Intelligent Unified Control of Unit Commitment and Generation Allocation Samer Takriti John R. Birge Erik Long Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117 September 1994 Technical Report 94-26

Intelligent Unified Control of Unit Commitment and Generation Allocation Samer Takriti John R. Birge Erik Long October 23, 1994

Contents 1 Unit Commitment Problem 3 2 Lagrangian Relaxation Approach 6 3 Solving Single-Generator Sub-Problem 9 4 Initial Lagrange Multipliers 12 4.1 Quadratic Approximation........................... 12 4.2 Linear Approximation.......................... 13 5 Updating Lagrange Multipliers 14 6 Pump-Storage Hydro Unit 16 7 Efficient Pump-Storage Unit Formulation 17 8 Demand Uncertainty 21 9 Stochastic Unit Commitment Formulation 22 10 Duality Gap Estimation 26 11 Scenario Generation 29 11.1 Generator Failures................................ 30 11.2 Inaccurate Forecast........................... 31 11.3 Other Factors.............................. 31 12 Computational Experience 32 12.1 Generation Shortage Example........................ 33 12.1.1 Demand Comparison.......................... 37 1

12.1.2 Pump-Storage Plant Water-Level Comparison............. 40 12.1.3 Pump-Storage Plant Generation/Consumption Comparison...... 43 12.1.4 Smoothened Demand Comparison.................... 46 12.2 Inaccurate Forecast Example...........................49 12.2.1 Demand Comparison........................... 50 12.2.2 Pump-Storage Plant Water-Level Comparison........... 53 12.2.3 Pump-Storage Plant Generation/Consumption Comparison..... 55 12.2.4 Smoothened Demand Comparison................... 57 13 Conclusions 59 2

1 Unit Commitment Problem One of the most important problems in electrical power generation is the unit commitment problem. The primary concern of system operators is having enough capacity to meet demands during their peak load periods. The limited amount of hydro-electric energy stored in the dams and system reservoirs may not prove to be sufficient to respond to high demands. Therefore, costly thermal generation units must be used in order to make up for the supply shortage. The unit commitment problem refers to the task of finding an optimal schedule, and a production level, for each generating unit over a given period of time. The unit commitment decision indicates which generating units are to be in use at each point in time over the scheduling horizon [8]. Clearly, this problem is a multi-stage program with some 0/1 variables. Throughout this paper, we assume that there are n generating units and that the duration of the study horizon is T. Normally, a 24-hour horizon is sufficient, but a longer horizon, one week, is needed if pump-storage units are to be considered. The state of each unit, i, at a time period, t, is represented by the variable zu. A unit is on at time t if u = 1, and off if ut 0. The level at which unit i operates during a period, t, is xt > 0. The minimum and maximum operating levels for each unit are g. and Gi, respectively. The cost function, fJ, of operating a unit, i, at a level, xi, is assumed to be a convex quadratic function of *tx. This function measures the total fuel and maintenance cost associated with each output level, xt, in the feasible operating range. A start up cost, Si, is incurred whenever the state of a unit changes from zero to one. The cost function, fi, of each unit, i, is modified so that it takes into consideration the start up cost Si. We will refer to this modified function by fi(Xt, zU Ut_). Note that the function fi is not continuous, hence it is non-differentiable and non-convex. When a unit is switched on, there is a minimum on-time requirement, that is, it has to be on for at least L, periods. A similar constraint applies for the case when a unit 3

is switched off; it has to be off for at least i periods. The mathematical formulation of the model is minz,~ E= z[1- fi(xZ, Ui zi) (1) subject to E=ix > dt, t= 1..., T, where dt > 0 represents the demand for electricity during period t. In addition to the previous constraints, each unit must satisfy the minimum on-time, minimum off-time, and minimum and maximum operating level constraints. The problem in (1) is a large-scale mixed-integer quadratic program. Many approaches have been proposed to solve this problem; they can be classified into branch-and-bound methods, dynamic programming, priority ordering, and Lagrangian relaxation method [1]. The first two techniques are satisfactory from the theoretical point of view, but they are practically intractable due to the large size of storage required to implement them on a computer. The third approach is a greedy strategy and does not guarantee an optimum solution in general. The Lagrangian relaxation technique seems to be the most efficient; it attempts to solve the problem indirectly by solving the dual problem. Muckstadt and Koenig [8] appear to have been the first people to address the unit commitment problem and to suggest a sound technique for solving it. They use a Lagrangian relaxation, which decomposes the given problem into smaller sub-problems. Each sub-problem corresponds to the problem of minimizing the cost of operating a generator in the electrical system over the study horizon. Dealing with individual generators simplifies the task of representing the constraints that depend on the state of the generator from period to period, such as minimum on-time and minimum off-time requirements. Dynamic programming is then used to solve the sub-problems, and a lower bound on the optimal cost of the primal problem is obtained. The authors use branch-and-bound to enumerate all possible states of the system efficiently. At each node of the branch-and-bound tree, the states of some gener4

ators at certain time periods are fixed, and the Lagrangian dual of the problem at that node provides a lower bound that helps in pruning the search tree. However, in order to maintain high efficiency, they do not allow more than a small number of Lagrange multiDlier updates at each node. The update is performed using a subgradient method that approximates the steepest-ascent direction since the dual gradient is not unique at some points. The dual solution at some nodes may provide a feasible solution which further reduces the size of the search tree. This strategy, that is, Lagrangian relaxation coupled with branch-and-bound, is common in integer programming and guaranteed to find an optimum solution. The previous technique may fail in practice, as shown by the authors, due to the large number of nodes that need to be studied. Bertsekas, Lauer, Sandell, and Posbergh [5] use a similar Lagrangian relaxation technique but, rather than using branch-and-bound, they update the Lagrange multipliers and resolve the problem. The process is repeated until the duality gap is small enough. In order to accelerate the calculations, the cost function of each generator's sub-problem is approximated by a differentiable function. The approximate dual problem is solved using a quadratically convergent constrained version of Newton's method, which makes use of the gradient and the Hessian matrix of the approximate dual function. The main contribution of this paper is providing an upper bound on the size of the duality gap when the number of generators is greater than the study horizon. Their bound is given by 2TS+-TC) where T is the length of the planning horizon, S* is the maximum start-up cost over all generators, C* is the maximum cost of operating a generating unit for one period, and ~* is the optimum dual functional value. The previous result is consistent with a well known property of Lagrangian relaxation: "the duality gap is typically quite small (in relative terms) if the number of separable terms is large, and in fact becomes smaller as the number of separable parts increases" [4]. 5

A very similar approach is suggested by Merlin and Sandrin [7]. They use the same Lagrangian relaxation to separate the problem. Pump-storage hydro units are treated as any other generator. They then use the subgradient algorithm to update the Lagrange multipliers as proposed by Poljak [10]. Their numerical results are very impressive given the computing power at that time; they solved a system with 172 units over 48 hour horizon to within 0.42% in two minutes. These results may be the consequence of using linear cost functions for the generators while other references use piecewise-linear cost functions. Zhuang and Galiana [14] provide a heuristic that can be used at termination of the dual maximization procedure if the resulting primal solution is infeasible. The main idea is to increase, with a moderate step size, the penalties on the violated constraints iteratively until a feasible solution is found. In this paper, we use a Lagrangian relaxation technique to decompose the problem into smaller sub-problems. Each sub-problem is solved using dynamic programming. We use the special structure of the single-generator sub-problem to reduce the size of the state space of the dynamic program, and to obtain a more efficient formulation than that used classically. We use a subgradient technique to solve the dual maximization problem [10, 3]. 2 Lagrangian Relaxation Approach In order to make the program in (1) separable, a Lagrange multiplier, At > 0, is associated with each of the constraints En x > dt. This choice of relaxation decomposes the problem into n single-generator sub-problems. Constraints that depend on the change in the state of a generator from period to period, such as, minimum up-time and minimum down-time, become easy to implement. The Lagrangian dual problem has the form max ~(A) A>O 6

