~~~~~~ I:.: '!:.!:'::,? *.-. '"' '.... T.a........:, '' ': j1} ',:;: 2 5e '; ' bt'S ' 1;.. W, ',,jx S I., f ~ sar e5,._, r _ - + t'... ^^^^^^^^'..:' ' ^'S ^Plug C,~pa\. 'e t Mn -..^,;-^ ^^^*: -. '. * *..:~-; 0;0 0 00 0B 7 l, =, = 7,' _" A0'000 AS fftEX00; X, R00ff au;000 a~000 ft; 00 ILI 4*w itt Arwr.Vzoo-,.34 -I y1p~ 4afq,'iti, '< -.:S;..., - ~ ~ ~ 4 - o - - -I ~ ~- ~ ~-;: ~ — m I. -.- ~ - ~:; ~ -._._~. _ — -

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-Qko-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hnlP isc~- c~reysr-w~ t!1Xt 7 - i. r' L>J LtAJ1 2 IL tv 4, 11 I i - ~ "~~~"~c ii I-,~:.I d r~ c ,>X" I, <, Cemrmic Raigs. CObtaned from Ms& ill RetrctorIes Covmany.a:ss1t-on tio j PFire-olay Cement.. '.:1-'"8-8 Stainl ess JTacet 14* r vgy~? i, "P~W i *Ilr I~.44( -~ 3fp'B aa, ar prat If Illa "fffc!:I kjia! gric: Rili:f4se 4. ~i~ grCpa.aA4C;~: i I 6: 3tT"1RZ 3;.^~~~I...-..-...;:;.:. ~.. 1:..~::~.-~. I ~.~.~*00 wplo.~. ~ I.4 ~. -.~ I)

30000 b. 0 S 20o00O rI c. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 MASS VELOCITY - LB. OF FUEL-AIR MIXTURE/SEC/SQ. FT. OF COMBUSTION CHAMBER AREA 60


I4 EA1&t ei a2 UNIVRSITY OF MICHIIGAN G mass velocity - t obtained from orifice mreasuremlnts _ lb. of fue)i$-ir mixturet sec. - 532 ft. of combustion chamber area v exit linear velocity (ft/see) velocity af sound at Mceb I 1 /g 1- if ideal gases are assu'ed F~ exit gas density (lbs. rass/zcu. ftj, PM/ rMT compressabiliby factor 1 for ideal gases M average molecular weight of exit gases asse to be equal to 31 (for equilibriuam conditions for the fuel-air ratio and exit temperature used) R Universal gas constant g conversion fact.or for mass and force units - 32,.2 Ma ~ MIach number exit; elojy velocity of sound at exit conditions Since the rmass velocity and the pressure, temperature, and ccaaposition of the gases at the inlet of the comustioa chamber are know i, it is possible to calculate the inlet velocity by means of the samre relationship, ie., v= _ G e T(i/27T~ nd it is found that the inlet velocity reaches a constant value of 215 ft/see at a mass velocity of ca. 20 lb/sec/sq. ft. By using the ssasued equiib i ositio at the ternperature calcu.lated from. the stagn-at ion temperatures measured (I.,e, optical pyrometer temperature of surface assumed to be equal to stagnat ion tecmeration) together with the known mass velocity and the fact that the exit pressure is at atmospheric for Mach number less than 1, it is possible to calculate the i exit velocity and hence the exit Mach number by means of' the relationship: exit veloclit G___tv.ch N velocity of sound RT By means of this equation, the mass velocity at which therx;all choking (aeh ch at ths exit) first occurs is found to be ca, 32 lb/sec/sq. ft. Highfer mrss velocities will not change the inlet velocity or the exit Match ntuber, but will increase the pressure at the inlet and exit of the combustionl cha.ober and hence allow more pounds of fuel to be burned per second if b lownoff does not OCIcur @ In the preliminary runs made with these burners (., 2, arnd ) they appeared very stable with respect to blowoff velocity. Data on Bulrner I has been previously reported,3 As may be seen in Figtre 8, it was possible to burn at Iwas vs velocitie of 60 lb/sec/s, ft. (liit of air supply.-t that fm CIII~~~LPBI~~I~~I~I~~I~~I~1~~1~1 ~ II, I 1 I. Page 11 llglllllsPIIBRlglL`trlPuasnaaBlpa

