THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COMPUTING RESEARCH LABORATORY1 STEPWISE REFINEMENT REVISITED Yaclav\Rajlich CRL-TR-13-83 MARCH 1983 Room 1079, East Engineering Building Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 USA Tel: (313) 763-8000 1Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors.

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Stepwise Refinement Revisited by Vaclav Rajlich Department of Computer and Communication Sciences University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Abstract In this paper, rigorous application of stepwise refinement is explored. The steps of definition, decomposition, and completion are described, where steps of completion is a newly introduced step. This combination of steps extends the use of stepwise refinement to medium-tolarge systems. Notions of range, active objects, and composite interface are introduced. Verification of incomplete programs via interactive testing is described. The paradigm is demonstrated in an example. The relationship between the paradigm and the current programming languages is considere-d. It is a.gued that WHILE-DO loon is a aanrmful construct from this point of view.

-11. Introduction Stepwise refinement is one of the oldest and most widely used methods of program design [3,4,10,11]. Recently, a new interest in stepwise refinement has appeared in connection with software environments, where stepwise refinement is the methodology supported by specialized tools of the environments [1,2,5,6,7,8,9]. The quality of each software design methodology can be characterized by the following interrelated criteria: (i) The generality of the methodology, i.e. the size of the domain of application. (ii) The ease of use of the methodology. (iii) The consistency of the methodology. The meaning of the first two criteria is obvious. To explain the third criterion, we assume that a program design is a sequence of decisions which lead to a finished program. The role of the methodology is to guide the designer and give advice as to what decision should be made at any particular moment, and on what particular information to base that decision. A methodology is consistent if it gives appropriate guidance in all decisions to be made during a program design. Conversely, if it gives poor advice or no advice for some decisions, it is inconsistent. The current stepwise refinement methodology is perfectly suited for the design of small programs; the methodology is so easy that it has found its way into successful introductory programming texts [3,111. However, the problem arises when larger programs are to be designed by stepwise refinement. Then the methodology becomes difficult to use, and in fact, it becomes inconsistent. The reason is that it is geared solely toward the decomposition of objects (procedures and data). However, there is at present no organized way to determine the full set of objects to be decomposed. It is assumed

that this set is somehow known in advance. This is particularly burdensome in the case of variables, where the programmer is required to determine and declare all of the variables of the program before starting the decomposition. process [3,10]. This is only realistic for toy programs. For larger programs, we need a technique different from decomposition, which will help us to determine the s~et of all objects, and to do this in -small increments. In this paper, the technique is called completion. Another problem which has to be addressed is the validation of partial programs. When designing medium-sized systems, the validation cannot be postponed until the system is finished, and hence, it has to be done on partial systems. Various methods have ban proposed for such validation f,13]. However, at the present, the most realistic method of validation is by means of testing. A method commonly used is to replace the undefined objects with stubs which approximate the function of those objects. We are suggesting the so-called interactive testing, where undefined parts of the program are handsimulated by the programmer, with the stubs supporting the simulation. The advantage is that this is a universal method, which can be applied in all cases; it makes the methodology explained here consistent. This paper is divided into four sections. Section 2 contains the basic ideas, section 3 provides an example, and section 4 contains a discussion of some language constructs from the point of view of stepwise refinement. Although the paper is self-contained, familiarity with stepwise refinement as presented in [3,10,11] should be helpful.

3-3 2. Definitions Programs and software systems consist of objects (procedures, functions, variables, etc.), and their relations (procedure calls, functions calls, access to variables, etc.). Complicated programs consist of many objects and many relations among them. Even a purely mechanical process such as typing of all of the objects in the whole program cannot be done in one stretch; it has to be divided into smaller and more manageable steps. Creative process like programming is of course much slower. We must carefully untangle the web of relations among the objects of the target program, and introduce objects and their relations one after the ot.her. During program design, the progrmn consists at anytime of two parts: the existing part, which is the actual program so far stored in the computer, and the intended part, which is everything not yet written. At the beginning, the existing part is empty and the whole program is intended. At the end, the intended part is empty and the whole program is existing. Program design is a sequence of incremental steps, each adding something to the existing part and deleting something from the intended part. Throughout the process it is assumed that although the intended part has not yet been written, the designer has a good grasp of its function and its inherent structure. For the sake of simplicity of explanation, we shall assume that the system consists only of variables, procedures, and functions (they will be called by the generic name "objects"). Also, we will assume that there are only two kinds of relations among the objects. The relation "read" means that the value of a particular variable is being read in a procedure. The relation "write" is the complementary relation. The range of a variable A is the variable A plus all procedures or functions which either read or write the variable A. The range of a procedure P is just the procedure P, and similarly for functions.