Figure 1: The Lagrangian Relaxation Approach described in Section 2 Set j + 1. Initialize the Lagrange multipliers, A, as described in section 3.4. 0o / ^3Is less than the maximum Sct j + j + Update onumber of iterations? the Lagrange multipliCrs. Yes Solve n single-generator sub-problems using the procedure described in section 3.3. Is generation greater than the ^ No demand in all periods? _ Yes Store the new solution and compute the corresponding duality gap using the dual solution. Is the duality gap obtained No small enough? Yes Stop. The best solution found so far is considered a local minimum. -I~~~~

where n T T n ~(A) = min fi(xt, ut ut) - E At(x t- dt) X, U i=l t=l t=l i=1 subject to unit minimum and maximum operating levels, and minimum on-timt and off-time constraints. The Lagrangian dual function can be rewritten as n T, ~() min: fi(xt,, U_ ) - - (x- dt). i=1 t=l n For a given A, the value of ~(A) is computed by solving n mixed-integer quadratic programs Fi(A) = min f (f(, )- t(z-d)) i= 1...., n, (2)', t=i n and adding the resulting values of Fi(A) over all generators. Note that each of these programs is independent of the others, which motivates a parallel implementation of this step. The optimization problem in (2) is called the ith single-generator sub-problem since it only depends on the specifications of generator i. If the primal solution corresponding to a given A is feasible, then the Lagrange function value is a lower bound on the primal objective function value (weak duality). It follows that the maximum dual objective function value is a lower bound on the primal optimum objective function value. The difference between the optimum value of the original program and the optimum value of the Lagrangian dual problem is called the duality gap, and is expected to be strictly positive since the feasible region of the relaxed problem is not convex. One can also show that the Lagrange function is concave, hence continuous, in the parameter A and bounded, which implies that a global optimum can be reached by using an appropriate convex programming method. The two previous remarks are the main attraction in this technique since one can replace a hard primal problem by that of maximizing concave function. Note that the Lagrange function is not differentiable at all points A, which complicates the process of maximizing the dual function. 8

In order to solve the dual problem, a starting point, A, is chosen according to some criterion, then the value of the Lagrange function, ~(A), is computed by solving n minimization problems. If the resulting primal solution is feasible, then ~(A) is a lower bound and ni F,(A) is an upper bound on the optimum value of (1). If the difference between the upper and lower bounds is relatively small, the procedure terminates. Otherwise, the process is repeated by choosing a better Lagrange multiplier. A more detailed description of the steps of this process is provided in the following sections. 3 Solving Single-Generator Sub-Problem We used dynamic programming to solve the mixed-integer quadratic program in (2). At each time period or stage, a generator can be in one of two states: on or off. The formulation needs to take into consideration the minimum on-time and minimum off-time constraints; that is, a variable must represent the number of periods spent so far in the current state. Many researchers suggested using L + I nodes at each stage of the dynamic programming graph [8, 7, 14]; no change in the generator state is permitted at nodes where a generator has been on/off for less than L/l periods. The following observations reduce the number of nodes in the dynamic programming graph substantially: * Since one can only make decisions at those nodes in which a generator has been on/off for at least L/l periods, one needs only to consider these nodes in the dynamic programming formulation. * Furthermore, the decision set of a generator that has been on/off for longer than L/l is the same as that of a generator that has been on/off for exactly L/l periods. So, it suffices to consider two nodes at each stage: on for at least L periods and off for at least I periods. In other words, the number of nodes in the dynamic programming graph is 2T which seems to be best in this case. 9

Figure 2: Traditional Dynamic Programming Formulation for Single-Generator Sub-Problem;On for 2 f'(x- - d1) f'(x) - - d. ) f'() - (- d3) f'(xd) - f - d4) - * f (x/ - / 4 / On for 2 i \ ^yy \/ \ \y/ \ /^ Off for I *.77 \'>/ \/ / \ ^77 /o f / / / /. /;y / y Aldi Add3d3 A4 d Off for 2 n n 0 1 2 3 4 Each node is represented by two indices. The first index indicates the state of the generator: on/off, and the second one indicates the time or the stage variable. For instance, the node (off, 3) indicates that at time period 3, the current generator has been off for at least I periods. Hence, this generator can be switched on, that is, move to node (on, 3 + L), at a cost of c(off, 3) + E \min (f\'(x) - -(x> -dt) + Si t=4 x't On the other hand, we can keep the generator off, that is, move to the node (off, 4) at a cost of c(off, 3) + Atdt/n. The cost at any node, c, represents the minimal cost needed to reach 10

this node in the graph given the initial state at time 0. Given a Lagrange multiplier, A, the following algorithm describes the steps required to find an optimum solution for the single generator problem1. Initialization. Let x, t = 1,..., T, be an optimum solution for the convex optimization problem: min f'(xt) - t - dt), t = 1,... T, Xt n such that x* is within the operating range of that generator. Let c(off, t) = oo for all t = 0,.., T + - 1, and c(on, t) = oo for all t = 0,.., T + L - 1. If the initial state is off then let c(off, 0) = 0; otherwise, let c(on, 0) = 0. Set t +- O. * General Step. 1. c(off, t+ 1) min {c(off, t+ 1), c(off, t)+ dt+l}. c(on, t+L) min {c(on, t + L), c(off, t) + Em Lt+L ( f(x*) - (X - dT)) + }. c(on, t + 1) = min {c(on, t + 1), c(on, t) + f'(x1+l) - A (+ - dt+l)}. c(off, t + 1j min c(off, t + 1), c(on, t) + ETmit+lT} dT}. 2. Set t - t + 1. 3. If t < T then go to step 1. 4. Check the nodes (off, t.), t = T,..., T+- 1, and (on, t), t = T,..., T+L-1, to find the optimum value of the objective function corresponding to the given A. Note that the number of functional evaluations needed to compute the summation in step 1 is only one. A predecessor pointer is associated with each node. Whenever the cost, c, of a node changes, the pointer is updated so that it points to that node from which the transition has the lowest cost. At termination, one can use the predecessor pointers recursively to find an optimal strategy. aIn order to simplify the notations, the index i will be steps of the algorithm. 11

Figure 3: Suggested Dynamic Programming Formulation for Single-Generator Sub-Problem On f'() - (x* - d2) f'(x*) - (x* d3) f(x*) - (* - d4) On 1 n 1 2 n 2 3 n 3 4 n 4 Off n n n n 0 1 2 3 4 4 Initial Lagrange Multipliers two sections describe techniques that we found to provide very good approximations for A efficiently. 4.1 Quadratic Approximation obtain a starting A by solving the quadratic program: minx i=I ET= 1 fi'(Xt) + Si Xit ^^<^ ^s^^: i > d r, t-1 subject to EnLxi dt, t 1,..., T (3) O <xt < Gi In other words, the minimum on and minimum off time requirements, and the lower bounds on generation capacities are relaxed. The term i xt takes into consideration the start up cost of each unit. 12

The program in (3) is a convex quadratic program that can be solved efficiently using any quadratic programming algorithm, such as Lemke's. Note that the previous quadratic program is separable, and can be written as the sum of T quadratic programs, each of which has exactly one constraint min n~fi) + Si xi minx, i1, f'(xt) +- En i subject to EL= xt > dt (4) O < x < Gi. The dual variables associated with the demand constraints, 13 xt > dt, are used as initial Lagrange multipliers of (1). We can make the program in (4) separable by associating a Lagrange multiplier, Ut > 0, with the demand constraint. Now, we have n different quadratic convex programs; each of which has one bounded decision variable, x. The solution is found easily by finding the point, t(st), at which the derivative of the objective function vanishes, and then choosing the closest feasible point, xz*(pt), to T(plt) as an optimum solution. The value of the dual multiplier, Pt is then updated, and the process is repeated until E.x t*(It) is equal to dt. The final values of Ut are used as an approximation for the Lagrange multipliers for the mixed-integer quadratic program in (2). In order to improve the efficiency of the procedure. one can build a table that contains the demand values corresponding to different marginal costs, Jt, at the beginning of the solution process. 4.2 Linear Approximation Since the coefficients of the quadratic terms in the cost functions are relatively small, one can approximate f2i(x) using a linear function, cix, such that fi(Gi) + Si i- — 1 Gi 13

