RSD-TR-18-86 Timing Issues in the Distributed Execution of Ada Programst by Richard A. Volz and Trevor N. Mudge The Robotics Research Laboratory The College of Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 August 1986 CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING Robot Systems Division COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109-1109 tThis work was supported in part by General Dynamics under Contract #DEY-605028, General Motors Corporation under Contract GM/AES(1986-87) and NASA under Contract NAG 20359.

RSD-TR-18-86 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction.......................................................................................... 1 2. Overview of Conditional and Timed Entry Calls.................................... 3 3. Conditional Entry Calls....................................................... 8 4. Timed Entry Calls.................................................................................. 10 4.1 Review of Ada Timed Entry Calls.................................................. 11 4.2 Discussion of Problem................................................................. 13 4.3 Timeout Detection of System Failures............................................ 17 4.4 Alternative Interpretations of Statements (1) and (2)..................... 22 4.4.1 Case 1: Interpretation II & Decision on Called Processor....................................................... 22 4.4.2 Case 2: Interpretation 12 & Decision on Called Processor...................................................................... 25 4.4.3 Case 3: Interpretation 13 & Decision on Called Processor....................................................... 26 4.4.4 Case 4: Interpretation II & Decision on Called Processor....................................................... 28 i

RSD-TR-18-86 4.4.5 Case 5: Same as Case 3 with Rendezvous Code on C alling Processor........................................................................... 29 4.5 Timed Entry Calls in the Presence of Timing Uncertainties.......... 30 4.6 Summary of Timed Entry Call Interpretations.................... 31 5. Maintaining a Network Sense of Time.............................. 32 5.1 A Network Tim e Server.................................................................. 33 5.1.1 Synchronizing Clocks............................................................. 35 5.1.2 Rely on the Exported Value of Delay.................................... 40 5.1.3 Uniprocessor Considerations.................................................. 41 6. Summary and Conclusions........................................41 References ii

RSD-TR-18-86 ABSTRACT This paper examines, in the context of distributed execution, the meaning of Ada constructs involving time. In the process, unresolved questions of interpretation and problems with the implementation of a consistent notion of time across a network are uncovered. It is observed that there are two Ada mechanisms that can involve a distributed sense of time: the conditional entry call, and the timed entry call. It is shown that a recent interpretation by the Language Maintenance Committee resolves the questions for the conditional entry calls but results in an anomaly for timed entry calls. A detailed discussion of alternative implementations for the timed entry call is made, and it is argued that: 1) timed entry calls imply a common sense of time between the machines holding the calling and called tasks; and 2) the measurement of time for the expiration of the delay and the decision of whether or not to perform the rendezvous should be made on the machine holding the called task. The need to distinguish the unreadiness of the called task from timeouts caused by network failure is pointed out. Finally, techniques for realizing a single sense of time across the distributed system (at least to within an acceptable degree of uncertainty) are also discussed.

RSD-TR-18-86 1. Introduction One of the principal purposes for which the Ada language was designed is the programming of embedded real-time systems [11, and, with increasing frequency, embedded real-time systems involve distributed computing. It is therefore necessary that Ada support the distributed execution of programs. In this paper, we explore one of the most important factors in achieving distributed execution of Ada programs: the management of time across a network of processors. In particular, we examine the meaning of Ada constructs involving time in the context of distributed execution, note that there are both unresolved questions of interpretation and problems with the implementation of a consistent notion of time across a network, and propose interpretations and timing mechanisms to resolve these problems. Other important issues involving the distribution of Ada across a network of processors are discussed in [2, 3, 4]. The Ada mechanisms involving time are the delay statement, the conditional entry call, the timed entry call, and the selective wait statement. The delay and selective wait statements are strictly local in their actions (i.e., their effects take place on a single processor), and thus are not of concern in this paper. Of course, the view of time and the underlying mechanisms for managing it are crucial. The management of time in the distributed environment begins with the management of time within a single processor. This is discussed in a separate paper in which we recommend that time within a processor be kept in a Timing Issues 1

RSD-TR-18-86 (locally) absolute sense and show a mechanism for accomplishing absolute timing which is simpler than the mechanisms now in use [5]. In this paper, we will argue that, among other things, this absolute sense of time should be extended to the multiple distributed processor situation as well, and that, indeed, such an absolute network sense of time is required by the Reference Manual [1]. In doing so, we will focus attention on conditional and timed entry calls. An absolute sense of time is assumed in several models for real-time systems (see for example [61), and the advantages of using absolute time are also discussed in [71, where it is proposed for fault tolerant distributed systems. The definitions of conditional and timed entry calls are not entirely clear when examined in the distributed setting. The interpretations applied significantly effect the implementation. We will approach the problem by trying to make a strict interpretation of Ada as presented in the Reference Manual (RM), since the "no supersets, no subsets" philosophy is one of the major tenets of the language and the principal upon which the portability of Ada is based. Where there is possible ambiguity in the interpretation of the manual due to consideration of distributed execution, the various possibilities and their implications are discussed. We expect that, ultimately, the Ada Board and ISO Working Group 9 will have to examine these problems and issue interpretations of the RM to cover the distributed situation more completely. It is hoped that the discussions presented here will aid in the determination of logically consistent and implementable interpretations. 2 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 In the next section we review the conditional and timed entry call structures of Ada to place the rest of the paper in perspective. Section 3 then examines the issues in conditional entry calls, while Section 4 does so for timed entry calls. In both sections interpretations are proposed. Section 5 follows by addressing the question of maintaining the network sense of time required for a reasonable interpretation of time entry calls. Concluding remarks are presented in Section 6. 2. Overview of Conditional and Timed Entry Calls The conditional entry call is used to determine whether or not the called task is ready to accept an entry call and, if it is, to make the call. To illustrate, suppose that a robot and an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) are engaged in a cooperative manufacturing task in which the robot unloads two different kinds of parts from a pair of machine tools, placing them in a temporary storage area, and when the AGV is ready, loads parts onto it. The AGV alternately is loaded with parts by the robot and transfers them to a longer term storage area where it is unloaded and then returns to the robot for another load. We assume that the temporary storage area always contains enough parts to fill the AGV. An abstraction of the relevant parts of the robot and AGV tasks might look like the following: Timing Issues 3

