ABSTRACT This report presents a summary of the Materials Activities in teaching and research at The University of Michigan. It indicates those areas of work which can be expanded immediately and also presents a long range program, oriented to a logical total growth of the College of Engineering. It presents a proposal for support for research in Materials as well as expansion of facilities. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT..........a.....a.aaaa............................ ii I. INTRODUCTION................................ *, a.................. 1 II. PRESENT ACTIVITY IN MATERIALS.,.. a. *.... ^,....... 5 A. Academic Programs in Materials,....,.......,.. o......... 3 B. Current Research Programs in Materials**..**,,**,..***,.. 4 III. EXPANDED MATERIALS PROGRAMS.........,r***.. ****.... a....... 6 IV. ORGANIZATION*.................a...a..a...a...a..... aa*a..... 8 V. SUPPORT REQUIREMENTSa*.. a*a..... a...*.....*.... * 10 A, Research Support - Present Space Limitation,..,,....* z,* 10 B, Research Support - Adequate Space Provisions..*,,,,*...... 10 C. Support for Facilities Expansion...a,.a***,*, **.a...a..**a 11 APPENDIX A. Materials Engineering (Undergraduate)a,.*,,..*....,*...*... 13 B. Materials Engineering (Master's Degree) *...,,,a,.......,, 15 C. Materials Engineering (Doctorate)..,a....,..*.....,...a.. 16 D. Ph.D, Theses in Progress *.... *...........a..a a.. 17 E. Courses Related to Materials.*,........a....,...*.......a.. 19 F. Academic Appointments............,,........ *......... 20 G. Material Research in Progress.....,...*.....,.a............ 23 H. Current Research Projects.,,.........a..a,...a.......* 30 I. Space Study and Recommendations.....,*....*aa......a...*.... 35 1. Analysis of Present Space.,*,.,,a.,a... ****.****.*.**** 35 2. Projected Space Requirements.,..*.........,,,.......a L40 iii

I. INTRODUCTION The University of Michigan has a long, well established history of development leading to the present scope of activity directed toward a basic understanding of Materials and their behavior. At present, approximately 70 academic appointees, approximately 40 graduate students actively working on Ph.D. theses in the field of Materials, approximately 25 full time research personnel and 150 project employed undergraduate and graduate students are working in the area of Materials technology. The annual rate-of-support for the research activity in Materials is in the order of $1,250,000. Support for the teaching and research activity comes from academic budgets, grants, and contracts from industrial and government sources. Many small projects in the several technological areas as well as a limited large-scale research effort contribute to the over-all strength of the University. Historically the concentrated teaching and research effort directed toward the study of Engineering Materials coincides with the contributions of Professors Edward DeMille Campell, A. H. White, and A. E. White beginning about 1890. The early use of X-ray in physical metallurgy contributed in a very large measure to the present strength of the Materials program at the University. The work of Professors Upthegrove, Wood, and Thomassen on oxidation and decarburization is well known. The research into the properties of high temperature alloys was begun after World War I by Professor A. E. White, extended by Professor C. L. Clark, and is being continued under the direction Professor J. W. Freeman. Many publications have resulted from past research efforts. Several outstanding text books on the subject of Materials are in print. Professor A. H. White's nationally known text "Engineering Materials" was a requirement in all engineering programs for many years. The studentsin engineering programs have been continually introduced to new knowledge as research and understanding progressed. Two new texts, dealing with the subject of Materials are now in use. These books are, "Elements of Materials Science," by Professor L. H. Van Vlack and "Solid State for Engineers" by Professor M. J. Sinnott. The organizational structure within the College of Engineering is departmental in character and oriented toward professional engineering divisions. The interaction, however, between these groups, the association of research workers with like scientific interests, the exchange of information that brings about an intimate knowledge of the complete spectrum of activity is encouragaged by several important developments. -1

-2 Since the inception of the first building program for the College of Engineering, no structure has ever been assigned to one department. Space assignments have been made to groups in accordance with their needs and the suitability of the available space for their occupancy. The faculty offices and laboratories of a department are located near each other so that the department can function as a group. The several departments are located adjacent to each other and use the same classrooms; and where possible, use the same laboratories, and share certain common facilities. The result is an interdisciplinary activity in many of the technological areas. The future plans of the College of Engineering are based upon the same principle of departmental development. Inherent flexibility in order to accommodate the needs of a rapidly changing technology is a first consideration in our planning activity.

II. PRESENT ACTIVITY IN MATERIALS The present teaching and research effort in the technological area of Materials is a continuation of the work that has been an integral part of the University programs. Although teaching and research programs must continue in a close relationship, they are being separately discussed in this report. In either case the amount of expansion that can evolve is dependent upon an increased level of research support, support for additional facilities, and support for equipment programs to accommodate the expansion. Only a limited expansion of the programs can occur within the present space limitations. (A) Academic Programs in Materials Eleven interdisciplinary departments of the University are enthusiastically pursuing teaching and research which contributes to the understanding of the basic structure of Materials and their characteristics. Expansion plans have been made. The departments in the Engineering College are Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering. The Departments of Mineralogy, Chemistry and Physics in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts are engaged in course work and research leading to a better understanding of Materials. The Wood Technology program in the School of Natural Resources is actively engaged in Materials research. The Materials Engineering undergraduate academic program in the College of Engineering, was developed in 1952 to focus all the related work into a program of study in which the student could concentrate his attention. It was the first such program in the country to receive EC1D accreditation. It is built on a basic science background of mathematics, physics and chemistry, requiring additional physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and solid state physics as prerequisites for senior courses in metallurgy, ceramics and polymerso The undergraduate student must include a sequence of engineering design courses in one of several departments, The description of this program and its curriculum is described in Appendix A, The academic teaching and research activity has been extended into graduate programs leading the MSE and Ph.D degrees. The graduate program was established in early 1957. The Master'7 s degree program emphasized the science of Materials on a graduate level. Again the three -3

