CONFIDENTIAL TABLE O COQNTNTS Page A. Evaluation of Properties of Alloys as Rotor Forgings.......................... 2 B. Sheet Alloys at 1700 -and 18000 F............. 31 C. Forged Mo'difications of 6059 and Low-Carbon N155 Alloys,.......... *. *........ *.. *. 34 D. Chromium Base Alloys at 1350~ F............... 36 E.'X-40, NR-87 and N'R-90 at 13500 F.........*.... 3 F. Driver-Harris Cast Alloy at 1350~ F.......... 41 G. Effect of Processing and Heat Treatment on 19-9 DL, 234-A-5 (CS'A),, Timken, Age Hardenable Inconel, and Low-Carbon Nl55 Alloys........... 43, H. Typical Bar Stock of 19-9 DL and Low-Carbon N155 Alloys ~................ O * 0.. -.'O,O 45 ZI. Programs Completed............... * ** 53 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL STATUS OF VARIOUS INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS FOR THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN September 4, 1945 Several related investigations are in progress at the Department of Engineering Research of the University of Michigan for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics under contract NAw 3781 covering a general research program for the development of heat-resisting alloys for aircraft power plants. In view of the long time required for the completion of the investigations a series of "status" reports have been issued prior to meetings of the Subcommittee on Heat-Resisting Alloys, Committee on Power Plants for Aircraft,so that the members could be guided by partial results. The last "status" report was issued under date of April 28, 1945. Since that time two final reports have been issued. Report 19, "High Temperature Properties of Large Forged Discs" June 25, 1945. Report 20, "A Metallurgical Investigation of S590 and S816 Bar Stock at 1350~ F" July 16, 1945. A joint report with H. C. Cross entitled "A Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of LowCarbon N155 Alloy" August 4, 1945. Report Number 18 entitled "A Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of CSA (234-A-5 Alloy" April 25, 1945, is now being duplicated for release as an Advance Restricted Report. CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 2 A. Evaluation of Properties of Alloys as Rotor Forgings A total of 23 discs have been included in the program of evaluation of alloys for service as rotors for gas turbines. These include four Timken, three 19-9 DL, three CSA, one EME, one Discaloy, three S590, two S816 and six Low-Carbon N155 Alloy discs. More than one disc of any one alloy includes different fabrication or heat-treating procedures or different sources. Complete data for all discs are confined to comparative properties in this report. Otherwise the data are confined to presenting only the data which have been obtained since Report Number 19 entitled "High Temperature Properties of Large Forged Discs" was issued on-June 25, 1945. Since this report was written the following additional discs have been received: Alloy Tyre O.frgjnR Manufacturer Timken TG-180 Midvale Timken I-40 Canton Drop Forging & Manufacturing Company 19-9 DL I-40(worked at 1,250~ F) " n n w 19-9 DL I-40(worked at 1650~ F) n n n n "EWE 1-40 Midvale 8816 Pancake(as-forged & aged) Allegheny-Ludlum (NRC-8) Tensile tests will be run on all discs at room temperature and 1200~ F. All discs are being rupture tested at 1200~ F. Rupture and tensile data are to be obtained at 1350~ F on part of the Low-Carbon N155, and on the S590 and S816 discs. OSRD Project NRC-8 is obtaining creep data at 13500 F and rupture and creep data at 1500~ F on discs of these three alloys, CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 3 An analysis of the data yields the following information: 1* High yield strengths at room temperature were only developed by hot-cold work at about 1250~ F as in the standard 1-40 forgings. Discaloy was an exception in that high room-temperature physical properties were obtained by heat treatment, (See table I and figure 1.) 2. The best rupture strengths thus far obtained were shown by the S590 discs and Low-Carbon N155 disc NR66D. (See table II and figures 1, 2A, 2B and 2C.) The Discaloy disc had high rupture strength but low ductility. Considerable variation in rupture strength and ductility has been found for discs of the same alloy from different heats or sources and after variation in fabrication procedure or heat treatment. 3. The stress-time for total deformation characteristics are difficult to analyze since relative values for different discs depend on the stress, time period and total deformation considered. (See table III.) In general the S590 discs and -Low-Carbon N155 disc NR66D have shown up best in this type of test. The four Timken alloy discs have had reasonably similar time-deformation characteristics as is shown by figure 3. They have differed to a considerable extent in the tendency to enter third-stage creep. The curves of stress versus time for total deformation have been steeper for this alloy than for most of the others. The two 1-40 forgings of 19-9 DL alloy have much better time-deformation characteristics than the first disc tested in the as-forged condition. (See figure 4.) The data thus far obtained indicate that the disc worked at 12500 F will compare favorably with the S590 disc and the Low-Carbon N155 disc NR66D for total deformations of 0.1 and 0.2 percent at 1200~ F. Summary tables for S590, Timken, 19-9 DL, EME and S816 alloys have been prepared to supplement similar data given in Report Number 19 for the other discs considered in this investiga tion. CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL Additional tensile and rupture data are given in table IV for S590 discs. The information given in table V includesa description of all the Timken Alloy discs as well as the available tensile and rupture test data. Sketches showing the location of test coupons cut from the various Timken Alloy discs are included as figures 5, 6 and 7. The information for the 19-9 DL discs is included as table VI. Specimens from the 1-40 forging were cut as is shown by figure 7. Tests have not yet been started on the EME and S816 forgings. A description of these two discs have been included as tables VII and VIII.

8 CONFIDENTIAL I % & I A AI I ^,v I- -- Ir B.. - El.. - I - — T MAL~LOY l* — TI MKEfN -- - - - > --- -19 —9 DL — DISC I -40 MIDVALE 1-40 CANTON DROP FORGE TG-180 MIDVALE TG- 180 MIDVALE (I) 1-40 CANTON DROP FORGE 1- 40 CANTON DROP FORGE < --- - C S A ---. -- — > EM E LOW HIGH HIGH j1-40 CARBON CARBON CARBON iMIDVALE (2)| r- - - I DISCALOY NR 78 (20 I 3 3/6 S 5 90 INO, I -A I ---- >< S86 LOW-CARBON NI NO. I-B Nk68D0 NR66E-1I NR66L-2 NR66E-4:~~~~(4) j 155 — --— > IALLOY NR66C-3 NR 6GE-5 DISC II SIZE OF DISC DIAMETER (IN; THICKNESS (IM 20 20 2 8 (5) 19 3/4 3 1/4 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 5/16 2 0 3 1/2 2 0 3 1/2 2 0 20 I/ 2 3 I15 3 I16 3 3 5/16 3 5/16 2 1 1 14 3/4 3 1/4 1 4 3/8 14 3/4 14 3/4 4 3/86 4 3/8 14 3/4 4 3/8 14 3/4 4 3/8 SIZE OF DISC DIAMETER (IN) THICKNESS (IN) SOLUTION NONE NONE 21500 F 21500 F NONE 2100*? F..T OE 15~FAC 30 30 F: NONE TREATMENT W. Q. W.Q..C 1400~ F WITH AI NOE w. WQI' j ~~~ ~ ~ ~~FROM BLAST ON { 2 100~ F CENTERj OT- COLD WORKED AS- WORKED WORKED AS- 10~O/o AT 10~/o AFTER WORKED NONE AS- NONE NONE: ASWORK AT 12 75~ F FORGED AT 16SO~ F AT 12 50~ F FORGED 1400~ F 24 HR AT AT 12400 F FORGED!:FORGED j 14 00~ F!; A G E IN G" ~" — -.. 4 - -. — _ -........ TREATMENTj |.\'\ TEMP (~ F) 1 200 12 00 12 00 12 00 I 1200 12 00 12 00' 12 00 13 50 14 00 NO0N E I 4 00, 14 00 TIME CHR) -- 2 1 0 10 4 4 4: 4 2 0 1 6 16 I16 OFFSET YIECLD STRENGTHS, Ai' ROOM TPMPERATURE 1 100000 ___________________________ ________________ - _ - __ * — y - x _- -r ^- -* - -** W O.;> o/ y IE D SRNT oj ^ in 0 (/ Ij 0 W) I[I RUPTURE STRENGTHS AT 12000~Fi i 55 000 ------------------------------------------------------- -- - ---- --- -- - - -- Z 4500 ^ A b- Z ^ t n 0 - ----— d — ---------- -------------- " --------------------- - --- - - ^.?> 0 ^ C -- ^D^ ^ - -' --- 35000E O G TO INR P U ETS S A 10 ~F J ^, —-------------------------------------—. a. 0 ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ---- ----- -^ Ot —-------------.-.-_ -^-, ---- g. 30000-^ i^ rc 0 g250 ----- --— 0 —-0^: --- ^ ^ ---- /-Oot —-:^^ --- -- -- --- ---- - ---- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EOGO IN RUPTURE TET AT 12000 F__ ^408' -^ —~ / -r i --. ~, - >EX I_____ ____ _____ ____ ________ ________ —------- ^ ------- ----------- N ONE NONE NONE 2 200~ F;2 2000 F 2 250~ F SOLUTION W.Q0. I W.Q0. W.. TREATMENT AS- Ai5- AS- NONE NONE 3 0/e H07-COLD FORGED FORGED FORGED WORK' ^ ^ ~~~~~AGEING TREATMENT 12 0 0 NONE 1500 13 50 15 00 1500 TEMP (~ F") 2 2 4 2 4 24 2 4 TIME (HR) i 100000 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I!;!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. _. _ ~. - ~ ^ _.._,...._,. _ _ __ ^i. ____. _____ _ ______ 160000 rn -1 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00 -- irIn ^.,..___ _ __;___ _ ___ * 4~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0000 -i.^ ^,..,............^...........4._ -^. - 4~ - 5-. - _ ^ - - -- 0 000 0T!. \: ^~~~~~~~~~~ ____,. ______________________________ -2 _______ S'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 45 000'' I 3 _-^ --- _ __.-. -.-..-.-...-.-.-...-._ --- --- -- -- |500 0; ^ ^ ^ x-' ^ ^ -^ ^. -. — __^ I 500 } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X ____ _........_... _,..._.._..-._ 10 0 ____________________________________l^^aflo0000 \ ^ __ i i ^ ___ _^ ___ _ ____ 140 ~~ ~~~5 o0 i' i o i~T Q' j i I X 3D~~~~0 /\~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ i i 0 - * / \. * r -— i3~~~~0 5 / \:; I? I?^~~~~~~ /,, \ - ^-^ — ^2~~~~~~~~30 0 ^. —^''"''-^^ —-^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 0 ______________________________________________________,0^ ____Z L I SEE ARR 5CIO, "A METALLURGICAL INVESTIGATION OF A LARGE FORGED DISC OF 19-9DL ALLOY"23EE REPORT 18,'A METALLURGICAL INVESTIGATION OF A LARGE FORGED DISC OF 234-A-5 ALLOY.' 3 SEE LETTER REPORT DATED 8-7-44. 4SEE REPORT OF 8-4-45, "A METALLURGICAL INVESTIGATION OF A LARGE FORGED DISC OF LOW-CARBON N 155 ALLOY,' BY J.A. FREEMAN AND H.C.CROSS 5 RIM HAD SEE N MACHI NED OGff SPECIMENS3 TAKEN MIDWAY BETWEEN CENfTER AND R IM. FIGURE I~- COMPARISON OF YIELD STRENGTHS AT ROOM TEMPE-RATR AN UTR,EGH N UTLiYA 20 O.f iLL FO("RG& EL DI S CS. CON FIDEN7! A -