RSD-TR-18-86 Example 1: Abstraction of Robot Task loop select - This begins a conditional entry call. AGV.READY(KIND); - This is the actual call. - Load a part of type KIND on the AGV from - temporary storage. else null; end select; - Unload a part from a machine tool - and place it in temporary storage. end loop; 4 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 Abstraction of AGV Task task AGV is entry READY(K: out TYPE_OF_PART); end AGV; task body AGV is while AGV.NOTFULL loop accept READY(K: out TYPE_OF_PART) do; K:= LOCALKIND_NEEDED; end READY; end loop; Upon reaching the select, the robot task would check to see if the AGV task has reached the accept READY statement. If it has, it will rendezvous with AGV at that point. The rendezvous consists of executing the code between the "accept READY" and the "end READY". In this case the rendezvous simply amounts to invoking a function LOCAL_KINDNEEDED to determine the type of the next part to be loaded, and then assigning the result to KIND, a variable of the robot Timing Issues 6

RSD-TR-18-86 task. (KIND is the actual parameter for K in the rendezvous executed by the AGV task.) The value of KIND to tells the robot what kind of part to load next. After completion of the rendezvous, the robot will proceed to load the AGV with the appropriate part. Following this, the robot will unload the next part from the machine it is tending. In the case where the AGV has not reached the READY entry point at the time that the conditional entry point is made, then the robot task will start immediately to unload the next part from the machine. Whenever the AGV is ready to be loaded with parts by the robot, it will reach the loop shown above. If it reaches the the accept statement before the robot makes the call, it will simply wait at that accept statement until the robot task makes the call to READY. After each rendezvous, which initiates loading another part, the function AGV.NOT.FULL is called to check if the AGV is full (it returns a Boolean value). We use the same example to illustrate timed entry calls. Consider the code abstraction shown below. 6 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 Example 2: Abstraction of Robot Task loop select - This begins a timed entry call. AGV.READY(KIND); - This is the actual call. -- Load a part of type KIND on the AGV from temporary storage. or delay 1*SECOND; - The time limit for accepting the call. end select; - Unload a part from a machine tool - and place it in temporary storage. end loop; The abstraction of the AGV task is the same in this case as for the conditional entry call. The operation in this case is similar, except that the robot task will now wait one second after attempting the call to AGV.READY before taking the alternative of unloading a part from the machine it is tending. Note that the segment of code which is executed during the rendezvous is written as part of the called task. Normally, this will mean that this segment of code will be located on the processor holding the called task. However, Timing Issues 7

RSD-TR-18-86 Haberman and Nassi [81 have shown that, in some cases, this code may be executed in the context of the calling program for the purposes of reducing execution time. We will consider the implications of both locations in the following discussion. 3. Conditional Entry Calls First, we examine an ambiguity in the interpretation of conditional entry calls across a network of processors. The RM, in Paragraph 1 Section 9.7.2, states that "A conditional entry call issues an entry call that is then canceled if a rendezvous is not immediately possible.". There is a possible difficulty in the word "immediate". At least one group [9] has interpreted the word "immediate" in a temporal sense and used this to disallow conditional entry calls when such calls are placed across the network since network delays would prevent the "immediate" determination of whether or not the call could be accepted. This would mean that in the example above, the conditional entry call from the robot task to the AGV task would always fail and the code sequence shown could not be used to cause the AGV to be loaded. One would be forced to use the timed entry call. However, the RM also presents a non-temporal interpretation of the word "immediate". In Paragraph 4 of the same section it restates the conditions for cancellation of the call: "The entry call is canceled if the execution of the called task has not reached a point where it is ready to accept the call...". There is nothing that inherently involves time in this interpretation. This statement 8 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 expresses the action of the conditional entry call only in terms of the readiness of the called task to receive the call. This is appropriate, and this interpretation shall be used throughout the remainder of this paper. If a sense of time is required, timed entry calls should be used. In a related matter, the RM, in Paragraph 4 Section 9.7.3, states that timed entry calls with zero or negative delays are to be treated as conditional entry calls. Under the condition that the called task is ready to accept a call, an inconsistency may arise with respect to whether the rendezvous should be completed or canceled. Due to delays in network transmission, there will be a set of small delays for which the rendezvous fails, while for delay values either above or below those in the set, the rendezvous would succeed. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 1 below. A more consistent statement would result if the RM did not contain the phrase about treating the case with zero or negative delay as conditional entry calls. Nevertheless, the RM does state quite clearly that the situation is as shown in Fig. 1. Timed entry Tmed entry Timed entry calls succeed call fail calls succeed time - 0 d. min Figure 1: The timed entry call anomaly. Timing Issues 9

RSD-TR-18-86 These questions of interpretation of conditional entry calls have been considered by the Language Maintenance Committee of ISO Working Group 9 and the Ada Board of A.JPO. In Ada interpretation number AI 276 the committee has stated roughly the interpretations expressed here. 4. Timed Entry calls Timed entry calls are not as easily handled as conditional ones; the anomaly of Fig. 1 is only part of the problem. They raise a number of issues, not only about the interpretation of the timed entry call itself, but about the management of time in a distributed environment as well. The timed entry call is the one place in the RM where an upper bound is placed on the time duration for some action to occur. This is both necessary and the source of interpretation and implementation difficulties in a distributed environment. We interpret this upper bound in a strict global absolute sense. That is, the stated action must be accomplished within the required time in spite of network time delays or failures, or the alternative action must be taken. There is, of course, a trivial implementation of the timed entry call. One could say that since one cannot, in general, exactly maintain a network sense of time, rendezvous for timed entry calls never take place and the calling unit always executes the alternative sequence of code. However, this is unnecessarily restrictive, timed entry calls are a valuable part of the language, and it is possible, and thus important, to rind consistent interpretations and implementations for them, even in the distributed environment. 10 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 4.1. Review of Ada Timed Entry Calls To begin a study of timed entry calls, we review the relevant statements from the RM. In Paragraph 4 of Section 9.7.3, the RM says both that: (1) "If a rendezvous can be started within the specified duration..., it is performed..." (2) ".... the entry call is canceled when the specified delay has expired,... Statement (1) refers to an action performed on the processor containing the called task, while statement (2) refers to an action performed on the processor containing the calling task. Implicit in these statements is thus the notion that there is a common sense of time between the calling and called processors. This common sense of time must be maintained in the face of network delays, clocks on individual machines that are not precisely synchronized, as well as failures in the system. In general, of course, this cannot be done exactly. One must develop interpretations that take into account disparities in the clock measurements made at different parts of the system. We will, however, initially develop our interpretations assuming a perfect common network sense of time, i.e., if read at the same time, clocks on all processors would yield the same value. We will also initially assume a constant network communication delay, d,, on all interprocessor messages. Later we will relax these assumptions and extend our interpretations to handle variations in time that exist in practice. The principal difficulty with interpretating these two statements in the distributed environment arises because information must be transmitted between Timing Issues 11

