ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR. MICH. REPORT ON THE RUPTURE AND TOTAL DEFORMATION PROPERTIES OF FOUR SHEET MATERIALS AT 1800' AND 2000*F by H. E, R add K, P, MacKay J. W,, Freeman Project 2536 August 9, 1957 Curtis s -W right Corporation Wright Aeronautical Division Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

THE RUPTURE AND TOTAL DEFORMATION PROPERTIES OF FOUR SHEET MATERIALS AT 1800' AND 2000~F SUMMAR Y The properties of Hastelloy X, N-155, HS-25 and vacuum melted Jetalloy.1570 in sheet form were evaluated at 1800 and 2000F,, The evaluation covered rupture strengths and total-deformation strengths for 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2 and 0, 1 percent in time periods from 5 to 300 hours, Due to the few test specimens supplied, some of the total-deformation strengths were not established for all alloys, Data from previous investigations of the alloys in sheet form were incorporated into the report, These data were used to extend the range of data down to 1200'F for Hastelloy X, and to 1600'F for N-155 and HS-25 alloys, One heat of HS-25 alloy had the highest strengths at 1800~ and 2000F,, The other two heats of HS-25 alloy had intermediate properties, The Jetalloy 1570 had the lowest strengths, except for equal or slightly lower rupture strengths for Hastelloy X,, The limited deformation strengths for Jetalloy 1570 were a smaller fraction of the rupture strengths than for the other three alloys, Aluminum coating of Jetalloy 1570 by two methods did not improve strength appreciably, The variation in properties of HS-25 alloy between heats illustrates the influence of such variables as heat treatment and melting practice on properties of the alloys considered, It could not be determined from the available information to what degree the observed variations between alloys was due to nominal chemical composition and the heat treatment and melting practice variables,

INTRODUCTION The creep-rupture properties of Hastelloy X, N-155, HS-25 and vacuum melted Jetalloy 1570 sheet were evaluated at 1800' and 2000'F. The properties reported include rupture strengths and stresses for total deformations of 0. 1, 0, 2, 0, 5, 51,0 and 2, 0 percent for time periods up to 300 hours, The materials examined were all approximately 0, 060-inch thick except samples from two heats of HS-25 alloy which were about 0, 085-inch thick, All specimens were taken transverse to the rolling direction of the sheets except for longitudinal specimens from one heat of HS-25 alloy, All materials were annealed in accordance with applicable AMS Specifications except for aluminum coated Jetalloy 1570 specimens, The Jetalloy 1570 material was tested in the as-produced condition and after coating by the Solar Alcote process and with aluminum by Whitfield and Sheshanoff, The properties of all the alloys except Jetalloy 1570 had previously been established at lower or overlapping temperatures, These properties have been incorporated into the present report in order to have all the data in one report, TEST MATERIALS were submitted from three different heats with the actual analysis given for only one heat, An analysis was not supplied for the Hastelloy X material, The Jetalloy,1570 sheet had been made from a vacuum melted heat, Machined specimens ready for testing were supplied by the Wright Aeronautical Division, These were lWinch wide by 22-inches long with a 0, 500-inch wide by 2, 25inch long gage section at the center, All specimens had been taken transverse to

the sheet direction except longitudinal specimens of HS-25 alloy from Heat BO-336, All sheets were approximately 0, 060-inch thick except those from two heats of HS-25 alloy which were approximately 0. 085-inch thick, (See Table I) Specimens were submitted from three heats of HS-25 alloy due to lack of sufficient material for the required number of specimens from any one heat, It was not done to compare heats, The sheets had been heat treated as followso Hastelloy X - Annealed to AMS 5536 N-155 Annealed to AMS 5532 HS -25 - Annealed to AMS 5537 Jetalloy 1570 uncoated not reported, One group of specimens of Jetalloy 1570 were supplied with a coating produced by the Solar Alcote prqcess, The type of coating was designated as S10-33A and it was reported that this involved a firing cycle of 1/2 hour at 1400PF plus a diffusion cycle of 1 hour at 1900'F, The specimens were finally cleaned by the Hydrohone process using 240 grit alumina, Another group of Jetalloy 1570 specimens coated with aluminum by Whitfield and Sheshanoff were also supplied for testing, Details of the thermal treatments involved were not reported, PROCEDURE Rupture tests at three or four stresses were used to establish stress-rupture time curves between 5 and 300 hours, Creep was measured during the rupture tests and creep curves plotted, Creep tests at stresses below the rupture strengths for 300 hours were run to obtain necessary total deformation data, The time periods for total deformations of 0,, 0, 2, 0, 5 1,0 and 2, 0 percent were taken from the creep

curves and used to plot stress versus time for total deformation curves,, Elongations were measured from gage marks for the fractured rupture-test specimens. There were not sufficient specimens of HS-25 and Jetalloy 1570 alloys to obtain all the desired total deformation data, Tests were limited to rupture tests in these cases, When additional data of the same type wereavailable from prior studies of the alloys it was incorporated into the report, The total deformation values reported include the deformation during loading of the specimens as well as the subsequent creep, The stresses for the tests on coated specimens of Jetalloy 1570 were based on the dimensions before coating, not on the dimensions after coating, The stress-rupture tests were conducted in single units of the dead weight-beam loaded type, except when low stresses required the use of a direct load, The following procedure was used to bring the specimens to temperature. i, The specimens were set up in the units and the heat turned on at 4-00 p. m, to bring the temperature within 50'F of the desired temperature by 5:00 p, m, 2, The specimens were allowed to stand overnight, the temperature raised to test temperature between 8~00 and 9:00 a,, m, the next day, 3, Final adjustments to test temperature and for temperature distribution along the length of the specimen were made so that stress could be applied by lg00 p. m, 4, Time-elongation data were secured by means of extensometers, Collars were fixed on the upper and lower shoulders of the specimens by means of pins inserted through holes drilled in the specimen shoulder, Extension rods were attached to the collars and extended out of the furnace, Rollers carrying a mirror were inserted between each pair of upper and lower extension rods, As the specimen elongated, the mirrors rotated and the rotation was measured by a scale reflected in the mirrors to a telescope, The readings on both sides of the specimens were taken and averaged, The sensitivity of the extensometer system was 0, 000003 inches per inch in the 2inch gage length,