Here again, the term S is added to take the start up cost into consideration. Since each generator has a constant marginal cost in this case, that is, the cost per Megawatt-Hour does not depend on the load on the generator, we can sort the generators in the ascending order of their marginal costs, ci. If we ignore the minimum generation capacity requirements, and the minimum on and off time constraints, we can find easily which units to put on line to meet any given demand at a minimal cost. The problem simply is to minimize a piecewise-linear convex function subject to the constraint of meeting the demand, and is solved by choosing the generators in the order of ci. The previous procedure can be further simplified and accelerated by building a table that contains the slopes, ci, in ascending order in one column, and the corresponding cumulative maximum generation capacities in the other column. For any given demand at time t, one can find the range in which the demand falls, and use the corresponding ci as an approximation for the Lagrange multiplier at that time period. The resulting function is convex and denoted by A(.) for use in subsequent sections. This approximation was implemented and, surprisingly, the dual objective function value of the initial solution was always within two percent of the optimum dual objective function value. 5 Updating Lagrange Multipliers If the primal solution corresponding to the current dual solution, A, is infeasible, or if the primal solution is feasible but the duality gap is not small enough, then a new dual vector must be used so that a better primal feasible solution is obtained. Since the dual objective function is concave, but not everywhere differentiable, it may not have a gradient everywhere and a subgradient technique is necessary to maximize this function. A vector I is called a subgradient of ~(.) at A if ~(A) < ~() + (A-A ) 14

If the subgradient is unique at a point A, then it is the gradient at that point. The set of all subgradients at A is called the subdifferential, ~\(A), and it is a closed convex set. A necessary and sufficient condition for optimality in subgradient optimization is 0 E 9A. We used the subgradient optimization algorithm; it generates a sequence of points using the rule A+l = A1 + al1 where (l is any subgradient of ~(.) at Al1 [13]. The step size, al, has to be chosen carefully in order to achieve a good performance by the algorithm. Poljak [10] has shown that the necessary and sufficient conditions to guarantee the convergence of the sequence Al to an optimum solution is aljll|l -+ 0 and Ea cjll11 - oco, (5) where |. denotes the Euclidean norm. In fact, a geometric convergence rate can be achieved if we choose ~* - ~(X1) where ~* is the optimal value of the Lagrange function. A problem here is that ~* is not known in advance. We adopted a simple updating rule that satisfies (5) but has no known theoretical convergence rate a + bl' where a and b are constants; they are chosen according to the given data. We also imposed an upper bound on the step size in order to maintain dual feasibility. Recall that our problem is to maximize n T T n ~(A) = min fi(xt, Ut_, u) - A t(E - tidt) X, U i=1 t=l t=l i=1 15

subject to 1A > 0. A subgradient of the function ~(A') with respect to A' is given by n Vt(Al) - dt- Ext, t 1,..., T. i=l If Vt^~(Al) is not equal to zero, then it is an ascent direction and the value of J~(A1) will increase by moving to A' + a,(dt - tx), a, > O. Since we want to maintain dual feasibility that is, A, > 0, the maximum step length is XA Otmax = Z-dt (6) when >,1 xt > dt. In the case where the primal solution is infeasible, Z=1 xt < dt, there when i t - ~ _, is no upper bound on the value of al, but we imposed a maximum step length in the implementation. The previous points can be summarized as follows: If A = 0 andi E x > dt, then set Al+1 +- AX * If Al > 0 and Eixt > dt, then set Al+1 A- A + a,(dt - EZx), where a, does not exceed ix-t, x'-dt * If E xt < dt, then set AI1 + + - a,(dt - i x). The previous procedure is very efficient and simple to implement. 6 Pump-Storage Hydro Unit The problem of optimizing pump-storage units has been studied extensively. Bannister and Kaye [2] discuss the case of a single reservoir and a single production facility that represents all available generating units. The operating cost of the production facility is assumed to be piecewise linear and convex. The authors present a linear programming formulation, and then exploit the special structure of the constraint matrix in order to develop an efficient dynamic programming formulation, which in turn is used to solve the model over the study 16

horizon. However, this paper assumes that the cost function of operating the hydro unit is the same for all time periods, and hence, independent of the load on the system. In reality, the cost associated with pumping water into the reservoir of the hydro unit, and the savings resulting from releasing water from the storage depend on the system's load and its current state. The previous difficulty is a result of the non-linearity of the generator's cost functions and the start up and shut down costs. Merlin and Sandrin [7], and Aoki, Itoh, Satoh, Nara, and Kanezashi [1] provide a more general solution by assuming that the pump-storage unit is a special generating unit which can produce and consume electricity. The cost function of the hydro unit is assumed to be a linear function of the amount of water released from, or pumped into, the reservoir. The cost coefficient at each time period, t, is the marginal cost, At, of producing electricity at that time period. The water utilization problem is then solved using dynamic programming. In each iteration, the values of A change, which consequently changes the cost associated with the hydro unit, hence its policy. Our numerical experience with this technique indicates that the number of iterations needed to solve the problem is relatively large. The reason may be the strong relationship between all time periods which is introduced into the model by treating the hydro unit as any other generator. Another problem with using a linear cost function for the hydro unit is that, given a small marginal cost, At, at period t, the dynamic programming technique tends to pump a lot of water and may fill the reservoir in that period. On the other hand, if At is relatively large, the dynamic programming solution may use most of the water at that period. 7 Efficient Pump-Storage Unit Formulation In order to reduce the number of iterations, one can ignore the pump-storage hydro unit, solve the thermal unit commitment problem to obtain the marginal cost, At, at each period, 17

t, and then solve the water allocation problem using dynamic programming. Now, the load on the thermal units is updated, and the unit commitment problem is solved again to obtain a new set of A. The process is repeated until the values of A converge. Note that at each iteration, a large mixed-integer quadratic program needs to be solved. The previous procedure is not very efficient since the initial values of A are far from being optimal, and the number of iterations needed is large. One can obtain a better initial set of Lagrange multipliers by using the approximating procedure described in section 4.2. Notice that instead of solving a unit commitment problem in each iteration, we need to perform a table look-up in order to come up with a reasonable A. Then, the demand is changed and the new values of A are used and so on. We formulated the previous problem as a dynamic program by discretizing the water level in the reservoir. Assume that the water level at the beginning of the horizon is ho and that the terminal water level at the end of the horizon is hT. The maximum water level in the reservoir is h. The cost of pumping water into the reservoir, p(ht-, ht, di), is a function of the water levels, ht-1 and ht, and the load on the system, dt, during time period t. Let us denote the amount of electricity needed to change the water level in the reservoir from ht-_ at the beginning of period t, to ht at the end of that period by H(htl, ht). The function H(ht_l,-ht) is assumed to be positive for ht-1 < ht; that is, pumping, and negative for ht-1 > ht which represents generating electricity. Clearly, the ratio -H(h+,h)I A > 0, is strictly less than one; it represents the efficiency of the hydro unit. Given a certain demand, dt, our approximation of the cost of generating one unit of electricity, At, is given in section 4.2 by the convex function A(dt). Note that A(dt) is a function of the load and does not depend on the time period. The cost of changing the water 18

level from ht-1 to ht is p(ht-1htdt)= - A(dt - H(htl, h))dh. (7) -/=htl Since we decided to discretize the variable h, a summation over all intervals between ht_1 and ht should replace the previous integral. The recursive equation of the dynamic program is Pt(ht)= min _{Pt-1(ht-1) +p(ht-1,ht,dt)}, t 1,..., T. (8) O<ht-l <h The boundary conditions are Po(ho) = 0 and Po(h) = oo for h o ho. The optimal objective value is PT(hT) and an optimal strategy can be found easily by backward recursion. One can look at the previous dynamic program as an attempt to smoothen the demand for electricity in different periods using the hydro unit. During low demand periods, water is pumped into the reservoir at a relatively low cost, which increases the load on the thermal units. When the marginal cost is large; that is, the demand is high, water is released to absorb part of the demand which reduces the load on the thermal units. After solving the dynamic program in (8), we update the load on the thermal units dt = dt + H(ht_l, ht), t 1,..., T, and solve the resulting thermal unit commitment problem. Using the marginal values obtained from the Lagrangian relaxation of the unit commitment problem, we again minimize the cost of operating the hydro unit, which is assumed to be a linear function of dt with At as its cost coefficient. As mentioned earlier, having a constant cost, At, at each time period for any change in the water level may cause the hydro unit to over pump or release. This extreme behavior is dampened by restricting the maximum amount of water that can be 19