-4 fields of metals, ceramics and polymers are equally emphasized and a Materials research problem is required. The doctoral program in Materials requires still greater the science of Materials and of course requires the normal original research activities. Statements of requirements for the MSE and Ph D degrees are found in Appendix B and C respectively. The Engineering Materials MSE and Ph.D degree programs are a part of the total interdesciplinary effort that is directed toward the broad field of Materials. Appendix D is a partial list of titles of current thesis topics being developed in several departments of the University, all of which are related to the technology of Materials. The undergraduate and graduate degree programs are supported by a wide range of formal courses offered by several of the departments of the University including not only those developed within the Engineering College but by other colleges. Principal outside contributors to the Engineering College programs are the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics which are attached to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. A partial list of these course offerings are found in Appendix E. (B) Current Research Programs in Materials All research program supervisors or directors have academic appointments in The University of Michigan. These persons may be attached to the teaching staffs of the departments or they may be engaged in fulltime research within department or at the Willow Run Laboratories. Appendix F names this group and indicates the major interest of each person. Any one person will also have cognate interests. The present research activities at The University of Michigan can be roughly classified into seven major areas. 1) Defect Structures in Solids. 2) Extreme Temperature Properties of Materials, 3) Materials for Energy Conversion and Measurement, 4) Mechanism of Deformation and Fracture,

-55) Processing of Materials, 6) Relationship of Properties to Micro-and Macrostructure. 7) Surface Structures and Surface Reactions. A brief statement to indicate the diversification of effort surrounding these areas, the interested personnel and the scope of the present activity may be found in Appendix G. A partial list of current specific project topics and the sponsoring agency may be found in Appendix H.

III. EXPANDED MATERIALS PROGRAM The desire on the part of all groups associated with Materials for expanded programs in teaching and research is very great for many reasons. It is realized that the upper boundary on many technological advances is fixed by the characteristics and capabilities of Materials, A limited amount of increased research and teaching activities Man occur within the present space availability. The long range expansion of the various disciplines in teaching and research will have its direct and important impact when the need for facilities are recognized as a necessary part of an expanded student body. A total expansion program, therefore requires that attention be given to both immediate and long range possibilities. It is first necessary to give consideration to an expanded program which will supply a flow of information for immediate technical needs but within the present space confines. The second is a long range expanded program as it is now visualized. It will include adequate integrated space and an expanded student body. A limited expanded research program is possible at The University of Michigan and is necessary if the basic information needed by some of the project work is developed by the present research groups. This expansion, for which support is being asked, must occur in the main in inadequate facilities which are available to the University. An immediate expansion in activity can occur in the "Defect Structure of Solids" work particularly with reference to measurements on the energy levels and relaxation times of paranagnetic ions in solids at longer wavelengths, to the effects of radiations on photoconductivity, and the studies of phosphors and electro-luminescence. The area of "Materials for Energy Conversion and Measurement," in which many laboratories are heavily engaged can expand by providing additional funding for needed equipment and graduate student support. The information from this important area is vitally needed in not only the government sponsored "Project Michigan", but also the activities in radio-astronomy, electro magnetic radiation research and the important problems associated with guidance, re-entry, and location. "Processing of Materials" should be expanded immediately since the preparation of now unavailable, novel compounds and crystals are necessary to be advancement of a basic understanding of Materials. ThLis expansion requires new laboratory equipment. -6

Certain new activities can be accommodated in locations remote from the campus, A program is micro-acoustics with emphasis on induced nuclear and electron spin transitions is planned. A program of research is planned on surface effects of bulk semiconductors, A third new program is planned on the electrical and optical properties of organic dyes to assess their value as infrared dector and transistor Materials. The long range direction of research in Materials is more difficult to assess due to the many rapid developments. Certainly, a planned expansion must take into consideration the probable growth of an institution. Fortunately, this inforration can be carefully predicted. The planning of projected teaching and research program is less difficult if those engaged in the activity are permitted the freedom to guide the programs as the need for new information is indicated by a changing technology. At this writing, it appears to the faculty that all seven areas, set forth in the preceding section, should expand in varying degrees. The suitability of space for the future needs for research is of paramount, immediate importance. Flexibility of design, ample and flexible utility capacity, and easy alteration of interior walls seems to be the primary requisite to satisfy future needs.

IV. ORGANIZAT I ON The College of Engineering includes twelve budgetary units or departments. Nine of the departments offer Bachelor of Science degree programs in Engineering, all of which are accredited by the Engineering Council for Professional Development. The tenth budgetary unit is the Nuclear Engineering Department. Each department, including the Nuclear Engineering Department, offers graduate work leading to both the Master of Science degree in Engineering and the Ph. D degree, The Department of Engineering Mechanics is one of two such groups in the United States that is accredited. Although the organizational structure exists, the built-in flexibility at the University of Michigan in the College of Engineering makes it possible to develop degree programs of study where interdisciplinary academic activity can add to the strength of the program. Six interdisciplinary programs are functioning in the College, three of which, namely Engineering Materials, Engineering Mathematics, and Engineering Physics, offer the Bachelor of Science degree program accredited by the Engineering Council for Professional Development; and the fourth, the Science Engineering Program which was recently inspected prior to its first accreditation. The Materials Engineering program was the first in the United States to be accredited. The degree program in Meteorology has not been in existence long enough to request accreditation. Four of the six educational programs, namely the Materials Engineering, Science Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering and Meteorology offer graduate programs leading to the Master of Science degree and the Ph. D degree. Twelve of the Departments offer a six-year program leading to a professional degree in Engineering. All degree programs are serviced by interdisciplinary related University academic teaching. All Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics courses are given in the College of Literature Science and the Arts. Several of the research activities related to the atom are supported by the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory which includes the Ford Nuclear Reactor. The University of Michigan Research Institute and the Willow Run Laboratories likewise serve to strengthen the educational program of the College of Engineering. These two organizations are University-wide, interdisciplinary groups who perform valuable support functions for the faculties of the University. -8

-9 The University of Michigan Research Institute is an administrative unit without laboratory facilities organized to assist the faculty in handling of funds and supplying supporting services for grants, and contract research work in which the faculty is priviledged to engage. These funds originate in both industrial organizations and in government agencies. The Willow Run Research Laboratory is an administrative unit which is organized to accept and execute through use of its own laboratories as well as educational laboratories large project types of research for both industry and government sponsorship. The administrative group for this laboratory is assisted by an Executive Committee selected by the President of the University from the faculty of the University. Personnel used by this agency included faculty, graduate students, full time research engineers and scientists and technical assistants as may be required to carry out their project functions. The Willow Run Laboratory is necessarily interdisciplinary in character.

V. SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS The requests for funds to expand the teaching and research programs in the technological area of Materials at the University of Michigan are set forth in three categories: (a) Research Support - Present Space Limitations, (b) Research Support - Adequate Space Provisions, and (c) Support for Facilities Expansion that is required to match the programs supported by category (b). (A) Research Support-, Preaent Space Limitations A careful study has indicated that immediate support is required for a limited expansion of the present Materials teaching and research effort and certain new work that can be accommodated within the confines and limitations of the present space. The major areas of research at the present are indicated in Appendix G. Section III presented a general statement of the needs for an immediate program of expansion and the planned direction for long range program of expansion. The University of Michigan requests immediate research support in an amount of $400,000 to expand activities within the confines of present space limitations. (B) Research Support - Adequate Space Provisions A detailed study to assess the probable expansion of the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan has been completed. Based upon this study recommendations for future needs of the college has been made to the Administration of the University. Data quoted in Appendix I, Section 1 are takei from the report, "Space qtidy and Recommendations," dated January, 1959. Our past extensive research program experience in many areas indicate that the annual support level per academic appointee who is teaching and directing graduate research is in the order of $30,000. This estimate will vary depending upon the cost of specialized equipment that may be required. This following tabulated budget is based on a progressively increasing number of faculty that can be expected to participate in some phase of Materials research. -10

-11 Annual Year Research Support 1960 $2,300,000 1961 $2,570,000 1963 $3,130,000 1965 $3,660,000 (C) Support for Facilities Expansion The College of Engineering has completed a detailed analysis of the use of the present available space occupied by the Engineering College. These data along with a projection of facility needs for future expansion are set forth in Appendix I, Sections 1 and 2. Of particular importance to this proposal, however, is addition information that is not immediately recognizable in the study. The effect of obsolescence on the teaching and research program is extremely difficult to document. Complete obsolescence of the present space for teaching and expanded frontier research programs is a matter of fact. The recommendations by the College of Engineering for space on the new North Campus have been determined by the faculty in Table V. When compared with similar studies that have received wide attention, the recommendations are conservative. It should be particularly noted that the major portion of the recommended space is for offices and laboratories. The study of present space indicates that major deficiencies exist for these occupancies. Table VI is a proposed building schedule for facilities on North Campus. The immediate need for new space is quite apparent. Based upon the studies, the results of which are outlined in Appendix I, Section 1 and 2, and based upon an estimate of the numbers of faculty and students who will be engaged in an interdisciplinary

-12 teaching and research effort in the area of Materials, the University of Michigan is requesting funds for facilities commensurate with the estimated Materials activities and in accordance with the building schedule set for in Section II. Year to Start Construction Requested Funds for Construction 1960 $2,300,000 1962 $2,300,000 1967 $2,300,000 The University of Michigan is in a position to consider alternate methods of negotiating an agreement whereby the funds as outlined may become available for its use. Real estate on North Campus is available for building construction. Direct complete grants may be accepted, or suitable contractual arrangements permitting amortization of facilities may be entered into between the parties.

APPENDIX A MATERIALS ENGINEERING (UNDERGRADUATE) Program Adviser: Professor Van Vlack, 4215 East Engineering. With the rapid development of new and better Materials to meet the more exacting demands of industry and government agencies there has developed a demand for engineers with a sound understanding of Materials and the factors that determine their various properties. Materials engineers must have sound foundation in physics and chemistry, as well as in engineering and in the Materials used and manufactured by industry. They must also understand the utility, properties, and applications of Materials such as metals, alloys, cements, plastics, ceramics, and protective coatings. They are particularly valuable in manufacturing plants where it frequently is desirable to replace present materials for the purpose of improving the product, reducing costs, reducing service failures, or because of shortages of specific raw materials. They find opportunies in the development of new products, specification of new Materials or combinations of these for existing products, development of new applications, or in the sales field. This program as designed also offers work in specifications, methods of fabrication, corrosion, high temperature properties of metals, and stress analysis. Requirements Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Materials Engineering) are required to complete one of the following programs: Hours Hours Schedule T S A. Subjects to be Elected for Equivalent Proficiencies to be demonstrated Total, normally...........................-55 47-49 B. Professional Subjects and Electives Math, 103, Differential Equations................. 3 Math, 150, Adv. Math for Engineers, or Math 161, Statistical Methods I............................. 4 or 3

-14 APPENDIX A (CONT'D) Hours Hours Schedule T S Eng. Mech. 1, 2, 3, Statics Strength and Elasticity, Dynamics, or Eng. Mech. 5, 3, 126, Statics and Stress Analysis................................ 10 & 9 Eng. Mech. 12, 13, StWength of Materials, Dynamics. 7 Eng. Mech. 4, Fluid Mechanics 4, or equivalent..... 3 Chem. 20, Qualitative, or Chem. 23, Analytical..... 3 or 4 3 or 4 Chem. 61, Organic.,............................ 6 Chem. 182, 183, Physical.......................... 6 6 Sci. Eng. 110, or Chem. -Met. Eng..11l, or equivalent, Thermodynamics...................3 3 Elec. Eng. 5, D.C. and A.C; Apparatus and Circuits. 4 4 Chem. Met. Eng. 16, or Chem.-Met. Eng. 124, or Elec. Eng. 136, Laboratory Measurements.............*. 53 3 Chem.-Met. Eng. 118, Structure of Solids, or equivalent *... o ~ ** ****~ ** ** ~***~ 44*** 4 * 4~ ~ - - 3 3 Chem. -Met. Eng. 122, Ceramic Materials.......,..... 4 4 Chem.-Met. Eng. 125, Introduction to High Polymers. 4 4 Chem.-Met. Eng. 127, 128, Physical Metallurgy...... 7 7 Electives in English, Anthropolgy, Classical Studies Economics, Geography, Fine Arts, History, Journalism, Music, Languages, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Speech. One course in English and others in at least two of the departments names.*........ 16 16 Group Options.......................... 9 9 ElectivesOO...O...............o................*. 4 or 2 5-3 Total, Professional subjects and electives.... 87 86 In satisfying the group option requirement, courses are to be elected within one engineering area with the advance approval of the program adviser.