RSD-TR-18-86 the calling and called processors, and this transmission typically takes a significant amount of time. Because of this network transmission time, it is not possible to operate in a manner that satisfies both statements (1) and (2) simultaneously. Before discussing this problem in detail, we elaborate further on the implications of (1) and (2). Consider a timed entry call from a task executing on processor A to an entry of a task located on processor B. The entry call is made at time tI and has a delay of d. Then the time t2 = t + d is the time by which the called task must be able to accept the call. Taken literally, statement (1) says that if by time t2 the called task has reached an appropriate accept statement the called task is made ready so that the rendezvous may take place. Similarly, (2) says that if by time t2 the called task has not reached an appropriate accept statement the call is canceled and the calling task is made ready at the alternative sequence of statements following the delay part of the timed entry call. In neither case does the language require that the rendezvous or the alternative sequence of statements actually start, just that they be made ready within the stated time interval. Actual starting times will depend upon other tasks, and their priorities, that are also ready, and upon the scheduling mechanisms used. This lack of rigid upper bounds on the actual start of actions ensuing from a timed entry call might be used as an excuse for relaxing the rigid bounds implied by (1) and (2) on the times at which the tasks are made ready. Indeed, we will show that this is necessary for one or the other of the two statements. In spite of this, however, we believe it is necessary to maintain rigid bounds where possible. 12 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 An application may (particularly in the distributed situation) only have a single task on a processor, in which case the task would resume shortly after being scheduled, and an application might depend upon bounding this time. Furthermore, if the time bound were relaxed with respect to both statements, the timed entry call would have no meaning at all. We will show that under certain reasonable conditions the bound specified in (1) can be realized. A slightly stronger interpretation, and one which is probably more difficult to implement, would result if (1) were interpreted to mean that the called task must actually start by the time t2. This would add little, however, since the called task could always be preempted by a higher priority task. What might be useful would be to bound the completion time of a rendezvous. Although Stankovic [10, 11] discusses techniques that can guarantee ending times of tasks, these techniques require more information, e.g., a global view of tasks to be scheduled and their repetition rates, than are available in an Ada timed entry call statement; they thus cannot be automatically constructed from the data associated with the timed entry call. 4.2. Discussion of Problem To illustrate the impossibility of simultaneously satisfying statements (1) and (2), we describe one (of many) protocols which might be used in implementing timed entry calls. Example 3: Timing Issues 13

RSD-TR-18-86 We consider the communication sequence shown in Fig. 2. At the time tl a timed entry call is encountered, and a message is sent from processor A to processor B indicating that the rendezvous is requested. This message is received by B at time t,. It contains as a parameter the time t2 = t + d by which the rendezvous is to be accepted. The measurement of the time t2 is performed on processor B and the decision of whether or not to accept the call also made on processor B. Two cases are shown. For case 1, the called entry is able to accept the call at the time t2 - e and the rendezvous is accepted. For case 2, time t2 is reached without the entry call being accepted and the timed entry call fails. In the case that the rendezvous is accepted, the called task is immediately made ready on processor B and will execute in accordance with task scheduling mechanisms in use on processor B. When the rendezvous is completed, a message is sent to processor A indicating the completion. Statement (1) is thus satisfied. Note that processor A cannot know whether or not the call was accepted until some time after t2, and that this violates a strict interpretation of statement (2). It is only possible to cancel the call some time after t2, possibly as much as d, after t2. We will show later that there exists a different protocol which would allow (2) to be satisfied at the expense of (1). One set of issues, then, is which of the statements (1) or (2) is to be satisfied and how this is to be done. We will refer to these two choices as interpretations I1 and 12 resectively. There is, however, another aspect to the question which must also be considered at this point: the use to which timed entry calls are put. Until now, the discussion has been phrased in terms of determining the readiness 14 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 Processor A request send /send \ entry ok/ ftail Processor B.~,/.:: time --: n t a t1 d t2 t = time at which the timed entry call is made on A d = delay specified in the timed entry call d, = network communication delay to = time at which the rendezvous request message from A is received by B t= t + d = time by which the called task must be able to accept Figure 2: Communication sequence for Example 3. of the called task to accept an entry call as this is the obvious interpretation from the RM. One might also consider using them as timeouts for detecting network or other system failures. The network might fail at any of several points in the communication sequence, or the processor on which the called task resides (or the device associated with the entry point) might fail. By basing the interpretation of timed entry calls on statement (2), one might detect such failures through timeouts. The use of timed entry calls for this purpose impacts the possible protocols and interpretations of statements (1) and (2) and thus will be considered here. There are three possible things one might try to accomplish with timed entry calls, Timing Issues 15