-4In a typical situation, the existing part contains names of undefined variables, procedures, or functions. For example, the existing part may contain a reference to a procedure "read data", but the body of the procedure has not yet been defined.' We will call objects of this kind active objects, and the set of all active objects at a particular time is the composite interface. The composite interface is in fact the interface between the existing and the intended parts of the system. The composite interfaces are a very important documentation, on which the design decisions of stepwise refinement is based. Although the composite irte-rface is not a part oZ the code iVtself, we- are recommending the programmevz to keep an updated composite interface at all times, making it a part of the program documentation. In this paper, we assume that the composite interface is kept in a graphical form, where the active variables are denoted by ovals, active procedures and functions are denoted by rectangles, and relations "read" and "write" are denoted by arrows, as in Fig. 1. The basic steps of stepwise refinement are definition and decomposition [10]. Definition is a step in which we define an active object in terms of the programming language. If'the object is a procedure, we will define' its body; if it is a variable, we will give its type. An important property of definition is that the smallest unit of definition is a range. Every definition step means that one or several ranges are defined at once. (Another rule governing definition appears in Section 3, step 4.) Decomposition is a different step, in which an active object is defined in terms of new active objects. Decomposition and definition are the only steps in stepwise refinement as presented by [10]. There is an alternative way to introduce new active objects during program design. We will call this alternative step "completion". In a completion step,

- 5 - we will examine all active objects and try to determine whether they can function correctly, or whether they need to refer to some other objfects in order to be able to function. There are two situations which call for the introduction of new objects: First, two procedures may need to communicate with each other, and hence there is a need for a variable which will facilitate this communication. Second, a variable may need an initializing procedure which will allow it to function correctly. This initialization is not a consequence of decomposition, and hence the set of procedures has to be enlarged to include initialization. An existing part of a program is complete when no new objects can be introduced by the process of completion, i.e. all communications among procedures have been served by appropriate variables, and all variables have been properly initialized. Completion steps are conceptually as easy as decomposition and definition, and they extend the methodology to handle medium-size programs, where the ultimate set of objects cannot be predicted in advance. Our methodology will expect a completion step after each decomposition step. In the methodology, we also provide some supporting activities whose value is only temporary, but which are helpful in the design process. One of these is an update of the composite interface. As new active objects are introduced, they are added to the composite interface, while objects which have been defined are removed from the composite interface. It is also useful to keep the list of all relations (based on read and write) among the active objects, so that the ranges are easily determined. When a new object is introduced, new relations are added to the list; when an object is defined, all of its relations will be removed from the list. Whenever a program part is complete, it can be tested. The testing is based on the assumption that while no code for the intended part exists, the

programmer knows what the functions of the currently active objects are and would be able to hand-simulate their functions. The hand-simulation is supported by stubs which control the interaction between the programmer and the existing part of the program. It is illustrated by the example in the next section. In summary, the.methodology is a sequence of steps described by the following: Introduce the original main program; REPEAT define all objects of one or several ranges OR BEGIN decompose selected objects; complete the existing program. END; update the composite interface; interactively test UNTIL all objects are defined.

-.73. An Example In this section, we will illustrate the methodology by an example of a program which reads any date of this century (i.e. any date from 1/1/1900 to 12/31/1999), and prints the corresponding day of the week. We will write the program in an idealized Pascal-like language. Some comments on current programming languages appear in Section 4. As a starting step, we will describe the whole program as a call of one procedure: Step 0. BEGIN read and calculate date END. The procedure is then decomposed: Step 1. PROCEDURE read and calculate date; BEGIN read date; calculate distance; determine the day; print the day; END. (By "calculate distance" we mean a procedure which determines the number of days between the date processed and a fixed "origin" date. To keep the number small, the distance will always be represented as the total distance MOD 7.) The next step after decomposition is the completion step. We observe that information is passed from read data to calculate distance, from calculate distance to determine the day, and from determine the day to