APPENDIX B MATERIALS ENGINEERING (MASTERS DEGREE) Advisory Committee: Professors Young, York, Van Vlack, and Associate Professors Ragone and Gordon. A candidate for this degree is required to have a background essentially equivalent to that represented by the program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Materials Engineering) at The University of Michigan. This includes chemistry, through organic and physical, structure of materials, mechanics of materials, and thermodynamics. Thirty semester hours of additional work are required, which are to be selected with the approval of the advisory committee of the program and which will include Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering 208 or 218. Academic Program Credit Hours Advanced Principles 9 Materials (Ceramics, Metals, Polymers) 9 Research Problem 4 Cognate 8 30 -15 -

APPENDIX C MATEIRIALS ENGINEERING (DOCTORATE) The doctor's degree is conferred in recognition of marked ability and scholarship in some relatively broad field of knowledge. A part of the work consists of regularly announced graduate courses of instruction in the chosen field and in such cognate subjects as may be required by the committee. In addition, the student must pursue independent investigation in some subdivision of the selected field and must present the results of his investigation in the form of a dissertation. Applicant for the Doctorate A student becomes an applicant for the doctorate when he has been admitted to the Graduate School and has been accepted in a field of specialization. No assurance is given that he may become a candidate for the doctorate until he has given evidence of superior scholarship and ability as an original investigator. There is no general course or credit requirement for the doctorate. In most areas a student must pass a comprehensive examination in his major field of specialization, which tests his knowledge in that field and in the supporting fields, before he will be recommended for candidacy for the doctorate. A special doctoral committee is appointed for each applicant to supervise the work of the student both as to election of course and in preparation of the dissertation. A reading knowledge of German and French is required. A student must meet the language requirements for the doctorate before he can be accepted as a candidate for the degree.

APPENDIX D TITLES OF CURRENT PH.ID THESES INVESTIGATING THE BASIC CHARACTER AMD BElAVIOR OP MATERIALS Doctoral Student f., Topic D. Adams R. E. Balzhiser G. C. Berry T. Butler A. P. Coldren T. Cullen R. Denton A. Emmons S. Floreen J. A. Ford J.Gallini A. Henkin D. R. Jenkins R. Knox D. Kraai H. B. Kristinsson R. LaBotz K. Ludema G. Makhov E. J. Myers H. O'Bryan D. F. O'Kane J. F. Piazza D. Ray W. Raymond J. P. Rowe "Use of New Magnetic Materials in Electrical Circuitry" "Solubility Relationships in U-Bi Solutions Involving Third Elements" "Relationships Between Structure and Physical Properties of Solids" "Use of New Ferroelectric Materials in Electric Circuitry" "Effect of Creep Induced Changes in Substructures Upon High Temperature Strength" "Basic Causes of Weld Cracking in Stainless Steels" "Walker Modes in Magnetic Resonance" "Spectral Dependence of Radiation Damage" "Effect of Elastic Strain of Surface Energy of Solids" "Kinetics of Temper Embrittlement" "Stereospecific Polymerization of Pentene" "The Influence of Some Physical Properties on Machinability" "Fracture of Metals Under Complex Stress States" "Magnetostriction" "Effect of Liquid Environments on Fracture of Solids" "Investigation of the Relationship of Surface Structure to Light Reflectance Properties" "Thermoelectric Semiconductor Materials" "On Process Variables in Extrusion" "Amplitude Stability of a MASER Oscillator" "Energy Damping Characteristics of High Temperature Alloys" "Mass Transfer in Solids" "Ternary Semiconductor Materials" "The Thermodynamic Properties of Uranium Carbide" "Low Temperature Study of Magnetite for an Investigation of Phase Transitions" "Anisotropy Effects in Oriented Ferroplanes" "Effect of Overtemperature on Residual Properties of Nickel Base Alloys" -17

-18 APPENDIX D (CONT'D) Doctoral Student Topic A. Ruskin T. Schriber R. C. Schwing D. Sponseller R. G. Squires C. Stickles P. K. Trojan R. G. Wells J. White "Fractionation of High Polymers" "Catalytic Activity of Ruthenium" "Preparation of New Polymeric Materials" "Relationship Between Atomic Radius and Solubility of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals in Iron" "Thermoelectric Properties of Particulate Systems" "Effects of Strain on Liquid Contact Angles at Grain Boundaries" "Solubility of Magnesium in Fe-C Alloys" "Equilibria in the FeO-ZrO2-Si02 System" "Variable Elevated Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels" "Phosphors" W. Wolf

APPENDIX E COURSES PRESENTTINTG BASIC INFM;,IATION AUBO MATIERTIALS (a) Underclass courses providing background to advanced courses. Engineering Materials. Introductory level. Materials Processing. Introductory level. Materials Science. Sophomore level. Established in early 1959 to utilize a basic science background. Structure of Solidso Upperclass level. Solid State Physics for Engineers. Engineering Structures at Elevated Temperatures. Ceramic Materials. X-ray Studies of Engineering Materials. Introduction to High Polymers. Physical Metallurgy. Materials of Electrical Engineering. Optical Crystallography. X-ray Crystallography. (b) Partial List of Specialized Graduate Studies. Polymerization Principles. Metals at High Temperatures. Thermodynamics of Metals. Corrosion and High Temperature Resistance of Metals. Theoretical Metallurgy. Solid State Kineticso Solid State Chemical Principles of Semiconductors and Catalysts. Advanced X-ray Studies of Materialso Nuclear Metallurgy. Organic Chemistry of Synthetic Pblymers. Heterogeneous Equilibra. Electron and Semiconductor Devices. Electric and Magnetic Properties of Materials. Theory of Solid-State Electronic Devices. Interaction of Radiation and Matter. Radiation Shielding. Physics of the Solid State. Atomic and Molecular Structure. Kinetic Theory of Matter. Physics of Continuous Media. Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structilre;. Molecular Vibrations, Petrography. -19 -