RSD-TR-18-86 * establish a bound on the time at which a rendezvous is scheduled to start (II), * establish a bound on the time at which the delay in awaiting a rendezvous expires (12), and * detect network or system failures. These goals are not mutually compatible and we will explore the differences below. Example 3 above assumed both a goal of achieving interpretation II and that the time measurements and the decision process were performed on processor B. A communication sequence was then selected to achieve II. Actually, there are two possible interpretations, II and 12, and two locations at which the time measurements and decisions could be made. There are thus four basic cases to consider, with variations on each as to the locations at which the rendezvous code could be located: * Case 1: Interpretation I1 & decision on called processor, * Case 2: Interpretation 12 & decision on called processor, * Case 3: Interpretation 12 & decision on calling processor, and * Case 4: Interpretation II & decision on calling processor. Before discussing these cases, however, we will return to the question of the use of timed entry calls and argue that they should not be used for device timeouts and system failure detection; instead we will argue that exceptions should be used. This discussion impacts the subsequent discussion on the 16 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 interpretation of statements (1) and (2). 4.3. Timeout Detection of System Failures The use of timed entry calls for failure detection implies, first of all, a measurement of time on the calling processor since the failures being tested for could preclude receipt of a value of time measured at any other location. This either limits the protocol choices or requires the determination of the lapse of the time interval on both the calling and called processors. In either case, unfortunately, if timed entry calls are used to detect network, node or device failures (any of which we will call a system failure), there is a possible ambiguity in the interpretation of the expiration of the delay. One cannot know whether it means merely that the called task has not reached an appropriate accept or whether there has been a system failure. As an illustration, consider an extension to Example 3 in which the expiration of the time delay is measured on both processors A and B, and that a network failure occurs at time t2 + 6, before the messages can reach processor A. The calling task will eventually time out, and have no way of knowing whether or not the called task was able to accept the call. This means that the alternative part of the timed entry call must be prepared to deal with an indeterminate situation. To solve this problem, one must first recognize that there are two distinct types of conditions to be detected, the readiness of the called task and system failure detection. We believe that two distinct techniques are required. In parTiming Issues 17

RSD-TR-18-86 ticular, we believe that the timed entry call should be used for determining the readiness of the called task and that exceptions should be used for device timeouts. The use of exceptions to handle device timeouts seems more more natural than using timed entry calls since a network or other system failure is, in fact, an exception to normal operation and would seem to fit the role for which exceptions were intended. Also, the actions which must be taken to recover from a timeout can be more drastic that those required from a task being unready to accept a call. For example, in the illustration described above, the called task may have started the rendezvous when the calling task times out, requiring the recovery procedure to roll back the effect of the rendezvous. In order to use exceptions in this way, an implementation could include a generic package TIMEOUT that provides an exception and associated data and operations. A data object of type DURATION would be needed for each instance of TIMEOUT, and procedures would be needed to set this value and initiate timing. Each task using TIMEOUT exceptions could instantiate an instance of this generic package to provide an actual exception and associated objects. generic package TIMEOUT is LATE_START: exception; procedure SET_START_LIMIT(DEL: DURATION); end TIMEOUT; Figure 3: Sample specification of a generic package for providing timeouts. 18 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 The generic package TIMEOUT must essentially provide two kinds of things, * functions which take an object of type DURATION as an argument and activate a timeout, and * exceptions which are raised if the timeouts expire. The details of the generic TIMEOUT package depend on the interpretation of statements (1) and (2) and the protocol implementing them. To illustrate, we will again extend Example 3. The delay associated with the timed entry call will be used, as illustrated previously, for the obvious purpose of checking the readiness of the called task. The generic package TIMEOUT will provide an additional timeout for failure detection. Figure 3 shows the specifications of a generic package intended to be used with the protocol of Example 3. It provides an exception LATESTART, and the procedure SETSTART.LIMIT which provides a link to the run-time system and defines the additional timeout. The effect of this timeout is not immediate, however. It is activated upon the next timed entry call. If an entry call acknowledge message is not received within the specified time limit after the beginning of the entry call, the exception LATE_START is raised. With the use of TIMEOUT, the timed entry call of Example 3 would take the following form: EX3_TIMEOUT is new TIMEOUT; Timing Issues 19

RSD-TR-18-86 with EX3_TIMEOUT; EX3_TIMEOUT.SET_START_LIMIT(2.0*NETWORKDELAY); select REMOTE.ENTRY(PARAMETERS); or delay DELTA; - alternative sequence of statements if the called task - is not at an appropriate accept end select; exception when EX3JTIMEOUT.LATESTART => - corrective action The interpretation of the timed entry call would then be in accordance with statement (1). The cancellation of a call due to expiration of DELTA occurs only when processor A receives a message from processor B indicating that the rendezvous could not be accepted in time. If a message indicating success or failure is not received by the time t3 = t2 + 2d,, it is assumed that there has been a system failure and LATESTART is raised. Note that with the addition of 20 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 TIMEOUT, the alternative sequence of the timed entry call always refers to the failure of the called task to reach an appropriate accept within the desired time; it never refers to a system failure. System failures are always handled by exceptions, which is in line with the intent of exceptions. If it were possible to actually bound the network transmission time by d,, then the exception LATESTART would always mean system failure and we would have orthogonality of the two constructs (timed entry call and timeout detection of system failures). While such a bound will not exist in all circumstances, in practice it may exist in a very large percentage of situations. This example does not provide for any error checking on the ending time of a rendezvous, or system failure during the message exchange at the conclusion of the rendezvous, but, then, neither does Ada. One could handle the possibility of detecting system failures during a rendezvous by including additional exceptions and procedures in the generic package TIMEOUT. These will not be discussed here, but deferred to discussions of individual protocol and interpretation options. If one did not use the TIMEOUT package, the protocol of Example 3 would have to be changed or the system could hang forever on a system failure. One possibility would be to perform timing on both processors and make an explicit check of the system when the calling processor detects the elapse of the delay specified. This is similar to the protocol suggested in [12] in which the calling processor tries to withdraw the request at the expiration of the delay. However, this approach has two negative features. First, it removes some of the orthogonality of language features. Second, it requires extra overhead in the usual Timing Issues 21

