STATUS OF VARIOUS INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS ON MAY 9, 1944 FOR THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ten separate programs of research are in progress. A short summary of their status constitutes the following sections: 19-9 DL Gas Turbine Disc Additional rupture test data at 1200 and 13500F., obtained since Report Number 8 was issued, are summarized in Table I. The stresses and corresponding rupture time periods are shown in Figure 1, which includes the data previously obtained. Spot tests at various locations in the forging show that the forging has quite uniform rupture strengths. At the last meeting, the investigation was increased to include the determination of curves of stress versus the logarithm of the time for total deformations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1,0 per cent for time periods up to 2000 hours. Curves for stress versus the time for the creep rate to increases 10 per cent over the minimum creep rate (transition point); and a curve for the stress-rupture time data are to be included. Since the last meeting, test materials have been obtained from Mr. Cross, one test completed under a stress of 15,000 psi at 1200~F., and

five tests started. This data has also been included in Table I. 234-A-5 Gas Turbine Disc Notice has been received of the shipment of a forging 20 inches in diameter by 3-1/4 inches thick by the Crucible Steel Company. The chemical analysis was reported as: C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Cb W Mo 0.25 5.76 18.32.95 — 3 1.46 The Brinell hardness was surveyed and reported to vary from 235 to 255 with most readings at 235 and 241. The disc is to be subjected to the same investigation as the 19-9 DL disc described in the previous section.

Table I ADDITIONAL RESULTS FOR 19-9.DL FORGED GAS TURBINE DISC (NR46B) (Supplementing Report Number 8) 1. Stress-Rupture Results at 1200 and 13500F.: Speci- Temp. Stress Rupture Time Elongation Reduction men LF. Lb./SqIn. Hours % in 1 In. of Area,%.Radial Specimens Center Plane 18Y 1200 33,500 604.5 9.0 28.8 20Y 33,500 In progress 768 hours (5-9-44) Radial at Surface 18X 40,000 136.0 24*0 57.0 Tangential in Center 5Y 40,000 168.5 28.0 58.6 Tangential at Surface 5X 40,000 37.5 30.0 63.2 Radial at Center 19Y 1350 17,500 663.5 24.0 38.0 14,500 In progress 1200 hours (5-9-44) Radial at Surface 18X 22,500 124.5 28.0 63.2 Tangential in Center 5Y 22,500 156.0 31.0 66.2 Tangential at Surface 5X 22,500 133.5 26.0 68.0 (Continued)

Table I (Continued) 2. Creep Tests at 1200 and 1350~F. Temp. Stress ~F. Lb./Sq.In. Initial Deformation Inches/Inch Time (Hrs.) for Indicated Deformations 0.l% O.2f2 Creep Rate at 700-1200 Hr.. per 1000 Hr. 1200 15,000 0.00095 Approx. 1 1225 0.025 20,000 12,500 10,000 In progress 50 hours (5-9-44) In progress 50 hours (5-9-44) In progress 50 hours (5-9-44) In progress 50 hours (5-9-44) In progress 50 hours (5-9-44) 1350 10,000 7,500

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Alloys for Service at 1700 and 18000F At the last meeting, this program was initiated by deciding to run rupture tests on five cast alloys and wrought Low Carbon N155 alloy at 1700 and 1800~F. The test materials have been procured and a limited amount of rupture test data have been obtained at 17000F. The chemical analyses reported for the test materials are given in Table II. The Vitallium, 422-19, 61, and 6059 alloys were supplied by Mr. Badger. The cast S816 and S590 (modified S497) alloys were prepared by Mr. Browne. Mr. Evans supplied the Low Carbon N155 bar stock. The castings were all "precision" type and are being tested in the as-cast condition. The N155 stock is in the hot-rolled and stress-relieved at 1200~F. condition. The rupture test data obtained to date and the stressrupture time relationships are summarized in Table III and Figfure 2.

Table II CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CAST ALLOYS AND LOW CARBON N155 Alloy _ C Mn Si Cr Ni Co Mo Vitallium*.24 28.70 - Bal. 5.57 422-19*.40.51 24.75 15.92 Bal. 6.08 61*.42 24.07 -- Bal. -- 5.17 6059*.46 26.17 --- Bal. 6.40 S816.41.42.56 19.43 19.80 42.81 3.61 3.42 S590.57.67.63 20.11 20.64 20.04 3.63 4.50 N155.15 1.74.37 21.66 19.40 20.48 2.76 1.90 (Heat A11534) *Type analysis only (from Table I, Univ. of Mich. Report 7). Cb _ _ - Fe.65 2 Bal. N.14