CONFIDENTIAL i i I - i i r I?? i "I'jis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ *?'. ^ ___ 3 i 5 6 _7? 9_1 ____ __ __ 2 _ __ ^ __ ^_ 5 _6 j. 8 9 1 _____ _ _..^ _*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 7 8 9^>0?~~~.7. - r*'"- ON_- -_l- -A ^ 7 8g —^T~":____.._^ --.-4^^-.^^4ABp 7Q^ L-^_ _-^ -_-r._^ —__l^ ^-.j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e^:,-;^^.^ ^..^ - ^ -.-l —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y wriz.:-; A7,: -^ - - - -e:,:: - ^ ^ ^ ^ j - ^ 3 i 2 L.J JSl -, J -1..-. e..., I I. 11 ',I, 'el - - I',. - II. I' 1 ",' " "" - - - I* ** *.::7-= ~ ~ I 9 - —.A-.;.1. - - I. I. I I,. ~ -1 -.. — 176-1ly'l —.-:-4,w-16J-4w - - ~ ~ -~ i 7, V - i.,. S. ta rft, .l I IN E6'lE~cLKaI RgF -' 7, I I I..,,,,. i - - - 7' -:4' li -- L4- - L,4 *l" - -, -- i;l I -- I - -,- - I. - -- 7"I' i& ITT~. It I - i -, i 4, -i -, \.; -_ ~r tririK/\o r --,~'r T- -n ~T' -. -... I- - Sir r F P r _ T::Nri e^-^4^:^ x^ -;sm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ff4. E t-EPl. I n i';' I i T - -,II!1;. —.I-;1,iIII-~ 501 I, s I 1,..11. 4.!. I I l;, 1. -I.,+ i I., Z -I.. I I I Ii I L E D:F'!.. A Ip i5 ^ ^,r *i-.: *l-^^. II.I i I i, I i I'5 I'I I' i I I I I: It t M I, 7,,i i - M I -_ - - I I. I - I - i M, I 4' 4 1': A'' -..'' 4 i.-7 -,J -. -- I. -.. I M. I I M.: I -.:. -'.I,.... -1 - I M.. - MI M..,. M.. r: I 7- -4....-.- -. --. M.I-i- t. -;-, --- -- -..,-.1 -:4 " I - I:.,, -'.. I-,: - ml M t.,. 4,.. A. - 4 - i U-k w.: - , I - t'., -, 4. -I-, -M,,. -,. I -.., - -! M- t. I - - g -., I I I I I r... -- - --. — - -..., 7-t 1. - -;`...7., - . 1... I 1. 1 -.. -. -Anfy,O, n —-.I- -,I- —.Ir.''.1 I 1 ^ -: -.r-: - -- 1;. -7 -- I I~ -. j -. i - ~ - - 1 —.. IV. -. * I-.-!- ~II --, I~:.-:, ~- - 4 - -l,' I It" RI me Iri~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.,-,~ 4.-~_ -~4. -.-,4.,'. f - - I - -- -,.. " - -. I " I..Alto ^'I...I I' - I -.. -. - I $ -,.,..4. - - i..., I.,I T — t - -1 -,, - —. - - -. -1. -i -i - - i - "' -: -.- -- -.,..- - --- -..1.. -,, I.. I.:.., Iz... a..,, -.I I., j - t.,.- A........-......:.. -. 1. --..,.;, -,. I -. —. I., -, I.,,b IL:,, . 1. -.. f I 1...T - " I I,'.7, I; -.-. - " - - 1:- -7 r - - -1. --....;.- -,,. w I. I. - I, 17^. - 4 - - - - i - - I - - " T I,, I I II *. I *-r. - -..... -,... -.,, I -.-...'. -,i;.: *I.* *... * r \. r.....I.. -...! -.. - -1- I Q. -. i I - T - - - - - - I ~. ~-~. --, -.a.................- 1 LA/v Li ^ 4 -,.- -. -7.;;, - -. -- - -:*/ - ^,L,-(^. ^ L. _-. -,4 ^.-, _ ^ _.-^.i - ^^^^^g-,1:;^"^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ....... —1 f:f; I t'" -r-~~— l`t...-~ 2l Lv A L t 4 ~~~ ~ 77!7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ^iB^3ffl^i te ^ ^GtbiOT~~~~~~ li^-71-T tm- -!:I*.l:t:::;::L-l::::j:z:3~::t:| i i s I I Vr-; "r 6 - I -..6.. -~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ — ~~r..-. 44 7 0) 1 3. ^ V co ^ 2 p It id ^-^ ^ -- -- -Ir L * - -—.-*'. . : - - 1, - 1. I,, -. 4 - - - -...., - -.., . -... — - I.. -,-... - - 1-1..... I - - - I -..,,,. -t.- -...- -1. I'. "I.. " -1 V -., - — l - ",-, -.;,, I I-..",- - II r4 r-Irl - - la F lrpk- Ix m-; -- - I -. % - --: TI i Y' -- C 1 i — 2 f - fN -p I W —,!..;i - -. I 111 -: — -- ---- -,i i I. 1.'.''. f,!1 —~-C*rr~C~- Fl= - C, 77- F- ~ ~ ~ ~ --, ---:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- g$__ _ -p- L-^^..-4^^ —_^ —^-^ ^^~l ^-^ {-" —--— H —--— L- ^ ^ *W'-1 ^-:- — |-| — -i -- -- -'-^*- -- -: —-*-*- l-d^ ^~ ~- -"'~- -' ---- -:- ~'~':'..-""' l.,;:i — -^ -............~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~..... i ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lll_^-.1__.'1,L^_: I ii;'^ ^ ^J... t~~~~~~~~~~~n -i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nl ^ II^ Q^ UJIL ^ ^: "1..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 8 9:QQ~ 2 1' ^$'0 4 S f' 7 8 yTOO * 2 3 4 5 16^17 891 0 ^ 5 6 *; __0 OR5 _OCK_ ~~~~~~~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T'~oH - f I I I-:1.-''^^-P^.QtA^ ^ L Il ED4 Ft AIR', -00L 2 At'OG YL TINAF,-C HMinilQC; 5 6 7 I I i w i I I I —.& 1 Ilk __ I I fVl L- 2 - -- I I W W I I %..# I..-. ~ -; - FIGURE 2'A. STRESS. RUPTURE TIME CURVES AT 1200~AND 13500 F FC 23.4;-A-5,~D I S CALOY AND %TIMKE )R LARGE DISCS QF LOWV-CAR BO N N155)>: N ALLOYS.

f~ t t t -., -- -== 4!3 —. -- il& K, r &t 140wr,...?*-AC-i m.' I OV, - - -.I xlIJ^ En:^ 4^^-b —I — E - _ —* i'k-mdI I^j*"11^ ~~~~ ^^SCA~ ff.^'l^~'^iiX~~~~~'"'"^'""^"'^'IIo -X ttl m -' —- -- - --- -- -5 -- -t< t1 4:- - -L L- - _____- = 4- - 1:" __. J-:z1-. I-, -1 -; - ___7_ _7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~44 {+j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _;- **, +|, b *-., b:, ^~ - -I-Irt F p4 I I.-t tt t i 4 4 I' I I.T n, 4.7; t,trr i -, I, - -I — 7.. I I,-. p.. 6..4.,;,4 1''* l [.t W. 4 1. Lt' i-1, I; I 1f;~!1 I,' I I |l h; — -1 —, - I -..-i!, I I I i - - -..- - 11-1 II -" 1..t — -— I 0,,,1. I - I - - i -I -- T I .4-. I -1',, I I i: - i I I, 4, 4 1-1- I -.-I -,- I i -I..1 I; t f I Ia I, I I.,.. I I, i, i I 1, L,. I.,. I! I I i, t i;... I' ""''T _-1- 1, I', -- t I, I — t - t. —-^ t- I! _ -II- -i-T.. -; -4- - I.1. I.- - -- I -. - I i,, i "-.., I -.. *:' i _ I..... fTI I,,-4 l -I.., I 1 I r I I I~l r -.I" —e +r I' i i I I' I t't — i —, i. —. -I;, -. Ij t-;! 4! 0 0 z *n 0 PI r -4 L YTi2V -177-P 1 -I I -- I — L WT T-~~- - 7 I I -1 4,: o. I.-. f rl-l 4 a - — tfT r. -, -l._;--.i._._-],-"-.,ill-.,.,.I..4..; .. -:f -.A. — 4 - 1. tl'. -. I I, -. I.1 - - -. - - -., - - I., I.-.,., I +4X L' -. I * -I; —. - 4 ". - -' — 1 I, - -- - 7 - ---— C —- --!; I4.4.- r —,r, 7 - | t | - 1 *I I_ " - -— t,X- -I I, 1-t -F -I — - - - -. - - 1 i.i m -1;: T..w.. 1tZ =- N Yt _rv,1i i I i. -. T-1^^^^-T-"i-I 14+ tiHh:*4t^^r-tI h-:!^:.J;t"*t^T i Ei ^ n~~.:^ *[I 4 I..-7; -t;~L 0K t_. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i i _$ _ __ _ r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IV I. L I I.I I; - II $ jI 2 6 7E 8 4 - | _ _. _.._. b.: |!., i, I 1 -,... S.. - i w. -. - - y -' I I.. I + —- -I. --. X. t,-..... t u -.. I t- - - - i -w -' {. - I F l F __. _ I t * t t'' i' _l':''' fi-' - t'''-. t I t +- {- - l -- - * -~' ~ { F.,,....,.,_ I. _. t $,. _,1 t'. t —- 1' 1,, —- - sl - 1' t' 1! -' -s! s -t.t _, t. I, I -'I 1 —- 1 _ I, I 0 - -t -- t i 1 1-..- -- 4., - $. I,: 1, l' | I - I' #' I' s.. * t.;,;. l @:! l l! sl T I 1::.1'. J'. 0 I -- 87 9: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 IO 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 IwoU 4