print the day. Hence we need three variables which will facilitate the communication. Corresponding to the stepwise refinement philosophy, the question of the type of these variables will be postponed for later consideration: Step 2. VAR date, distance, day; Fig. 1 contains the composite interface after Step 2.* I read date'date - calculate distance distance determinetheday day — D Iprint the day Fig. 1 Verification of the program will be done via interactive testing, where stubs of active objects will support the interaction with the programner. The stubs for active data and the output will be the most general type available, i.e. a sufficiently long string of characters, while stubs for procedures will support a dialog with the programmer. When writing the stubs, the composite interface in Fig. 1 is a handy tool. * Note that the composite interface contains relations "read" and "write" which have not appeared in the previous code. These relations have to be suppliedby the programmer, who has an insight into the intended part of the program.

-9Step 3. VAR date, distance, day, output: ARRAY [1..60] OF CHAR; PROCEDURE read date; BEGIN writeln('Execute read date.The date is:'); read (date) END; PROCEDURE calculate the distance; BEGIN writeln('The date is', date); writeln('Execute calculate the distance.'); writeln('The distance is'); read (distance) END; PROCEDURE determine day; BEGIN writeln('The distance is', distance); writeln('E-xecute determine day'.'); writeln('The day is:.'); read (day) END; PROCEDURE printtheday; BEGIN writeln('The day is:', day); writeln('Execute print the_day.'); writeln('The output is:'); read (output) END;

- 10The program, together with the stubs, would be translated into the programming language we are using (see Section 4), compiled, and executed. Execution would generate the following dialog between the computer and the programmer: COMPUTER: Execute read date. The date is: PROGRAMMER: 12/5/1984 COMPUTER: The date is 12/5/1984. Execute calculate the distance. The distance is: PROGRAMMER: 3 COiEPUrER: The distance is 3.S Execute determine day. The day is: PROGRAMMER: WEDNESDAY COMPUTER: The day is WEDNESDAY. Execute printtheday. The output is: PROGRAMMER: WEDNESDAY COMPUTER: (finishes the execution of the'program.) The dialog illustrated the correctness of the existing part of the )rogram.In the next step, we will define the variables day and distance and their respective ranges.

Step 4. VAR distance: integer; day:Array[l..9] OF char; PROCEDURE determine day; BEGIN CASE distance OF O:day:='Sunday'; l: day:='Monday'; 2:day:='Tuesday'; 3:day:='Wednesday'; 4: day:='Thursday'; 5:day:'Friday'; 6: day:=' Saturday'; END END; PROCEDURE print the day; BEGIN writeln('The day is', day) END; PROCEDURE calculate distance; BEGIN distance_procedure (distance) END; Note the way in which the procedure calculate_distance was defined. The procedure is in the range of both the variable distance (defined), and the variable day (undefined), hence it must contain a part which deals with both variables. This part was called distanceprocedure. The only way distanceprocedure can deal with both defined and undefined variables is to

12 - equip it with an actual argument which is the known variable, and keep it in range ofthe unknown variable. This is a purely mechanical and general step, applicable wherever a procedure (or function) is in range of both undefined and defined variables. In a similar way, we also deal with functions, where the value to be returned is treated as another argument. The updated composite interface is in Fig. 2. read date date distance_procedure (VAR distance: INTEGER) Fig. 2 For the verification process, we may re-use the stubs of the procedure read date and of the variable date. The procedure distance_procedure has the following stub: Step 5. PROCEDURE distanceprocedure (VAR distance:INTEGER); BEGIN writeln (' Date is', date); writeln('Execute distanceprocedure'); writeln (' Distance is:' ); read (distance) END; The dialog will have a form analogous to the dialog of Step 3. In the next step, we will decompose the variable date and the procedure read date:

13Step 6. VAR date:mm; dd; zz; PROCEDURE read date; BEGIN read mm; read dd; read zz; END; The program is complete, hence no new objects are obtained by the process of completion. The current composite interface is in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 - read mm read dd read zz distance_procedure(VAR distance:INTEGER) Fig. 3 Note that distance_procedure has not been decomposed, hence it "inherits" arcs from all components of the former variable date. Also we made an assumption that procedures read dd and read zz will check the correctness of values mm to read dd and read zz.