APPENDIX F ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS List A. Those who have made extensive contributions on the basic characteristics of Materials to recent technical journals. Department or Laboratory Staff Member Position Major Materials Interest W. Co Bigelow L. 0, Brockway L. V. Colwell R. M. Denning Po J. Elving R. Ao Flinn J. Wo Freeman Do Mo Grimes E. E. Hucke E. Katz Co Kikuchi J, J. Lambe D. R. Mason G. Parravano Assoc. Prof. Professor Professor Assoc. Prof. Professor Professor Professor Assoc. Profo Assoc. Prof. Professor Professor Research Phys. Assoc. Prof. Assoc. Prof,, Assoco Prof. Prof. & Chrm. Professor Research Phys. Professor Professor Research Assoco Chem. Met. Engr. Chemistry Mechanical Engr. Mineralogy Chemistry Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Electrical Engr. Chema Engr. Physics Nuclear Engr. Willow Run Lab. Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Mineralogy Chem. Met, Engr. Willow Run Lab. Chem. Met. Engr. Chemistry Willow Run Lab. Electron Microscopy Chemical Structures Machinabililty of Metals Crystal Properties Organic Materials and Analytical Procedures Casting Processes High Temperature Properties of Metals Magnetic Materials Surface Energy & Fracture Solid State Physics Magnetic Resonance Magnetic Resonance Semiconducting Materials Reaction Kinetics in Solids Thermodynamics of Metals Crystallography Solid Surface Reactions Masers and Maser Materials Metal Processing and Ceramic Materials Cryogenics Optical Properties D. V. L. S. M. J. R. W. Ragone Ramsdell Sinnott Terhune L, Ho Van Vlack E. F. Westrum W. L. Wolfe List B. Those who are participating to a major extent teaching activities in the area of Materials. in current research and Ho Allen Research Engr. L. C. Anderson So Ko Clark R. M. Caddell Professor & Chrm. Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof.. Aeronautical Engr. Chemistry Engr. Mechanics Mechanical Engr. High Temp. Materials Applications Polymers & Elastomers Complex Stress States Processing of Materials -20

-21 APPENDIX F (CONT'D) Department or Laboratory Staff Member Position Major Materials Interest H. Diamond J. Datsko H. E. Early D. Fo Edwards J. Ho Enns Po A. Franken J. Ro Frederick J. V. Gluck Asst. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Research Engr. Assoc. Res. Phys. Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Research Assoc. Fo G. Hammitt Assoco Prof. Ro B. Haythornthwaite G. Hok Professor Wo S. Housel Professor Lo W. Jones Asst. Prof. W. Kerr Professor J. S. King Assoc. Prof. L. M. Legatski Professor Fo E. Legg Assoc. Prof. Eo J. Lesher Assoc. Prof. Electrical Engr. Mechanical Engr. Electrical Engr. Willow Run Lab. Engr. Mechanics Physics Mechanical Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Nuclear Engr. Engr. Mechanics Electrical Engr. Civil Engro Physics Nuclear Engr. Nuclear Engr. Civil Engr. Civil Engr. Aeronautical Engr. Engr. Mechanics Mechanical Engr. Willow Run Lab. Electrical Engr. Mechanical Engr. Chemo Met. Engr. Willow Run Lab. Willow Run Lab. Nuclear Engr. Civil Engr. Chemistry Physics Physics Chemo Met. Engr. Willow Run Lab. Electrical Engr. Physics Chem, Meto Engr. Ferroelectric Materials Processing of Materials High Temp. Energy Sources Optical Properties Complex Stress States Magnetic Resonance Ultrasonic Properties High Temp. Prop. of Metals Cavitation Corrosion Complex Stress States Electronic Materials Soils Optical Behavior Shielding Materials Neutron Diffraction Construction Materials Construction Materials High Temperature Materials Complex Stress States Fatigue Maser Materials Electrical Materials Processing of Materials Plastics Infrared Detectors Optical and Luminescent Behavior Neutron Diffraction Construction Materials Inorganic Synthesis Optical Behavior Optical Properties Casting Processes Crystal Preparation Electron Physics Magnetic Resonance Cast Metals R. T. Liddicoat C. Lipson G. Mahkov J. Co Mouzon J. C. Mazur Do WO McCready Jo Mudar So Nudelman Ro Ko Osborn W. V Farr Ro W. Parry M. Lo Perl Co W. Peters Wo B. Pierce F. A. Reiss Je E. Rowe Ro H. Sands Professor Professor Research Assoc. Professor Asst. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Research Assoc. Research Phys. Assoco Profo Assoc. Prof. Professor Asst. Profo Assto Prof. Asst. Prof. Assoc. Res. Chemist Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof. R. Schneidewind Professor

-22 APPENDIX F (CONT'D) Department or Laboratory Staff Member Position Major Materials Interest C. A. Siebert C. B. Sharpe W. A. Spindler G. H. Suits J. A. Sweeney M. R. Tek L. Thomassen V. A. Vis H. R. Voorhees L. E. Wagner C. T. Yang P. F. Zweifel Professor Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof. Research Phys. Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Professor Assoc. Res. Engr. Assoc. Res. Engr. Asst. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Chem. Met. Engr. Electrical Engr. Chem. Met. Willow Run Mechanical Chem. Met. Chem. Met. Willow Run Engro Lab. Engr. Engro Engr. Lab. Corrosion Materials for Microwave Applications Casting Processes Infrared Detectors Processing of Materials Rheology X-ray Diffraction Optical Prop. of Materials High Temp. Materials Metal Joining Plastic Deformation Nuclear Materials Chem. Met. Engr. Mechanical Engr* Mechanical Engr. Nuclear Engr.

APPENDIX G MATERIALS RESEARCH IN PROGRESS 1) Defect of Structures in Solids Participating Departments Staff Chem. - Met. Engineering Electrical Engineering Mineralogy Nuclear Engineering Physics Mason, Thomassen, Parravano Diamond, Grimes, Hok Denning Kikuchi, Zweifel Katz Willow Run Laboratories Lambe, Suits, Makhov, Nudelman, Terhune, Wolfe SCOPE: Present activity has been focused on phosphors, electroluminescence, photo-conductors and semiconductors as they are related to luminescent and optical properties. Spin resonance has been a powerful tool in studying radiation damage, diffusion and absorption. Increased emphasis is being placed on (1) an extension of the program of measurements on energy levels and relaxation times of paramagnetic ions in solids to include the longer wavelengths, (2) studies on the effects of nuclear radiation on photoconductivity, and (3) an expansion of phosphor and electron luminescent studies. -23

2) Extreme Temperature Properties and Behavior of Materials Participating Departments Staff Aeronautical and Astronautic Engineering Chem. - Met. Engineering Chemistry Electrical Engineering Allen, Lesher Flinn, Freeman, Gluck, Voorhees, Van Vlack Westrum Early, Grimes SCOPE: Creep and stress rupture properties of metals at high temperatures is a strong area of technology which has developed through the years. Research studies on refractory alloys and ceramics is well represented. The helium cryostat facility has made possible research on the heat capacity and studies of magnetic resonance of low temperatures. There is a minimal need to expand facilities or activity in the field of conventional measurement of high temperature properties. However, there is considerable desire to expand activities which interrelate these properties to (1) severe gas and particle environments, and (2) complex stress states. Currently, high energy sources are being sought to aid some of these activities. Our facilities for producing liquid helium must be expanded to support the increased use of cryogenic techniques for basic studies on the structure of Materials.