rUE^tVA tAL ttE2 SI ACIi C 'ENT'I'it I N IVE PtAS ITY N ()1 (I I (I, AN t ime),. t i.:; )doold signifloant that wi th the usei of Bturnor 5 it.ls poit() bl.t to burn a t ItI:s voel ocit. 05 WiJlchl tirt( twice the ImIts velcity rojulrod for' oth;ermiel cho'k.ing (t0achl 1 at exit). A para'vrr tor which has boon found usefult l n a comparttiso of nr a -Jot burnoers tis th combitf;)iot t)I IbaltubIr' p)araimoteor, So. Thi ptaramtlltr thas beoonx definld4 aL 't.and iry bo eoa. roaoetxngod to PA. /.. P;. ( v S bt MA01-,, v/,............. ~ F W.~'. I A.~ -... )I totl1. I: f bA 0 k:i h d )/t.. / y - ",::]to 'l'tt":' A. mv / G 1 wh.oa. tch No(.: 3 A 2,a):! flow oa(t f tair (b/o.. GA a':I:.!..u r ratc,o by /oo ght tof, r 'fro i:rutto/ o PA., y.; mv/g, lm rd:t totAl iho oxt let of fw (/ctho coa),. GytA a ttho rtha voeocity (. lb/3c/st; ftt A:: Pr113 (s;Sft~ v -. linosar vloli ty (ft/soc) for }Mach Nuntmer, of 1, theo oxit proessuro! ca.culatod, toa was provious.:ly sol;own from theo opt.ical pyrometer toemporatture thl velocity l ot:,iatl to the wvlocity of sound Wviich i s calculated f'rac thils to:npoerltturo, lad tsine:o l c, It(b Nubeor t., 1^ I I* Atl M1ach lNuebolr l.os tltan 1, thlo exit presstureo i'3 at:;I: p)lorcto the exit volooity is dotoermli.nd by tho toemperat;ure, a l Is th}e extt Number.' Mm 'lcl Ntl31bU, /o M i aevltatod f'r)CI ft a l.ot of thlin.futortionl vor,,Uolt. Maei!Iof t Om ro 0 f ~ At the in.et to tho c(nbustaio chlmtbeor, t he absol1ute proesm.xu o.s in tmastlod, Tlhet prItosureo docrease botwoon tlhin point and tho exit i. duo to tho mi:of tth peroisure drop oaus)od by burning and the fri.etion. lo.ss in tlh com buslltton chtmit:or, 'lThe friction losf:s in tho chomaboer vwas foun.d exporimlnta.lly to be l.oss tlhan 3X1 pIn I x, g... x Patgo 3.2

AERONAIUTICAL RESEARC tH CENTER - UNIVERSITY OF MIC I('I AN AR.- -43 over the flow ranges used (for cold flow) and therefore was assumed to be negligible in tiese calculations. Since there is no flame holder in the chamber, the only friction loss is that due to the 18 inches of three-inch pipe, and it seems reasonable that this pressure loss would be small, At Mach numbers at the exit equal to 1,,M s 1, the inlet velocity is constant, and consequently the exit Sa is determined by the inlet pressure measurement. At Mach numbers at the exit less than 1, the value of A M wasI used as determined by the exit temperature measurements, but the pressure and velocity terns were determined from the inlet pressure measurements (since the friction loss is assumed to be negligible, the "Stream Thrust" is constant at any point in a straight pipe). These values of exit Sa are plotted in Figure 9 as a function of mass velocity. It may be seen that relatively high values of Sa may be obtained with ceramic-lined burners and that these values do not decrease with increasingmass velocity as do the values of Sa obtained with the use of conventional flame holders. - - --- Page 13


At.ON A..\!Ir('Ai. [ I:EA1 CK('II (' EN I i -- l.- NX[ ' I ES ) 1 (I l IAN T-S IR-43 1ressure -_ di 'rern, erature Effects on Corcburstion The last Period was spent compiling experimental data. Bunsen flames were observed o fr! t eotot;raphs taken of flames burning at various pressures and inlet gas temperatures. The fuels employed were propane-air mixtures and ethyleneair mixtures -:t campositions that would give riaximum flame speed (i.e.,.067 lb. propane/lb. air and.0836 lb. ethylene/lb. air). Various burner diameters were used, the largest diameter of which was 1" and the smallest, i". The larger airimeters were used at the