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CONFIDENTIAL -TI'l - - - - 1-1 I tVi 601.50 -40 0 0 0, TGO-1 ~ h 1-40 CANTON AN Ri4mCATO 17. I IT I 7 -u- _71 -6f r4 i~ <* * 1-T. I i I. I I' I q 11 I I I! I1 I' I*..* i: f. , i. I': , J, o I i - II _7 - I I I I'' I I.. I, I I I I I I I I, i 41 I I., I I, I,, J I I -- - I - 2 1, 1 I - - I I I I I 7 I .''I.,,1, I I ,..[ I 1"', I. I , I I - I., I , I I.11. -7f - -. ;.'. I,.'I I I. I -.I f I - I b I I-,.'I. I I I 17 I I I 4, " I - a I I 1, I "l f I I I'.Ii I I I )~ s A j -'-..I I I Ii1. I'' I q -1: "," I I i, I i I i , r. II n s.N " ., l A 1. i oll].1.1 7 < f j ---- -n - - * —- -M f- - m x -— 1~ 7 Ir~f~~.:i 1 ~r r —--- -: -.- -!^- 1 —r1!A:-I -, -.i. I L.4 I i.I.1. I I I I- I — - -- - --- -- -. -i-hr --. I' J! - -f -1 4. I I Is -6 11 %.06momm I..I* -.1I - I: - I,i it -im +;i " i' I r I.i F s~.i i (. f 1 L".' #. - -. 4-4 s. -1 I I i, I.. *^: ~'I I^,:,. l ^1 1: 1, I.. i I. 1-1 N i - i.m c i. 4 —, -, i- i, I * i.,, T TRESS- R i. t F7 -:, 11 -11 O LIRI i L]"i.111 I.'*ralu4 i4i. ~, I ~'. i 1. 1, I 4 i r., I I I - - 4-I --- <fV i -!, 4-"' 4 il i. - I. irn 4 + ~n 1 - **. i% I I I AL -L-'I 1 * I xlw.I o I I" f i i I -'.of w.1.I. r[.. 1 W J r O.A "M.. I I''^ ko i 13 21, 3 1* 1, f, T-T Ii 6tSG': I1 - I I.. I i. I 4,:' tl;ri - T — 1 9:- i 1-r~r-r — 1..i:' JL ^ L^ ^^^w r.Q"~1 —aee^-i-..* *^ ^1 i i-IB, L 'I .1.. - '.. 1 I. I g> I.L A J L T Cv 41 I i- t m 50 4 -4 D IA: ~r O* - -:11W., .,.1I II J I I I, I. I -` I j I I:T i I A1 I'' S. i -I I 1 1' i *I I, A'I I * F.'i I ~~~5 100 O50Qi 10000 —— 5'TIME, HOURS *FIGURE 3.- STRESS-TIME FO'R TOTAL DEFORMATION CUR'E AT'1200~- F F -40 A T.G 180 FORGED DISCS OF TIMKEN| ALLOY, CONFIDE NTIAL,ND 500 I I II I- I0I

0@ x A IP AS-FORGED (SEE ARR 5C10) 1-40 (SOL. TR.+ WORKED AT 1250~ F) 1-40 (SOL.TR.+ WORKED AT 1650~ F) IN PROGRESS 9-4-45 gif am C^F~,yla>43 As 1 ~,4Ett, eiF lElDc>T P II I I STRESS-RUPTURE "TIME CURVES J I I I I l C).0 0 z m z r> r C) 0 z z r TIME, HOURS FIGURE 4.- CURVES OF STRESS-TIME FOR INDICATED TOTAL DEFORMATION AT 1200~ F F 19-9DL ALLOY DISCS.'OR OW

TABLE IV S5Qi ALLOY DISCS Chem ical Como s tion C,Si n Cr - Ni W Mo Cb Co P S..45.56 1.44 19. 1919.05 4.08 4/03 3.35 Qo~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~...3' 5.. *., Manufacturing Procedure _, *'-'....... -....~ These discs' were produced by the Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corporation. 12-inch ingots were forged from 2250' F to 9-inch square billets. air cooled and ground. The nine H inch billets were upset forged frotm 2250~ F to rough 4-inch thick "discs.. / - "'-.;' ", *'...'*... - Disc: 1 - Reforged to.18-inch diameter 3 —inch.thick from 2250~ F 1- A So.lution treated at 2300~ F for 3-1/4 hours and water quenched..1-B Some of Disc #1 was aged 16 hours at 14000 F. at University of..Michigan. Di..1.6.. Disc #2 - Reforged from 22500 F to 3-3/4 —inch thick, cooled, then reforged in one heat to 18-inch diameter 3-3/8-inch thick (10) from 2000 F. The dicQ was then aged for 16' hours at 1400~ F Th.d. C) 0 HI

TABLE IV (CONTINUED) Tensile Proerties of S590 Allo Discs i.... I...'.....Tensile Offset yield strengths Proportion- Elongation j Specimen Brinell iTemperature strengthL__ (psiL.). al limit in 2 in. Specimen1 locationihardness (0 F) (dsi). _00.IO% 0.1% O.2.. (Dsi). (percent)_. Reduction! of area I. (percent) Ford d 16 urs at F 3Y 3X 5Y 5X.lz 2Z lOY 12Y -12X (1) 9Z 10Z 11Y 11X 8X ~(') CRR SRR CTR STiR SRR SRR CRR CTR STR Chord SRR SRR CR SR SRR Chord I p.k iII I 4 1,i.f II II i I 267 I Room Room 293 Room Room 1200 1350 Solution 211.;'.:om 211 I Room io'o... o:130:;,;600 1 1127,,500 J137,750 j 1.47,000 I 87,900 ] i 65,375! 69,000O 191.,000 1,5000, O -72:,500 89..0009:'5 0 75,000 199,000 li08,000 -91,000 111,000!120,000 -62,500, 70,000 ______ f48,500: 53,000 37, 500 47..,'500 37,500 57., 500 22,500 17,500 Trea ated. 20 F Water ~~ — *'2 0 0 o Quenched 9 7 11.5 10 16.5 31 30.5 38 40\ 39.5' 12 11 11.5 9.2 23.2 20.6 21.3 45.3 27.2 37.2 39.9 34.3 17.7 13.0.1.;3 t i.o -..36 I 0 ~t!40: tH!4 r i IF, I 1, 223 Room ---! Room 229-241j Room' --- ~ i:1200 - i -_ I 1350 Solution;i Tre ated at 117,500 119,000 121,000 125,000 82,000 71,250 37,500 153,000 40,000 153,500 30,000 148,500 32,500 ____ _2, 41, 500 ____ 41, 500 59,000 59,000 57, 000 44,000 46,000 22,500 25,000 17,500 20,000 22,500 2300~ F. Water Quenched + 16 HoL,rs at 1A00~ F E 259 255 i _-: Room 1200 1350 Room 130,500 -; 81,600' 65,750 134,000 L _.. 45,000 o63,50o - 46,000.-.... }43,500 45, 000 — I 70,500 49,000 46,000 ______ 25,000 27,500 20,000 i.i i i I i I f i 17 27 25 22 18.2 31.2 30.4 18.8 _ I _ 1 __ __~~~~_ I, I _I I -...... i I.' 3...... __ -- ------ -- - ~ LC ----— c - -- --- — * - --- —:- - ~ -- -- -' - - IL - -- CRR CTR SRR STR (1) CR SR Radial specimen from the center third of the disc at the rim. Tangential specimen from the center third of the disc at the rim. Radial specimen from the outside third.of. the disc at the-rim. Data supplied by the Allegheny-Ludlum' Steel Corporation. Data supplied by the Allegheny-Ludllum" Steel Corporation. Radial specimen from the center thrd of the disc. Radial specimen from the outside third of the disc. H

TABLE IV (CONTINUED) Runture Test Data for S590 Discs l1C8-inch diameter by 3-inch thick discs) Test Rupture Elongation Reduct Soecimen;: temperature Stress time in 1 in, of ar Specinen |loation | Heat -treatment t ( F) Psi) (hr (percent) (erceS ion ea nt)_ 6Y. 14Y 14X 14X a: 15Y.6Y 6Y 6Y 14Y 14Y -9Y 9Y;8Y 8Y 8Y 8Y CRR CRR CR.R SRR CRR CRR C..R. SRR SRR CRR CRR CRR.. CRR CRR As Forged +- 16 hr at 14000 F 3 3/4 hr at 2300^ F, W.Q,.. 3 3/4 hr at 200 F, W.Q + 16 hr at 14000 F As Forged. 16 hr -at 14000'. F......... 3" 3/4 hr',at'.'300',. W.' Q' 3 3/4 hr at 2;3 00 F, W. Q + 16 hr at' 1400~F' 1200 1200 1200 1350.1350 1350 55,000 50,000O 45,000 52,5.00 55,000 50,-000 52, 500 50,000,000...,,:.',..,',.:.::'..:........ 45, 000, —. j;..... 30,00 2 5, 0000: 20,000 33, 00 30,o000 27,000 -3 5, 0 0: 25,000 35,'000'30,000 27 000 25,:000 69.5 150, 372.5-'256 2 5.6 74.8. 676 252'..'. 9551. 45.5 198'204 2198 ~'''.7 21 17 9 15 4'.6 "3 6 4. 13 8 12 6 10 11 8 11 13 12.5 8 13 20.6 21.2 14.4 15.0 7.9 8.5 7.3 13.6 10.9 13,8. 16.7. 10,9 14.4 11.5 4.4 15.6 15.0 17'.8 16.0 15.6 17.8 0 0 S-. F-) -. t-4 CRR CRR CRR - CRR'CR CRR SRR radial specimen fromn center of disc at rim. radial specimen fromi surface of disc at rim,. H* ca