RSD-TR-18-86 situation in which the expiration of the time delay simply means that the called task has not reached an appropriate accept. We will thus consider timed entry calls to be used for testing the readiness of the called task and not for detecting system failures. 4.4. Alternative Interpretations of Statements (1) and (2) The following sections will address five basic protocol types and interpretations of statements (1) and (2) for dealing with timed entry calls. These correspond to the four cases listed above and a variation of the location of the rendezvous code. As appropriate, additional TIMEOUT procedures for failure detection will be discussed. 4.4.1. Case 1: Interpretation II & Decision on Called Processor Consider first taking the called processor as the point of decision and reference for time measurements. This is essentially the situation illustrated in Example 3 above. The principal question with this protocol is the interpretation of statement (2) which calls for cancellation of the entry call when the delay has expired, i.e., at time t2. As illustrated in the example above, if one makes the decision about accepting a timed entry call on processor B at time t2, then it is not possible for processor A to make a decision about canceling the call "when the delay has expired", i.e., also at time t2. However, if one makes a liberal interpretation of statement (2), then canceling the entry call only means taking the alternative sequence at some time after t2, and taking the alternative sequence (if present) at time t + d + d, on processor A would be consistent 22 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 with (2). The decision of whether or not to cancel the call is then not directly dependent upon time, but depends only upon receipt of the appropriate message from processor B. With this interpretation and communication sequence the timed entry call is written assuming that no relevant network or system failures occur. A secondary means, such as the TIMEOUT.LATE.START exception described above is required, and provides an adequate means, for detecting failures during the initiation of the rendezvous. Detecting failures during the rendezvous or the completion message transmission is a bit more complex. There are two obvious possibilities. First, if the user can be expected to place an upper bound, say dR, on the time to perform the rendezvous (including any delays accruing from interrupts of higher priority tasks) then a second procedure SET.RENDEZVOUSLIMIT(..) could be added to the generic package TIMEOUT together with a second exception LATEFINISH, which has the effect of raising the exception if a completion message is not received at the calling processor within the duration specified in the argument. The obvious difficulty with this approach is the existence of the bound dR; in general, one will not be able to place such a bound on the system. Without an upper bound, the occurrence of the exception could, in some cases, represent delays introduced through response to higher priority tasks rather than a system failure. The exception handler would then have to perform explicit checks to determine the actual situation. Timing Issues 23

RSD-TR-18-86 Second, a double phase completion protocol, as shown in Fig. 4, could be used. In this case, processor A must acknowledge the receipt of the completion message from processor B. Processor B performs the timeout check. It could either use the same duration specified in SET.STARTLIMIT or use a separate procedure to specify the limit. A system failure would then be detected on processor B, which would then raise the exception LATE_FINISH if the acknowledge were not received in time. This case, however, only checks the system during the completion message exchange; it does not provide any detection capabilities for failures during execution of the rendezvous. It is likely that if this option is chosen an implementation would provide, as an implicit parameter, information about the lineage of the task on processor A so that processor B could report the failure to the appropriate parent task. We note that this protocol is similar, in some respects, to the protocol suggested in [121, in which decisions are made on both processors. In that proposal no message is sent from B to A to indicate acceptance of the call. Instead, if the delay expires on the calling processor A, a message is sent to B at time t2 asking Processor A \ request send/. /fail send / \send entry ok/ / rendezvous/ \ack. done Processor B time -- Figure 4: Communication sequence indicating end of rendezvous. 24 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-83 to withdraw the rendezvous request. If the rendezvous was actually started within the requested time, the withdrawal request is denied and the rendezvous proceeds. The calling processor cannot know until two message times after t2 whether or not the rendezvous is proceeding. Assuming no network failures, the effect is similar to the protocol described here except that a larger delay (two network message times) can occur before the canceling of a timed entry call due to the unreadiness of the called task. 4.4.2. Case 2: Interpretation I2 & Decision on Called Processor In this case, processor B makes the decision and must notify processor A by time t2 whether or not the call can be accepted with the given time interval, as shown in Fig. 5. In order to do this, processor B must be able to bound the network delay and make the decision prior to time t2. Thus, the interpretation of statement (1) must be relaxed and the decision point moved up in time. This is analogous to the relaxation of statement (2) which was made in Case 1. Processor A request send entry send i\ send/ / fail rendezvous \ ok// done Processor B time t1 t2 12 Figure 5: Communication sequence for Case 2. Timing Issues 25

RSD-TR-18-86 The difficulty in this case is the need to bound the network delay, d,. When one considers the possibility of transmission errors and retransmissions, this is not strictly possible. Also, for many networks, the message transmission time, even for successful transmissions, cannot be bounded. Thus, this case will not be considered further. 4.4.3. Case 3: Interpretation 12 & Decision on Calling Processor A communication sequence to achieve this combination is shown in Fig. 6. The shaded arrow from A to B at the beginning of the sequence is an optional messages in the sequence. The solid arrow from B to A is the upper bound on the time at which the message could be sent while the shaded arrow from B to A indicates that it could be sent at any earlier time. The essential point is that processor B notifies processor A when it is ready to accept an entry call. If processor A has received a ready message from B by the time t2 the call is accepted; if not, the call is canceled at time t2. Once processor A makes the decision, a message is sent to processor B indicating whether or not the rendezvous is to be performed. In this case, the time of making the decision in the task containing the rendezvous code segment ready is relaxed. The notification that B is ready to accept a call may either be in response to a request from processor A (shaded arrow at the beginning of the sequence) or a broadcast to all that it is ready. and B in timing and decision making are reversed. However, contrary to Case 1, if the call is canceled, one cannot know if it is due to the unreadiness of the 26 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 Processor A request send entry / A \decision send / rendezvous/ ready d~"e Processor B / / s *.:~ *.:~ ~ time -- t t2 Figure 6: Communication sequence for Case 3. called task or a system failure. If it is important to make this distinction, the alternative code sequence must explicitly check the system status. This impairs the orthogonality of the construct to other mechanisms for handling errors. Also, the task executing the rendezvous is not made ready until. after a message is received from A indicating that the rendezvous is to be performed. A network failure could occur during the transmission of this message and the system would hang. In comparing Case 1 and Case 3, we make several observations. Both achieve an upper bound on making either (but not both) the rendezvous code or the alternative code sequence ready under the conditions that the given code section is selected. Case 1 achieves the bound on the rendezvous code, while Case 3 achieves it on the alternative sequence. Second, Case 1 appears to be somewhat more amenable to achieving orthogonality of the language than Case 3. Also, since accomplishing the rendezvous within a given time interval would seem to be the intent of the timed entry call, placing the bound on the rendezvous code would seem more natural than placing it on the alternative sequence. For these Timing Issues 27