lower pressures. Flames burning with inlet gas temnperatures up to 400~F have been observed and photographed. The conrliision drawn thus far for both propane-air and ethylene-air flames is t'hat there exists an inverse dependence of flame speed upon pressure and a direct dejpendence of flame speed upon temperature. The latter conclusion is in -ood agreement with other investigators; however, the first is in disagreement with rmost of tlhe relatively few investigators that have studied the effect of press.:re on fiflae s;eed. For a fuel-air mixture of.067 lb. propane/lb. air, a flIa:e s'ee& increase fromi 1.2 ft/sec at atmospheric pressure to 2.4 ft/sec at.'" Hi.,bsolute, was observed. For a fuel-air mixture of.0836 lb. ethylene/lb. air a flase speed increase from 2.2 ft/sec at atsiospheric pressure to 4.3 ft/sec at '" r]-*. bbolsute. It is interesting to note that the percentage increase in f_.'e spteed 1s 'ibout the same for propane, a single-bonded faol, or for ethylene, [ do" ble bcr'ied fuel. It was further noted for the smaller nozzles that the observed fl ir:e s-eed for both propane-air and ethylene-air mixtures is an inverse fu:nctio:. of the jet velocity at the lower pressures. It is believed thit the rea;:sor for tnis vsri'tion is the diffusion of exhaust products into ho if-uaburnl e fu;i- *ir u i:it.- re tblow the flamne cone throl;h tihe "de-d space" l:,;t:ei:r,.te{: the f1: —:. zone from the burner lip..t hicher jet velocitiet:ila^ listH;ce i.;,:re-ter, a:llowing;aore diffusion of the exhaust products into tli- fresn fuel-air mi.xtlre,.owerin?: the flame speed. It is probable that a Clo;Olr et velocitvy, the!refore, with a correspondingly saraller "deiad space" ] ivers 3 closer a^;:rozxlimation to thxe "normal burning velocity" of the fuel-air Itixture at low,ressures. Further tests are being made to colJfinn this su ioJ3itioln. i I i "Ili Page 15

AE RONAUT I TEIAC ''A't ' E SAN R (C H CI.NNT ER - I NV\'EiIER'S 'ITY ( C II I A,N i I i I II I Flow.:Lssoci-ted with the V-Flarme 'iThe resonant condition int the 1" x 1" x 2"rt' combustion chtaber was previously described..n analysis of this resonant condition showed that a standing wave pattern (correspondiag to an open \ipe) wis rodueed in tie combustion chlmber. By positioning; the flare holder at the nodal point of this stanlirn weve pattern, it -was found;:ossible to reduce the l:'-pl1ltude of tlie flaen fluctuations considerably.?irther invest i;at:ion s.ewed that a "sensitive region", in which any disturbunce c:u.-sed th e fla~;o to cscillate, was found about one inch above the flaxie holder. By placing this sensitive region a^t the nodal point, the f.le f luc tuation redu2ced until the flamee was no longer observed to move about the flanre holder. 7;Thee results appliled, however, only to low velocity flows, Vj<.30 1/sec..t higher jet velocitie3, positios ing the sensitive region ^t the node did,not reduce the fliice 'luctuations. No rairked increase in blowoff velocity was noted whren the flax.e holder was in th:is rosition..1 FeY-e 16