Inasmuch as the extensometers were attached to the shoulders, the observed deformation included elongation in the fillets and a portion of the shoulders of the specimen as well as the reduced section, A system of correcting the deformation through a calculated "effective gage length" was used. R ESULTS The properties of each alloy are presented in the following sections, The incorporation of data previously obtained for some of the alloys extends the property data to temperatures lower than 1800'F and, in some cases, provided comparative properties between heats for 1800'F. The properties of the four alloys are compared in a final section, The basic objective was to obtain rupture-and total-deformation strengths for time periods between 5 and 300 hours, The practice of measuring creep during the rupture tests permitted establishment of total deformation strengths back to less than one hour in many cases, In a number of cases insufficient specimens were supplied for establishment of total-deformation strengths to 300 hours, The primary test data for all alloys are the rupture times and elongations, the deformations during loading and the time periods to attain the total deformations of interest, Elongations at fracture are indicated at all rupture data points shown in the figures, Hastelloy X Sheet The test data are summarized in Table II, This table includes data at 1600'F which had previously been reported by letter for P, O, FX60962 (Project 2317) under date of August 239 1955,

The stress-rupture time curves are shown as Figure 1, This figure includes curves at 1200', 13509, 1500', 1650 and 1800'F for Heat X1037 from Report 2540-5-P, "The Properties of Hastelloy X Sheet at 1200- to 1800'F" submitted under date of November 2, 1956 under P. 0, FX27866-1. The rupture strengths defined by the curves of Figure 1 for time periods from 5 to 300 hours are summarized in Table IIi, The curves of stress versus time for total deformation for 1800 and 20000F are shown as Figures 2a and 2b, Figure 2a includes curves at 1600'F from the August 239 1955 letter report. The stresses for total deformations in specific time periods as defined by these curves are summarized in Table III, The stress-time for total deformation curves from Report 2540-5-P are not repeated in this report, The deformation strengths are, however, included in Table III, The ruptures and total-deformation strengths are shown graphically as a function of temperature in Figure 3 through 8, The strengths of Heat X107 used for this investigation were slightly higher than those for Heat X1037 used for Report 2540-5-P, lit should be noted that Heat X107 apparently had higher yield strengths than Heat X1037 at the lower temperatures, The smaller deformations were largely introduced during loading for Heat X1037 while they were more dependent on creep for Heat X107 because of its higher yield strength, Elongations of the rupture specimens were somewhat higher in the tests at 2000"F than at 1800' or 1600'F, Comparison of the values from this investigation with those in Report 2540-5-P for Heat X1037 indicate that Heat X1037 had somewhat higher elongations in rupture tests. N-155 Sheet The primary test data for N-155 sheet are summarized in Table IV The data at 1800' and 2000"F are supplemented by the data at 1600F from a letter

report submitted under P, O FX60962 (Project 2317) under date of February.15, 1955, The stress-rupture time curves are shown as Figure 9 and the stress-time for total deformation curves as Figure 10. The rupture- and total-deformation strengths defined by these curves are summarized in Table V and shown graphically as a function of temperature by Figures 11 through 16, The elongations in the rupture tests fell to as low as 5 percent for time periods longer than 100 hours at 1800' and 2000'F, At 1600'F the elongations stayed above 10 percent, HS-32 Sheet The primary test data are summarized in Table VI, The data obtained at 1800@ and 2000*F is supplemented by data for 1600'F as submitted in a letter report under P, O., FX60962 (Project 2317) under date of August 23, 1955, Specimens from three heats were used for the tests at 1800' and 2000'F, The specimens supplied from any one heat were insufficient to establish both the rupture- and total-deformation properties, There was a large difference in properties between Heat L1061 and the other two heats, The latter two also differed sufficiently in total-deformation characteristics so that they could not be used jointly to establish single curves, In addition, there was considerable question because originally two setsof specimens were taken transverse and the other longitudinal to the sheet, Consequently, the total-deformation curves are not well established at the longer time periods, The stress-rupture time curves, Figure 17, show the superior rupture strength of Heat L1061 for time periods longer than about 30 hours at 1800 and about 3 hours at 2000'F, There was no appreciable difference at 1600~F, Heat L1061 had much lower elongation in the rupture tests than the other two heats, The other two heats increased in elongation with test temperature whereas there was little change

for Heat L1061, These differences may be a reflection of the thinner gage for the specimens from Heat L1061, The specimens from Heat BO-336 were taken longitudinal to the original sheet while the specimens from the other two heats were transverse, It is not known to what degree this influenced relative properties. Stress time for total-deformation curves are shown as Figures 18 through 20, It will be noted that the curves for Heat L1061 tended to show breaks causing steep curves at 1600' and 1800'F, The curves for the other two heats did not develop this tendency until the temperatures were raised to.1800 and 2000'F, The rupture- and total-deformation strengths defined by Figures 18 through 20 are summarized in Table VII and shown graphically as a function of temperature by Figures 21 through 260 Vacuum Melted Jetalloy 1570 Sheet The primary test data are summarized in Table VIIL, Three types of material were tested- (1) as-produced uncoated sheet, (2) specimens coated with Solar Alcote, and (3) specimens coated by an aluminum coating process of Whitfield and Sheshanoff, No data were available from prior work on Jetalloy 1570 sheet, The stress-rupture time curves, Figure 27, show that the coated specimens had higher rupture strength at 1800'F than the uncoated specimens but that there was no significant difference in strengths at 2000F,, The properties of the specimens coated by the two processes were similar, The elongation at rupture for the uncoated material appeared to first decrease and then increase with rupture time at 1800'F, and was considerably higher at 2000' than at 1800'F, The coated specimens may have had slightly higher elongation at 1800'F although there was little effect at either temperature,