RSD-TR-18-86 reasons, we prefer interpretation Case 1. 4.4.4. Case 4: Interpretation II & Decision on Calling Processor Figure 7 illustrates a message sequence for accomplishing this case. As with the previous case, the called task must notify the calling task that it is ready to accept an entry call. It may do so either by responding to a entry request or in a broadcast mode. The difference between this mode and the previous case is that the calling processor must anticipate the network time delay and make the decision far enough ahead of time to allow the message containing the decision to reach the called task by time t2. However, since the time reference is on the called processor, the decision time must be advanced further than in Case 3 so that the decision can reach the called processor by time t2. The amount of time by which statement (1) must relaxed is thus greater than in Case 3. Further, this case depends upon the bounding of the network time, which is an undesirable feature. Thus, this case does not appear to have any advantages, and will not be considered further. rqest \ send m send request rendezvous enry \ ready send rendezvous entry done decision done Processor B time t t'~1 1~2 Figure 7: Communication sequence for Case 4. 28 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 4.4.5. Case 6: Same as Case 3 with Rendezvous Code on Calling Processor It has been suggested that for purposes of optimization the code associated with the rendezvous could be placed in the context of the calling task [8]. In the distributed situation, this would involve placing the code for the rendezvous on the processor holding the calling task. With the code on the calling processor, it would seem that the only reasonable combination of the other parameters is to use 12 and make decision on the calling processor. This corresponds to Case 3 above. A message sequence for accomplishing this is shown in Fig. 8. Comparing this figure with Fig. 2, it can be seen that fewer messages are required, though at the expense of including any local variables of the called task as input and/or output parameters in the messages. Since in most cases the number of messages is more important in determining communication times than the length of the messages, this approach might have some advantages in terms of communication efficiency. However, this approach shares with Case 3 the ambiguity in interpreting the absence of receiving a response from the called processor by time t2: one Processor A request f Jo \ send * entry / /. \ results at end \ send / / \of rendezvous \ input/ Processor B o:~ ~ time -. t 2 Figure 8: Communication sequence for Case 5. Timing Issues 29

RSD-TR-18-86 cannot tell if this is due to not reaching an appropriate accept, or a system failure. 4.5. Timed Entry Calls in the Presence of Timing Uncertainties In most distributed situations the problem will be complicated, not only by a network delay, but by an uncertainty in the consistency of the sense of time maintained on two or more processors (see Section 5 for a detailed discussion of this point). Since two different machines will not have exactly the same value of time, it will not be possible to make a precise determination of whether the rendezvous can or cannot be started within the given time interval, as required by a strict interpretation of (1) and (2) above. >From the perspective of the called processor, there will generally be a subinterval of measured time during which it is impossible to determine whether or not the specified delay has expired. See Fig. 9. A complete interpretation of time entry calls must state what is to be done if the called task becomes able to accept a call within this uncertainty interval. Processor A request send:send entry ok / fail Processor B *~ -~: time -- t1 t t <1 {2 2 uncertainty interval Figure 9: Timed entry calls in the presence of uncertainty. 30 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 An interpretation of timed entry calls that resolves this uncertainty is: "if the call can be guaranteed to be able to start within the given delay it is started and canceled otherwise". Thus, if the called task becomes able to accept a timed call within the uncertainty interval, the entry call would be canceled even though in some instances it might actually have been within the specified delay; it is canceled because it is not possible to know that it is within the given delay. 4.6. Summary of Timed Entry Call Interpretations There are thus several aspects to complete and consistent semantics of timed entry calls. For convenience, we summarize them here: (1) Timed entry calls imply a common sense of time between the machines holding the calling and called tasks. (2) The measurement of time for the expiration of the delay and the decision of whether or not to perform the rendezvous should be made on the machine holding the called task. (3) An implementation must guarantee that acceptance of a timed entry call means that the called task was ready to accept the call within the specified delay. The call fails if there is uncertainty about when the called task is ready to accept. (4) Exceptions should be used to handle timeouts caused by failures in system components. In other words we believe that the interpretation of timed entry calls given by Case 1 is the appropriate way to view inter-processor timed entry calls in a Timing Issues 31

RSD-TR-18-86 distributed system. Furthermore, exceptions should be used (rather than timed entry calls) to handle communication errors. Finally, a common sense of time is needed. The maintenance of a common sense of time between the calling and called task is discussed next. 5. Maintaining a Network Sense of Time It was noted in Section 4.1 that the definition of timed entry calls implies a single sense of TIME throughout the execution of a program, and that it is not possible to absolutely achieve such a common sense of time across a distributed network. In this section, we consider various methods for managing distributed timing and discuss how to take their characteristics into account in the implementation of timed entry calls. We will show that the best that we can expect to do is to bound the differences in the sense of time on different processors in the system. The bound on the time synchronization among the processors will be treated as an additional uncertainty, as described in Section 4.5. Three methods will be considered, maintaining a network time server to which all processors go when they need a value for time, maintaining separate but synchronized clocks on each processor, and exporting the delay to be used on the called processor. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of methods; however, it is representative of the more obvious options available with current technologies. 32 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 6.1. A Network Time Server The first mechanism we will consider is the use of a network time server. In this case each program use of a timing construct will require one or more accesses to the network server. The implementation of timed entry calls must take into account the time required to access the time server. We first describe the implementation scenario that could be followed for Case 1 and then develop an expression for the delay to be used by the called processor. Referring to Fig. 2, the implementation sequence might be as follows: * The processor containing the calling task will obtain the time from the network server and include both it and the specified delay in the timed entry call message sent to the processor holding the called task. * The processor having the called task will call the network time server to obtain the time at the time the call is received. * The processor containing the called task will compute the remaining time delay with which the called task is requested to start. * Local management of the timed entry call will proceed as usual. Thus, in addition to the network delay, there will be an effect from the time to make two accesses to the network time server. Next we obtain an expression for the local time delay (d ) to be used on the called processor to bound the time it will wait for an appropriate entry to be reached. For the purposes of this analysis denote the time measured on processor A by a superscript A, similarly for time measure on B. Further, let A T,, be the Timing Issues 33