AEIfONACTIC. RELAR(CUl C I' E K -.- UNIVER SITY () F Nl i C( I I I Co"'A N Det onat ion Following a suggestion la the book by Yost3 fittings were d'signed for the shock tube to measixre Velocity of shock wu'ves by burostin g of thin d i)a phragns, In addition to the above electronic progress detonation studies have been continued, In the early stages of the present detonationl study6 a bullet was fired into a stoichioanetric mixture of propane and air, The shock kformed at the nose of the bullet developed a temperature of 1965C anid a.pressure of 285 psia but this failed to ignite the mixturee At that time it vais cor.cluded that colnditions other than just temperature and pressure controlled. deteoinationa Since then, extensive tests have been m.ade in the shock tube vwtth propaneair mixtures. In the shock tube the fuel-air m ixture after passage of the shock is held at the high temperature for a longer period of time. However, even with time ruled out a factor, the propane-air mixtures have not been detonated up to shock velocities travel inti a Mach rNo. of 3.5 with refereonce to ambient mixture. It is believed that the type of bond in the chemical chain may have sole effect on the ease at which gases may be detoxnated, To attempt to verify t;his tests have been made in the shock tube with acetylene oxygen mixtaures, PThese two gases have been detonated successfully in the shock tube at Mach nwimbers as low as M = 1,87. In addition, a stoichiometric aixture of acetylene and air has been detonated with the saue bullet te;st as heretofare mentioned, j rs~rre-~~llrraei~P ~-pp~IY~e — ~IIIIIBg~~IILLllle Page 17

AEWt NUTICAeLA -t1 SEA CH *~ ~~~' A,' EN TER -- I.N1NIVEIRS ITY U.M - 43 - OF(.) 1'' 1CI('Gl AN Experimental Techniques The design of the interferomaeter is at its last stages and will be completed entirely in the next period. Components are being simultaneousl y manufactured and all shop work should also be let out ia the next periodi A design report on the interferometer is being prepared. Work on the two-inch interferometer and on analysis of optical records is cont inuiVn. The light source,t H-6 1as-p for continuous and flash operation, has been assemXbled as a complete and separate unit, The development of a high speed light source included the calibration of the source with a synchroscope, It is estimated that a duration not exceeding 0.1 microsecond was obtained. In an effort to reduce corona on high-voltage fittings on a light source, a 60-cycle potwer supply was procu)red to replace the high frequency supply, Freliminary experimentation with a pressurized spark was performed. I. — I - ----- --— c- sa — — —ap- -— rr — Page 18 __~II~IIPIIaeomIaNm I fs

A E i 0 A ITTCA. 1 I S E ARCH CE' NTI -- NIVERS ITY TIR-43 ' (to' M1ICHIG(9AN..;-._lUI~ll _J_ ~2_ _'- -- ~LU~-~~n u~ —P~~-~-~a-~yr km R:FERENCFS 1) Progress Report No. 9 - TM-37 - University of Michigan AAF Contract W33-038 a-21100 - Figure 13, page 21 2) Morriason, Ro B,3 and Dunlap, R. A., "Measureiaent of Flane Speeds with the V-flamea ", M.A-M21, Tniversity of Michigan, Figure 16, page 21 3) Progress Report No. 9 -- I-37 -- Tliversity of Michigan AAF Contract W,35-038 ac-21100 - Figure 14, page 22 4) Gannett, James R., "A Simplified Method of Calculating Raiu-jet Performance Applicable to High TMch Numbers ", Ii.-7T, University of Michigan, Page 15 5) ibid., Figture 4A, page 59 6) Progress Report No. 1 -21 - IM- University of Ivichigan,-AF Contract /53O3-038 ac-21100 - page 8 ff. m Page 19 (OyarudnaaueY~P~-~rqCLd~LuaMlatrp

P?uk ~r = E 7" =1 i~i ss u, b 11- 3 C I j, O =5* a F E r, s=Y r O 23Lt QI 57:.A, *3 wr 3~3` cQ 8 2" r*o hr ac s ir*r i" P. ui a rr t re, u n, k **) 'E LL" * h;S, C* c, *r m w I T. I l+.? +:. I % 4 * t..:< rw k r*w: r~c;c*. a*wr odaa r::~~ ZWh: h:sc; i ~,::.:: ~~ ~.~~~:~ r:~.:: ";i ~,, sj ~.~. r~ IrE:::::.:,~ i ~: -~:'"" a: t:i ~i:::::l?;l:i. iii a xriri:~~ul: \:i Zi::::ii:i::i:::;~: ~L1-1::': ' t i