The stress time for total-deformation curves are shown as Figures 28 and 29, It will be noted that there were insufficient specimens to establish the total-deformation curves to 300 hours, The coated specimens had superior deformation strengths at 1800~F similar to the superiority shown in rupture strengths, The limited deformation superiority for coated specimens also occurred at 2000'F, even though no significant difference was indicated by the rupture tests, The limited deformation strengths of the Jetalloy 1570 material were a smaller fraction of the rupture strengths, particularly at.1800'F, than for the other alloys reported here, The rupture- and totaldeformation strengths defined by the curves of Figures 28 through 29 are summarized in Table IX and shown graphically as a function of temperature in Figures 30 through 35e DIS C USS I ON The relative strengths of the four alloys in sheet form are summarized by Table X and Figures 36, 37 and 38, The properties compared in the table and figuires are the 10.100 and 300-hour strengths so as to cover the range comparativelyQ Consideration of the data show that~.1, The highest strengths were exhibited by Heat L1061 of HS-25 alloy at 1800~ and 2000F,, At 1600~@F Heat E30801 of HS-25 and the N-155 alloys tended to be stronger,, 2, While Heat L1061 of HS-25 was the strongest material considered, the other two heats of HS-25 alloy gave intermediate strengths,, 3, The weakest material considered at.1800' and 2000'F was the Jetalloy 1570,, It seems evident that this would be true even where comparative data were not established,, The only exception to this was rupture strengths where the Hastelloy X tended to be the weakest,

100 It is common experience to find more variation between heats of one alloy than there are differences between alloys when the materials have been developed for equivalent types of service, The data for HS-25 alloy illustrate this point quite well, It is, however, not possible from the data. to estimate whether or not Jetalloy 1370 would have compared better ijf more heats had been tested, The two heats of Hastelloy X tested had quite similar properties, although again data on more heats would be needed to be sure that this agreement would be maintained0 So far as is known there are two major reasons for variations of properties within a given alloy, The conditions used for heat treatment can vary between producers under the applicable specifications, When properties are fairly sensitive to conditions of heat treatment, the normal variation in conditions of control during heat treatment can be expected to influence properties, In addition, the response to a given heat treatment is sometimes quite sensitive to prior conditions of working, This is especially true for sheet where the heat treatment times are usually qui.te short and often kept to lower temperatures, The other source of variation is the variation for a given producer and between producers, It is now known that such elements as oxygen and nitrogen in combination with elements commonly added for "deoxidation, " such as B, Zr, Mg, Al, Ti, etc, can have a profound effect on properties, There is no information available to the authors on the effects of these elements for temperatures as high as.1800' and 2000',; or on the particular allosys considered at any temperature, It is presumed, however, that such variations are probably the major reason for the differences between the HS-25 alloy heats0 It is not known to what degree the vacuum melting of the Jetalloy 1570 might have been involved0 Test temperatures of 1800~ and 2000'F are sufficiently high so that one might anticipate that oxidation during testing could influence results0 The factor is not clear from the data0 Any of the variations encountered between alloys could just as

11, well be due to the first two factorsQ Certainly aluminum coating the Jetalloy 1570 did not improve properties beyond what might be anticipated from the differences in thermal history involved, The thinnest HS-25 alloy sheet had the highest strengths. This could reflect absorption of oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere although it is more likely that it reflected a difference in heat treatment,

TABLE I SHEET THICKNESS AND AVAILABLE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION FOR THE FOUR ALLOYS Hastelloy X N-155 HS-25 Jetalloy 15704 Heat No, X-107 M-1048 L-1061, E-30801, BO-336 1044* Thickness (inch) 0, 064 0. 063 0. 062, 0, 087, 0. 085 0, 059 Chemical Composition (%) C 0 10 0. 06 00 20 Cr 20.99 20,53 20,032 W 2,,35 14,95 7, 5 Fe A Bal, 2, 85 2 2 Si Q 0,62 0,50 - Co 19 77 Bal. 39.,64 Ni > 20.22 9,75 > 25. 39 Mn C 1.46 1,53 h 10 53 -- Mo o 3, 20 - o N2 0, 10 Cb + Ta 0,9.1 - P O,0.017 0, 009 S 0o 011 0. 009 Ti -- 4,,6 * Vacuum melted. Note~ All specimens taken to transverse direction of sheet except for longitudinal specimens from Heat BO-336 of HS-25 alloy,

TABLE II STRESS-RUPTURE AND STRESS-TOTAL DEFORMATION DATA FOR SHEET SPECIMENS OF HASTELLYX LO AT 1600* 18006 AND 2000"F (0, 064-INCH THICK SHEET PROM HEAT X-107 TO AMS SPECIFIC.ATO536 Deformation S p e c. Stress Rupture Time Elongation on loading Time for Specified Total Deformation (hors No. (psi) (hours) (% in 2 in,), ) 0 1~7o 0. 2% 0,. 5 l 1, 072,0 1600*F 2 12,00 0 24,6 15. 0(a) 0, 0787 0. 07 0,*3 1,2 2,96, 1 9,000 110, 1 7, 5 (a) 0, 0524 0, 65 3, 15 14, 0 30, 0 4 7,9500 256, 5 5, 0 (a) 0, 0410 2, 5 16, 0 42, 0 100,0 91 1800 F 2 1 8,900 0 6, 5 1 6,5 0, 069 0, 015 0, 06 0, 225 0, 52 11 20 5,%600 32, 6 10, 5 0, 044 0, 29 1, 08 4, 0 7 5 1, 19 4,000 96, 8 6, 0 0, 028 2,V55 9, 5 24. 0 38, 256 33 3,300 2 78, 5 7, 5 0, 020 10, 30, 74, 125, 04 24 3,000 429, 1 6, 5 0, 017 22 2,7 50 518, 7, 0 0, 0133 2 7,t 94,o 212, 324, 28 23 2,232 317, (d) 0,011l 155, 233, 20001F 29 4,000 7, 4 14, 5 0, 045 0, 04 0, 11 0, 33 0,*67 12 28 3, 000 13, 4 20, 5 0, 0255 0, 08 0, 20 0, 62 1, 31 26 27 2,143 69, 3 1 3,0 0, 015 10,05 3,to13 8,.8 1 5,to72, 3 0 1,400 3 66, 2 11, 8 0, 008 5, 2 15, 6 45, 0 82, 013, 3 1 1,100 243, 3 (d) 0, 0065 11, 5 31, 5 78, 0 136, 022 3 2 800 270, 4 (d) 0, 0045 41, 6 86, 8 191,' 338, (a) in gage mark (d) dis continued Note: Data for 1600'F taken from letter report under P.,O., FX60962 (Project 2317) dated August 23, 1955