RSD-TR-18-86 worst case difference in time that any processor can experience with respect to the server, i.e., t] - ti < A T," where i can indicate any of the processors in the system and t! is the time I returned by the time server when processor i makes the request at time t,. In the case of an exact sense of network time, the local delay is given by, d = d - (t - t), (1) this guarantees the delay on B will not run past t2. Taking server inaccuracy into account results in the following: t, < tB thus, d - (t. - t,) > d - (t- t,) but, t, > tA-_AT therefore, di > d - (t-B tA) -AT,,. (2) Since tB and t A are the quantities that are measured (rather than t, and t ) the right hand side of (2) is the best estimate we can obtain for di that guarantees that the called task is able to accept the call within the specified delay. The utilization of a network time server is thus dependent upon our ability to bound the service time of the timer server. Two sources of service time must be considered, the propagation delay, and delays from interfering access requests. Propagation delays will depend upon the geometry of the system, and can often 34 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 be bounded if there is suitable information about the geometry. However, the type of connection and not just its geometry must also be considered. Ethernets, for example, could not guarantee a bound; on the other hand, they might be acceptable in a practical sense. Delays due to interference of timer server requests from more than one processor may or may not be present, depending upon the particular method used to implement the network time server. If present, however, they usually inject an uncertainty in the response time from the server. If this cannot be bounded, then, strictly speaking, the network time server cannot be used as the basis for implementing timed entry calls in the distributed environment. 5.1.1. Synchronizing Clocks An alternative method of providing timing is to maintain synchronism among the local clocks of the processors. There are then two issues to be considered here, the mechanism to be used to maintaining synchronism among the clocks and the development of an expression to be used for the local delay, d1, on the called processor. We consider first the maintenance of synchronism among the local clocks of the processors. Until now, we have spoken of a clock on each processing unit, though the Ada semantics actually imply two, a time of day clock and a relative timer. We must be concerned with maintaining synchronism in both. For purposes of discussion, however, we will assume that we are talking about maintaining synchronism among a set of time of day clocks. Without further discussion we will Timing Issues 35

RSD-TR-18-86 assume that operations on these clocks are also reflected into the local relative timing clocks. Actually, as pointed out in [5], timing could be based solely upon the use of absolute timing, with an improvement in performance, though this is rarely done today. The straightforward approach to the clock synchronization problem, and the one we will analyze, is to have a central master clock that periodically transmits time stamps to all of the local clocks so that they can be brought into agreement (synchronized). We will assume that the local clocks can drift with respect to one another and the master. This drifting can result in two situations when a synchronization time stamp is received: local time is either ahead, or behind of the time received. Let t1 be the time on the local clock when an update time stamp is received, and let t' be the value of the time stamp received. When t' is received, this value will replace tl in the local clock. Depending upon the relative values of t and t' different corrective actions must be taken. In the first case, t > t'. Resetting the local clock will essentially replay the local time for an amount of t'-t1. Thus, any local processes awaiting the expiration of a delay will have this amount of time added to their delay. For those that have been waiting since the last clock update, this will simply compensate for the fact that the local clock was running too fast. For those which have been waiting for less than a clock synchronization period, the delay will be overcompensated slightly. In those cases corresponding the use of the delay only to delay a process, this does not matter, since Ada is only required to delay for at least as long as the specified delay. For situations where the delay relates to an 36 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 inter-processor timed entry call, the delay has already been reduced by the synchronization uncertainty and again Ada semantics are maintained. However, in the case of local intra-processor timed entry calls, the specified delay time could be exceeded. This indicates that the synchronization uncertainty must be taken into account even for local timed entry calls. The process for doing this is very similar to the establishment of the bound for di above, and will be discussed below. In the second case, t >tl. In this case, the update to the local clock bypasses the elapse of time on the local processor. By so doing, one or more scheduled delay expirations may be passed. It is thus necessary to check the list of scheduled delay actions and make ready any tasks whose delays expired during the clock update. It is worth noting that this happens automatically with the techniques described in [5J and no special checking of the schedule is necessary. There are two obvious methods for distributing a master clock. One is by a hardwired connection, and the other is by radio. Distributing the time signal by a wire is the easier to implement. The main source of inaccuracy is the propagation delay. Each of the local clocks will see the time signal delayed by about 1.5 nanoseconds per foot of wire. Of course, a correction factor can be applied to each clock in the system to compensate for the configuration geometry of the local clocks with respect to the master. However, if microsecond precision is all that is required, only systems in which the local clocks are more than about 500 feet from the master need compensation. If only millisecond precision is required, then distance approaching 100 miles would be acceptable. The weaknesses of this Timing Issues 37

RSD-TR-18-86 approach are fairly apparent: a physical connection between clocks is required which is a potential source of failure. The physical connection limits applications to systems in which the components do not have autonomous mobility-ruling out, for instance, the AGV of Examples 1 and 2. The issue of fault tolerance is important, considering the kinds of embedded systems that Ada is targeted for, e.g., on-board avionics. However, standard techniques such as triple-modularredundancy can be used to reduce this problem. Synchronizing local clocks can also be achieved by having them reference one of the time keeping services supported by the U.S. Naval Observatory and the National Bureau of Standards [13, 141. Both organizations provide phone line or satellite services, the NBS also provides a radio service (WWVB). These services are capable of providing time references with accuracy ranging from milliseconds to 10's of microseconds, depending on the particular service and on the extent to which corrections are made for location. Clearly, receiving the signal and making corrections for location is more complicated and costly than dealing with a clock provided over a wire. On the other hand in the case of satellites and radio stations no physical connections are needed. This allows for significant relative motion between the clocks and also make fault tolerance more readily implementable. An important question that arises is how frequently one must update the clocks in the system. This issue has been addressed empirically in [15] where it was found that to maain synchrony within 10 milliseconds on a collection of VAX computers, a synchronization process had to be executed once every 173 38 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 seconds. The clocks used in this case were not of high precision, however. Similar bounds would have to be established on the clocks to be used on each of the computers in the network. Next we consider the use of multiple clocks, which are synchronized periodically, for the implementation of Case 1. This is very similar to the network server case, except that instead of accessing a network server clock-thus adding delay times to time values received-we access a local clock whenever we need a time value. The local access can be much faster than access to the network time server, but the value returned has some error in it, as discussed above. The analysis to determine the lower bound that can be placed on di follows that for the network time server. Let A T,, be the worst case difference in time between any clock in the system and the master clock, i.e., It - ti < A Te, where i can indicate any of the processors in the system, t, is the time measured on the local clock and t is the corresponding time on the master clock. Then we have t. - ts _< AT, and tA t < ATo. These may be directly substituted into (1) to obtain d, > d - (tB- tA) - 2-T,. (3) As with the network server case, the right hand side of (3) is the best estimate we can obtain for d, that guarantees that the called task is able to accept the call Timing Issues 30

