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Data of the paper "Multicomponent diffusion in natural silicate melts: Toward a universal eigenvector matrix"
1 of 100

A Daily Hydro-Meteorological Dataset for The World’s Largest System of Lakes
2 of 100

A database of in situ surface and subsurface water temperatures for large inland lakes across the coterminous United States
3 of 100

A Dataset of Great Lakes Extratropical Cyclone Tracks and Composites
4 of 100
A kinematic analysis of Micrurus coral snakes reveals unexpected variation in stereotyped anti-predator displays within a mimicry system [dataset]
5 of 100

A Meta-Analysis of Sequences in Theory-of-Mind Understandings: Theory of Mind Scale Findings Across Different Cultural Contexts
6 of 100

A Statistical Analysis of High-frequency Transient-Large-Amplitude Geomagnetic Disturbances: Data
7 of 100

A taxonomy of seizure dynamotypes - Code & Data
8 of 100

A template model explains jerboa gait transitions across a broad range of speeds
9 of 100

Airborne Data from the Fertilizer Emissions Airborne Study (FEAST). Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Methane, Ozone, Water Vapor, and meteorological variables over the Mississippi River Valley.
10 of 100

Aircraft Data (2020) for Flaring & Fossil Fuels: Uncovering Emissions & Losses (F3UEL)
11 of 100
Aircraft Data (2021) for Flaring & Fossil Fuels: Uncovering Emissions & Losses (F3UEL)
12 of 100

Aircraft Data (2022) for Flaring & Fossil Fuels: Uncovering Emissions & Losses (F3UEL)
13 of 100

Aircraft Data (2022) for Measurement of Agriculture Illuminating farm-Zone Emissions of N2O (MAIZE)
14 of 100
Aircraft Data for Airborne Assessment of Methane Emissions from Offshore Platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
15 of 100
Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry Data from the Colorado Front Range, Boulder County, Colorado, USA
16 of 100

Apatite fission track thermochronometry data from the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan
17 of 100

Arambourgiania philadelphiae (YUPC-RUSEIFA-1) partial right humerus shaft 3D model
18 of 100

Arambourgiania philadelphiae (YUPC-RUSEIFA-1), a partial right humerus shaft micro Computed Tomography (CT) data
19 of 100

Atari Games Dataset
20 of 100

Atmospheric CO2 time series derived from CESM NEP and GEOS-Chem pulse response CO2
21 of 100

Authenticated Boot Acceleration Algorithm
22 of 100

Automated High-frequency Geomagnetic Disturbance Classifier: Data
23 of 100

AutoSiM software and sample single-molecule trace data accompanying "Automatic classification and segmentation of single-molecule fluorescence time traces with deep learning"
24 of 100

Bark thickness traits of tropical dry forests seedlings
25 of 100

Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN workflow to isolate non-standard biological specimens for color pattern analysis (Data set)
26 of 100

Bayesian Population Correlation: A probabilistic approach to comparing detrital zircon age distributions
27 of 100

BIRDS Lab Multipod robot motion tracking data - processed data and code
28 of 100

Body size and predator cues structure variation in defensive displays of Neotropical calico snakes (Oxyrhopus spp.) [dataset]
29 of 100

Bounce-Averaged Quasi-Linear Diffusion Model Simulation Input/Output on Mars’ Crustal Magnetic Field
30 of 100
Canadian Cordillera Fault Gouge XRD and isotopes
31 of 100
Centimeter-Scale Electron Diffusion in Photoactive Organic Heterostructures
32 of 100

Challenges in Dynamic Mode Decomposition -- figures
33 of 100

CHANGES Project - Bottom Food Summary (BOTF)
34 of 100

CHANGES Project - Evaluation Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CEVA)
35 of 100

CHANGES Project - Examination Sheet (EXAM)
36 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Collection (FISHc)
37 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Collection Summary (FISHs)
38 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Growth Analysis (GROW)
39 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Mortality (MORT)
40 of 100

CHANGES Project - Justification Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CJUS)
41 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Fish Collection and Age-growth Summary (LFCAS)
42 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Mapping Record (MAPL)
43 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Rehabilitation Report (LRHB)
44 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Summary (SUMM)
45 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Volume Analysis (VOLU)
46 of 100