TABLE T PR i.PT iJRi' A.'L' L3' TC'DTi~? — -OR MA LTO.N1I-ST:Ri 34`THS'FrOR HASTELLO"- X SHEE'T AT J200", 1350' 1':5 1 600' L 650'',.1800' AND 2000< FP Ruptu:re o;' Total Defornmation}, Test:or Indicated Periods /ho- H a, t T e r:,, o - -.' -. - 10 -K.: 2 5- l- 5 0-, l 0 O O r 3 0 0h R utre.,trenytzi 137 120s0 S5. 000 60, 000 5-4tn000 T 8, 500 00 37, 000 V"~ J. 0.7 1':3.50.2.. 000 37, 500 32, 000 28, 500 25..500 2.1 000 I? 0.37.1500 -3, 750 2.1,500 18,.500.16,; 500.14 500.12, 000 1! 07 16500 ( 14 Z, 0 12 00 1 0, 600 9, 00 7 400 10:3'7 1650 133 000.111,500 9. 900 8j 800 7, 800 6,500 71037 1800 83 200 7, 000 5, 700 4. 750 /1. 000 3., 200 X'1097 1800 80 500 7 200 5 800 45 900 4, 9C 200 3:. 250 il!07 2000 < 200 3 500 2. 300 2, 3350 J. 950 1, 480 2, 0 Pe-rcent Total Deformati on Strength.1. 037 00 00 0 3 g-900 43, Z00 40. 000 36 00 3o 3 200 7.10 37 1.350 35 500 30, 700 2 7 300 23. 000 21., 300 19 500 01037 500 00 18300 16-.500.14. 250.13 00.1. 5 500 X1. 07. 00 2 iZ 500 11.1 300.10. 000 9 000 8,200 7..100 1] 037.1650 13.0 0,!0, 600 9,.600 8.350 7, 500 6 700 7 -1037 i 800 ~ 300 6 100 5 200 4,500 4 000 3 500..1.07 1800 0 0 6. 500 5: 900 5.000 4 300 3 750 3,000 X 07 2000 3 8)13 2 900 2, 500 2.150.1 8 0 1 450.1000.1, 0 Percent: Total Defor mation Stren:,lth /u i 120 3 7.1 20 3)20 0 3 9200 38. 000 36, 500 3 3 600 2 9 800'X 037 -"00 27, 000 2 3 700 21 700 1 8 800 i7 000 /'~0.3 5300 0,7'"j00 "6 6800.6 615. 000.1 2] 6., 750 X5Ci; Q?. -00. 1 7 300.10. 200 9 1 00 8. 200 7.00.c7' 1."-0'70 8'5; 1:C'O?700 8 700 7 500 6 9O 6 200 < —.. 3.., U -:, D5 600 4 800 200 3 700 3 200 X~., — 0= 5-= 90 5 r 00. 3 900 3 3.<00 2. 7 50 A. i..2 600 2 300: 950 1, ".Q 200)O 830

TABLE3.-'Yf c!)E.. -,' "Rupt-re (o Tota-, Defo-,-.ration Strengths (ps.i! Test fo'!:cated Ti:-r.e Periods fn cu r.. Heat Temp No, PF) lr 5 - hr - 25_ _ O.;r 30;0 —< L 00, 300- 0, 5 Percent Total Deformation Strength X1037 11200 38,000 3 6, 000 35, 000 33, 500 29200 25~000 X1037 1350 30~ 750 242, 000 2.1 000.18,, 000.16, 500.14, 800 X1037.1500.18F 500 14, 800.13 300.1.1800 11, 200 10 250 X107 1600 12.500 10, 000 92,300 8, 100 7, 500 (6, 800) X1037,1650 11 1000 92 000 8,000 7,, 000 6,. 500'i. 800 X.1 037.1800 6F 300 4 g900 4, 300 3, 750 3- 300 2, 800 X107.1800 6, 600 5, 400 4 700 4 000 3- 500 3,'.00 2 550 X.1 07 2000 32 000 2. 350 2, 100 1, 580 1, 250 1 000 700 0, 2 Percent Total Deformation Strength X.1037 1200 31,500 29, 500 282 800 262 500 21. 700 17.7 000 X1037 1350 242 200 17200.15 000 12. 300.10.000 8.000 X1037 1500 152000 11:.500 10,200 9A000 8 000 7 200 X107.1600.10:200 8: 500 7,900 7100... X1037 1650 95200 7 250 6 800 6.100 5 600 53 i00 X.1037.1800 5,300 4,.100 3 600 3:000 2,800 Z 500 X107 1800 5 600 4 450 3. 900 3 400 3 000 K, 650 2 200 X107 2000 2 550.1. 900.1 550 1.180 960 770 0. 1 Percent Total Deformation Strengtth X.1037.1200 X.1037 1350 14 000 8, 200 (6,; 100) X1037 1500 10, 400 7,500 (6., 100) X107 1600 8 600 7 100 -- X1037 1650 (8 200) 6, 100 5, 600 v5 000) X1037 1800 (42 600) 3, 600 3 200 2, 700 2, 500 (2 200) X107 1800 4i 600 3 650 3. 300 2, 900 22 600 2 400 2 050 ) X107 2000 2, 200.1 400.1 170 920 770 640 ( } Extraplated Value Note::D t o H eat'o HztX1037 wer e taorn irlosrrRn Repoi t 2540-5 P ustd.e:itted un de P4, X27866 ED& a at 1600. F for Heat X107 I er e taken f- -orl e tter repot:latad Au-sgt,3 755 s 2bmn.ted; -; -17. 0. -37 i