TABLE V TI KEN ALLOY DISCS Chiemical Composition pise ored I-40 Midvale I-40 Canton Drop Forge TG-I80 Midvale TG-180 Midvale Processing Procedure,,, J Heat.No.. C Mn H-4315 0.10 1*24 13356-.0945. 1.90, -. 0*024.023.017 0.022 0.72 25.75,012.70 26.25.014:,71 26.20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,.. Cr 16.56 16.60'15;..67 15:.90.Mo. H-4174 H-4684.11.12 ~., 5.805.86 6. 25 6..30 1... 0.*12:..141..111. 110,. 1.49 1.12. 1Dise and Serial No. e ~~i~~q sc.. 1-40 H-.451'..~.,at No',.4315 -:4315 1-40 C0713 -TGa-180' H-4174-7A, 13356 1s-4174 -... M'.,t.a Forged by Mdivale., Machined to size at the Everett Plant of General Electric. "Rejected for service and cut up for testing because of a slight internal burst, as' shown by x-rays, in the very center of the disc. i' This heat was made by Timken and the disc was forged by Canton Drop Forge. Disc' wreight was 345 pounds.: F:rged by::.idvaie. Machined to site at the Everett Plant of General Electric. Re ected for service after x-ray examination because of a defect-ive center. The section being'tested was cut so as to avoid most of the defective center. The rim of the, hwhee.l had been; cut off so that the diamete'r of the.section submitted was. ony about 20 inches. Forging made' trom Vaidvale standard 2620-pound.16-inch diameter ingot, botti. poured.'The fqrging was made from the bottom block:from the ingot. It was forged at -2000 1F, cold worled: at 1275 F,. and stress relieved at 1200:'.F.'nThis wheel was ga-naaa ray rejected.' H. TG4-180 -4684 S1509

TABLE V (CONTINUED) Tensile Properties of Timken Alloy Discs 1...... r......'Tensile Offset yield strengths Proportion-.Elongation tISpecimen Brinell Temperature strength (psi) i al limit i in 2 in. ISpecimen location hardness ( F) I (si) 0. 11 0.02 ). (percent) 1? i Reduction I of area ( ercent) _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v 4 I~-lO Forging (Midvale) 1Y 1X 9Y 3Y CRR SRR I CTR I CRR I 252 254 254 i Room Room Room 1200 120,500 122,000 i126,250 79,000 I 77,000 89,000 93,500 68,000 83,500 90,000 78,009209800092,000 00 ----- 61,000 63,500 55,000 42,500 57,500 37,500 I I I 11 I 11 ii 11 14 18 16 17.0 15.8 21.6 26.1 I-40 Forging (Canton Drop Forge) 3Y 3X 3Z 4X II f I I CRR SRR SRR! I (2) 2 2SRR 2STR 2SRR 223 1 248 267 __ Room Room 1200 Room 1200 Room Room 1200 122,400 121,500 1 77,750 1 TG -180 (Midvale) 112,625 I 68,000 78,000 83,500 i 72,500 1 51,000 56,500 76,500 91,750 96,250 75,000 90,000 996,000 --- 1 58,000163,000 i I I 52,500 47,500 22,500 47,500 15,000 42,500 37,500 37.500 4.. I i 17.5 21 TG-180 (Midvale) i i I I 23 30 19 18 24 25.4 32.1 29.2 41.3 22.7 26.1 32-.8 IX 3X 2X 122,000 i125,750 79.000 71,000 88,500 72,500 90,000 --— i 62.000 94,500 96,000 65 000 CRR Radial specimen from the center of the forging at the rim. SRR Radial specimen from the surface of the forging at the rim. CTR Tangential specimen from the center of the forging at the rim. STR Tangential specimen from the surface of the forging at the rim. 1Soecimens taken at a point midway between center and rim of this TG-180 forging. 2The TG-180 forgings were too thin to split into thirds. The specimens represent one-ha: the thickness. If of oH 06

CONFIDENTIAL 19 TABLE V (CONTINUED) Rupture Test Data at 12000 F for As-Forged Timken Alloy Discs I l Rupture Elongation Reduction ___ Specimen i Stress time in 1 in. of area lSpecimen location i (psi) (hr) (percent) (ercent 1-40 Forging (Midvale) 8Y CRR 45,000 88 18 29.8 8Y CRR 40,000 O 382 12 16.7 8Y 1 CRR 1 37,500 672 8 9.7 8Y I CRR 35,000 775 10 17.2 I-40 Forging (Canton Drop Forge) 3Y CRR! 45,000 70 I 7 12.1:3Y CRR j 40,000 188 i 8 3Y i CRR 35,000 In 1 ro-. _ -r - 4 t 3Y i CRR 1 32,500 In progress 96 hours 9/4/45 1TG-180 (Midvale) 2Y (2) 45,000 60 29 34 2Y (2) 40,000 155 26 I 27.2 2Y f (2) 35,000 424 22 I 26.7 TG-180 (Midvale) 4Y i2$RR I 55,000 50 21 30.8 4Y 2SRR i 50,000 I 112,j 30 36.9 I I 4Y 4 2SRR 45,000 148 32 40.8 i t4Y 2SRR t 0000 8.8 f~~~~~~~~~~~~: - ~1~,,_ __, -' — _-__~: _.. CRR Radial specimen from center of forging at rim. SRR Radial specimen from surface of forging at rim. 1Specimens taken midway between rim and center of this TG-180 forging. 2The TG-180 forgings were too thin to split into thirds. The specimens represent one-half of the thickness. CONFIDENTIAL




TABLE VI 19-9 DL ALLOY I-4 DISCS Chemical Composition Heat No. C Mn P S Si Cr Ni Mo Ti Cb B-11728 0.29 1.12 0.018 0.010 0.69 19.23 9.03 1.58 1.27 0.43 0.38 0 e Processing Procedure ~o01 Both of the 19-9 DL 1-40 discs were hot-forged as follows at Canton Drop Forge ~> ~ from a Universal-Cyclops 24,000-pound basic electric arc heat ingot 15i-inch x 154-inch flat sides x 2600 pounds. 2100~ F, 1 3/4-hour, 18 blows from a 25,000-pound hammer using bottle die working, air cooled; 2100~ F, 14 hours, ~9 ~first block 9 blows from a 35,000-pound hammer, air cooled; 2100~ F, 64 hours,.~ second block 14 blows from a 35,000-pound hammer, air cooled. Flash was machined off and spot ground after bottle die and second block operations. Both of the 19-9 DL 1-40 discs were solution treated for 2 hours at 2150~ F and quenched in warm water. 1-40 disc EXC44 was hot-cold worked after 8 hours at 1250~ F by 14 blows from a 35,000-pound hammer. Stress relieved 10 hours at 1200~ F and air cooled. 1-40 disc EXC46 was hot-cold worked after 3 hours at 1700~ F, dropped to 1650~ F for 3/4-hour, by 22 blows from a 35,000-pound hammer. Stress relieved 10 hours at 1200~ F and air cooled. 0 0 11-4 trJ H 1-4

TABLE VI (CONTINUED) TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 19-9 DL ALLOY I-AO DISCS I......7....I Tensile I Offet yield strength Proportion- Elongationl F Specimen Temperature strength sial limit in 2 in. Disc Specimen location ( F).2 (psi) 01 0.2 (si) (ercen) reduction of area Lpercent) EXC46 (cold worked at l1650~ ) 3Y 3X 9Y CRR SRR CTR CRR Room Room Room 102,250 102,500 104,750 118,250 31,500 38,500 37,500 70,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 85,500 56,7501 58,250 57,5001 91,000 j 12,500 20,000 17,500 47,500 31.5 37 32 39.4 42.8 41.6 31.1 EXC44 I (cold I worked' at 1250~ 0 3Y Room 24.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ __~~~~-L. - I - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F' - CRR SRR CTR Radial specimen from the center third of the forging at the rim. Radial specimen from the outer third of the forging at the rim. Tangential specimen from the center third of the forging at the rim.