Table III STRESS-RUPTURE TEST DATA AT 17000F. FOR SIX CAST ALLOYS AND WROUGHT LOW CARBON N155 Stress Lb./S. In. Rupture Reduction Time Elongation of Area Hours % in 1 In. % Material Treatment Vitallium(l) As cast No data 422-19(1) As cast 18,000 13,000 12.5 13.0 29.0 In progress 168 hrs.(5-9-44) In progress 192 hrs.(5-9-44) As cast 12,000 6059(1) As cast 13,000 60.0 20.0,ja 54.3 11,000 In progress l- hrs.(5-9-44) s816(2) 590 (2) S59 As cast As cast 15,000 13,000 12,000 10,000 60. 70 7.0 19.0 In progress 144 hrs.(5-9-44) 29.0 15.5 39.8 In progress 24 hrs.(5-9-44) Low Carbon(3) N155 Hot-rolled, 12000F. stress relief 10,000 8,000 6,000 15.0 24.5 49.5 28.5 31.0 32.0 38.2 34.7 37.5 (1) Precision castings, 0.160-inch diameter and one-inch gage length. 2) Precision castings, 0.2O0-inch diameter and two-inch gage length. (3)Machined specimens 0.505-inch diameter and two-inch gage length.

t ~ 000!.6.. 8 L'9' i I 7: J6 I I II I.I I'iI.,. f - -:! i, 1, I. 1 --4 -: I r.. L. 1 I I -, — t-..1 I i I -T-., — I — I I. I I;, 11 -7-1 -t —-.; 1. " -;..., I I 1:1::- I ...1.i 7.1:'. m.. i I-..I - I-.-..I.1. 1;. I I. t i - -i- I I -. — tt Il. - I. I i.. I... I. 1. I TI t..] i..". l: I i!. I " I.: -, i i -..' I II;, i 1-;,:.II;-, 1,.L — - life I LI I.; - I -- - f! i T...- i -,..1.. I. i 1. I.L *;!* I|.If I i I i, I i, I --;_, I, -. I, o - I!:, i:..! I. J-1 -: -i-L:.: i,.-I- - I -- ; I.: I ".. t- - - I;. f: I 1 17 A i., 4:.:.1.: I 1. - m.. I 4;I. i. 4 —71.. -,....;.. -'-... I -. -I,- - . I, I I.. - —.- i:. iI I I L AL-.L -1 4T TT tl 7t 1- A 44i 74 —-...... r T: -- ".:!7.I. r-. f-!'r n.:m r.;".-.:L. 1 7!;: *; t t Lt, t " 1 zttls:T Is rlfi1-11", —^-, i _ -4-,; 1:,. I -i 1; - [_; Itl 4, -'t I - t L' LI L 4...;-. -: - t 6 " T H -,, L 1 4-;-.j 1:,. a_ i|l~-'.L.! - -,1' I'. t —-t 2..-:. -, -, i .. I - i- - --.-, -, - - --..... -. -.. - - - I- - t -!-,. I': I -'.. - -.-, -- I. — - -:. a. -....... 7 "...; I t..:.. -..:. r,.. -,.:. I -i. -..:... - -. — -0.1... - "I - z J. - lli..I.. ..i -:7i — 7i -.: -:'=- -- -,,:, —... w - -Z::i -. -.. -.: - -!.,.-I.:-.,-t - -4 -- -'i -.., — -,. -. T-7. - I I- -.- -.- I., -.. T: - — i- f: -I._, 4,::^ - Pn-^ 4- -- t -- i-'. -I — IH4 1 - iAl I i 7'4:1: Vi zt t-l 4 t 7' 4 74 April, J.. 71 -7 L i J J 4 WL P L Tt 4-4 a 4_4 *kiw_ 41 4A, 4_1 j.. JT" 7 -47 J 4. 4, -17 _7 7T- I V., 17 4. L A,.; J7 4. 7 4 Q O. 7A_ L4.4 41 T 7 774 r I rT, Vk, Hi

Cast 19-9 DL Steel The rupture test results obtained to date on cast bars of 19-9 DL steel at 1350~F. are summarized in Table IV, and shown graphically in Figure 3. Room temperature tensile data will be available in the near future, The 100-hour rupture strengths appear to be the following on the basis of only two completed tests: 1350~F. 100-Hour Rupture Treatment Strength4 Lb./SqIn. As Cast + 50 Hr. at 13500F. 21,000 2250~F. Oil Quenched + 50 Hr. 23,000 at 13500F.

\a Table IV 1350~F. STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF CAST 19-9 DL STEEL Specimen Stress Lb./Sq.In. Rupture Time Hours Elongation % in l In, Reduction of Area.% NR-46-C-6 NR-46-C-10 25,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 60.0 11.0 250.0 6.0 In progress 888 hours (5-8-44) 20.25 22.0 148.0 23.0 In progress 792 hours (5-8-44) 34.0 13*.1 53.8 62 0 Tests are being conducted on 0.250-inch diameter specimens of one-inch gage length. The specimens were taken from one-inch diameter cast bars. The following information was supplied by Mr. H. C. Cross of the National Research Council Project 8: Chemical Analysis: C Mn Si Ni Cr Mo Cb w Ti 0.29 0.65 0.79 9.40 18.85 1.33 0.40 1.15 0.16 Heat Treatment: Soecimen NR-46-C-6 Treatment 2250~F. for 30 minutes, oil quenched, aged 50 hours at 1350~F. NR-46-C-10 As cast, plus 50 hours at 1350~F.