CHANGES Project - Length/Weight Regression (LWRE)
47 of 100

CHANGES Project - Limnology (LIMN)
48 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Proposals (MNGM)
49 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Record (MNGM_RECORD)
50 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Record Fish Planting (MNGM_RECF)
51 of 100

CHANGES Project - Parasite Record (PARA)
52 of 100

CHANGES Project - Seine Survey Summary (SEIN)
53 of 100

CHANGES Project - Treatment Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CTRE)
54 of 100

CHANGES Project - Water Analysis (WATR)
55 of 100

Children’s theory of mind in a naturalistic story-listening paradigm: An fNIRS neuroimaging dataset
56 of 100

Classification of complex local environments in systems of particle shapes through shape-symmetry encoded data augmentation
57 of 100

Combined Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Approach Towards a Rational Design of the YfeX Biocatalyst for Enhanced Carbene Transferase Reactivity
58 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:165173-Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill, 1817)-20d-DiceCT
59 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:165173-Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill, 1817)-20d-Skull-DiceCT
60 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:172750-Achirus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758)-19d-DiceCT
61 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:183100-Parapriacanthus ransonneti Steindachner, 1870-14d-DiceCT
62 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:183100-Parapriacanthus ransonneti Steindachner, 1870-24h-DiceCT
63 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:183100-Parapriacanthus ransonneti Steindachner, 1870-72h-DiceCT
64 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:185695-Myripristis multiradiatus Günther, 1874-15d-DiceCT
65 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:203495-Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel, 1840)-14d_etoh-DiceCT
66 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:203495-Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel, 1840)-7dtest_etoh-DiceCT
67 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:206086-Crenicichla lepidota Heckel, 1840-14d_etoh-DiceCT
68 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:206086-Crenicichla lepidota Heckel, 1840-7dtest_etoh-DiceCT
69 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:206739-Ancistrus cirrhosus (Valenciennes, 1836)-25d-DiceCT
70 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:206739-Ancistrus cirrhosus (Valenciennes, 1836)-25d-Skull-DiceCT
71 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:207781-Curimatus bimaculatus Steindachner, 1876-25d-DiceCT
72 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:207781-Curimatus bimaculatus Steindachner, 1876-Skull-25d-DiceCT
73 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-14d_etoh-DiceCT
74 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-H20_LT-DiceCT
75 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-H2o_14d-Skull-DiceCT
76 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-H2O_5dtest-DiceCT
77 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-L_10d_etoh-DiceCT
78 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-Msolo_14d-DiceCT
79 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-Msolo_7d-DiceCT
80 of 100
Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-Msolo_LT-DiceCT
81 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-SM-7dDS-DiceCT
82 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:216417-Acarichthys heckeli (Müller & Troschel, 1849)-SMH20-7dDS-DiceCT
83 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:218102-Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)-14d-DiceCT
84 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:218102-Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)-24h-DiceCT
85 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:218102-Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)-72h-DiceCT
86 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:227765-Argyropelecus aculeatus Valenciennes, 1850-14d-DiceCT
87 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:240774-Channa limbata (Cuvier, 1831)-14d_etoh-DiceCT
88 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:240774-Channa limbata (Cuvier, 1831)-7dtest_etoh-DiceCT
89 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:243168-Macrognathus semiocellatus Roberts, 1986-14d-DiceCT
90 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:243168-Macrognathus semiocellatus Roberts, 1986-14d-Skull-DiceCT
91 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:251870-Pristolepis fasciatus (Bleeker, 1851)-14d_etoh-DiceCT
92 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:251870-Pristolepis fasciatus (Bleeker, 1851)-7dtest_etoh-DiceCT
93 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-14d_etoh-DiceCT
94 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-Etoh72test-DiceCT
95 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-Etoh72test2-DiceCT
96 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-H20_LT-DiceCT
97 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-H2O_14d-Skull-DiceCT
98 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-H2O_5dtest-DiceCT
99 of 100

Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:fish:252549-Bivibranchia bimaculata-L_10d_etoh-DiceCT
100 of 100