Figure 4: The Procedure Used in Finding an Optimal Solution for the Hydro Unit Approximate the marginal-cost function of generating electricity, A(d), using the procedure described in section 3.4. Compute the cost of changing the water level for the given demand using equation (3.7). Use the dynamic program of (3.8) to obtain an approximate water allocation, ht, at each time period, t = 1,,..., T. Update the demand on the thermal units Set A <- Anew. Solve the dynamic program dt = dt + H(htl, ht), t= 1,..., T. of (3.9). Solve a thermal unit commitment problem to obtain the exact marginal cost, Anew, corresponding to d. Ar all the values of ad No Ancw close enough? Yes Stop. The current solution is a local minimum. 20

pumped or released in one period to H. The recursive equation of the resulting dynamic program takes the form Pt(ht) = min{Pt_i(ht_) + At(d, - H(ht-l h))}, t 1,..., T, (9) ht-1 where ht-_ takes all possible water levels in the range [max{O, ht - H}, min{h, ht+ H}]. The dynamic program in (9) leads to a new hydro policy. The process is repeated until the values of A converge. 8 Demand Uncertainty Throughout the previous sections, dt > 0 represented the total demand for electricity during time period t. Clearly, dt is a random variable that fluctuates according to the weather, the day of the week, the time of day, and many other factors. The main difficulty is that the demand for electricity is continuously varying. In practice, the demand during each period, which is usually one hour, is estimated using the weather forecast and the data that has been already collected from similar periods in previous years. This estimation is done for each period in the problem horizon which is generally one weeek; the approximated demands are then used to find an optimum strategy, which determines the status of each generator during each time period. Since the actual demand at any point in time may be different than the approximated demand, experienced operators observe the changes in the demand, and make the necessary real-time decisions. For instance, if the demand for electricity increases above a certain level, the load on the generator with the lowest cost per electricity unit, that is, the smallest slope or marginal cost, is increased. In this case, the operator is trying to meet the demand at a low cost using a greedy strategy. But after using the flat parts of the cost functions for all the 21

running generators, it may actually be more beneficial to start up another generator rather than using the generator with the smallest slope. In some cases, all running generators may reach their upper limits, and still another generator may need to be started. A widely used approach to handle demand uncertainty is to develop forecasts of both the average and the peak demand for each time period. The unit commitment problem formulation is then altered so that it takes into consideration the worst case scenario; that is, the peak demand at each period, dt. minx,2 E=i Et=l fi(Xt, uit-1 ut) subject to E=1x > dt, t 1,..., T E=1Giuit > dt, t =1,..., T. Planners require excess reserve capacity not only to guarantee the existence of enough generating capacity, but also to protect the system against the inability to satisfy the demand when generating equipment failures occur. Excess system capacity is often called spinning reserve [8]. The following section describes a unit commitment formulation that takes into consideration the non-deterministic nature of the demand. An efficient technique for solving this problem is also presented. 9 Stochastic Unit Commitment Formulation Rather than solving the unit commitment problem for the expected demand vector, one can consider a set of possible scenarios and solve the unit commitment problem for the demand of each of these scenarios. Each scenario is assigned a weight, P,, that reflects the possibility of its occurrence in the future. In other words, the uncertainty about future demand is modeled by a number of deterministic sub-problems; this approach is called scenario analysis [11]. 22

Here, one hopes to discover similarities and trends by studying different instances of the sub-problems, and eventually, come up with a "well-hedged" solution to the original problem. The policy we are looking for has to satisfy the constraint that if two different scenarios s and s' are indistinguishable at time period t on the basis of information available about them at time t, then the decision made for scenario s must be the same as that of scenario s'. The previous constraint is modeled by partitioning the scenario set at each time period into disjoint subsets that are called scenario bundles. Clearly, a bundle at time t is refined in Figure 5: Scenario bundles Scenario 1 Decisions made for Scenarios 1 and 2 must be the same. _____ o ___,0_ -o 0 Scenario 2 Decisions made for Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be the same. 0~~o______ ~~~~~o _____ o ___________ o'o Scenario 3 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri \ Sat Sun Decisions made for \ be the same. subsequent time periods into smaller disjoint bundles [11]. To clarify the previous concept, assume that the unit commitment problem was solved for S demand vectors, ds, s = 1,..., S, which resulted in a three-dimensional array representing the status of each unit at each time period under each scenario, u's. The system administrator needs to make a decision concerning the status of each unit, i, during the first time period based on the solutions obtained. In general, the values of us, s = 1,..., 5, are not equal, and an optimal decision cannot be made without reformulating the problem so that the decisions u'ij are the same for all s 1,..., S and i = 1,..., n. 23

One does not only have to consider the first time period, but must also take into account all subsequent bundles that could affect the decisions made throughout the study horizon. Two scenarios are members of the same bundle, Qk, at time period t if both of them have the same demand values for all time periods 1,..., t. Note that each scenario is a member of exactly one bundle at each time period, which motivates the notation B(s,t). If two scenarios are members of the same bundle at time t, then their bundles in time periods 1,..., t - 1 are also the same. In other words, B(si, t) - B(s2, t) = B(si, ) = B(s2, ), T = 1,..., t - 1. Mathematically, a bundle at time period t is represented as a constraint on the decision variables, ut, of its scenarios. Adding the bundle constraints results in a large-scale mixed-integer quadratic program that combines S unit commitment problems together. The objective function is to minimize the weighted sum of the objective functions of the smaller problems, that is, to minimize the expected cost over all possible scenarios. Here is the mathematical formulation: S n T i,s is minx, Ef'=l Ps iE-i Yt=l fi(xt U, ut ) subject to E7xfs > ds t 1... T s 1,..., S (10) and 1,e S2: B(s, t) = B(S2, t)= = = U = Ci, t 1,..., 1,..., l. The previous program is solved in a Lagrangian relaxation-like technique: a multiplier,'tS, is associated with the bundle constraint on each variable u i and the corresponding penalty term, pt'S(Uts - c), is added to the objective function. The target value ck is the same for all scenarios that share the same bundle, and is assumed to be the weighted average 24