-~ -.~.. ~~ _ 000 6.''..,...',.' —. ~~~~~~~~~~~~'. —. i,.-,- ~ ~. ~. m. r I:, I 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'.'!'. I~..I ~.,,~:. ii1 I..I.. i P~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..iI. I...,,I",!I t.I -., -,:. I: I, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i "..... l... t. I - r.i I..,"I -..-'. "'~',,.-.. -...'~- - - m w-a I,' "~. -. I,:.,,.i.!.'..,..!~. 1.....!.. ~.,...... _._.'.'..... Z.... ~...:I.... - - i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...."....I.... ~.!..~I_..'. o,,, I..!. -....'- ~..I..' —....~" ~,'l..!'..P,!.!..~... "'"""":.!.:._:_:. _-_:',. —~_-._.:~:~_{..... i..I: I....i~,.,... ~, ~. I:..''' 3.'.'- _:,I -'..1.....: -.. —,... I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.... -_..,..I.. r,-.~I~.1-,, —:' I, -.1I.....I...~ I.......~~~~~~~. ~:. -......:,..I.. —..z! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.I.......1,.. ~..~.'.I, -I ~ I: I....:. ~ - - ~." "......'::.,',I~.,.~. 000~~~~~~~',.~~~~~~~~~~~~ " ~;.I:.. ~....... I I. I -.:,.I C.P--- -,, - ", - -.- " - ~...... - ~7"~i~~-'....: 4. ~ -!7. i-.,.r - 6 i- - 1~ -....,,., 1...71..1...:i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..I..~~~~~~~,..':...~~~~~i ~.,.~.... ~.'; ~. -''.....t:...,-.,. II....!.., I': I.71.~~~~~~~~~~ I-':,,"I'..r,.:,. f!!.. I i I..;'.i..'- " -....:':-. -:".' I... I.... ~ ~~........1.......,I -~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:~.t t...... I. 1.,''-.I" "''- - - - - -'':.....:.... I.I.I.I.,.,. I _ -.....;.. I,....-i..... t -,.I..... ~ ~ 1~...1 t..e:..~!.!-.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~':,..: — I'.I.:... 1.' I..:.... 1,~; ".~-":, -?.-,:-.i i...~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;.':~.. -,'~' -..... ~ -.!.'"' -.~:. —.~... 4,..... ~. ~ ~ -.-~~~.-....'r-..'.'._'''"., -i.t.... - _._'..I.., -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I. —~~~ -.-.-.-. -.___.. ~....- I:..1.. -....-..... "':'.'_"....-......, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 03, -.'." ~ ili~~~~~~l sm fj-.j,..+ ~.~ ~.~.. ~d.' I:! Cc..-....._ _ _ _ _ _ 4 e^f p^......;.-..-." - ^.. ^.. a 7"';..:....-:...... L.':'..^ B i'. - -.~~~~~' "'......' ~ ~- _ - ~ )*^:- ~'" -..... ~ i:'~..,- -............... J.....f ^-4^ ~~~~~~, l............. ~........., = —"-i....-'....-.'':':' ~..; —.-'L..t..'-.. — ) ~......... -.~'..~,:C.?':. i~i-.-'-..'' _. -.......:.~.....:

<I/ Design Data for 19-9 DL Steel at 1200 and 1350~F. At the last meeting it was requested that design data be obtained at 1200 and 1350~F. from tests of 2000 hours duration on 19-9 DL steel bar stock in three representative conditions of treatment. The data was to consist of curves of stress versus the logarithm of time for total deformations of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 per cent. In addition curves of the time at which the creep rate increased 10 per cent over the minimum rate, and stress-rupture time curves were to be added The three conditions selected are: 1. Hot rolled and stress-relieved at 1200~F. 2. Hot rolled and stress-relieved at 1200~F. boar stock hot-cold rolled at 1200~F. to a yield strength (0.02% offset) of 80,000 pounds per square inch. 3. Bar stock solution treated at 2250~F. The following heats were selected for the testing program: 1. Stock from Heat N-163 will be used at 1200~F. for the hot-rolled condition. This material was selected because nearly complete data will be supplied by Universal-Cyclops and very little additional testing will be required. Considerable data has been accumulated on this heat and reported to the NACA. 2. All other bar stock will be from Heat B10429. This is the same heat as that from which the gas turbine forging was-obtained. Also two halves of Type tB" turbosupercharger wheel blanks were supplied from this same heat(l). These blanks were made by the standard practice of the Steel Improvement and Forge Company. One was cold worked without a solution treatment and the other was solution treated at 2100~F. prior to hot-cold working. (1) The test material requested some time ago in response to Mr. J. B. Johnson's request for 2000 hour rupture tests on cold worked 19-9 DL steel.

\a The completion of this program should yield design data on laboratory bar stock which can be compared with actual finished commercial product properties on material from the same heat. Thus not only will good design data result, but the relation between laboratory results on bar stock and commercial product properties for all new alloys should be better defined. Complete investigation of the turbosupercharger wheels is not planned nor is it possible with the amount of test stock available. A few spot tests will be run for comparison.