STRESS RUPTURE AND SrT.K:RESS-TOTAL DEIPORMAT.O\ DATA'1 OR' SHEET SPECTMLNS OFN- N-155 ALLOV A 600 1800' AND 2000' F (0, 063-JINCH TH!.CKi SHJEET FROM IHEAT M-1048 TO AMS SPECTFTCATION 5 32 Def ormation Spec. Stress Rupture Time Elongation on loadig Time for Specified Total Deformation (hoursF No, (psi) (hours) (% -in 2 in, 0,_ _ _ _ 0________%.1,,.1600 0'- F 2 14, 500 21, 0 25,0 0, 096 0, 02 0, 25.1I, 0 2,,2 4,4.1 113, 000 40, 3 16, 5 0, 082 0,15 1, 0 4,4 11217,6 500.1 19, 0 16, 5 0,081 0, 5 2, 8 15,0 28,4 46,2 4.10, 200 253,1.1.1, 0 0, 063 2, 0 11 0 46, 5 83,0 131,0 1800`:' F 106 9. 000 4, 7 22, 5 0,, 078 0,, 013 0, 027 0,, 137 0,34 0, 74.103 8. 000 8,7 3 0, 5 0, 069 0, 02 0, 09 0,28 0, 67 1,49 105 6, 500 3 9, 7 14,5 0, 057 0, 09 0, 58 2, 55 5, 95.102 5, 000 137,,2 6, o 0, 036 1,0 6,9 28,4 59 6 91,2 104 4, 000 428, 1 5, 5 0, 029, 14,0 63, 0 132,; 0 225, 0 329, 0 107 3 500 381,; 4 (d 0, 026 47,0 230, - 108 3 000.1149,0 (Q 0, 02.1 244 316 454 606 804 2000' F.1,13 4 200 5,8 23, 5 0, 0620 0, 02 0, 07 0, 25 0, 54 1,05 1.10 3,150 24, 6.12, 5 0, 013715 0, 13 0, 70 2,; 55 4,, 80 8, 25.1.12 2 400 99,1 12,5 0, 026 0, 40 1,60 7,3.14,6 2 11.1.1, 750 335, 0 5,4 0, 019 1 0,; 0 27,0 6.3,0 110,0 184,0.1 L1 4 400 432, 9 (d) 0, 0 I 5 24,, 0 67, 2.156,0O 300, 0 (d) discontinued Note- Data for 1600cF taken from letter report under P, 0, FX60962 (Project 23.17) dlated February 15 1955,

TABLE V RUPTURE AND TOTAL DEFORMATION STRENGTHS FOR N-155 SHEET AT 1600', 1800~ AND 2000~F Rupture and Total Deformation St-rengths (psi) 1-hr 5-hr hr 25-hr 510-hr hr 50hr 100-hr 300-hr'600 *F Rupture - (179 500) (16, 000) 14, 000 13,000 11,800 10,000 2% -- 14,500 13,500 12,200 11,9400 10,500 (9,9500) 1% (16, 300) 1 3,800 12 800 1 1,,700 10,900 10, 000 (8,900) 0,, 5% 14, 800 12, 700 12,000 11,000 10,100 9,500 - 0, 2% 12,900 11,000 10, 200 9, 500 O, 1% 11,000 9,400 ( 8,900) 1800*F Rupture -- 8, 800 8, 000 7,000 6,200 5 400 4, 300 2% 8, 600 7,200 6, 600 6, 000 5, 60-0 4,900 3,900 1% 7,900 6,600 6 100 5,500 5,100 4,500 3,650 0, 5% 7, 100 6,000 59 600 59 100 4,600 4,000 3,400 0O 2%0 69 200 5, 200 4, 800 4,9 400 4, 100 3,750 3,200 0, 1% 5,250 4 400 4 100 3,800 3,500 3,300 2,950 2000'F Rupture 4,400 3,800 3,100 2,700 2 350 1,.900 2% 4,250 3,400 3 000 2,550 2,250 2,000 1,650 Lo% 3, 850 3, 050 2,700 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,'430 0, 5%o 3 500 2, 700 2,350 2 000 1 750 1,550 1, 270 0, 2%o 2, 850 2,200 2, 000 1,700 1,550 1,400 1,160 0, 1%o 2,300 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,250 (1140) Note~ Data for 1600~F taken from letter report dated February.15, 1955, submitted under P, 0, FX 60962, () Extrapolated value,