Figure 6: The Progressive Hedging Algorithm Described in Section 9 Initialize the Lagrange multipliers, A, and the hydro and thermal penalties. Set A +- Anew, do not Solve S hydro-unit problems to obtain the best Update the hydro-unit. reset the penalties. water utilization for each scenario. penalties. re all bundle constraints No satisfied for the hydro-unit? Yes Solve S unit commitment problems to ob- Update the thermaltain Anew for each scenario. unit penalties. Are all bundle constraints No satisfied for all generators? Ycs No Ar all the values of an Anew close enough? Yes Stop. The current solution is a local minimum. 25

of the decisions made i s:B(s,t)=Qk PsUt Ck - k Es:B(s,t)=Qk Ps The process is very similar to the one proposed for solving the deterministic unit commitment problem using Lagrangian relaxation. Starting from a set of penalties, S unit commitment problems are solved. If the resulting solutions satisfy the bundle constraints, then we stop with an admissible implementable policy or a feasible strategy. Otherwise, the penalties are updated and the process is repeated. We call the previous process progressive hedging [11]. Since the program in (10) is not convex, the feasible policy obtained at termination is a local minimum for the problem. In order to get better policies, different starting penalties and different updating strategies should be used. 10 Duality Gap Estimation Our goal is to minimize the expected cost of generating electricity using n generators for a horizon of T periods over S possible scenarios. Mathematically, the problem can be written as: min E= s Eij=l t=l f(Xt, tit' Ut' ) d adsubject to Ei=1ni' n dmS and subject to minimum on-time, minimum off-time, minimum and maximum operating levels, and the appropriate bundle constraints. In order to represent the bundle constraints, we define r(s) to be the first period in which a scenario, s > 2, does not share a bundle with another scenario s' < s. We also define a(s) < s to be a scenario that shares the same bundle with s at all time periods prior to and including T(s)- 1. The bundle constraints are then written as Ut -Ut 0 t 1, () - 1, i= 1,.. n, s =2,... S. 26

The program in (11) is made separable into S deterministic unit commitment problems by using the appropriate Lagrangian multipliers. Let us relax the bundle constraints by associating a multiplier, t's, with each equality constraint ui' -'(s = 0. Here is the resulting dual objective function: S n T S n r(s)-1 _maxm0 Ps x in su fit (sl, ~ti is i, - s ( ist' -t(s)) (12) s=l =1 t=l s=2 i=1 t=l In this section, we show that under certain conditions, the duality gap is relatively small; hence, the use of this relaxation is justified. Proposition 10.1 Under the assumption that there exists a feasible solution for the given unit commitment problem of each scenario, the duality gap between the minimum of (11) and the maximum of (12) is bounded above by KC. Here, K is the number of instances at which the scenario tree branches; i.e., K = 1 US2{Tr(s)}\, and C is a constant determined by the generating units of the system. Proof Let us solve the unit commitment problem for all scenarios s = 1... S without taking the bundle constraints into consideration. Our goal is to find, using these optimal policies, a feasible policy that satisfies all bundle constraints. Note that if we force each generator, i, to be on for at least Li periods prior to each branching point in the scenario tree, the resulting optimal solutions are feasible and satisfy the bundle constraints. In other words, scenarios that are in the same bundle have identical schedules for the generating units. This follows from the fact that scenarios contained in a given bundle at a time period t have the same demand for all periods prior to t, and that the states of all generators at each of the K branching points are forced to be identical. After relaxing the bundle constraints and solving the unit commitment problem corresponding to each scenario optimally, the state of a generator, i, under a given scenario and 27

prior to a specific branching point, t, can be in one of three states. Here, we describe a procedure that uses the optimal policies to produce a feasible schedule that satisfies all bundle constraints. 1. on for at least Li periods. No action is necessary to make the problem feasible. 2. on for ac < Li periods. Here, the generator i is off for the 3 > i- periods prior to t - a. We study two cases: * a + p - Li > li Switch on generator i for the Li periods prior to t. Note that i is off for a + 3 - L/ periods in the new schedule; i.e., the minimum-off time requirement is satisfied. The additional cost incurred is Si + Lifi(gi, 1,1). a + - Li < li Switch on generator i for all a + 3 periods prior to t. Note that the resulting schedule satisfies the minimum-on time requirement since there are at least Li periods prior to t - c - /3 in which the generator is on. The additional cost incurred is at most (Li + li)fi(gI, 1,1). 3. off for /3 periods. We discuss two cases: ~ > L +li Switch on generator i for the Li periods prior to t. The resulting schedule is feasible since it satisfies both the minimum on-time and minimum off-time constraints. The additional cost incurred is Si + Lifi(gi, 1,1). /3 < Li + -i Switch on generator i for all 3 periods prior to t. The resulting schedule is feasible 28

since this generator is on for at least Li periods prior to t - 3. The additional cost incurred is at most (Li + li)fi(gi, 1,1). From the previous discussion, it costs at most C = Lifi(gi, 1, 1) + max{S,, liJi(g., 1,1)} to force a generator, i, to be on for Li periods prior to a given time period t. Since we have at most K branching points for each scenario, an upper bound on the increase in the objective function cost that results from enforcing the bundle constraints is: s E PKC= KC. s=l Clearly, KC is an upper bound on the duality gap of the relaxation used; i.e., it is an upper bound on the difference between the minimum of (11) and the maximum of (12). Note that the number of branching points, K, is bounded above by S - 1. The ratio of the duality gap to the number of scenarios, S, is called the relative gap. It is bounded above by Kc. In practice, K does not increase linearly with the number of scenarios since the branches are created at certain periods in the planning horizon. If this is the case, the relative duality gap approaches zero as the number of scenarios increases. 11 Scenario Generation In order to obtain a policy that is of practical use, we need to provide the progressive hedging algorithm with scenarios that truly reflect all possible future demands. Furthermore, the probabilities assigned to these scenarios must be calculated carefully. Clearly, this is not an easy task, and more research must be done in this area in order to develop a better understanding of the demand randomness and the related factors. One thing which must be considered in regards to scenario generation, is that the more scenarios which are created, the better the hedging policy of the algorithm. On the other hand, the execution time of the 29

algorithm grows rapidly as the number of scenarios included increases and as their demands are more diverse. Among the factors that randomly affect the load on the system are generator failures and unexpected or unusual demands. One should also consider the available electricity that can be purchased from other suppliers and the sales of electricity to other regions with emergency needs. Here is a closer look at some of these factors and the suggested methods of treating them in our model. 11.1 Generator Failures A given generator may be unavailable for use at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, such as mechanical problems, unscheduled maintenance, etc. The current strategy of Detroit Edison and Consumers Power is to maintain adequate operating reserves for these types of situations. At any given time, some of this operating reserves is available from the pumpstorage plant. We have modeled this problem by creating a scenario which has demand increases equal to the unavailable generator's capacity. These demand increases occur, during the periods in which the generator is expected to be down. The scenario is then assigned a weight equal to the probability that this generator will be unavailable. Different scenarios can be created for different generator failures. Another way to model this problem is to approximate the generating capacity loss over a certain period of time. The advantage of this technique is its independence from the individual generators. For instance, the Michigan Electric Power Coordination Center personnel estimate that the unexpected generation loss is approximately 400 Megawatt-Hours every three days. The previous statement is translated into an increase in the load of 400 30

Megawatt-Hours per day with a probability of one third, and no increase in the load with a probability of two thirds. We started with the expected scenario, and then created a scenario tree that covers all possible increases using the previous rule. 11.2 Inaccurate Forecast Experienced schedulers forecast the load for each hour of the week on Sunday and, if necessary, update this forecast on each shift. In order to estimate the load on the system, a scheduler uses the data of the same week from previous years, the data of days with similar weather conditions, and his/her personal experience. The resulting load forecast is then used as the input for the unit commitment program which determines an optimum strategy. Here again, we created several scenarios with high demand increases or decreases. The unusual changes in the demand are assigned probabilities according to the likelihood of their occurrence. This approach makes it easy for a scheduler to include all the relevant data of a certain week in the model after assigning a suitable weight to each of them. 11.3 Other Factors Electricity can be bought from or sold to other electric companies. The price per MegawattHour varies depending on the time of the day, the contracts governing the trade between these companies, the amount of electricity needed, the urgency of the electricity need, etc. All the resulting changes in the load on the system can be modeled as possible scenarios. Each of these scenarios has an additional generator with an appropriate cost function corresponding to the price of the available electricity. The minimum and maximum generating capacities of such a generator are set equal to the total amount of electricity that can be purchased in each period. Each generator of this type is a must-run unit in its corresponding scenario, and is assumed to be unavailable in all other scenarios. The only difficulty in ap31