CONFIDENTIAL 25 TABLE VI (CONTINUED) PHYSICALS ON 19-9 DL I-40 FORGINGS MADE BY CANTON DROP FORGING AND MFiG. CO. (from Evans' letter to Johnson 7-20-45) Tests by Canton: Serial EXC 44 (Solution treated, cold worked 1250~ F) Sectional Brinell Hardness: Principal range Max. reading Soft spot at center near stub-shaft n" " t n pilot hub Physicals: Yield Point Location 1 (Central, horizontal, near stub-shaft) 89,500 Location 2 (Central, horizontal) 96,500 Location 3 (Central, horizontal, near pilot hub) 72,500 255-285 302 217-229 202-207 Ultimate % % Red. Tensile Elong in Area 100,000 117,500 101,500 4 8.5 9.5 14.2 19.5 26.2 Serial EXC 46 (Solution treated, cold worked 1650~ F) Sectional Brinell Hardness: Principal range 207-229 Max. reading 235 Soft spot at center near stub-shaft 192-197 " " n " " pilot hub 179-187 Physicals: Yield Ultimate % % Red. Point Tensile Elong. in-Area Location I (Central, horizontal, near stub-shaft) Location 2 (Central, horizontal) Location 3 (Central, horizontal, near pilot hub) 60,000 86,000 66,200 97,600 59,000 83,000 12.5 18.5 14.5 20.4 8.5 14.9 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 26 TABLE VI (CONTINUED) RUPTURE TEST DATA AT 1200~ F FOR THE 19-9 DL ALLOY I-40 DISCS....'i....... Rupturef Elongation- Reduction Specimen Stress time in 1 in. of area Disc Specmen location (psi hr) (percent) (percent.:I -. -. - -. EXC46 3Y CRR 40,000 31.5 25 57 j(solution, 3Y CRR 37,50 48 17 48.0 treated, cold 3Y CRR 36,500 69 6 23 t' 51.0O, worked at 3Y CRR 35,0001i ig 600 Ir945 1650~ F): Y j. o-, r ~Z.,: ~, If~~~~~~' t,- -.0 e; ~' 3:, i 3,s 3, I EXC44: 1Y; CRR "45,000! 1861.F 2 2.-, j(solution 3Y CRR 40,000t I progress treated, cold 3Y CRR 37,500I I gr- AO' worked at 1250~ F) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ __~~ ~'. CRR Radial specimen from the center third of the forging at the rim. CONFIDENTIAL

TABLE VII EME ALLOY I-40 DISC Chemical Composition Heat No. C Mn P S Si Ni Cr W Cb = H-4819 0.12 0.48 0.015 0.028 0.73 11.60 19.72 3.38 1.30 0.127 Manufacturing Procedure MH ~ The forging was made by Midvale from a 17-inch diameter by 2600-pound ingot {?4 ~ cast from an arc type basic electric furnace heat. Hot forging was from 2050~-2100~ F finishing at about 1700~ F. The ingot was reduced to a 10linch diameter billet, upset first under the press and then under the hammer to 1-40 dimensions. The forging was cold worked at 1240~ F followed stress relief for 4 hours at 1200~ F,and air cooled. 0 C3 0!-4 t; L-4

TABLE VII (CONTINUED) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF A MIDVALE EME ALLOY I-40 FORGING TESTSED E GENERAL ELECTRI C COMPANY (reported by letter to the University of Michigan) Chemical Composition Heat No. Analysis by C Mn I P S Si Ni Cr W Cb Mo Fe HF3-15113 Midvale G.E. 0.12 0.51 0.019 0.016 0.66 11.92 10.86 19.45 3. 7 1,23 0*06,4-30 o6b 0.091 Bal..15 Bal. lReported as total oxides. Tensile Properties C) 4. -.. I 5 i.Tensile Yield strength I Elongationi Reduction iBar Temperature strength (psi) in 2 in. of area Bar No. Bar location ( F) (psi) 0_0002"/n (percent) (percent) 1 SR Room 125,000, 86,625 24 49.46 2 CR Room 124,000 82,875 22 44.85 3 CR Room 125,000- 85,500 23.5 41.87. 4 CR Room 125,000 87,000 21 45.73 5 SR Room 124,000 87,750 21 48.58 6 C Room 1 24,500 94,125 9 27.83 7 C Room, 113,500 82,500 8.5 3599 I8' C t Room 108,500 72,750 17 32.78 9 fiC jRoom 116,000 79,125 19 38.81 10 C Room 124,000 1 81,000 24 43.67 11 C Room 120,500 80,20 224 41.57 12 C Room 104,000 i 78,375 20 51.12 13 C Room 112,000 75,750 16.5 29.83 G14 1 C 1 Room 116,000 79,875 8.5 26.13 15 SR Room 124,500 85,500 23.5 48.00 16 CR Room 123,500 84,750 25 44.85 1 17 " CR Room 124,500 85,125 22 44. 18 CR Room 124,000 84,375 24689 12, 00020 19 i CR Room 124,000 84,750 22.5 48.00 1___________ _ _____.~.~~~-I____i-__-__~o ^ _ -.*..i....~~.S...,.. I I4 _____ _. i t I r~~~~~~~~~~ i ~ ~ ~ i i —l~~-_JII~~~UI 8 ~, _~~ 750 ^ 2.5_Y~lll~_ 48~ILI.- O0 —.-.~~ —— ~ C) tZ H 3 N? Hc

TABLE VII (CONTINUED) Tensile Yield strength Elongation Reduction No,. Iio Temeperature strength (psi) in 2 in. of area Bar No. Bar location (~ F) (psi)..0002"/" |.(percent) (percent).T-1 ST Room 125,500 91,500 20 45.44 T-2 CT 1200 77,750 62,250 14.5 43.97 T-3 CT 1500 55,750 35,250 20.5 44.26 T-4 ST 1500 54,500 36,000! 18.5 50.57 T-5 CT 1200 76,000 53,250 14 44.26 T-6 CT Room 124,000 93,000 24.5 50.29 L i X t l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 C) 0'-4 t:; It SR Radial specimen near surface. CR Radial specimen away from surface. C Specimen at center of disc. ST Tangential specimen at rim near surface. CT Tangential specimen at rim away from surface. 0 Cr) 0'-4:> 6, o; K ato e,'A) rtess c~ipy_ Cp&O~ Rupwtue l h.e IE \ 4 -,rt%,, rl k VTM I Y) t I VI 0", A~o~ -'o,~a R.Q.Cst uy __ ___. __A_ _ _ ______..... - I m - 1.. - -" - — 1 —. -. ~ — ",~~~armr~ul I\'4 I IGoo 50oo0 q // al,7 40o o S4, ~ 3bSo /a7. o aoo 3a.,.o0.D e2

TABLE VIII S816 ALLOY WHEEL FORGING Chemical ComDosition Heat No. C Mn Si Cr Ni Co W Mo Cb Fe 41625 0.38 0.50 0.53 19.80 20.57 42.71 4.76 3.90 3.95 2.87 0 Manufacturing Procedure s^C:The disc was made by Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corporation from a 5000-pound electric arc furnace heat which was poured into a 12-inch square ingot. Hammer cogged to,,1 9k-inches square from 2300~ F. Upset to 3 5/16-inches thickness from 2250~ F. The disc was more nearly octagonal than circular. The bars cut from the disc were aged 16 hours at 14000 F. C) 0 t-4 H ~G* 0

CONFIDENTIAL 31 B. Sheet Alloys at 17000 and 1800~ F The properties of 14 alloys in sheet form are being evaluated by rupture tests at 1700~ and 1800~ F. The data are expected to indicate if there is any relation between rupture strength and service performance as liners in combustion chambers. The alloys being considered together with their rupture test characteristics are summarized in table IX and are compared graphically in figure 8. Vitallium had the best properties of the alloys considered. The 20Cr-15Ni-20Co-4Mo4W + Boron alloy J-838 ranked next although a similar material, J-840, except for higher nitrogen, was much weaker. The low oxidation resistance of the J-837 and J-839 heats was surprising, in as much as they differed from J-838 and J-840 only in having 4 percent nickel instead of 15 percent. The ya~ alloy tested also was surprisingly stronger than the S816 alloy. The Low-Carbon N155 alloy samples had intermediate strength while Inconel was one of the weakest The particular fabrication procedure and heat treatments used in producing these strip materials probably had considerable effect on the rupture strengths. This phase of the problem is to be studied by determining the effect of heat treatment on the rupture strength of Vitallium and Inconel sheet. CONFIDENTIAL

TABLE IX RUPTURE TEST CHARACTERISTICS OF SHEET MATERIALS AT 1700~ AND 1800~ F........1_ "1 _ _i17000 F _ - 1800~ F'Type Analysis 100i hours 1000 hours i100 hours -j 10 (%)_ I Strength Elong Strength Elong I Strength Elong Stre Alloy C Cr Ni Co Si Mo W Cb B psi) ( L (psi) (psi) (%) ps Vitallium.2 27 — Bal - 5- - --- 8000 147 3300 24000 Co-Cr-Ni -- 30 15 55- --—. 500 2 3100. ( 8816.35 18 20 451- 4 4 3 --- OO4 16 2100 4230 37 6200 ooo / 0 2300! S590.41 20 20 20f- 44 4 —- 6200I 9 3400C< (7) 4000 16' <l7 1Low-Carbon 1 1 N155.14 21 201- 32 1 -- (4900Y 1 (3900o) 7 7 3700 21 (17 J837.13 20 4 20 - 4 4 - -34 Low duto severe oxidation, 5 i J838 i.11 20 15 20 1- 44 -.037 730 0 1 3?00 1<35 i f 15g839 l.12 20 4 20 - 44 - 56 Low dpe tosevere oxidation i840 13 20 15 20 - 4 44 - 345 (5t00) (265) (3O 3/5 1 " 2500 25 1 4i Inconel.13 13 75 -- -- (3200) L 22 ( 57 2200L 27 13.Type 330.18 16133 19 -— 50 (25) (1450 (60) ---- Type 310 i.14 25 20 — 13 14 -- -- 3 18. 23 10 — AF-18.13 25 20 — 2 - - 4800' 7 3100 3.5 3600 6 16 |Type 309.12' 25 12 -- 1- - - 3200 21. 1900 -2300. 15 15 00 hours ngth Elong i) (O 20^. oJrI -i00) 1 A: 45I 50 45 00 (4) 1Approximately 0.12% nitrogen also. (-) Obtained by extrapolation or from incomplete data. 70