3) Materials for Energy Conversion and Measurement Participating Departments Staff Chem. - Met. Engineering Churchill, Mason Chemistry Parry Electrical Engineering Diamond, Grimes, Hok, Mouzon, Rowe, Sharpe Mineralogy Denning Nuclear Engineering Kerr, Kikuchi Physics Jones, Katz, Perl, Peters, Sands Willow Run Laboratories Edwards, Mudar, Nudelman Suits, Terhune, Wolfe SCOPE: Research in this area is the largest in volume and widest.'in participation of all programs. The programs include basic research on 1) Materials for direct energy conversion (thermoelectric and piezoelectric); 2) Materials for energy measurement and amplification (masBrs, semiconductors, ferroelectrics), 3) Materials for energy detection (infrared sensors) and 4) Materials for energy generation (catalytic surfaces, nuclear fuels). It is desirable to extend each of the present activity areas which are listed above. In addition, specific emphasis should be placed upon (1) free radial reactions at surfaces, (2) Mterials for ultrahigh (> 5000~K) temperature sources, (3) plasma thermocouple, (4) optical pumping in solids and (5) the initiation of a micro-acoustical program with emphasis on induced nuclear and electron spin transitions,

-26 4) Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture Participating Departments Staff Chem - Met. Engineering Civil Engineering Engineering Mechanics Bigelow, Flinn, Hucke Housel Clark, Enns, Haythornthwaite, Liddicoat Mechanical Engineering Caddell, Colwell, Datsko, Hammitt, Lipson, Sweeney, Yang SCOPE: The approach to the problems of deformation and fracture has been through studies of stress patterns introduced into Materials, Specific attention has been given to machinability, loading, buckling, notch strength, hole stress and fatigue. The trend which has been established includes: (1) electron microscopy studies of deformation structures, (2) the role of microstructure upon fracturing, and (3) an extension of deformation studies into more complex stress states.

-27 5) Processing of Materials Participating Departments Staff Ohem. - Met. Engineering Flinn, Freeman, Mason, McCready, Parravano, Pierce, Ragone, Sinnott, Van Vlack Chemistry Anderson, Parry Mechanical Engineering Willow Run Laboratories Spindler Hess SCOPE: The present research activities include thermodynamic studies of equilibrium, chemical synthesis, and processing reactions. Two areas should receive specific attention beyond the prescent scope. (1) Solid and liquid kinetics as applied to Materials processing. Specifically this would involve more work on catalysis and solid diffusion. (2) Preparation facilities for specialized research materials. This would not be a service facility. Rather it would provide the means for necessary experimentation to prepare unavailable, novel compounds and crystals that are not used in the basic studies of Materials.

-28 6) Relationships of Properties to Micro and Macrostructures Participating Departments Staff Chem. - Met. Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Bigelow, Freeman, Hucke, Schneidewind, Siebert, Sinnott, Tek, Voorhees, Van Vlack Housel, Legatski Grimes Colwell, Datsko SCOPE: The inter-relationship of properties and structures have involved a full range of activity from polycrystalline metals and ceramics to concrete soil. Recent studies involve the effect of surface energies upon the strength of Materials and the effect of grain size upon the magnetic effect of spinels. A general increase in emphasis on this area is desired. Greater attention should be placed on the inorganic, non-metallic Materials, and with the polyphase compositions.

-29 7) Surface Structure and Surface Reactions Participating Departments Staff Chem. - Met, Engineering Parravano, Siebert, Sinnott Chemistry Brockway Mechanical Engineering Hammitt SCOPE: Surface absorption and major activity in this area. corrosion studies have been the Since these activities have been limited to date, the area of surface studies would receive the greatest proportional increase in emphasis of the several which have been outlined. Expanded activities would include studies of (1) surface structure, (2) surface catalysis, (3) electrical absorption, and (4) surface diffusion.

A PARTIAL LIST THE BY Title Basic Factors Affecting Heat Resistants Alloys Basic Research Efforts in Ferromagnetism and Ferroelectricity Cavitation Corrosion of Materials by Liquid Metals Coefficient of Friction in Wire Drawing Creep Rupture under Biaxial Stresses Cryogenic Magnetic Measurements Crystal Defects by Spin Resonance Crystal Defects APPENDIX H OF CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS PERTAINING TO ASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIALS Principal Investigator(s Department J. W. Freeman Chem. Met. Engr. D. Grimes Electrical Engr. F. G. Hamiitt H. R. Voorhees Staff C. Kikuchi, J. J. Lambe R. Terhune, J. J. Lambe Nuclear Engr. Mechanical Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Elect. Engr. & Willow Run Lab. Nuclear Engr. & Willow Run Lab. Willow Run Lab. Sponsor Industrial O.S.R. NASA Faculty Res. Fund Industrial Project Mich. (Signal Corps) Air Force O.S.R. 0 I Distribution and Size of Precipitate Particles in Age Hardening Nickel Base Alloys Ductility Requirements for High Temperature Alloys WI C. Bigelow Chem. Met. Engr. Faculty Res. Fund H. R. Voorhees Chem. Met. Engr. Industrial

Title Elastic Properties of Rubber Laminates Effect of Prior Creep on Mechanical Properties of Materials Effect of Size and Coherency upon Elevated Temperature Properties of Heat Resistant Alloys Effects of Superimposed Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Mechanical Working of Aluminum Effects of Surface Energy on Fracture of Solid Metals Effects of Trace Elements on structure and High Temperature Strength of Refractory Alloys Fracture Studies Under Biaxial Stress States Heterogeneous Catalysis High Loss, Low Reflective Ferrimagnetic Materials Infrared Cells APPENDIX H (CONT'D) Principal Investigator(s) S. K. Clark J. V. Gluck R. A. Flinn J. R. Frederick E. E. Hucke J. W. Freeman S. K. Clark G. Parravano D, Grimes D. Edwards Department Engr. Mechanics Chem. Met. Engr. Chem, Met. Engr. Mechanical Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Eng. Mechanics & Mechanical Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Electrical Engr. Willow Run Lab. Sponsor Industrial WADC ONR Industrial OSR NASA WADC OSR Rome Air Div. Center Project Mich. (Signal Corps) I I

