Great Lakes Diatoms

This work is intended primarily as a resource for professional biologists and ecologists. However, teachers, students, and anyone interested in the microscopic freshwater world will find this useful. Making this information widely available and cataloging the inventory of diatoms of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America are the main purposes of this work. As essential constituents of primary producer communities, diatoms are useful indicators of environmental change in modern and paleoecological studies.
Generally, the Great Lakes Diatom Home Page is constructed as a hierarchy linking the genera list to species lists for each genus, and linking species lists to individual species "cards." Each species has its own "card" with a micrograph and includes information on morphological measurements, where the specimen was found, ecology of the species, and additional information (which may be useful). From each card, you will always be able to move to other species in the genus you choose, return to the genera list, or return to this page of the Great Lakes Diatom Home Page. In addition, a checklist of Great Lakes diatoms is available for viewing.
This is a work in progress; therefore, there will be ongoing additions and changes. Before you start, check the FYI page to facilitate understanding how to use this home page.
If you are unsure about where to start, follow the major groups button to enter a page which has pictures and text to direct you where to go. If you know what you're looking for go to the genera list.

Many people are involved in this project. We value your feedback or comments on technical aspects of taxonomy, suggestions for improvements of this page, and questions concerning it. You can also access other sites that have information concerning diatoms such as those listed here.
This project is one of a number of products as a the result of an NSF award for PEET. You may find out more about old additional PEET products.

Great Lakes Diatom Home Page
c/o E.F. Stoermer
Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences
University of Michigan
501 E. University.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1090

Last modified: 19-Apr-02 This work supported by NSF Grant
DEB 9521882

This home page was created November 27, 1995. It was designed, constructed, and is maintained by J. L. Pappas with other design changes and contributions by K. R. Ungelbach.

Thanks for using the Great Lakes Diatom Home Page!