The Effects of Heat Treatment and Hot-Cold Work on the Properties of Five Alloys. Additional data, supplementing Report Number 9, have been obtained. Table V summarizes the 1200~F. rupture test results which have been obtained in addition to those given in Report 9. Samples have been prepared with various amounts of hot-cold work at 1200~F., with hot-cold work at various temperatures, and with various aging treatments after rolling at 1200~F. The schedule of treatments is outlined in Table VI. To date the only tests on these samples have been room temperature tests on 19-9 DL steel, the results of which are given in Table VII. The amount of work now in progress for other programs will not permit additional work on this program for some time, except for room temperature tensile tests.

Table V Additional Rupture Test Data Material 16-25-6 16-25-6 16-25-6 234-A-5 234-A-5 234-A-5 234-A-5 234-A-5 19-9 DL 19-9 DL 19-9 DL 19-9 DL 19-9 DL N-153 _ ____ Heat Treat.ment... Solution Solution Method Agng Agein eing Hot-Cold Work Temp. Time Of Temp. Time Temp. Per Cent (F.) (Hours) Cooling (~F.) (Hrs (,.),) Reduction at 1200~F, _ Pro perties s Reduction Stress Time Elongation of Area'Lb_./So.In. Hours % in 1 In. % 2200 2050 2050 2200 2200 2050 2050 2050 2200 2200 2050 2050 2050 2050 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Cool to 1400 W.Q. none Cool to Cool to Cool to Co31 to W.Q. Cool to W.Q. Cool to W.6~ W.Q. W.Q. Cool to 1400 1100 1400 1400 none 1100 1100 1100 none none L4o00 1400 24 -- 24 1200 24 ---- 24 1200 24 1200 _ _ _ _ _ _-f 24 24 24 24. 24 none none 10 none 10 10 none none none none none o10 20 10 35,000 621.0 47t000 24.0O 45,000 138.0 43, 000 160.0 38.000 406*.5 37,000 355.0 40,000 459.0 35,000 550. 5 37,000 436.0 48,000 89.0 43,000 285.0 40,000 492. 0 33,000 311.0 35, 000 612.0 37,000 348.0 45,000 36.0 43,000 144.0 40,000 320.0 47,000 983.0 43,000 246.0 42,000 675 0 13.5 5.0 18..0 15.0 15.0 5.0 4.0 2.0oO 15.0 12.0 15.0O 7.1 34.0 6.*0 8.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 10.0 2.0 40.0 10.0 24.5 28.8 33.0 2.3 6..2 0 35.0 7.0 15.6 10.9 56.9 9.7 18.9 14.4 26.7 22.3 20.0 27.7 2.0 1200 1200 1200

\(P Table VI HEAT TREATING AND ROLLING PROGRAM IN PROGRESS ON TIMKEN ALLOY (16-25-6), 234-A-5, AND 19-9 DL ALLOYS (Supplementing Report Number 9) 1. Effect of per cent reductions on 2050~F. solution treated material: a. 5% reduction at 1200~F. b. 20% reduction at 1200~F. 2. Effect'of temperature of rolling on 2050~F. solution treated material: a. 10O reduction at 1300~F. b. 10O reduction at 1400~F. c. 10% reduction at 15000F. d. 10% reduction at 16000F. 3. Effect of aging temperature, after rolling 10% at 1200~F., on 20500F. solution treated material: a. Age 24 hours at 1200~F. b. Age 24 hours at 1300~F. c. Age 24 hours at 1400~F.

Table VII Room Temperature TenSile Properties of 19-9 DL Alloy (Heat No, A-10753) with Indicated Treatm ients b____ Heat Solution Solution Temp. Time ~F-' (Hours) Treatment_. Method Ageing of Temp. Cooling (~F.) Hot-Cold. Work Room TemDerature Tensile Proerties.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- L. —S * --- - - - Agetng Time Temp, I -Irs) r(~F.*) A % Brinell Tensile Proportion- Yield Stresses Reft-0 Hard- Strength al Limit 0 02% 0.2% tionbness Lb /SqIno Lb.,/SRI -Offset Offset r _I _ ~ - Elongation, % in 2 In. 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 -2050 2050 1. W*Q* 1 W-*Q 1 W.Q. 1 W.Q 1 W.Q. 1 W.Q * 1 W.Q. - -- 1200 1200 24 aflter rolling 1300 24 after rolling 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1200 1200 5 (5.10) 20 (19.5) 10 (9. 95:) 10 (10.85) 10 (11.70) 10 (10. 60) 10 (9. 15) 10 (9. 30) 10 (9.15) 238 299 261 247 230 236 287 269 264 111, 500 1311800 119, 200 115,350 113, 500 109,750 125,600 122, 550 37, 500 45,000 62, 500 47,500 40,000 37, 500 52, 500 65,000 81,00 77, 500 73,000 63,000 57, 500 50, 500 71,000 104,.500 91,500 82, 000 74, 000 67,000 91, 500 41.5 30.0' 37 00 37.0 39. 0 38.5 32.5,o - 31.5 Reduction of Area. % 58.3 53.3 54.7 53.6 53.6 52.7 51.6 53.6 52*5 1 W.Q. 40,000o 58,000 81,000 1 W.Q 1400 24 1200 after rolling 118,900 42 500 599.OO. 5.OO 3s

Modified 16-25-6 and.andodified 17W (General Electric ComPany) Rupture tests are in progress at 1200~F. on two alloys which have not been previously investigated. The test materials were supplied by Mr. Badger of the General Electric Company. The information concerning the composition, fabrication, and properties reported for the specimens is given in Table VIII. The rupture test data obtained to date are included as Table IX and the rupture strength curves are shown as Figure 4.