CONFIDENTIAL 33 ^il~~lwii^ I iiS I illi~ll __illsi a,,t-;,.'' --.r'.".' - - r-;", "-t';'"~:;' ~i:S i i —""l-''-f' -iH"':i:-r''~:' ""=~"'=':' = ~ -'EF',' l' ~"'':'^ -t-' /.; -^^ ~.f T' ^:n,-p — =':f- -:.;*.......'itt +~L~ I-f ~d14 i~h V I Z~ 4~jjJ~ 7 142~-4 _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L-': ^ ^^S-ii^ ^aii'^^ll^^s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ti^^^?^~~~~~~~~~?iii 1b2Lv41. 14 L I _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,N!:.._. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 -l —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-;~ —... -~~~~~~~~~L ~ ~ r4 4~ ~~~~~~~~- - 4 44 1 A Th 4.4.~~+4 hr -V I''h' 4~~~ 71214':Jit T ii jjT'j li-i __:AlS^SSS. tlIS +i2 4-I +......... +4i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. J7^ L!!i i^:' -; — -*- ^H 4r- t r -j-.:ti 4^T;b;" ~tr:1^ 4 iG:L t1^ VS. -fL-g3J::.- tL a + ^t?;:.. i t:].:~d:-:J.^j -' i:.~;i-a - 4'-'? ";i'r^4l;:. x:-:1:. N r-l X'-^-'*4 -. l.~i,~ *j-^1,;'~' —4 J- i —-— i1;-q:-t<~^ ^: -'^TT" F _-!!]?.-~i:: ~ J4 —(i.;;- - U. {:_l}};iF':: r_-4 rI r i" j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ I-.... J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''-T F-7,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i. 4-. - 71 ---- --.' F.' "4-' "'- -k''J-4,,, —;t!-i1 i Vt _j.~~. -~~ - _J 4-L 4!-4- -' J_ ~',.~:.. _ -,,., 4-.-....... h^-^-^^^^giisate^ ^^-^feS41^^^fejE ^ 1 -, W-1.- i-. t- i.-i-ft. I k-W, 0 O& %AM I^' rri7i If -fl. R-2 _J-l,1.? I f I L I L-pl I =.*^^hi ^'^^-^^^rj^lii' I 74LJ'Li44+44~~~~~~~~~ ~.1 Il I.-: I' -;'4mtr.-!_nr. _~.. - i.rT:.! I 4I~ 5s! m f. —'l I I -t-F i.I I: -a -. t-n T,- -1Lh Ai_ Hff F4.7', A' R-4 4'4 htk —, 4-,..4- -* i I_ F I i rl I. " I t! -i-_!P -T 4 4 F44T,4-74.....-. ~;-I'.-_"-,-'. —'-:.., I;",-!n,' 7 ~'1"? -]i t!_ I _. ~-r r+t,r-l I T'7tj1 14 — ~. t T - - ^-.4 L. -1 El -.-:-1 I, i, -1 i I t~^ __] hi;!;-.r; i I-, i - i I - i'1.d tl-t i-H- 44i-H4-t-H Ldi,1-, i:i TTT,P . M, -, I di,; — I I -" I't.. 4-.-T i::! 0 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 34 C. Forged Modifications of 6059 and Low-Carbon N155 Alloys at 1350O F These two wrought alloys were submitted by Mr. H. C. Cross of National Research Council Prdject 8 for testing at 1350~ F under the NACA program. The chemical analyses, along with the analyses of normal heats of 6059 and Low-Carbon N155, heat treatment, and 1350~ F rupture test results are given in table X. The rupture strengths obtained at 1350~ F are compared below with those for Cast 6059 and for standard Low-Carbon N155.alloy: __________________________________. Stress for Rupture in Indicated Time Periods _:_.[psi) Allo i 100 Hr 100 Hr Modified 6059 32, 500 24,000 Cast 6059 36,500 30,500 Modified N155 32,500 24,000 lLow-Carbon N155 36,000 27,500 See NACA Report ARR 4C22, The wrought modified 6059 alloy had rupture strengths considerably below the standard -cast alloy and no better than other available wrought alloys of the Low-Carbon N155 type. The composition modification of the modified N155 alloy did not improve-the rupture strength of that type of alloy since the values obtained were somewhat lower than have been obtained for the standard alloy. CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 35 TABLE X 135.0~ F STRFSS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES OF MODIFICATIONS OF 6059 AND Chemnical Analyses: Alloy C Cr Ni Co W Lo Cb NR82 ('od. 6059) 0.17 24.5 32 32 2 3 1'1tandard Cast 6059 0.46 26.17 35 35 - 6.4 - r'T4 (wod. N155) 0.14 21 25 25 1 4 1 Lowv Carbon N155 0.10 20 20 20 2 3 1 (leat No. H1994) Processing Procedure These two alloys were made from 100 nound basic induction furnace heats by the Union Carbide and Carbon Company. Forging was from 2100~ to 1400~ F from 3 inch square ingots to 1 inch square bars. Heat Treatment Both of the alloys were solution treated at 2200~F for 1 hour mnd water quenched followed by ageing 50 hours at 1350~ F. 1350~ F Runtu re Tesst _Re su ts Reduction Stress Rupture Time Elongation of Area Alloy (psi) (hours) ( in 1 in.) (percent) NRR2 (Mod. 6059) 35,000 44.5 10 10.5 30,000 229.0 9 10.9 28,000 291.5 8 12.5 25,000 725.0 9 12.0?T7R4 (n`od. N155) 33,000 106.0 26 26.5 30,000 196.5 33 39.0 27,000 338.0 230 34.2 25,000 718.0 229 28.2 l'.ee MACA ACR No. 4C22. 2,roke in gage mark. CON FIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 36 D. Chromium Base Alloys at 13500 F High rupture strengths at 1600~ F shown by chromium base alloys developed by the Climax Molybdenum Company under the sponsorship of Project NRC-8 seemed of sufficient importance to warrant their investigation at 13500 F by the NACA. Accordingly, specimens were obtained for tests as shown in table XI, with-the test results thus far obtained. The rupture time periods at 13500 F under 50,000 psi from 60Cr-25Fe-15Mo are much longer than have been obtained from any other alloy. The ductility in the rupture' tests have been good although the alloys are quite brittle at room temperature. Apparently a silicon content of 0.57 percent increases rupture life over that of a 0.13 percent silicon alloy according to the results from specimens 554-2 and 612-2. The one specimen of 60Cr-30Fe-lOMo, Specimen Number 608, tested was no better than alloy 422-19. Other data for these type alloys indicate that this rupture time was abnormally low. CONFIDENTIAL

TABLE XI 1350~ F RUPTURE TEST RESULTS ON CHROMIUM BASE ALLOYS Rupture Elongation Redi Specimen I Chemical Analyses IStress time in 1 in. of number C Si Cr F..e Mo. Condition I (psi) (hours) (percent) (pe 608 0.03 0.14 61.96 29.14 8.73 As Cast 5 —0,000 38 40 612-2.01.13 58,86 25.11 15,89 As cast 50,000 484 } 9 1 522.05 E 160' 25 t 15 As~ cast i!49,000 Overheated after 450 hr 554-2.04.57 59.43 24.96 15.00 As cast 850,000141 554-3HT T Aged I 8 634-1 1 0 70 59.09 24.55 15.56 As cast 50,000 _....___..... z | 634-2HT i Aged 655-1 I.02.19 5980 25.23 14.76 As cast 655-2HT i 90 hr at 1600~ F H 655-3lTl | - {{ 50 hr at 1800~ F 657-1.08.19 60.70 24.22 1 14.81 As cast 657-2HT 90 hr at 1600~ F _.:__ - _...._ __ - ___ 4,. -- _.. Comparable Data for Best Precision Cast Alloys Al1oy C Ni Cr co.w X-40.48 9.69 25.12 55.2 7723 As cast + 50 hr 50,000 2Q 40 _o at 1350~ F 145,000 100 31 3422-19.40 15.92 24.75 Bal. 6.08 As cast + 50 hr 50,000 250 - 225 I_____ - at 15000 F 45,000 2170 225 2 1See Section E, page 38. 20btained by extrapolation. 3See NACA Report ARR 4C22. c-tion area regnt) 9 6.2 s. _,'0.7.5.

I s S8 -i —-— i-;- - i- -- --. — - __t I I i I -il:i ~ii-14' -,I 7T F.,i._ I 4 — X — 1- - =-i = - w: -it a - -='a -i —---— i I-i itl-;littL-b-i1-j-i-1_11:ir Iii Ii r it — I —-t-l-LLi1iT1 L i.ii:lili i-':... $_??;1~tt-i --— r; — I-i-: ii,y i-1 2Z.II,'T.IKl -it -1 So-& -tl I_ s I I i E j InHill- hff lhA-I- It' L:,' _i ___l-r iI1 XI 1CD

Rupture Test Data at 13500 F for- As-Cast Chromitumt- Base Alloys Rupture Stress time Elong. R.A. Heat C Si Cr Fe Mo (psi) f| r ().| (%). 608.03.14 62 29 9 50, 000 38 40 35 530-1.054,03 60 30 10 50,OO 3S ~ 530-2 678-1.03.19 65 25' 10o 5.ocT. /1/3 1 678-2,-sO c / I 7 612-2.01'.13 60 25 1 5 50,000o 48.4 9 9 65i-1 1-02.19 60 25 15 3o ~ P3 1 7.6-5S': i rOo ~.~a*-,~, /O 0' 657-1.8.19 60.: 25 15 Z5 - 37 l1,..5 5.4-2.W ~-',, 55000oo 5654-2Y.04 5 1 60 25 15 50,000 o 414 6.2 syIHT U A- 1 4'i X' t9el 634-1 io-) ( 70) 60 25 1$ 5.od s, 5''. (0 - | -- --- 7 S<rN r t).2 FraMei ar ieA a | 4,3 -~ftIT.L... i * LLL S 679-19-.02 f.0 60 25I 15 i F<rOctureln () 679-2v S I 679-3 76 +. 7o $OOD 7g, ~,o 534-1-.02.11 x 5,0ot 3: 15...,^ 5'534-2 IsO 1 & 3 537-1.03.06 - 55.. 25.: 20 " -a-' O f r. t') |.9: 537-2 2oMwo ^ (e 5 i,' _.r -.. cv..... j x-.. \_1,-\..-,.\.._..... -.. txli: A...............v.....