plying this approach is that the probability assigned to each scenario needs to be estimated accurately. This estimation can be done easily if there is a large database that will permit a good approximation of these probabilities. 12 Computational Experience The progressive hedging technique was implemented using the C language on an IBM RS/6000. The code is written so that it makes full use of the RISC architecture. A unit commitment problem with 2400 binary variables and 2400 continuous variables is solved in less than one second to within 0.1% of the optimum solution. We used the same data that is used by Michigan Electric Power Coordination Center. The system has a pump-storage hydro plant with six units, and more than hundred thermal units. Water is pumped into the reservoir during low-demand periods so that it can be used during peak-demand periods. For this study, the power needed to pump the water into the storage facility is assumed to be linear to the change in the water level. In other words, to change the water level in the storage by one foot, one needs a constant amount of electricity that is independent of the level of water in the pump-storage plant. This constant was assumed to be 340 Megawatt-Hours per foot in our calculations. The efficiency of the storage facility, that is, the ratio of the power generated by one foot of water to the power needed to punp one foot of water into the reservoir is 70%. So, it makes sense to pump water for future use as long as the ratio of the marginal cost during the pumping period to the marginal cost during the generation period is less than 0.7. The thermal units are divided into four different categories. The first is the must-run units which are assumed to be on-line everyday throughout the year. These units have relatively lower operating costs compared to the others. The second category is the unavailable units. 32

The unavailability is due to maintenance, mechanical failures, or other factors. Cyclers form another category. These units must be scheduled for use in advance, since they require a long time to get them on-line. The last category is peakers. Peakers are committed when no other economic resources are available, or when a system condition requires their quick start capability. For this study, the minimum on and off times for peakers are equal to one hour, so that they can be used when needed then turned off immediately after that. 12.1 Generation Shortage Example We used 22 different scenarios in this example. The expected demand for each period over a one-week horizon was provided by Detroit Edison and Consumers Power; it is that demand for the time periods between Monday November 9, 1992 and Sunday November 15, 1992. We assumed that the demand over Saturday and Sunday for all scenarios is the same as that of the forecasted demand, scenario one. Saturdays and Sundays have low demand in general, hence, they are not the bottleneck in the unit commitment schedule. The other scenarios were generated from scenario one by adding 400 Megawatt-Hours with probability one third at the beginning of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This increase in the demand takes into account the possible failure of some thermal units. Table 1 summarizes the demand increases of different scenarios relative to the expected demand. The scenario tree and different scenario bundles can be seen in Figure 7 and Table 1. For instance, scenario one and two have the same demand throughout Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and therefore they are members of the same bundles up to the beginning of Friday. That means that our unit commitment schedules for these two scenarios must be the same for all periods prior to Friday. In other words, the water level and the thermal units' status, on or off, are the same. Scenarios three, four, and five have the same demand up to Friday morning, and therefore, our unit commitment schedules for these 33

Table 1: Demand Increases for Different Scenarios Seen. Prob. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. 1 19.05% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9.52% 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 3 9.52% 0 0 0 400 400 0 0 4 4.76% 0 0 0 400 800 0 0 5 0.95% 0 0 0 +20% +20% 0 0 6 9.52% 0 0 400 400 400 0 0 7 4.76% 0 0 400 400 800 0 0 8 4.76% 0 0 400 800 800 0 0 9 1.90% 0 0 400 800 1200 0 0 10 0.95% 0 0 400 800 +15% 0 0 11 0.95% 0 0 +20% +20% +20%0 0 0 12 9.52% 0 400 400 400 400 0 0 13 4.76% 0 400 400 400 800 0 0 14 0.95% 0 400 400 400 +20% 0 0 15 4.76% 0 400 400 800 800 0 0 16 1.90% 0 400 400 800 1200 0 0 17 0.95% 0 400 400 +15% +15% 0 0 18 4.76% 0 400 800 800 800 0 0 19 1.90% 0 400 800 800 1200 0 0 20 1.90% 0 400 800 1200 1200 0 0 21 0.95% 0 400 800 1200 1600 0 0 22 0.95% 0 400 +20% +20% +20% 0 0 34

scenarios must be the same for all periods prior to Friday. Note that all scenarios have the same demand on Monday, hence they are members of the same bundles for all periods prior to Tuesday morning. Figures 8 to 12 in section 12.1.1 show the demand comparisons between each scenario and the expected demand. We used the progressive hedging technique to solve the previous problem. Note that for any bundle, penalties need to be applied only to the cyclers if their status are not the same. The must-run units and the unavailable units have the same status, and the decisions on the peakers' status can be made in real time since their response time is negligible. This remark reduces the calculations considerably since progressive hedging has to deal with the small number of cyclers only. Table 2 shows the costs of applying the optimum strategy for a given scenario to each of the other scenarios. Obviously, the lowest cost for each scenario occurs when its own optimum strategy is used. The expected value of using each optimum strategy is computed and given in the column E(x). The costs corresponding to applying the progressive hedging policy to all scenarios are provided in the last row of Table 2. The difference between the expected value of each optimum policy and that of the progressive hedging represents the savings incurred by using progressive hedging. Note that scenario one is the forecasted demand and its optimum strategy is the strategy used by Michigan Electric Power Coordination Center to build their schedule. We call this strategy the deterministic strategy since it is computed using the expected demand. Applying this strategy to the other scenarios represents what Detroit Edison and Consumers Power may pay if the forecast is inaccurate, that is, if another scenario occurs. Clearly, the expected cost corresponding to the progressive hedging strategy, $19,978,000, is lower than that of the deterministic strategy, $20,124,000, yielding a savings of $146,000 for this week. As a matter 35