Table VIII INFORMATION ON M16-25-6, M17W(NCW) AND M17W(CW) SUPPLIED BY GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1. Chemical Analysis: Alloy C Si. Mn P S Cr Ni Mo W Cb Modified.10.28 16.92 24.79 3.12 5.02 - 16-25-6 Modified.25.68.73 -- --- 13.25 19.29 1.90 2.17.54 17W 2. Manufacturing~ Procedure: Modified Timken Alloy (16-25-6) - Heat No. 01658 Wheel No. A-714. Material was forged at 2100~F. Solution treated 1/2 hour at 2100~F. and air cooled. Cold worked 123 percent at 1200~F. Annealed 4 hours at 12000F. and air cooled. Test bars were cut from wheel blank radially near rim. Modified 17W (No cold work) - Crucible Steel Co. - Heat No. 4639 Forged as test bars at 2100~F. Solution treated 1 hour at 2100~F., air cooled. Annealed 2 hours at 1200~F., air cooled. Modified 17W (Cold work) - Crucible Steel Co. - Heat No. 4639 Forged as test bars at 2100~F. Solution treated 1 hour at 2100~F. and air cooled. Cold worked 12J percent at 1200~F. Annealed 2 hours at 1200~F. and air cooled. 3. Physical Prooerties (from General Electric Co.): Elonga- ReducTest Tensile Strength Yield Strength tion, tion of Specimen Temp.~F. Lb./Sq.In. Lb./SQIn. Per Cent Area M-16-25-6 Room 127,200 87,000 24 45 (Radial at rim) M16-25-6 Room 127,200 88,200 15 16 (Radial at center) 1200 86,940 13 23 (continued)

V" Table VIII (Continued) Specimen M-17W (NCW) M-17W(CW) (10 Cqld Work) M-17W (Cw) (15% Cold Work) Elonga- ReducTest Tensile Strength Yield Strength tion -tion of Temp ~F, Lb./q.In. Lb./Sq. In. Area,% Room 106,000 37,000 46 63 1200 79,500 27 30 ~1500 AL9 500 20 21 Room 1200 1500 Room 1200 1500 -7". - 148, 000 103,000 63,400 149,000 102,300 61,600 108,500 109, 000 21 9 7 22 12 8 51 27 18 51 24 17

i\ Table IX 1200~F. STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF MODIFIED TIMKEN ALLOY (16-25-6), MODIFIED 17W, AND COLD-WORKED MODIFIED 17W Specimen M-16-25-6 Stress Lb. / Sq.In.X 50,000 45,000 42,000 Rupture Time Elongation Reduction Hours % in 1 In. of Area % 75.0 256.0 In progress 3.0 2.0 648 hours 1.2 1.2 (5-8-44)'-17W (N.C.W.) M-17W (C.W.) 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 50,000 35,000 30,000 7.0 16.5 59.0 276.0 4.0 43.0 145.5 6.0 7.0 5.0 3.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 10.9 9.7 10.3* 6,6* 6.2 5.2* 6.6* *0.150-inch diameter specimens. All other specimens were 0.160inch diameter, 1 inch gage length.

