images of plants, in nature or specimens, of plants of the family Hernandiaceae. Genus Gyrocarpus, the only one present in the zone, is sometimes placed in its own family Gyrocarpaceae.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Hydrocharitaceae. Included is genus Najas, which is sometimes elevated to family status (Najadaceae). Najas spp. are difficult for a nonspecialist to distinguish from each other and from Lagarosiphon. Ottelia is easily recognized.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Lami.aceae (synonym Labiatae). Leucas and Leonotis genera overlap and may be merged. Gmelina and Vitex have been transferreed to Lamiaceae from Verbenaceae but are still listed as Verbenaceae in some websites.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Lauraceae. Cassytha is a native plant. Laurus nobilis (a kind of bay leaf) is an imported dried leaf used as a spice especially in Songhay cuisine.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Limeaceae. This family has recently been separated from Molluginaceae. Only Limeum pterocarpum is widespread in Central Mali.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Loranthaceae (mistletoe). Englerina has yellow flowers. Tapinanthus spp. have red flowers and are difficult to distinguish from each other. Tapinanthus bangwensis is the common species in Central Mali.
images of plants, in nature and specimens, of family Lythraceae. Lawsonia is the henna bush, planted in towns. Henna is a dark pigment used in body decorations, especially hands and feet.
images of plants, in nature or specimens, of family Malvaceae, genera I to Z. Malvaceae (sensu lato) now includes former Bombacaceae (Adansonia, Ceiba, Bombax), Tiliaceae (Grewia, Corchorus, Triumfetta), and Sterculiaceae (Cola, Sterculia, Waltheria).