TABLE VI STRESS-RUPTP-TURE AND STRESS-TOTAL DEFORMATION DATA FOR SHEET SPECIMENS OF HS-2 5 ALLOY AI T.6oO 18000 AND 2000cF (0, 064 AND 0, O85KiNCH THICK SHEET FROM HEATS L1061, E30801 AND B0336 TO AMS SPECIFICATION 5537) Deformation Spec, Stress Rupture Time Elongation on loading Time for Specified Total Deformation (hours) No, (psi) (hours) (%in 2 in,) (TO) 0. 17o 0, 20, 57o.1 0% 2, 07 1600"F Heat L1061 1 20, 500 22,3.19,0 0, 092 0.2 0. 5 0.8 1,5 3.16,9500 74, 1 19, 0 0, 087 1,5 4, 2 9,0 19,0 4 16,500 101,,4.15, 0 0. 073 0, 5 11,5 4,2 10,3 2.12,500 596, 0 4,0 0, 068 1, 0 5, 0 20,0 81,0 Heat E30801 32 20,500 26, 3 30, 5 0,110 34 18r000 59, 9 27, 5 0, 096 0, 35 1,4 3,0 5,4 31 16,500 112, 2 23,,5 0. 089 0. 8 2, 3 6,2 15 33 14, 500 22-1, 4 23, 5 0, 078 3, 0 10,9 30,5 71.1800 F Heat L106.1 33 12, 000 7, 5.19, 0 0, 120 a 0, 03 0, 285 0,7 1,35 32 9,200 30, 8 -10,5 0, 063 0, 08 0,,7 6, 0 10,8 20,3 31 7 000.129,0 3, 5 0, 045 0, 8 8,0 53, 5 90 115,5 34 5, 500 237, 5 5,5 0, 035 2,4 10,7 97 163,0 206 Heat E30801 40 12, 000 6, o 2 1,0 0,,140 a 0,02 0,17 0, 46 0,975 41 8, 000 4.1,0 23,0 0,, 070 0, 1 0, 5.1, 93 4, 68 (9,35) 39 5i500 119,5 29,'0 0, 0485 0, 8 4, 7 14,, 0 26,,5 40,0 42 5,000 126, 5 25, 5 0,044 0, 93 4,6.13, 0 22,3 35,5 43 4, 000 2 13,,7 22, 5 0, 035 4, 0.14, 0 32,,5 46,5 73,9

TABLE VI (con'd,, Deformation Spec, Stress Rupture Time Elongation on loading Time for Specified Total Deformation (hours No, (psi) (hours) (% in 2 in,),,%) 0 1, 0, 2 0, 5 1 02 1800"F Heat B0336 3 11,000 11. 0 27, 5 0, 116 a 0, 08 0, 40 1,0 2,13 1 7,000 67, 1 20, 0 0, 0635 0, 3 1, 5 7,0 14.6 22,3 2 4, 000 299, 1 29,0 0, 0360 4,5 14, 5 34, 5 63,0 95,0 20001F Heat L1061 38 6,500 3. 6 i5, 5 0, 078 0, 008 0, 045 0. 172 0. 365 0,7 36 4,9000 47, 1 7, 0 0, 038 0, 62 2, 4 6, 0 10,5 17,3 35 3, 000 73, 1 5, 5 0, 0285 0, 50 3, 4 17, 0 39,5 58,0 37 2, 000 321.o6 (1) 7, 5 0, 019 53, 0 70, 0 123, 0 188,0 265,0 Heat E30801 44 3,500 20, 4 27, 0 0, 0475 0, 05 0, 245 0, 9 1.85 3,55 45 2,000 97, 3 36, 0 0, 027 0, 60 1, 7 4. 9 10,2 18,25 46 1,350 59 6, 7 40, 0 0, 018 2, 0 4, 8 7, 8 17,2 27,7 Heat B0336 6 4,500 11,O1 27, 5 0, 0575 0, 030 0, 118 0, 46 0. 98 1,86 5 3,000 39, 0 35, 5 0, 0380 0, 24 0, 62 1,i67 3. 38 5,97 7 1,500 224, 8 58, 5 0, 0190 1, 5 3, 0 6,07 11,3 18,3 8 800 (d) 0, 0 100 4, 5 12, 5 28, 45,7 72,5 (a) deformation reached on loading (d) discontinued (1) overheated during test Note. Data for 1600'F taken from letter report under P, 0, FX60962 (Project 2317) dated May 10, 1955, The HS-25 sheet from Heat L1061 was 0, 062-inch thick; those rom the other two heats were 0, 085.4nch thick, Specimens from Heat B0336 were taken longitudinal to the sheet, All other specimens were transverse,

TABLE VII RUPTURE AND TOTAL DEFORMATION STRENGTHS OBTAINED AT 16000, 1.800" AND 20000F FOR SHEET SPECIMENS OF HS-25 ALLOY Rupture and Total Deformation Stro rltl>S (psi) 1 -hr 5 -hr 10-hr 25 =-!r 50-hr 100-hr 300-hr 1600'F, Heat L106.1 Rupture (26, 000) 239 500 20000 000 189 000 16,500.139 800 Zt% -- 18, 500 17, 000.15,000 13,500 12,000 --.1% -~ 17, 000 14, 500.129 500.. 0, 5% -~.12, 600 10, 000o _. n, 20O 0% 1% -. 1600'-!F, Heat E30801 Rupture -- (26,500) 24, 0'00 209500 18,500 16,500 14,9 000 2% -- 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 - 1% -- 17, 000 16, 000 14,600 13,800 12,900 -- 0, 5% 18,500 15, 500 14,500.13,300 -- -- 9O 2% 16, 000 14,9 000 13,000.... _C 1800'F, Heat L1061 Rupture - 1 3 000 11, 400 9 600 8 400 7,400 5, 000 z%/ (13, 000) 10, 500 9 700 8, 600 7 800 7,100 4, 600.i% 11,900 9,800 9,200 8, 100 7,500 6,700 4.P 200 0, 5% 10, 900 9, 100 8,400 7,600 7, 000 5,500 0, 2% 8, 700 7, 400 6,200 -- --.. 0, 1% 6,900 4, 000 ~ -. -- - 1800*F, Heat E30801 RUpture -- 12, 500 10,9 800 8,9 900 7,700 5,800 3,400 2% 12, 000 9,000 7,900 6,500 4,700 3,500 -- 1% 10, 400 7,900 7,9 000 5,200 39 850 O 0, 5% 8, 9 900 6, 9 800 6 000 4,400 3,400 0 z 2 6 900 5,200 4,300 3,600 -. 04 1% 5,200 3, 850 3,400 ~- - - - 1800"FHeat B0336 Rupture -- 13, 300 11,200 9,000 7,500 6, 000 4,9 000 2% (12, 800) 9,300 8,9 200 6,9 600 5,100 3,900 2, 600 1% 11,000 8, 400 7, 500 5,700 4,400 3,400 2, 250 0 5% 9,600 7,400 6,200 4,600 3,650 2,900 2,000 0~ 2% 7,9 500 5, 000 4, 000 3, 150 2, 600 (2, 100) -- o 1% 5,000 3, 300 2, 750 (2, 150)...