Stress..Tound Ier 5a. 2U)el1 - -- - _.. . $-A...........'4. -. F I.. .. I I..... - -.:- __ _.. - - 4.. 4_._ T.... -r —.- I.., ...?.) I.'. I.,.: J... ,., -.1.-.- 1.... i -I'.,__I._..... -.F --- -! L.: - r,. 1!. - -... -.:i_ -'.'. 71.:....,.. _.- - _:.!__ -,, -.- -.,,..-t- -,'-.,; -..10.... -r- _.A _J7_.- -. -.... -.. I-. I,,., I -.- --...-. -r.1 -- _. -1.. -!. _.; I..... -1...-._.. :. -.T.. 4. -1 __.-;. -,I — 1. : -..., I_._ _... .. -. —,._... -. -- -__.-.I-,-.-.. -... -. I;. -,4.., -.4 - I, i-.... __ ri -...i v -.: ,! - t..iI. i.....1.4... - - v...7 m..; -.,.... I... - .i, f......-... -...... -. _.. -...- i, J...J_.;.,P_.;..-....:,..,.i..:..'I", i- -..- .., . - -- -.m.. I...m - -,, -.1 4 -;.,..,.. - - I........... --......-,...,,_: _.. I. I'; -i I... -...- 71--."-.i!::1 - -_, -—;"-,.-, -.. - ___ - 7 1,:...f.. — _.i.. ..... -,..:. I,. W_:.. I.-,.;... i; I I I I I., i! I. I. i..,.i. ".I.. I1 j; 1.;! I... 1 1! I..,.. i, I I;.,.!.1 . I.. I.:,..,"-. I..; I 0- - _'., —-I-:_. _:___4 _.. ._. _...,.-. 4 —. — - - 7. —...1 r -_ —.!-.. - ,.. I, -:I.,,, -... ,,, I I.!_ I.. I I: I I:. I; !.. i - I _..; -...,.. —I.-.-....-.-r-.-.-.__ -1- "_: -i! -.,. -. - 4..:,.. _ ____ -. -I.-..: I... I I... :..1 i. I. I.; i! I..,.!.....,.,.....I.... __ - __ _ __ .-. - 7 _.. -,.. _', ..: :: 1.: -. I.1. -r —— " —!,-,,, ". I!..... I I.;; I.!.-.. T...: -1 - t- _....- A V_ -- - :.._.;, ...,:_ .;. -11.:. ...,:-,.., --,... I. 1,.! I I.,,,. ..1'! I. i.1 i...... I i.I, i i.:,III- -, I -.... I. I, I,. ---- -- __ _L...ri.-.._i;,..-'.. -.. _..- I __. I I -.w.,..J-.,.1 __ I -, 1 1...,-...., I I;, i.... I-, 1. !;....., - -,..-.,I.-....- I _! I. I;. 1. _ __..._,.. - - t —..;.... I I. q I I;...... I —-, —:T._-,,:-. _... I -,...,!. i.,! 1:. -.-, __..-,-,;;,. I.: I..... I, - I,.% I:, M!. I. .).!;,, , -.- J., -1 - -.:-.I -I - - 1'.,..L —4. —-— i-'-.-,--7.,.._ - j_:!.-1 - i.,, -7 - i, I. t..... I..,-, 0 I.....;.. ,, - - -I- L.....w ij. -. — _..: -I 1... I. .l I.. I, I -7 -"-, -- --- -V- -y-..T,.:..i iI. _ - - --.. I -. %7- —- _. ---.....;..... -. I....__..I- .-.__ --- _ _. -I. t -, - I. I. ,.,, -.-I-;._ j- J. -':.,,.- i- 2'.; . I J.... I. .. I, .,II i. I- - __ I., I, I:...,I 1 I I 1... _... - _.__ —..-, —- _.__3__._;l.'A.; 1-4, __:_, ____ - _.,... —--- - -,.... 1..... i. - i " -.,,...I I:... 4..F I I.1..:.. _!,. I:.!.-: -.. ....;. I._... —-,- _. - Z " _.. _: ",. - - -.- - .T!._'a qIIiI!... I;. w:..I-.!-, —r- I-. _.j.,_.,,.. i- -1.'. I — J. - -, - ... -.`!... i.4. I...,, .. — __+_.._.-. -;. __.... ____A.._.-#-.,,4.'. I.. --.1 - -. -.+.j_ - t.._ 0 - ___ _,_, -,''-.. __ i —--- _ _..r-.,..-. -i - _..,.,_..I f. ,. I..I. i, %; _It —:. _.,..'.'.... iI-,: i:.,_ _t__11 -1 _ _ -. I.., -. —..- -.o - - T - - I.,...-. - 0. L-..,... 1,.,.... ____.-...-_ -.- .... I -. - -,,. -.,:., -.,..'.,. J... w..- I.. -, 1 . - -, : -. -... -.. 11 -.. 1_. I,-,'- _4. I. - - _... I. I - ..... -, +. -..;.,., I -4 - - - -- I - - - __ I -_..77 1- ___ -:i 17.'I -.- _.. I — __!J.._ .____.I..'. -1:,-,;-'._1,. i:__ i.,- %.- - -..i],, -, !...-._ ________..11.... _._._f. _..,,.,.i...-..-..... —...-It., , -A.-. -.,!:.I -1... - __....I. I - - I. -, -- - 4_.. -, ",-..- ---. - i... " —.- -'... -:.. .- -. ..r i. 1. __....-.. -.. - __. t_ -,: -. 7j-:'j'.'.....,-1. -,..- I I —,,-:, -i:.-T-..: -C - - -,.I t.. I..,,,,...... - m ,, "',.,,....,. -... I.i- I.. _. -'..,: - - - ,._____:__".-.-f- -J —... 4., I- -I.. LA _.-. _. -:,,_1... -,,%1'-.;-.'-.., -,: -.'... _., -.1;;........-.1-. FII...-1.:.:..- -....... ._ 11 .I,:11 _. .,.,. - - I....- - -,. -.- o,... -I. —,...: I.i_;,,:,.., __ -1., -,. -- I. -.._... -;- 7 —-.-J t... _. _.. _ - -.I... - . "I,, -1. _.;. — I — __ _. I-.... -4- -.;,..,. __ -- - - -7 71.. -.., .,.,.,.4-1 . -'..,.', - ___ _:.,_% - 11........-.-I- I, _-,.. 1... "I.-..1 _..'. -. -.- -wa -._: - I.,... "....I -- I'..: _, —:''.-.-.,...I ..,. -....., I I... -.1 -..'. -: -:.f I I .,,! _ -: - -- -,, ._,; -.,...-.1-I It. -,.. _... I;:. I,.t- -,T_._,,.-.- 1. - -.. -. —-.-.. - - iI _...1'.'..,..__.F.,. __ -:4,1.r.,. 1. . -.. _.,, __-_........': %4 _ -1 -!"....l i; I.,.-. i I I'... —-. ...L. 1.7..j - -I,'... --- L- 1_ L -.4-.. -. L. -. -,..- -.-.. - -.......f: -1:...4 ,.. — t'! -.. -.. I - " -,-. -.:! _. "-,. - -,I.I —,:, i.-I.1 -,.'. _. -1 _._jr'. i.11 -I -:._. - _.1 —.-. _ A- _. -IA- I —.,.. :- - --....-..I. _ -— t —.t- - -..r:... - __... -...;. -...I l. -1 —-i -...-.. __. T-. w:e —44* 1 - ~' j t:f~tt1.. | 14 i* h-;t- I|III J |I* L l 1,b; i' - _ *,...'L.,_ _... _ _ _ _ - ^ _ - 4 1. = - * 2Iw _ _U -.;_ J - -..-.+. ^..;...U _. i *!.i, " -._ J-....U.!.!!.:*.1.....;..*.-'.'. U.!J..........*._';1'L j;.;' _:.;:!;.:.. *:. - -..:. I;_ 1:*S'|*..:...; t.'._.:..;.|*|Xt^'- ]ii_ _ - 11 -'44 1 - - / 1 _..;......;; NOliDiI 7tvINx(N.JJ. NOO