1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 E(x) Save % Pr 19.05% 9.52% 9.52% 4.76%o 0.95% 9.52% 4.76% 4.76% 1.90% 0.95% 0.95% 9.52% 4.76% 0.95% 4.76% 1.90% 0.95% 4.76% 1.90% 1.90% 0.95% 0.95% 1 19247 19416 19583 19823 22812 19748 19989 20236 20584 22245 24573 19915 20156 23120 20403 20742 23727 20647 20986 21344 21689 29673 20124 145.12 0.73% 2 19284 19416 19613 19788 22268 19778 19953 20200 20409 21457 24032 19945 20120 22263 20367 20577 22938 20611 20821 21190 21426 28819 20075 96.870.48% 3 19270 19438 19583 19787 22242 19763 19951 20134 20438 21903 24003 19930 20117 22840 20301 20605 23153 20545 20848 21124 21482 29078 20072 93.63 0.47% [ 4 19300 19462 19626 19786 21939 19791 19963 20150 20348 21341 23700 19959 20131 22172 20317 20515 22586 20561 20759 21066 21312 28408 20056 77.01 0.39% 5 19429 19589 19752 19922 21324 19918 20088 20256 20450 21156 23085 20086 20256 21638 20424 20618 21928 20668 20862 21056 21264 26444 20123 144.57 0.72% 6 19280 19448 19608 19797 22270 19747 19955 20144 20442 21933 23746 19938 20122 22871 20312 20603 23186 20493 20803 21085 21439 28815 20071 92.83 0.46% 7 19311 19472 19636 19808 21960 19802 19950 20157 20357 21347 23441 19968 20140 22182 20324 20524 22604 20513 20708 21022 21266 28139 20055 76.100.38% 8 19343 19504 19668 19840 21599 19833 20006 20134 20370 21362 23087 20001 20173 22214 20343 20538 22290 20527 20723 20925 21162 27417 20062 83.33 0.42% 9 19344 19505 19669 19841 21594 19834 20007 20176 20348 21354 23076 20002 20174 22197 20344 20539 22294 20527 20723 20925 21159 27394 20062 83.53 0.42% L 10 19395 19555 19719 19889 21471 19884 20053 20224 20419 21119 22947 20053 20223 21588 20392 20585 22056 20575 20769 20966 21171 26771 20090 111.04 0.56% 11 19519 19678 19841 20011 21413 20006 20176 20344 20537 21242 22347 20174 20344 21727 20512 20705 22010 2068020873 21067 21276 24838 20180 201.68 1.01% CAD |_12 19291 19459 19618 19809 22293 19781 19967 20157 20455 21952 23774 19914 20131 22887 20318 20608 23209 20506 20806 21091 21453 28846 20082 103.86 0.52% 13 19319 19480 19644 19817 22003 19810 19981 20166 20375 21419 23484 19975 20116 22288 20334 20535 22679 20516 20725 21023 21288 28246 20066 88.00 0.44% 14 19396 19555 19719 19889 21840 19883 20052 20236 20429 21134 23316 20051 20219 21578 20404 20595 22370 20586 20779 21075 21279 27449 20111 132.44 0.66% 15 19349 19510 19674 19846 21658 19839 20011 20182 20385 21436 23147 20006 20178 22319 20301 20552 22387 20532 20736 20939 21198 27571 20073 94.92 0.48% 16 19354 19515 19678 19850 2162 19843 20017 20186 20381 21365 23110 20011 20182 22206 20353 20514 22317 20536 20731 20934 21173 27459 20072 93.94 0.47% 17 19454 19613 19777 19946 21348 19943 20113 20279 20472 21175 22829 20109 20278 21644 20447 20639 21927 20630 20823 21018 21225 26162 20135 156.58 0.78% 18 19379 19540 19703 19875 21688 19869 20040 20213 20414 21465 22829 20035 20207 22348 20378 20582 22416 20491 20752 20951 21207 26930 20092 113.26 0.57% 19 19383 19544 19707 19879 21651 19873 20046 20215 20411 21392 22791 20040 20212 22235 20382 20576 22340 20553 20708 20946 21182 26818 20091 112.05 0.56% 20 19387 19548 19711 19883 21635 19877 20050 20219 20413 21401 22757 20044 20216 22239 20386 20580 22324 20557 20751 20923 21181 26718 20093 114.17 0.57% 21 19420 19580 19744 19914 21497 19909 20079 20249 20442 21160 22637 20077 20246 21664 20417 20609 22093 20587 20780 20976 21156 26193 20105 126.20 0.63% 22 19555 19714 19877 20046 21446 20042 20212 20378 20571 21272 22380 20209 20378 21735 20546 20740 22039 20714 20906 21099 21309 24813 20214 235.95 1.18% Policy 19247 19446 19598 19798 21324 19769 19972 20176 20371 21119 22347 19944 20150 21578 20348 20547 21942 20549 20747 20945 21193 24813 19978.000.00% Table 2: The Cost in $1000 of Applying the Policy of Each Scenario to All Other Scenarios

of fact, in the long run, the cost of applying the progressive hedging strategy must be less than the expected cost of applying any other strategy to all scenarios. 12.1.1 Demand Comparison Figure 7: Scenario Tree Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Figure 8: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 5 15(XX) I 14(XX) - 130(X) 12(XX)-' \ II (XX)-I - --- - - _ Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sal Sun 37

Figure 9: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 6 to 9 15000 14000 13000 12000 6o(XX) - I! - I! Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sal Sun Figure 10: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 10 to 13 15(XX) 7000( 1 (XX) -, -, Mon Tuc Wcd Thur Fri Sat Sun 38

Figure 11: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 14 to 18 15(X000 13000 120(X) - 13(XX)' 12(8x) 1 (8 I I I I A 8(XX) Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun L 9 - -.. - 39 - - Fiue 2 Eetrct DmndCmprsn o Searo39to2

12.1.2 Pump-Storage Plant Water-Level Comparison As we are trying to make the same decisions for scenarios that share the same bundles, water levels in the storage facility must be the same for such scenarios. Note Low scenarios one and two maintain the same water level throughout the week up until Friday morning. It is interesting to compare the hedging strategy of scenario one to the deterministic strategy. The deterministic strategy uses more water in the periods between Monday and Thursday; while the hedging strategy is being more conservative by taking into consideration the possibility of demand increase on Friday. Since it is very hard, for computational reasons, to make the difference in the water levels in a bundle equal to zero, we assumed that two policies are the same if the weighted difference in their water levels is less than 0.3 foot, that is, 100 Megawatt-Hours. This is why scenario five does not follow exactly the policy of other scenarios sharing the same bundle. Figure 13: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 5 Mon Tuc Wed Thlir Fri Sat Sun I540 40

Figure 14: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 6 to 9 60 - 50 20\ ~~~~~~~I I 10 Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun D. Or. - - Sm 6 t —-- -- S 7 - - SFigure 15: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 10 to 13 60 -'I'''' \ \ 1 20. /,,;. \\ // 1 X \ \ / _ _ Mon Tue Wcd Thur Fri Sal Sun Do -" r- - - I -p - - -1 - - - - - - 3 41

Figure 16: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 14 to 18 50 - 0- >tM I T Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun ^ ^ Do~rOpI --- Or. --- Se14 - - - -— i_. -- - 16 ------ 17 Figure 17: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 19 to 22 60 - 50 \ I 30- / 10 I Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Del. l -o Scen - 19 -.; -. --- - - Scen - - -.S.en 2: 2 42

12.1.3 Pump-Storage Plant Generation/Consumption Comparison As mentioned earlier, the relationship between the change in the water level and the amount of electricity generated is linear. A similar relationship holds in the cast of pumping. We assumed that 340 Megawatt-Hours is needed to raise the water level in the storage facility by one foot. The efficiency of the hydro-unit is 70% which implies that 238 MegawattHours are generated whenever the water level decreases by one foot. The following figures are obtained from the water levels in the storage. The positive values indicate generating electricity and the negative values indicate pumping of water into the facility. Note that the ratio of the area under the positive part of any curve, that is, total generation during the week, to the area under the negative part of that curve is equal to 0.7. The previous relation results from the condition that the water levels at the beginning and at the end of the week are the same. Figure 18: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 5 2(X) - 15(X) A,,^()(, - A -5(X) - -2(XX) -2500 43

Figure 19: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 6 to 9 2000 1500() - -1o() - t _, 500 -10(X) -2000 (XX -2500 | -"*"*-***** —**- Do Opl - - - - - - - S.. 7 S - - S —- 9 l Figure 20: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 10 to 13 15(X) - / A 500 - -1000 --, 1 -1500 7, -25(X00 44

Figure 21: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 14 to 18 200 - 1500 /A 1000 500 Mon Tu \ Wed Thur Fri A Sun -5(X) -1(XX) -1500 -2500 Figure 22: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 19 to 22 200( -- 1500 - -2500 - 45

12.1.4 Smoothened Demand Comparison The following figures show how the hydro-unit smoothens the demand of each scenario. Electricity is generated during peak periods since the marginal cost is very high at these times. On the other hand, the load is increased on the system during the night and the weekend in order to fill up the water storage. The original deterministic demand is displayed on each graph to serve as a measure of comparison. In most cases, the hydro-unit starts generating electricity when the demand is 10,000 Megawatt-Hours. For these scenarios with high demands, the generation level increases depending on the future demand. We can observe a similar behavior for pumping: the hydro-unit starts pumping when the demand level is lower than 9,000 Megawatt-Hours. The previous demand levels are consistent with the marginal costs, A, obtained from solving the unit commitment problem: A ^ $17 when the demand is 9,000 Megawatt-Hours and A $23 when the demand is 10,500 Megawatt-Hours, yielding a ratio of 0.74. Figure 23: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 5 15(XX) - 14(XX) -- 13(XX) 120(X) 9(XX) 7000 - 6(XX) - -,, --............. Mon Tuc Wcd Thur Fri Sat Sun - - s.... - -- - i..I-. 46

Figure 24: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 6 to 9 15000 -- 14000 - 13000 120(X) WOO 70001 60(X) -! I! i i Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Doer - -- - Sen 6 - - - - - - r 7 - - - N Sca 9 - - --- 11 y Figure 25: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 10 to 13 1 50()00 -T 140(X) 13(XX) 12(XX)'', 116(X) o (XXX) Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun | __________ _Deler - - --- Scen 1 -- - - - -. —....e -._... --- 1 - --- jS_ 13 1 47