TABLE VII (con'd, ) 1 -hr 5-hr 1 0-hr 25-hr 50-hr 100O-hr 300-hr ZOOO "F Heat -L106 1 Rupture - 62,000 5,200 4, 300 3, 700 2,950 2,050 2% 6,100 4,800 4,300 3,750 3,100 2,600 1,930'1% 5, 600 4,450 4, 000 3,250 2,750 2,300 1,800 0,5% 5,100 4,100 3,500 2,850 2,450 2,100 1,650 0,2% 4,200 3,250 2,850 2,400 2, 150 1,900 0O 1% 3,400 2,750 2,500 2,200 2,000 1,800 - 2000 F,. Heat E30801 Rupture - (5,400) 4, 350 3,300 2, 650 2,150 1,550 2% -- 3,100 2,450 1,750. 1% -- 2,500 1,950 -- - ~ - 0 5% 3,350 1,850 1,450 - 0,'2% 2, 300 1,400 1,130 O. 1% 1,750 1,200 1,000 -- - -. 2000"F, Heat B0336 Rupture -- 5,700 4,600 3,450 2,700 2,050 1,330 2% -- 3,200 2,260 1,400 950 650 1% 4,500 2,450 1,700 1,040 720 500 0, 5% 3,500 1,800 1,300 840 590 ~~ ~ 0. 2% 2 450 1,200 880 590 -- -. O, 1% 1,700 890 670 - ( ) Extrapolated value. Note: The HS-25 sheet from Heat L1061 was 0. 062-inch thick; those from the other two heats were 0. 085-inch thick, Specimens from Heat B0336 were taken longitudinal to the sheet, All other specimens were transverse.

TABLE VIII STRESS -RUPTURE PROPERTIES OBTAINED AT T.800c AND 2000.F FOR COATED AND UNCOATED SHEET SPECIMENS OF. J1570 ALLOY Deformation Spec, Stress Rupture Time Elongartion on loading Time for Specified Total Deformation (hoursc No, (psi) (hours) (% in 2 in,,) (%) 0,o 17 0o 27 0, 50o 1,0% O2, 0% 1800'F Uncoated Condition.17 9,149 6,0 23, 5 0,,147 a 0, 007 0, 078 0, 233 0,64.13 7,400 9, 4 17,O5 0. 091 0. 005 0. 035 0,155 0, 40 1,015 16 5,000 45,4 22,0 0,051 0.06 0.23 0,88 2.18 5,42 15 4, 000 84. 6 17, 0 0, 040 0, 15 0. 51.1. 80 4,99 10933 14 3,100 177,3 34,5 0, 029 0. 40 1.40 5. 0 11.3 2335 18 2,650 683,8 49,0 0. 025 0. 5 1,48 5, 7 13,2 27,9 Solar Alcote Condition 29 6,000 44. 0.24. 5 0, 055 0. 04 0. 14 0. 62 1, 70 4,48 30 4, 000 485,3 -{b) 0, 014 0. 66 1. 73 6. 3 16.1 38,1 Al coated by Whitfield and Sheshunoff 27 7, 600 19. 6 23, 5 0, 079 0, 01 0, 06 0, 27 0, 75 (1,9) 25 5,000 82, 7 27 0, 0528 0, 1 0.35 1, 5 3, 85 9,5 2000"F Uncoated Condition 20 4,$150 3. 7 46, 0 0,126 a 0, 006 0, 031 0, 070 0,154 19 2,650 29. 5 55. 0 0, 078 0, 01 0. 048 0, 165 0. 375 0,83 21 2,050 45. 5 55, 5 0, 066 0, 015 0,m078 0,29 0, 670 1,53 22 1,550 187, 5 50. 6 0, 037 0, 07 0. 2 0, 67 1,46 3,22 24 1,150 709. 8 45. 0 0,025 0,2 0, 45 1,35 3, 05 6,5 Solar Alcote Condition 31 2, 500 28, 0 48,5 0,055 0, 0" 09 0,29 0,68 1,57 32 1,400 384, 4 58 on 2, 3 G,, l.; 0, 0301 0, 165 0, 478.1, 5 3, 85 8,95

TABLE VJlII (con'd.) Def ormation Spec0 Stress Rupture Ti)me Elongation on loading Time for Specified Total Deformation (hours) No, (psi) (hours) (% in 2 in.) (g%).0 1a/6% 0. Z' 0.5% 15 0o 2 0 2-0001F Al coated by Whitfield and Sheshunoff 28 2,500 26, 3 40. 0 0, 068 0. 03 0, 11 0. 355 0. 765 1,69 26 1,500 167, 9 50.0 0, 036 0, 12 0, 33 1, 08 2. 53 (5,4) (a) deformation reached on loading. (b) Broken outside gage length. ) Extrapolated value.

TABLE IX RUPTURE AND TOTAL DEFORMATION STRENGTHS FOR JETALLOY 1570 SHEET, UNCOATED AND COATED, AT 1800~ AND 2000~F Rupture and Total Deformation Strengths (psi) 1 -hr 5-hr 1-hr 2 5-hr 50-hr 100-hr 300-hr 1800'F, Uncoated Rupture -- 9,200 7,600 5,850 4,800 4,000 2,950 2% 8,000 4,900 4,000 3,050 2,475 (2,000) (1,450) 1% 6,200 3,800 3,200 2,350 (1,925) (1,575) - 0,5% 4,800 3,000 2,450 (1,900) (1,550) - -- 0,2% 3,300 (2,100) (1,750) --. 0. 1% 2, 450 (1,625) -- -. _. 1800'F, Coated Rupture -- 11,400 9 300 7,100 5 800 4,800 3,500 2% 9,400 5,800 4,700 3,600 2,900 2,350 (1,700) 1%o 7,000 4,350 3,500 2,700 (2,200) (1,800) -- 0,5% 5,300 3,150 2,750 (2,100) (1,700) -. 0, 2% 3,600 (2-,300) (1,900) -- -- _ O, 1% 2,700 (1,800) -. - 2000 F, Uncoated Rupture -- 3,850 3,250 2,600 2,200 1,850 1,400 2% 2,400 1,310 1,025 ( 730) - 1% 1, 800 1,000 ( 780) -- -- - - 0, 5 1,350 ( 760) -- -. O. 2 % 900 0 _ — -- -_ 0,, ( 650) - - -- -- -- 2000'F, Coated Rupture -3 3,850 3,250 2,600 2,200 1,850 1,400 2% 3 000 1,640 1,280 ( 900) -- - - 1% 2,200 1,250 ( 970) -. -. -- 0,,5% 1,600 ( 920) -- _ _.. 0, 2% 1,080o -- -. 0, 1% ( 780) - -. _ _ __ ( ) Extrapolated value,