Manganese-Chromium-Cobalt Alloys (Crucible Steel Company) Test materials were submitted by Mr. Bergen for two new alloys. The analyses and fabrication procedures are given in Table X. Two rupture tests are in progress at 1200~F. Modified SA97 (S590 and S816) Alloys (Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.) Mr. Browne. submitted bar stock from induction heats of a high chromium and a high chromium + high cobalt modification of S497 alloy. The description of these materials together with rupture test data obtained by the University of Michigan and by Allegheny Ludlum at 1350~F. are given in Table XI. The S590 stock for the University of Michigan tests was solution treated by Allegheny Ludlum and aged at Michigan. The S816 stock was both solution treated and aged at Michigan. It was found that 2350~F. was very near the "burning" temperature for S816. Reference to Table XI and Figure 5 shows that duplicate results were obtained by the two laboratories on S590. The University of Michigan results on S816 were very similar but slightly higher in strength and ductility. Bar stock from larger heats of both alloys have been submitted, but their investigation has not been authorized.

Table X RUPTURE TESTS ON CRUCIBLE ALLOYS C-4817 AND C-4818 Chemical Analysi s: Alloy C. Si Ni C-4817 C-4818 0.32 4.57 0.68 12.77 0.35 5.94 0.50 -- Cr Mo Cb W 18.14 1.46 0.67 1.52 18.11 1.95 0.28 1.64 Co 12.44 12.32. aiiuf~acturing Procedure: Melted in 30 pound induction furnace. Forged to 7/8 inch square. Initial forging temperature 1950-20000F., finishing temperature about 12000F. Stress-relieved one hour at 1200~F. Rupture Tests in Progress at 1200~F.: Specimen C-4817 C-4818 Stress Lb /Sq.In. 48,000 50,000 In progress 200 hours (5-8-44) Test starting (5-8-44)

(111 Table XI 13500F. STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF ALLEGHUENY LUDLUM ALLOYS S590 AND S816 Tests were run on 0.250" diameter, 1" gagze length specimens. Specimens were machined from bars made from 17 pound ingots, which were forged to 1-inch square'and rolled to 1/2-inch round. Temnerature of hot working was 2200~F. for S590 and 2250~F. for S8616. Chemical analysis supplied by Allegheny Ludlum: C Cr Si Mn Ni Mo W Cb Co Fe S590.49 19.78 3.95 4.15 4.04 19.35 Bal. --'.58 20.23 3.93 3.45 4.06 43.70 2.95 University of /Michigan Rupture Test Data at 1350~F. Specimen and Treatment Stress Lb/Sg. In. Rupture Time Elongation Reduction Hours % in 1 Hr. of Area,% S590 (1 hr. 23000F. W.Q. 16 hr. 14000F.) S816 (1 hr. 2350~F. W.Q. 16 hr. 1400~F.) 30,000 27,000 40,000 37,000 142.0 355.0 182.0 307.0 5.0 15.0 14.0 11.0 13.0 21.8 13.1 15.4 Rupture Test Data Supplied by Allegheny Ludlum Corporation S590 S816 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 35.0 131.0 658.0 1350.0 plus 28.0 57.0 128.0 373.0 1031.0 21.0 19.0 13.0 20.0 24.0 20..0 17.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 9.0 6.0

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Modified 19-9 DL. N155 and Low Carbon N155 AlloYs (UniversalCyclops Steel Co rrat -.. Bar stock from five induction heats representing new,chemical analysis modifications of 19-9 DL steel, two modifications of N155 steel and two for Low Carbon N155 were submitted by Mr. Evans. Control heats of the standard analyses were also included. These heats are described in Table XII together with the room temperature physical properties reported by Mr. EvanS. The 1200~F. rupture test data obtained to date is presented in Table XIII and shown graphically in Figure 6.

