Library Scholarly Publishing Office Monthly Report: December 2000/January 2001

Work has focused on the exploration of tools and methods in the past two months, with work underway in exploring the textclass system, Cocoon, and transformation tools such as Quark Avenue and Logictran. We have also begun to get the word out about our services and to generate interest from editors. Notably, in this period we reached a firm agreement with Post Identity, an interdisciplinary journal in the humanities, to create an enhanced electronic version of their print journal. One area of our goals we have fallen notably behind on is the development of information materials such as a brochure and Web site. February will see some intense concentration on these activities. Transitional work from our days as DLPD continues to occupy us, as we continue efforts to complete MoA4, and to provide BAS and DLF with support for their databases. Finally, in addition to the activities reported below, Brian Roseblum had a very active month, acquiring a new desk, phone number, and daughter.

1 Program building

1.1 Build understanding of the needs and concerns of campus publishers

1.2 Possible meeting of university libraries engaged in publishing efforts in their first two years of operation with no more than 5 FTE to talk about sharing tools, information, purpose.

1.3 Communicate with and educate library staff about purpose of SPO and its services

2 Content building

2.1 Communication with faculty editors

2.2 Support for the Philosopher's Imprint

2.2.1 Create Web environment, searchable text and desired display

2.2.2 Provide continuing data transformation support

2.3 Support for The Medieval Review

2.4 Support for the Michigan Quarterly Review

2.4.1 Develop online system for current publication

2.4.2 Digitize backfile

2.5 Work on publication opportunities with Slavic Department

2.5.1 Digitize and put Cross Currents online.

2.6 Support for 4DP2

2.7 Work with Library staff to identify publication possibilities within their collections.

2.8 Other content development

3 Retrieval System

3.1 Assess needs for modification of textclass retrieval system for journals

4 Management system and tools

No new activity

5 Electronic subscription management

5.1 Assess possibilities for charging mechanisms for ACLS and other content

6 Continue exploratory work on print on demand

Although there were no specific developments in this area, these discussions have in part been subsumed by the Digital Reformatting discussions. Bonn is working with Carla Montori to refine questions and issues around print on demand and will be presenting these to CMDC in the near future.

7 Support for ACLS

7.1 Evaluation of ACLS XML

8 Transitional goals

8.1 Release Directory of Ethnic Organizations

8.2 Complete and release BMP Index

8.3 Finish MoA4

8.4 Continue as liaison to DLPS for Arts of Citizenship, Making of Ann Arbor and the Saline Historical Photographs project.

9 Outreach, collaboration and intra-library cooperation