- 14 - Again, at this moment we may test the program in the style of Step 3. The next step is the definition of variables dd and zz and their respective ranges. At this moment, we have to decide how robust the program is to be, i.e. what kind of input errors it must be able to recover from. At one extreme, we may declare zz:1900..1999 which means no robustness at all, because every input error in zz will abort the run of the program. The other extreme is to declare zz:ARRAY[1..4]OF CHAR, in which case no typing error will cause an abort. A compromise solution chosen here declares zz:INTEGER, where the program will recover from many errors (all incorrect integers), but abort with others (non-numerical symbols). Step 7. VAR dd,zz: INTEGER; PROC read dd; BEGIN writeln('Enter the day.'); read (dd); WHILE d<l OR dd>monthlength DO BEGIN writeln(' Incorrect. Enter a different day.'); read (dd); END END; PROCEDURE read zz; BEGIN writeln'Enter the year.'); read (zz); WHILE(zz<1900 or zz>1999) OR February AND (dd=29) AND (zz MOD4#O) DO

- 15 - BEGIN writeln(' Incorrect. Enter a different year.'); read(zz) END END; PROCEDURE distanceprocedure(VAR idstance: INTEGER); BEGIN 4 distance:= (distance mm+dd+(zz-1900)+ (zz-1901) DIV)MOD 7; IF (zz MOD 4=0)',AND zzj1900 AND late month THEN distance: =distance+l END; The composite interface after Step 7 (and a completion step) appears in Fig. 4. Again, we may test the program with the help of stubs. read nIM mm month length:INTEGER February:BOOLEAN late month:BOOLEAN distance _m:INTEGER / Fig. 4 The logical step to select now would be to: define mm and its range. However, in order to demonstrate the completion step for procedures, let us make a minor detour and decompose distancemm instead, If we want to

rationalize this selection we may argue that at this moment, we are still undecided about the format of mm, the options being: VAR mm: INTEGER; and VAR mm:ARRAY [1..3] OF char. The value of distance_mm will be computed in a loop, in which the lengths of individual months are accumulated... Step 8. FUNCTION distarce mm: INTEGER; BEGIN % distance mm-:INTEGER; WHILE not over DO BEGIN distance:=distance mm + month increment; next month END; When completing this program, we first notice that notover, month increment, and next month have to communicate through a variable. Let us call this variable VAR month; This variable is read in not_over, it is read in month increment, and it is both read and written in next month. Tracing the code of function distance amm, it is obvious that this variable is read before being written, and hence it is not properly initialized. The program cannot work as it has been written, and it must be completed by the appropriate initialization.

17Let us introduce the procedure init month, and then function distance mm will have the following form after the step of completion; CORRECTED FUNCTION distance mm:INTEGER; BEGIN distance:=0; init month; WHILE not-over DO BEGIN distance mm:=distance mm + month increment; next month END END; The current composite interface is shown in Fig. 5. Again the program tested in the style of Step 3. read mm month length:INTEGER mm February: BOOLEAN late month:BOOLEAN init month notover:BOOLEAN month monthl l'month increment:INTEGER i next month Fig. 5

18 - In the last step, we will define both mm and month and their respective ranges. Step 9. VAR mm,month: INTEGER; PROCEDURE read mm; BEGIN writeln('Enter the month.'); read (mm) ); WHILE mm>12 OR mm<l DO BEGIN writeln('Incorrect. Enter a different month.'); read (mm) END END; FUNCTION month length:INTEGER;. BEGIN CASE mm OF 1,3,5,7,8,10,12:month length:=31; 4,6,9,11:month length:=30; 2:month length:=29 END END; FUNCTION February:BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF mm=2 THEN February:=False ELSE February:=TRUE END;

- 19FUNCTION late month:BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF mm>2 THEN late month:=TRUE ELSE late month: =FALSE END; PROCEDURE init month; BEGIN month:=0 END; FUNCTION not_over:BOOLEAN; BEGIN not over:=month<mm END; FUNCTION month increment:INTEGER; BEGIN CASE month of 1,3,5,7,8,10,12: —month increment:=31; 4,6,9,11:=month increment: =30; 2:=month incremaent =?R END END; PROCEDURE next month; BEGIN month:=month + 1 END;