Title Infrared Detectors and Phosphor Displays Infrared Information & Analysis Investigation of Plastic Materials for Gear Applications Ionic Conductivity of Solids Machining of Steel Maser Development Maser Material Properties Masers for Radio Astronomy Nonmetallic Inclusions in Steel Optical Properties of Semiconductors Preparation of Maser Materials APPENDIX H (CONT'D) Principal Investigator(s) G. Suits S. Nudelman W. Wolfe K. W. Hall E. Katz L. V. Colwell R. Terhune G, Makhov R. Terhune R. Terhune L. H. Van Vlack D. Edwards F. Reiss Department Willow Run Lab. Willow Run Lab. Mechanical Engr. Physics Mechanical Engr. Willow Run Lab. Sponsor Project Mich. (Signal Corps) ONR Industrial ONR Industrial Project Mich. (Signal Corps) Project Mich. (Signal Corps) Project Mich, (Signal Corps) Industrial Project Mich. (Signal Corps) Project Mich. (Signal Corps) I Ro!1 Willow Run Lab. Willow Run Lab. Chem. Met. Willow Run Engr. Lab. Willow Run Lab. Properties of Noble Metals and Their Compounds G. Parravano Chem. Met. Engr. Industrial

APPENDIX H (CONT'D) Title Radiation Effects on Electronic Materials Semiconducting Materials Sintering of Metal Oxides Spin Resonance in Rubber Steels for High Temp. Service Stress-Strain Relations in Soils Studies of Heat Resistant Alloys Target Detection Techniques Thermodynamic Properties of Solid Surfaces Thermodynamic Properties of UC, ThC, and ZrC Thermodynamics of U-Bi Solutions Transient Thermal Stresses Uranium Carbide Principal Investigator(s) Staff Do R. Mason E. Katz G. Parravano C. Kikuchi J. W. Freeman R. B. Haythornthwaite J. W. Freeman Go Suits G. Parravano M. J. Sinnott D. V. Ragone S. K. Clark D. V. Ragone Department Nuclear Engr, Chem. Met. Engr. & Willow Run Lab. Chem. Met. Engr. Nuclear Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Engr. Mechanics Chem. Met. Engr. Willow Run Lab. Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Engr. Mechanics Chem. Met. Engr. Sponsor Industrial Project Mich. (Signal Corps) OSR Industrial Industrial Detroit Arsenal WADC A.F. Industrial Phoenix AEC NSF Industrial I!, k.N I~

Title Weld Cracking in Stainless Steel Wood Adhesives X-ray Spectrometer Resonance in Radiation Effects Zone Fractionation of Solid Compounds APPENDIX H (CONT D) Principal Investigator(s) J. W. Freeman A. Marra H. Gomberg W. Kerr G. Parravano Department Chem. Met. Engr. Wood Technology Nuclear Engr. Chem. Met. Engr. Sponsor Industrial Industrial AEC NSF I 4=

APPENDIX I SPACE STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Several years ago the Administration of the University of Michigan started a real estate development plan that would provide land area upon which to build needed physical plants for the future. This acquisition of 1000 acres of land became known as the North Campus. It is located approximately one and one-half miles from the Main Campus. It has been the general plan that new facilities for the College of Engineering beginning after 1952 would be constructed on North Campus. It was further understood that only the Junior, Senior, and Graduate level of teaching and research would be transferred to the new facilities. The Mortimer E, Cooley Memorial Laboratory, The Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, The Ford Nuclear Reactor, and the Automotive, Fluids, and Aeronautical Engineering Laboratories have been built on this new site. The North Campus Planning Committee of the Engineering College is a facilities planning group for new facilities. Section I Analysis of Present Space The North Campus Planning Committee, which included all of the disciplines within the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, participated in a study during the past year from which data for this document are taken. The study included 1) statistical information on past enrollment trends; 2) projection of enrollment based upon population statistical information; 3) planned programs for teaching and research; 4) an analysis of present space and its usage; and 5) a projection of space requirements based upon present space deficiencies, the projections of enrollment, the requirements for space to meet the needs of an expanded teaching and research program in engineering. This report, "Space Study and Recommendations" was published in January, 1959. Enrollment Study Enrollment predictions, particularly the long-range tendency, is an essential part of any budget and building program study. Before presentation of the results of this study it is necessary that an understanding

-36 of its limitation be established. Minor variations from predictions will occur. Several different sources of information have been used for the study. Certain considerations that may actually affect predictions have not been taken into account. For instance, no consideration was given to the fact that the rate-of-increase of college enrollment of those eligible to enter college is approximately 1% per year. Further, no consideration has been given to the tremendous publicity directed toward the need for engineers. Two sources of data were used as bases for enrollment predictions. The Russell Report data was taken from a study concerning the needs for education sponsored by the Michigan State Legislature. Similar data on population statistics were taken from a report prepared by Dean Robert L. Williams at the University of Michigan. Figure 1 is a plot of data from the Russell Report Noo 11, data from Dean Williams' report and enrollment data from the record of the college secretary. All data were referenced to the 100% point established by the report, "Public Engineering Education in Michigan, accepted by the Council of State College Presidents in May, 1955. Minimum, average, and maximum rates-of-increase of enrollment are plotted; the minimum being established approximately parallel to the Russell and Williams data; the maximum being the straight line extrapolation through the peak points of the Junior, Senior and Graduate enrollment, and the average plotted midway between the extremes, The enrollment projection of Freshmen and Sophomores was based on the minimum rate-of-increase since it is believed that the Junior and Community Colleges will carry an increased burden at these levels. The average rate-of-increase is used at the Junior, Senior and Graduate levels since those students who are preparing for a career in engineering must, by necessity, transfer from the Junior Colleges to a school offering professional and research educations opportunities. The College of Engineering should reasonably expect that it will receive its proportional number of the transfer students, Table I is the result of the enrollment study. Study of Present Occupancy The committee studied the present occupancy of space assigned to the Engineering College. This work included both an analysis of the actual use of space without reference to its suitability and the condition of occupancy for space assigned to offices of the teaching faculty. Table II and III are prepared to show the resulting information.