TABLE X (con'd, ) Rupture or Total Deformation Stre;ngths (psi) Temp for Indicated Time Periods (hours Alloy ('F) 10 -hour 100-hour 300 -hour 2o 0-Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Hastelloy X 1 600 11,300 8,9 200 7, 100 NO155 1600 (13,500) 10, 500 ( 9,500) HS -25 Heat L1061 1600 17, 000 12, 000 Heat E30801 1600 17,000 14,000 Hastelloy X Heat X107 1800 5,900 3,750 3,000 Heat X1037.1800 5,200 3,500 - N.155.1800 6,9 600 4,900 3,900 HS -25 Heat L106.1 1800 9,700 7,100 4,600 Heat E30801 1800 7,900 3,500 Heat B0336 1800 8,200 3,900 2,600 Jetalloy.1570 Uncoated 1800 4,000 ( 2,000) ( 1,450) Al coated.1800 4,700 2,350 ( 1,700) Hastelloy X 2000 2,500 1,450 1,000 NO155 2000 3,000 2,000 1,650 HS 25 Heat L1061 2000 4,300 2,600 1,930 Heat E30801 2000 2,450 Heat B0336 2000 2,260 650 -- Jetalloy 1570 Uncoated 2000.1, 025 Al coated 2000 1,280 1. O-Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Hastelloy X 1600 10,200 7,400 N-155 1600 12, 800 10, 000 ( 8,900) HS 25 Heat L1061 1600 14,500 - - Heat E30801 1600 16,000 12,900 - Page 2 of 5

TABLE X (con'd, ) Rupture or Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Temp for Indicated Time Periods (hours) Alloy (~F) 10 our 1 00 -hour 300-hour 1. O-Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Hastelloy X Heat X107 1800 5, 300 3,400 2,750 Heat X1037 1800 4,800 3,200 -- N-155 1800 6,100 4,500 3,650 HS -25 Heat L1061 1800 9,200 6,700 4,200 Heat E30801 1800 7,000 -- Heat B0336 1800 7,500 3,400 2,250 Jetalloy 1570 Uncoated 1800 3,200 ( 1,575) Al coated 1800 3,500 ( 1,800) Hastelloy X 2000 2,300 1,200 830 N-155 2000 2,700 1,750 1,430 HS -25 Heat L1061 2000 4 000 2,300 1,800 Heat E30801 2000 1,950. Heat B0336 2000 1, 700 500 Jetalloy 1570 Uncoated 2000 ( 780) -~ Al coated 2000 ( 970) 0,, 5Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Hastelloy X 1600 9 300 ( 6,800) N=155 1600 12, 000 9,500 HS 25 Heat L1061 1600 10,000 Heai E30801 1600 14, 500 Hastelloy X Heat X107 1800 4,9 700 3,9 100 2,550 Heat X1037 1800 4,300 2,800 N 155 1800 5 600 4, 000 3, 400 HS 25 Heat L1061 1800 8,400 5,500 -- Heat E30801 1800 6,000 Heat BO336 1800 6,200 2,900 2, 000 Page 3 of 5

TABLE X (con'd, ) Rupture or Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Temp for Indicated Time Periods (hours) Alloy ( F) 10 hour 100-hour 300-hour 0, 5-Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Jetalloy 1570 Uncoated 1800 2, 450 A1 coated 1800 2, 750 Hastelloy X 2000 2, 100 1,000 700 N-155 2000 2, 350 1,550 1,270 HS -25 Heat L106.1 2000 3, 500 2, 100 1,650 Heat E30801 2000 1,450 Heat B0336 2000 1,300 0. 2 -Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Hastelloy X 1600 7 900 N-155 1600 10,200 HS-25 1600 13,000 Hastelloy X Heat X107 1800 3,900 2,650 2,200 Heat X1037 1800 3, 600'2, 500 -- NQ155 1800 4,800 3,750 3,200 HS -25 Heat L1061 1800 69200 Heat E30801 1800 4,300... Heat B0336 1800 4 000 ( 2,100) Jetalloy 1570 Uncoated 1800 ( 1,750).. A1 coated 1800 ( 1,900) Hastelloy X 2000 1,550 700 N-155 2000 2,000 1,400 1, 160 HS 25 Heat L1061 2000 2,850 1,900 - Heat E30801 2000 1,130. Heat BO336 2000 880 - Page 4 of 5

TABLE X (con'do ) Rupture or Total Deformation Strengths (psi) Temp for Indicated Time Periods (hours) Alloy ('F) 1O-hour 100-hour 300hour 0O 1 -Percent Total Deformation Strengths (psi) N-155 1600 ( 8,900) Hastelloy X Heat X107 1800 3,300 2,400 2,050 Heat X1037 1800 3,200 ( 2,200) N-155 1800 4,100 3,300 2,950 HS -25 Heat E30801 1800 3,400 -- Heat B0336.1800 2, 750 Hastelloy X 2000 1, 170 640 N-155 2000 1,600 ( 1,140) HS =2 5 Heat L1061 2000 2 500 1,800 Heat E30801 2000 1,000 Heat B0336 2000 670 Page 5 of 5