- 20 - 4. Language Considerations In section 3, we used an idealized Pascal-like language, In general, we are constrained by the real-world languages in which programs are written. In this section, we will suggest how to use stepwise refinement in some of the current programming languages. Pascal is the language which we use as illustration, but the comments apply to other programming languages as well. The first, most obvious consideration is that Pascal does not allow code to be written in the sequence suggested by stepwise refinement. Instead, the programmer has to go back and forth, and he must respect the order of statements of Pascal with the resulting loss of original clarity and purpose. Some recent syntax-directed editors [7,9] have allowed a more flexible order in which statements may be entered, but the program - if printed out - is still organized according to the rules of the original language. We believe that a methodology-oriented program organization has some very important self-documenting properties, and hence this is a considerable loss. -When writing programs by stepwise refinement, procedures and functions of previous sections can either be considered to be closed procedures and functions, or their bodies can be macro-expanded at each occurrence of the call. Macro-expansion was used in [10,11], and it is considerably better from the point-of-view of the efficiency of the resulting program. However, in the macro-expanded text, the original structure and the original steps are lost, and hence the clarity of the code is substantially diminished. Moreover, certain Pascal constraints are not suitable for macro-expansion and require more complicated processing. The most notable example is the WHILE-loop.

- 20 - Suppose that we have a loop of the form WHILE condition DO body; where condition is a boolean function. If it decomposes into FUNCTION condition:boolean; BEGIN prepare condition; condition: =resultofreparation END; then the resulting text of the loop should be: prepare_condition; condition: =result_of preparation; WHILE condition DO BEGIN body; preparecondition; condition:=result of reparation END; As seen in this example, the decomposed body of the function "conditior appears in two places in the new text. This fact may explain why begir programmers find the WHILE loop so confusing. It also causes consider~ difficulty when specialized editors supporting stepwise refinement in.E [8] are implemented. Note that this problem does not arise in REPEAT-UNTIL loops or in LOOP-EXIT-END LOOP construct of ADA [12], which are more natural consti from the point-of-view of stepwise refinement. Of course, it also does arise when we allow closed functions to be used and do not invoke macre

- 22 - When using closed functions and procedures as the constructs for stepwise refinement, the declarations of variables without types (as in step 2, section 3) become meaningless, and are best dealt with as comments in the text. Also note that the'organization of the declarations in standard Pascal leads to an almost complete loss of the methodology-oriented order, with the consequent loss in the clarity of the program. The reasonable compromise is to combine macro-expansion or textual processing to merge small steps, and deal with larger steps as closed subroutines. Acknow! edge ment I wish to thank Bernie Galler and Frank Cioch who suggested many improvements in this paper. I would also like to thank Roxianne Carbary for her speed and accuracy in typing this paper for me.

- 23 References [1] Barstow, D.K., Knowledge-Based Program Construction, North-Holland, New York, 1979. [2] Cheatham, T.E. Jr., Holloway, G.H., Townsley, J.A., "Program refinement by transformation", Proc. 5th Conference on Software Engineering, San Diego, pp. 430-437. [3] Coffman, E.B., Problem solving and structured programming in Pascal, Addison Wesley, 1981. [4] Dijkstra, E.W., Notes on structured programming, in "Structured Programming", Academic Press, 1972. [5] Habermann, A.N., "An overview of the Gandalf project", Computer Science Research Report 1978-1979, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1979. (6] Hansen, Iii4ns-Lud-:ig, Mullerburg, Monica, "Conspectus of software engineering environments", in A.J. Wassmerman, ed., Tutorial: Software Development Environments, IEEE Catalog No. EMO 187-5, pp. 462-476. [7] Lyon, G., "Language-Based Editors/Interpreters", Proc. COMPSAC 82 Conf, pp. 611-612, 1982. [8] Petrone, L,> DiLeva, A., Sirovich, F., "DUAL: An Interactive Tool for Developing Documented Programs by Step-Wise Refinements", Proc. 6th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE Catalog No. 82CH1795-4, pp. 350-357. [9] Teitelbaum, T., Reps, T., "The Cornell program synthesizer: a syntaxdirected programming environment", Communications of ACM, 24, Steptember 1981, pp. 563-573. [10] Wirth, N., "Program development by stepwise refinement", Communications of ACM, April 1971, pp. 221-227. [11] Wirth, N., Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, Prentice-Hall, 1976. [12] ADA, Military standard MIL-STD-1815, Department of Defense, 1980. [13] Snowdon, R.A., Henderson, P., "The TOPD system for computer-aided system development", reprinted in A.I. Wasserman, Tutorial: Software development environments, pp. 241-262.

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