CONFIDENTIAL 38 R. X-40,. NRR- 90 AT 13500 F Rupture tests were authorized at the last Subcommittee meeting on the three cast alloys which had'shown very high rupture strength at 1500~ F in the ProJect NRC-8 work. These alloys, designated X-4P (NR.-71),f.R-87 and NR-90 by Project NRC-8, are described in table XII, together with the rupture test results obtained to date. Stress-rupture time curves -s.s.... Mt are included <as figure/ 9 together with the curve for alloy 422-19, ~...,. the best alloy previously tested at 13 50~ F... * * -...422''.a The comparate rtr h sthreng tabu ed o tha:t thetree newalloys are no bter than alloy 422-19, although there:isn't a: r:eat;deal of difference between any of them:' p|ture strengths at 13500 F 45 - 1000 hr X-4O 45.V 3^,000:" NF-87 441 36,000: NR-90.41,500- 3I ooo 422'-19..g.' 000 6 C0GW TIAfL

CONFIDENTIAL TABLE XII 39 1350 F_ STRBESS-RUPTURE:PROPERTIES OF NR71 XAO._ HR87,g. A-D NR90 ALLOYS Che.mi1 alyses A.1oy C.' I Si Mn Cr Ni -Mo W Fe Co N1R71(X-40) 0.48 0.7; NR87.52.-6 NR90.44..7: Processng Procedure 2 9 0*64.70.76 25.12 22.54 22.60 9.69 19.17 18 23 9.09 5.09 7.23 5.18 0.55 55.23.90 Bal..80 Bal. All three of these alloys were cast plus aged 50 hours at 1350~ F. Rupture tests:re being conducted on 0.250-inch diameter, oneinch reduced section length specimens. 1350* tl Ru.m Streas Alloy, - a - NR7I(X.40) 45,000 40,000 40,Q0O -37,000 35000 N-ER90 45,000 40,000 37,500 35,000 34,000..~. Rupture time.100 232,816 i I.A Elongation in 1 in..(rcen 31 18 27 a ~Reduction of area (<ercent) 40.7 37.7 35 0 ~' *, I" --— MO t,:.~'*' -~wS.... 84 -:20 27.0 378 17 27.4 7T755.2 a*22 31.8 33A 53 12, 20*7 8::.4: 8.*5 7.0,:: —, -. -. i1. 13.3:*.> -: - * —15.f::. -:: 16 -.5 6.5 7 Will IN -. 032.5,01:-Broke in gage marSk..... CerNFIzDIIAL

-I1.N3CIlNOO STRESS, PSI,,: - -- ~:.*.-:.'..-;f.:.-.-;:~.'.-.. —,T'i.:.,:.;..~-..j....":; —'.' —.g-::'.'{,':-1"j'" i'''i. I - il - r --- t-4,';''_. -: _;.+. -r;;'?-::_,,..~.. ~.,* _.t*..,: s,. _ ~...,. L,., t..!;! i I.. +........-.,... _. -.... I,, I' t- I-.:..:' i''- — ^'-I.- - -''-., f A__: i 1,,, 1 1 4.'.I II,,, _ _ - i,.,_. -; - I.. I., i' I I..... - i..;: i Ij,,.,,,-., -, -'!' I Il,. i.~' i I I...,.. I,...I I'-"I E. j, IH: I.''..... _. I i. _!. I i _;-. I... -!.. -. -..:, - 4. -, - -., --,.A,: I!. t:. I.i. I ~ _.....r::.' i. J. -. _ _-! - f I. _ 1.4 I[ Z t C I I I.. I. i-!;t'1:' -1 -; n- i-} -;......, I; -t I... -. r t. _... - _ _, Il t; I:: r- —,!. ---?-;' - y i.. t.. I-!-A ---—'-: — i.'...TT*.'^'W B ^^.. ^ l^ T -''-....':.r'?-'?Tr1w^ ~, ~T~ ~~Tr.. 14....... -.-. -i-,............ ^. 3 -- - - 1 - - i _..__ - *y [; r:"~~f[ } ti 4F' X - t;.- rf Ltet r'"i 1- ^; v" |.^-n:^ iu.':.:f~^,;::, Sr::T o>~ -"::''..:00S S-~; -;-4e' A!j W~ji.i l..g _; _4X 7fE:.;...;~..-.... 23:^:; L' -rt;';:~::':. St m m,f'' lS K - p! n -^:*' iit J H -Mt;-:.-*:.'!:;;:. L t____ _^^g i.-*;E CC E r| =9jf^T,^ ^: *. ~;^-:.:^e:1i ^4! — ti; |^ r T J^E7?-; i-' i,7"~ 7'- -~"'~?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t-,* C:: —-':'-""'";7'_.!i- ~:';-j^-;....^^ ij^a^- Y^:t^.^.... -^ _ _'.4..............,+ -.... -. —... ~,.I::~;:::j!;hz-~-~p~A^ti *~ -:..-:. -' ^ ^ i ^E..... - -.itj-E j m|. --',.; —:- tG @ X X XF )...;. g I:. f10:.!-*r-;" —--: i-.l. —-~- t - ^?:~ W w -- V- %' ^ 4 ^ -i^ ^f..... -;.x.^ -.d-..' d.._; - " ^ g!%:;^ f!^ ^ _.'..:!-_..,:.-..-...... t-:'.. ~ z~.-: ~. _'; —';',:: ~-:':';.:_'.~'-''~"-!~~~~~~~~~~~~-M rt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" tI — i 1 — t -, - t ti.~....;., 4 TT. r'Ti- rnr- rTI m.-,1 Sl t~ - 1.V-4- — h H.. th L t +FT...1- H t.I., -l I'- I HH-!' - t 1'I I' I I Il [:'1. I t. ~......1. 1 -. T'l } t~~~~~' I F: lrr nEEX]-Xw- a s- f 04.I -i.-' mT ~~~~~~~~~~~I;,-,:t4 tft.l~ [, +. I',Ji' -k4E3 I 1w..1 1 I; I.! Ii i. i 1- i_-.. I:J''. i: I j.. I *1 -? I_: I,i i: Ij;.., w I ri i i. -ftk I.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -: I U i — 4 t I., It1.If ff. t+11 ItI r,-. FR7 A — - 1t-: -IE. IW 44ftf, M # s I' ti igft. =' I- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -1-P4I4- - t4 41 iS+Pi -L f _F'J _,t-d. — -...; ~ I..lTElTATF -Im'' aimsd l - f-r ~r. t.l-; —.t >-.! I-'-.-1- l-s —- - -It'1:iA,Eila4 4' -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.,..,,;........., I _............. - 1VtI.iN 31.N-O,

CONFIDENTIAL 41 F. Driver-Harris Cast Alloy at 1350~ F Data obtained by the Driver-Harris Company on a sandcast 35Ni-15Or alloy carrying 2.5 percent titanium at higher temperatures indicated that the alloy might have useful properties at 1350~ F. Accordingly specimens were obtained for rupture tests at 1350~ F. The results obtained and a description of the specimens are given in table XIII. The rupture strengths were quite low for the alloy in the as-cast condition. At the present time no further tests are planned, CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 42 TABLE XIII 1350~ F STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES -OF DRIVER-HARRIS CAST ALLOY Chemical Analysis (average for 8 heats)Heat No. C 1M Si Ni Cr Mo Ti 12345 to 13045 0.52 1.11 1.34 35.69 16.27 1.17 2.48 Manufacture. This alloy was prepared' by Driver-Harris Company. The metal was melted in a 15-pound Ajax induction furnace. One heat was used fo-r each test bar. In melting the heats the order of charging was as follows: iron, low carbon ferrochrome, 50% of the ni ekel charge. When this was about 2/3 melted the following ingredients were charged; ferromolybdenum, high carbon ferrochrome, and the balance of the nickel. When this charge was about 2/3 melted a small amount of slag forming material, made up of equal parts of CaO and SiO2, was added. -When the bath was completely melted the slag was skimmed off. The bath was then cleaned with FeSi. FeTi was then added and when- completely melted, the bath was again'skimmed and deoxidized with Mn-Si-Zr, and CaSi, according to a patent held by Driver-Harris Company. The heat was poured directly from the furnace into dried sand molds. The temperature of pouring was approximately 2875~ F. The cast bars, - 11/16-inch in diameter by 11inches long, were poured through a heavy gate at the center of the bar. The samples were radium tested for -soundness. Tests were made on 0.505-inch diameter, 2-inch reduced section length specimens machined from the as cast bars..1350 F Rupture Test Results Rupture Elongation:Reduction Stress time in 1 in. of area Heat No. (psi. (hr) (percent) (percent) 1234 5 30, 000 18. 5 21 48.0 12545 22,500 50 25, 42.5 12645 18,000.146 28 55.7 CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 43 G. Effect of Processin and Heat Treatment on9-9L, 2I344-A-5 (CSA), Timken. Age-Hardenable Inconel and LowCarbon N155 Al!oys The data previously obtained on this program was given in Report Number 9, the May 9, 1944 progress report, and the April 28, 1945 progress report. The data obtained since may be summarized as follows: _-__ 1. 19-9 DL - no additional data have been obtained. 2. 234-A-5 (CSA) - one or two rupture tests at 1200~ F e, have been completed on samples to show the effect of 5, 10 and 20 percent reduction by rolling at 1200~ F on -2050 F solution-treated bar stock; the effect of temperature of rolling up to 16000 F; and the effect of ageing for 24 hours at 1200~, 13000, 1400~ and 1500o F on bar stock rolled 10 percent at 1200~ F. Due to the curves being incomplete this data is not included at this time. 3. Timken - The status of the Timken Alloy program is ta i the same as that of the 234-A-5 (CSA) alloy program given above. 4. Age-Hardenable Inconel - no additional data have tj been obtained. 5. Low-Carbon N155 - The rupture test characteristics at 1200o F for several variables are summarized in table XIV. Rupture strengths varying from 42,500 to 61000 psi for fracture in 100 hours have been obtained. Corresponding values at 1000 hours range from $35000 to 51,000 psi. Solution treating alone has reduced 100-hour rupture strength with very little effect on the 1000-hour strength at 1200~ F. Apparently ageing 2200 F solutreated sanmples at 14000 F for 24 hours is far more effective in improving rupture strength at 1200~ F than ageing for 50 hours at 1350~ F* Hot-cold working increased the rupture strength to an appreciable extents As-rolled stock thus treated had high 100-hour strengths with good ductility. A solution treatment prior to hot-cold. work resulted in high 1000-hour strengths but low ductility. CONFIDENTIAL