FIGURE I. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SPACE STUDY STUDENT ENROLLMENT VS. YEAR. BASIS: MICHIGAN COUNCIL OF STATE COLLEGE PRESIDENTS -1955 REPORT 100%- RECOMMENDED MAX. ENROLLMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. IZ UJ Q. 280 JUNIOR,SENIOR a GRAD. 260 -- GRADUATES. _. [RUSSELL REPORT NO.11. LFALL ENROLLMENT. / 240 ---- — IS 18-24 YR. OLDS- MICH. (DEAN WILLIAMS). / --- ENG. COLLEGE TOTAL ENROLLMENT. 220 / 200.___ ~1.., j>^ ^ * /. — ISO ___ \ --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --— 1* — ^- -- ^ ---- ____,(,__ ^.200,~,/'. / ~.//' 140 _ - __ \_____ ____ __.-.- _ __ ____ __ _ 120./.. _ __ __ __ _ 1 100.. oolIII:ILG L LL<IIIIII<2 60 40 20 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 YEAR

-38 TABLE I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PREDICTION OF STUDENT ENROLLMENT BASIS: Michigan Council of College Presidents May 1955 Report FRESHMEN & IJUNIOR, SENIOR| Total GRADUATE ONLY YEAR SOPHOMORES GRADUATE No. (Average) (Min. Rate) I (Average Rate) I_! i___ _ I NNo. I No._ I % -. No. 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1970 116,o0 102.8 67.0 53.8 45.5 65.0 73.0 84.5 100.0 105.0 10.5 112.0 1933 1710 1112 895 757 1080 1217 1405 1664 1745 1845 1862 3555 146.0 154.0 168.0 123.0 82.5 70.5 71.0 77.5 100.0 110.0 132.0 133.0 2444 2586 2809 2054 1382 1180 1184 1299 1673 1852 2209 2228 4477 4296 3921 2949 2139 2260 2401 2704 3337 3597 4054 4090 8575 116.0 96.5 101.5 99.0 78.5 75.7 86.5 86.8 100.0 114.0 138.5 140.0 627 521 548 538 424 4o8 467 469 542 615 746 758 214.0 300.0 5020 300.0 1625

TABLE II THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PRESENT SPACE OCCUPANCY ~I I~ I I r___ ______ PRESENT OCCUPANCY* Construc- Gross Offices***l Labs. Class Design Total Building |Location tion Date Area Sq. Ft. Sq.Ft. Rooms Rooms Sq.Ft. Gro Sq.Ft. Sq.Ft. W. Engineering Main Campus 1904 157,518 36,291 36,977 26,890 20,274 1120,432 78 Building I I I East Hall Main Campus 1 883 | 20,194 2,800 0 J 9,800 0 12,600 62 East Engineer- Main Campus 1923-47 273,071 41,470 94,435 54,892 30,503 201,390 73 ing Building ___ __ _ ___ _ sub-total 450,783 73,011 126,612 64,977 50,777 334,442 73 ***lI I I I I I I I Automotive Lab. North Campus 1956 62,120 2,335 19,644 2,620 0 24,599 39 Aero Laboratory North Campus 1956 18,059 1,840 15,235 0 15,075 83 sub-total 80,179 4,175 32,879 2,620 0 39,674 _ I - _ I _ _ _ I _ _I II TOTALS 530,962 77,186 1159,491 67,597 50,777 1374,096 70 NOTE: * Corridors, building service areas, dark rooms, storage, mechanical equipment, rest rooms, etc., not included. ** UMRI Shops (4250 sq.ft.) and mechanical equipment room for test cells (14,000 sq.ft.) are not included. *** Designated areas include space that may be partially assigned to laboratory activity and includes the space assigned to Placement and Interview, now in a rehabilitation program. ss.,5 I J I

TABLE III THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING OFFICE OCCUPANCY 1958 - 1959 PRESENT OCCUPANCY Academic Men/ Net Sq. Fto/ Rank NmberOffice Man Professor 98 1.280 156 Associate Prof. 62 1.635 130 Assistant Prof. 52 1.945 126 Instructor 43 2.030 129 Grad. Students M. So 477 0 0 Ph.D. 270 0 0 SECTION 2 Project Space Requirements Space Recommendations The Committee studied the space needs of the College of Engineering based upon the projected student enrollment and the requirement of adequate space to conduct an expanded teaching and research program in the -40

-41 several disciplines. Table IV and V are recommendations established by the Committee upon which to plan additional facilities. At the time of publication of the "Space Study and Recommendations, based upon actual numbers of students enrolled in the College of Engineering in 1958 and upon the recommended space requirements as shown in Tables IV and V, the net space deficiency for the College of Engineering was determined to be 240,000 square feet. The space requirements as set forth by the faculty in Table V are actually some what conservative when compared with other studies that have received wide attention. The major portion of the space deficiency was the lack of office and laboratory space. No space improvement has been affected since the study. TABLE IV THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDED OFFICE SPACE Academic Men/ Office Net Sq.Ft. Rank Office Shortage No. Office Professor 1.0 22.0 130 Associate Professor 1.0 26.0 130 Assistant Professor 1.0 25.0 130 Instructor 2.0 1.0 190 Graduate Student M. S. 8.o 119.0 260 Ph.D. 4.0 67.0 260

-42 TABLE V THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION FOR MINIMUM NET SPACE OCCUPANCY NORTH CAMPUS PLANNING COMMITTEE % Area C1l Rm. SPACE OCCUPANCY RECOMMENDATION Office & Net Sq. -Ft. Laboratory Class Rooms sq. ft. per student 1356 9,5 Design Rooms sq. ft. per student 9.5 6,4 Laboratories sq. ft. per student (a) large labs 26.7 67.2 (b) small labs 70.0 Total Labs. 96.7 Offices sq. ft. per faculty (a) faculty 130.0 (b) secretary and supporting files 104o0 16,9 (c) administrative & student activities 53.0 Total Off. 287.0

TABLE VI NORTH CAMPUS BUILDING PROGRAM (Net Sq. Ft.) II f~ ~~- | - |Total Schedule Net Total No. Number Total Space YEAR for Addition of Junior of Deficiency Occupying of Senior & Faculty I on Building Space Grad Std. on N.C. North Campus _ _..........1.._._ _ _ __ I _ I._ 1960 Fluids II 53,500 2800 | 306 288,600 III 1961 Office, Lab I 240,000 3030 343 1 77,470 1963 Office, Lab II 240,000 3480 418 I 31,175 1968 lOffice, Lab III 240,000 1970 I 5020 1561 29,255 _ _ [ I _ _ _ _ I._ _ I _._ _.... I