RSD-TR-18-86 within the specified delay. While there are some similarities between the network time server case and the maintenance of synchronous clocks, there are important differences. The overhead of accessing a network clock is decoupled from the use of the clock for timed entry calls. Thus, the overhead is not necessarily attached to timed entry calls, but is distributed over whole operation of the system. When the requested delay is large, the network time server case loses accuracy since the local relative clock used for timing the delay di may drift with respect to the server. In the analysis leading to inequality (2) an accurate local clock was assumed. With the use of synchronized clocks, this drift will not exceed the bounds derived since the local clock is periodically updated. Further, in the hardwired case it is often possible to keep the clock skew A T.~ much smaller than A T,. We thus prefer the synchronized clock method of maintaining a network sense of time. 6.1.2. Rely on the Exported Value of Delay In some situations it may not be possible, or necessary, to share a common sense of time between processors (e.g., between satellites exploring deep space). In such cases, timed entry calls can be handled by exporting the time from the calling unit and use only this and local timing to manage things on the receiving processor. This requires knowledge of, or at least a bound on, the network communication times, and a bound on the relative drift of the local clocks. The implementation scenario for Case 1 is now a lot simpler than in the previous two cases: the processor containing the calling task transmits the specified delay to 40 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 the called task. The best guarantee for di is now, d, > d-ATe, where ATe, incorporates both the communication delay d5 and the relative drift. Unfortunately, in most cases that amount of drift grows with time and is unbounded. In practice, this is likely to place an upper bound on the length of delays that can be used, as in the network server case. 5.1.3. Uniprocessor Considerations Considerations such as those described above can be carried out in a uniprocessor situation as well. For example, the delay d, corresponds to the overhead associated with implementing the checking and rendezvous. Indeed, these times should be included in the A T's in the distributed situation as well. Depending upon the accuracy of the delay interval implemented, the A T's may be significant. This is likely to be the case for most processors at the 50 microsecond accuracy recommended in the RM and even more likely for the 10 microsecond accuracy discussed for some implementations. Strictly speaking, in these cases a timed entry call for small delays should fail even though a conditional entry call should succeed. This conformance is likely to be very difficult to measure, however. 6. Summary and Conclusions The need for distributed execution of Ada programs is growing rapidly as closely coordinated operation of multiple processors for such applications as Timing Issues 41

RSD-TR-18-86 robotics, space systems, and vehicle control increase. At this stage of development, distributed execution raises many issues of both interpretation and implementation. In this paper we have focussed on the impact of distributed execution on time related constructs. Two constructs were singled out for attention because their effect can be inter-processor. These were the conditional entry call and the timed entry call. An anomaly with the timed entry call was pointed out that results from equating timed entry calls with zero or negative delay to conditional entry calls. Then, it was pointed out that there are several fundamentally different ways of interpreting timed entry calls across a network corresponding to the locations at which the time measurements and decisions are made. Placing both of these on the called processor causes fewer difficulties than the other choices. The use made of timed entry calls also affects the communication protocols necessary. It was recommended that the detection of network failures or device timeouts be associated with exceptions rather than the elapse of a delay in a timed entry call. It was also noted that the realization of a common sense of time across the distributed system is required, and an interpretation proposed that allows for a bounded variation in the value of time at different points across the system. The possible interpretations presented are just that, possible interpretations. It remains for the governing bodies of the Ada Language to develop official interpretations of these constructs. It is hoped that this discussion will help in those deliberations. 42 Timing Issues

RSD-TR-18-86 References [11 Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A). Washington, D.C. 20301: Ada Joint Program Office, Department of Defense, OUSD(R&D), Jan. 1983. [2] R.A. Volz, T.N. Mudge, A.W. Naylor, and J.H. Mayer, "Some problems in distributing real-time ada programs across machines," Ada in use, Proc. of the 1985 Int'l Ada Conf., pp. 72-84, May 1985. [3] R. A. Volz, T. N. Mudge, G. D. Buzzard, and P. Krishnan, "Translation and execution of distributed Ada programs: is it still Ada?," SPIE, March 1986. [4] M. C. Paulk, "Problems with distributed Ada programs," Proceedings of the 5th Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 396400, 1986. [51 R. A. Volz and T. N. Mudge, "Instruction level mechanisms for accurate real-time task scheduling," Proc. of the IEEE 1986 Real-Time Symp., December 1986. [6] A. K. Mok, "The design of real-time programming systems based on process models," Proc. of the IEEE 1984 Real-Time Systems Symp.,, pp. 517, Dec. 1984. [7] L. Lamport, "Using time instead of timeout for fault-tolerant distributed systems," ACM Trans. on Programming Languages & Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 254-280, April 1984. [8] A. N. Habermann and I. R. Nassi, "Efficient implementation of Ada tasks," CMU-CS-80-103, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, pp. 121, January 1980. [9] A. Dapra, S. Gatti, S. Crespi-Reghizzi, F. Maderna, D. Belcredi, Natali, R. A. Stammers, and M. D. Tedd, Using Ada and APSE to support distributed multimicroprocessor targets. Commission of the European Communities, July 1982 - March 1983. Timing Issues 43

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RSD-TR-18-86 [10] J. Stankovic, "Achievable decentralized control for functions of a distributed processing operating system," Proceedings COMPSAC 82, pp. 226-230, November 1982. [11] K. Ramamritham and J. Stankovic, "Dynamic task scheduling in hard real-time distributed systems," IEEE Software, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 65-75, July 1984. [12] R. Jha and D. Kafura, "Implementation of Ada synchronization in embedded, distributed systems," TR-85-23, Dept. of Computer Sci., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pp. 1-56, 1985. [131 G.M.R. Winkler, "Changes at USNO in global timekeeping," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 151-154, January 1986. [14] R. E. Beehler and D. W. Allan, "Recent trends in NBS time and frequency distribution services," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 155-157, January 1986. [15] R. Gusella and S. Zatti, TEMPO a network time controller for a distributed berkeley unix system. Distributed Processing Technical Committee Newsletter, Informal publication of IEEE Computer Society Committee on Computer Processing, June 1984. 44 Timing Issues