OT. OF HSAT Aim =HOT-C~ffipTOPX gS ^' -M * *,* ^^^'jr~~AT f TfgriBilM51I^)^&^^ x~: ___ ^ o___ —- -— tr - -'^ - -^t- ------— ~~ —~= soIv-Co tir'e'Tes'te' ef: r'fc.^^l^^f^-..,,^^,:-,}^!^.S S0 St-e *;treat-enti 2050 j:t- | 2 i W.Qai _ - j 1 |; _ _A.^ ~t~l 2 20 0^'-''W ~.Q ~ I ___ _^ ~,,, ___ |,4 i - --...... -- ^ - - —?-n v -: -S -' } 3 —: —^? t.o- ew 2<- -~I2''-20^' - 6 iem. _C 0 1. $ ot g Io 2050 i.2 7.5 **^', lof23-o9 t i * i j g onos * 38 1 (3, _.9:ts oi S * 1 i' 9.1 _ ^ i, t. [ iror ~Is;L 2,e |~ 2 7- |,. |2p 1201.1. 5"0|, ^ I _ _______ |_; ^;L _____ j —L.1^ ---- I ------ — ^ — ------- -" ---- "^ ---- ^1 —- -— j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j - ^t'<^yr<~..^>~^iji" ^^ ^^ ^a I ^ r^'~~~~~N" ^ot-col~lilgo | 1 |~t: I UOO 24 10 J1200 11200 j 1 JJ 54^00 2 |7 I >]'...... __ I ___*2200 —------ ~ Ilwwt~ *'L --- - -* - - - ** " -- -- ^i. /.:....^ /^^ r2 I-s 1A7 ~ngt:t.. <.'ng. 000) ( e35) OO.t *(20)' m'~', OOO; ( 20).000,(5).~..'., -, 000)< ( 6) >C000.) (25) >0p0- 15 >00 s (14'....": (" 0.OOOJ.' (18) wOOO t2?^ * iS <?~ot R's*;: 8,000 (15i) DOt. { {3},,c, rZ>>' 44X.I''id: /, 4' ih-, - (1) indicates.. ncop. te st data<

CONFIDENTIAL 45 H. Typical Bar Stock. of 19-9 DL and Low-Carbon N155 Alloy Under this program complete tensile, rupture and timedeformation data at 1200~F were requested for 19-9 DL alloy bar stock in the following conditions: 1. Hot-rolled and stress relieved, 2. Hot-rolled + "hot-cold" worked + stress relieved. 3. Annealed (solution treated) The program was later enlarged to include Low-Carbon N155 at 1200~ and 1350~ F. Tensile data were given for the 19-9 DL samples in the February 8, 1945 status report and for Low-Carbon N155 bar stock in the April 28, 1945 status report. The rupture strengths and ductilities of the two alloys are summarized in table XV. The stress-rupture time curves for the Low-Carbon N155 alloy are shown in figure 10. The rupture strengths of the Low-Carbon N155 stock are quite low in comparison to what has ordinarily been obtained in previous investigations. The 19-9 DL values appear to be reasonably typical. The available time-deformation data for 19-9 DL bar stock is summarized in table XVI and figure 11. Hot-cold work by rolling at 12000 F improved the deformation characteristics at 1200~ F. The solution-treated material was weakest in this CONFIDENTIAL

CONFIDENTIAL 46 test, at least for the time periods considered. In all tests the rate of deformation was still decreasing at 1000 hours. The time-deformation data for the Low-Carbon N155 bar stock is given in table XVII and figure 12. Both the asrolled condition and the solution-treated material are much weaker than have been obtained from creep tests on large discs. (See report number 19.) CONFIDENTIAL

TABLE XV RUPTURE TEST CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPICAL 19-9 DL AND LOW-CARBON N155 ALLOY BAR STOCK AT 1200~ AND 1350~ F Rupture Test Properties: 100 hours 1000 hours Heat Temp. Strength Elong. Strength; Elong. Alloy -Number Treatment.(~ F) (nsi) (% (psi). () 19-9DL 1iN163 Hot-rolled + stress 128,00 16 37,000 14 relieved' 19-9DL B10429 Hot-rolled + rolled to 1200 55,000 237,500 3.5 20% reduction at 1200~ F: + stress relief 19-9DL B10429,1 21A.C. 200 2,000 F 12 0 35,000 >10 1 hr at 1200~, Low-Carbon 30276 Hot rolled' 1200 49,000 17 38,000 35 N155 w-Carbon 30276 As hot-rolled + 20% reduo- 1200 61,000 10 46,000 14 N155 tion at.. 1200~ F + stress relief. Low-Carbon 30276 22000 F W.Q. + 50 hr at 1200 47,000 11 37,000 15': ~ ~.e..+. 2. i N155 1350~ F' Low-Carbon 30276 Hot-rolled + 50 hr at 1350 26,000 45 17,500 <35 N155 13500 F ow-Carbon 30276 W.Q. 2200~ F + 50 hr -1350 30,000 26 22,500 25 N155 1 at 1350~ F- ___ ___. ___.. _____,,...', 1', 1,~...................._...1',... _ _. _. _~ ~......',,. -.,',,~ -,j. 0.0 t4J 1Universal-Cyclops data.

CONFIDENTIAL 48 I..,..I I .-i.. I.-,,.; -, — , i-!-,,.-;: I.'i"'. "I,,III.".,:..-!i.. —.II'..:!_: - ,'. I I. I-,'. I,,, 1.. I, - - -.i - ... t, .. I, -..i I. - -,.-'.... . I - -. I.. 1-1 -. Ii,1 -.-.I 1..,,. I;- I ;.I.:.;: -:, -, - 1... I- i. ..., -; I- + -t __l!!.. I 1 4 iI - - -- -.,- - ---, -- -- -. — 4.. 1. I i I I -. z.. - J .! I,. -... II. II. I I. -,. i I:'' I.... ". - I..: I: 4 - ' I'll..;." - _;' i Ii II I II1,!-p-,.,.,I.I:1 —-...-4 -II —. -.-, -;'_'. ..... T- - I I - i r. I; _ . q I 1.1.1. " J&..1 i'.!.. I 1". _ ;i-,-%- J-._-;. — -1_I. IN;I;!,- - i- 1.4 I. I... A i I .. i t -.: - I .. I. I!. A I. I - - - - - - IT i I -,! -. i.-.,'_ r-. i. - . -..".1. 4.. —.1-1, __, -i j. 1 4 1.,I -.. Iw -I-.- -I- -,...I iI:' I II ' i I,i. 7 _ J_ -, -- i t I i. - I, I. I;I f i;.j,,... 11 - _'. -1.; - I, I.. ... II, I - --- -f - - - - T - -I., f11 I,.- - -! " . -,11 - - 1.II, I I T: II:.. . ;. , -.. i. . -.I -_I, I -1 - I. - - -, -, I - -.-! -_. 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TABLE XVI TIME-TOTAL DEFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS AT 1200~ F FOR TYPICAL 19-9 DL BAR STOCK Heat f Treatment.... Strs Time for indicated total deformation Creep Rate at Heat ~ ^ 4Stress (hours) 1000 hours Number Treatment ______(psi). 0 1~ 0.2%0 0.5% | 1.0 0 ( per hour N163 As-rolled + stress 10,000 (7000)1 --.. 0.000011 relieved,11,000 (2930)1o.000015 12 000 2306 1(4500).000021 15 00004026.000619 104-2 1 2017, 500.3 3 285.. --- stress relieved 20,000 --- 180 3 ).000074 B'10429 As-rolled + 20% redu 20,000-, 400. --- ~..00006 tion by rolling at 425>000 - 80 - * 000115 1200~ F + stress 30,000 -_ | 4 650. 00069 relieved 1200~ F..l l oo o.-:-. " ~10429 1 hr 2100~ F, A.C. + f17,500 ---- 245 | — |.00013 ~ stress relieved )20,000 ---' 17 330 I.00016 12000 F 1 0. Et'pl___aed_^, OO t425 from) __1__ creooO' 1Extrapolated from creep rates. I 0 0 12S M U M q I > I. tl,

TABLE XVII TIME-TOTAL DEFORMA.TION DATA AT 1200~ F FOR LOW-CARBON N155 ALLOY BAR STOCK (Lot 30276), Time for Treatment Stress (nsi) Indicated Total Deformation (hours) Creep Rate at 1000 hr (- per hr) 0.1% 0.5% 1.0% As Rolled W.Q. 22000 F + 50 hr at 1350~/F 20,000 22,500 25,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 - 94 37 24 470 73 23 937 345 240 1045 190 (1130) 765 1 0.00027.00056.00104.00010.00022.00088 600 0) 0J t-4 I-I Lt 1Extrapolated from creep rate. \ 0


5( O AS ROLLED X I HR 2200~ F W.Q.+ 50 HR AT 1350~ F U') OL C0 0 03. o Ll H cr 0 m 14 Z -r 0 0.z -n [T1 z r I0 100 TIME) HOURS FIGURE 12- STRESS-TIME FOR TOTAL DEFORMATION CURVES' AT 1200~ F FOR LOW-CARB N 155 ALLOY BAR STOCK. ON ro

CONFIDENTIAL 53 I. Programs Completed Reports are to be prepared.covering the following additional investigations which have previously been completed:'1.:Vacuum_ melting of lieat-resistant alloys V''2. Ceramic coated'Timken Alloy -- 3. M.I.T...alloys at 1700- and 18000 F A 4..:Low-Carbon N155 + Boron..'-:, i(c. J. *-0. - -. t b 5-. Joint.reports are to be prepared with Project NRO-8 coveirihg the tresuilts from the Low-Carbon, N155 discs NR-66E and the S590 discs,. Thie data from the above work have been included in the Pebruary 8, 1945 or April 28, 1945 status reports or in U. of M. Report Number 19...~~~~~~~~~ CONFIDENTIAL