Figure 26: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 14 to 18 15000 140(8) 13(X) - 12000 -J \ 10000 900 8000 7(XX) - - l l Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Figure 27: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 19 to 22 15(XX) - 14(XX) -- 13( (XX) - 12(8)0 -,,' /' /:,__ /..... 9(XX) - Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Satl Sun Deter_____ _ _ _-, -_-a -9.......-k, % 2o 21 22 48

12.2 Inaccurate Forecast Example We created sixteen different scenarios using the demand data provided by Detroit Edison and Consumers Power for the months of August in years 1990, 1991, 1992, aind 1993. The four weeks of August in each of the four years are assumed to be probabilistically independent with identical demand distribution, hence, each week is considered a possible scenario with a weight of 16. In order to create scenario bundles, we assumed that the demand on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is known in advance, and equal to the average demand over these days in the given sixteen scenarios. On Thursday morning, there are four branches, each one of them is taken as the average of the demand on Thursdays in August in each of the four years. Then, each of Thursday's scenarios splits on Friday morning; the resulting sixteen branches have the same demand on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as that of the sixteen observed scenarios. Figure 28 shows the scenario tree, and Figures 29, 30, 31, and 32 provide the electricity demand used in each one of the sixteen scenarios. We solved the previous problem for each of the individual scenarios to obtain its optimal policy, which is then applied to other scenarios to compute the expected operating cost. We also solved the problem using the expected demand; the results are shown in the "Deterministic" row of Table 3. Progressive hedging is then used to minimize the expected cost over all scenarios; the results are shown in the last row of the same table. The hedging policy is expected to perform better than any other policy; it saves on the average $120,000 over the deterministic one. The following sections provide all the results related to this example, namely, different water levels in the pump-storage plant, electricity consumed or generated by the hydro unit, and the smoothened demand curves for different scenarios. The deterministic scenario is drawn to compare its demand to the other scenarios. The optimal water level and the corresponding electricity generation/consumption of the deterministic scenario are also shown. 49

12.2.1 Demand Comparison Figure 28: Scenario Tree Mon Tue Wed \Fri- Sat Sun Figure 29: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 4 16()(X) 16(MX) - 14(XX) 13000 12000 - Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 000Sat Sun 7000 - - 6(X)-50 5000 I Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 E(x) Save % Pr 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 1 20304 20529 20492 20003 20335 19893 19639 24138 21293 21162 20344 21695 21330 20861 19946 25659 21102 199.050.95% 2 20332 20496 20517 20027 20359 19919 19664 23672 21244 21064 20369 21551 21354 20885 19973 25134 21035 132.40 0.63% 3 20304 20566 20489 19999 20334 19890 19633 24234 21325 21194 20340 21759 21329 20858 19942 25757 21122 219.49 1.05% L 4 20318 20580 20503 19999 20348 19903 19647 24225 21323 21192 20345 21740 21327 20856 19939 25724 21124 221.50 1.06% 5 20311 20 534 20496 20 008 20334 19896 19644 24142 21286 21155 20336 21687 21311 20842 19927 25639 21097 194.54 0.93% 36 20321 20583 20506 20017 20351 19890 19649 24251 21324 21193 20339 21759 21307 20837 19920 25736 21125 222.38 1.06% 7 20310 20571 20494 20005 20339 19894 19632 24240 21316 21185 20331 21751 21302 20832 19916 25729 21116 213.29 1.02% 8 20461 20621 20643 20156 20485 20047 19796 23150 21321 21150 20482 21487 21446 20981 20075 24107 21026 123.07 0.59% 9 20379 20540 20565 20073 20406 19965 19710 23555 21240 21071 20392 21480 21330 20864 19962 24824 21022 119.60 0.57% 10 20404 20565 20590 20098 20432 19990 19736 23569 21266 21063 20418 21508 21356 20889 19989 24814 21045 142.50 0.68%S 1 20340 20599 20525 20036 20370 19925 19668 24270 21337 21207 20330 21772 21295 20826 19909 25725 21135 232.25 1.11% 12 20413 20572 20599 20107 20440 19999 19745 23443 21271 21103 20427 21433 21364 20907 19988 24329 21009 106.24 0.51% 13 20344 20597 20529 20034 20373 19930 19676 24228 21326 21196 20356 21732 21296 20828 19913 25683 21127 224.93 1.08% 14 20342 20595 20527 20038 20371 19928 19673 24228 21323 21194 20354 21730 21295 20826 19911 25681 21126 223.57 1.07% 15 20340 20600 20526 20036 20370 19926 19668 24270 21338 21207 20353 21773 21296 20827 19908 25726 21135 232.72 1.11% 16 20472 20646 20666 20177. 20523 20068 19816 23347 21336 21163 20496 21498 21432 20976 20056 23970 21042 139.43 0.67% Deter 20381 20563 20557 20082 20419 19987 19746 23090 21241 21187 20404 21426 21330 20885 20087 24977 21023 120.09 0.57% Policy 20306 20497 20489 20000 20341 19894 19642 23162 21240 21075 20352 21433 21296 20826 19910 23977 20903 0.00 0.00% Table 3: The Cost in $1000 of Applying the Policy of Each Scenario to All Other Scenarios

Figure 30: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 5 to 8 16000 15000 - 14(XX) 12( - -- Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sal Sun Figure 31: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 9 to 12 16000 6(XX) Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sal Sun 52 Dd~~~~....................

Figure 32: Electricity Demand Comparison for Scenarios 13 to 16 16000 15000 - 13000 - 12000 10000 80(X) 7(XX) 6000 5()00 - t I t I I Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun r ----- - S- -- — ~~ - - S-..tS - - - 16 12.2.2 Pump-Storage Plant Water-Level Comparison Figure 33: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 4 60) - 30 -,53 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Figure 34: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 5 to 8 60 M0n Tuc Wed Thur Pri Sal Sun 5054 40 i \ / \ 20 Mm Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Figure 35: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 9 to 12 10_ Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Figure 36: Water level Comparison for Scenarios 13 to 16 60 3000 2o 150/ ~.'i 40~x)() _ Df I9 1 |~~~~~S I - - - \y 1 12.2.3 Pump-Storage Plant Generation/Consumption Comparison -3000 -- -15005 -30(X) - - I — - I )Sa4

Figure 38: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 5 to 8 2000 "K, X \ ^' Figure 39: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 9 to 12 2-3(XX) 15(X- - - As / | _ 1 i' -1500 - 15(X) 5 00 -3(XX) Tuc~ ~ ~~~5

Figure 40: Generation/Consumption Comparison for Scenarios 13 to 16 -3000 12.2.4 Smoothened Demand Comparison Figure 41: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 1 to 4 1500) - 14000 -. 130(X) - 5000 - Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sa Sun 57

Figure 42: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 5 to 8 16000 - 15(X) - 140() - 13000 - 12000 - so(x) 000 -- 6000 Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Figure 43: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 9 to 12 12(XX)I I000 9000 8000 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun 58

Figure 44: Smoothened Demand Comparison for Scenarios 13 to 16 16000 - 15000 - 14000X) - 13000 12000 11000 9(X)O 6000 - Mon Tuc Wed Thur Fri Sal Sun! - i s * -- -- — Sn 1- 3 - --- l1 --- --- - 5 I -- ----- - - -,. 16 13 Conclusions We improved the existing method for solving the unit commitment problem by selecting a good starting set of marginal costs, and improving the single-generator sub-problem dynamic programming formulation. In order to handle demand uncertainty, we suggested solving the unit commitment problem for different scenarios in order to obtain an optimum policy for -each of them. Since the policies may differ, a penalty term is applied to each policy which violates the average policy. The problem is then resolved and new penalties are obtained. This process is repeated until a unique optimum policy is reached. The preliminary results indicate that using the progressive hedging technique can reduce the operating cost of the system by 1-2%. 59

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