Table XII INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE UNIVERSAL-CYCLOPS STEEL CORPORATION ON MODIFIED 19-9 DL AND MODIFIED N155 ALLOYS 1. Manufacturing Procedure: Heat Number R-3157 R-3188 R-3233 R-3232 R-3190 R-3234 R-3235 R-3236 R-3237 R-3268 R-3271 R-3272 Grade 19-9 DL 19-9 DL + l0% Co 19-9 DL + 20% Co 19-9 DL + 1% Cb (0% Ti) Low Carbon 19-9 DL + N 19-9 DL + N Finishing Temp. ~F. 1700 1675 1675 1700 1700 1675 1600 Ci 1575 Ti 1600 1600 L 1575 ri 1600 Brinell Hardness 277 286 286 277 277 302 321 302 302 321 321 302 High carbon N155 High carbon N155 High carbon N155 Low carbon N155 Low carbon N155 - Low carbon N155 5 +.50 r + 1.00 +.50 Ti + 1.00 ~ Notes: All bars were hammer forged from 33 lb. induction ingots. All the 19-9 DL heats were worked at the same time and all the N155 heats were worked at the same time. All bars were stress-relieved at 1200~F. for 1 hour and air cooled.

Table XII (Continued) 2. Chemical Analysis C N C C T R3157 C.31* In.71* 1i.49*'r 18.46* fi 9.40* W 1.00* To 1.12*!'b.20* 1i.29* R3188 R 3 R _.._232 32 R3190 R32 R3235.30*.29*.29*.22*.35*.30*.81* 1.00 1.00.81* 1.00 1.47*.52*.55.55.46*.55.48* 18.95* 19.00 19.00 18.10* 19.00 22.46* 9.24* 9.00 9.00 9.16* 9.00 20.29* 9.76* 20.00 20.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 1.29* 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 3A*-Z.25.25 -2o5.28* 1.56*.55* 22.88* 19.87* 20.00 2.00 3.00*.29*'.13* 1.49* 1.37*.57* -44* 23.14* 22.80*20.37* 18.70* 20.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00.22*.13* R3236- -3237 R3268 R3271.14* 1.53*.49* 23.06* 18.77* 20.00 2.00 3.00 1. 00.50 R3272.14* 1.52*.72* 23.30* 18.09* 20.00 2.00 3.00 1.00o 1.00.12*.,e w F- jr w "- re., N S..16* *15.025*.20*.027* P.022* *Actual analysis. All other values are type.analysis. 7

v 12 Table XII (Continued) 3. Room Temperature Physical Properties Heat R-3157 R-3188 R-3233 R-3232 R-3190 R-3234 R-3235 R-3236 R-3237 R-3268 R-3271 R-32-72 Yield Stress Proof Lb. /Sq.In. Stress 0.2% Offset Ultimate Tensile Stren.gth. Elongation, % Psi in 2 In. 65,000 65,500 76,000 76, 000 82,500 69,500 86,500 84,4000 70,000*116..000 107,000 106,000 95,000 92,000 98,'500 95, 500 106,500 105,000 117,500 105,000 108,000O 134,000 123,500 123, 500 125,000 130,000 135, 500 127,000 131, 500 128,000 158,000 141,000 139,000 161,500 155,000 153,500 30.5 27.0 27.5 27.5 23.0 22.0 19.0 22.0 12.5 23*5 24*5 24.0 Reduction of Area.%' 40.1 41.0 34.4 44.6 29.5 45.5 31.5 34.7 17.0 35.4 43.7 45.2 *Sample showed surfa-ce seam at fracture,

Table XIII STRESS-RUPTURE TEST RESULTS AT 1200~F. FOR MODIFIED 19-9 DL AND MODIFIED N155 ALLOYS Heat No. R-3157 Grade 19-9 DL R-3188 19-9 DL + 10% Co Stress Lb./Sq. In. 45,000 40,000 37,500 45,000 42,000 40,000 50,000 45,000 50,000 45,000 47,140 45,000 Rupture Time Hours 20*.0 143.0 175.0 Elongation % in 1 In. 31.0 25.0 24.0 Reduction of Area 64.0 64.0 68.4 58.0 23.0 42.0 12.0 In progress 48 hours R-3233 19-9 DL + 20% Co R-3232 -19-9 DL + 1% Cb (0-% Ti) 8.0 235.0 66.0 265.0 164.0 459.5. 38.0 12.0 15'.0 13.0 10.0 13.0 56.9 61.7 (5-8-44) 57.8 20.0 -56.1 45.6 26.7 22.3 R-3190 Low C 19-9 DL + N R-3234 19-9 DL + N 50,000 45,000 110.0 281.0 16.0 14.0 26.7 26.7 R-3235 {High carbon N155 R-3236:HFih carbon N155 +.50 Ti 45,000 40,000 45,000 In progress 144 hours (5-8-44) 578.0 9.0 13.1 285.5 20.0 42.7 R-3237. High carbon N155 + 1.00 Ti R-3268 R-3271 tow carbon N155 Low carbon N155 +.50 Ti 45,0-00 In progress 264 hours (5-8-44) R —3272 Low carbon N1.55' 1.00 Ti

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