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pottery (Mali mp4)
1 of 100
CHANGES Project - Treatment Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CTRE)
2 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 21186, Tritemnodon, right dentary
3 of 100
Detroit Metro Area Communities Study (DMACS) Wave 20 - Initial Data Release
4 of 100
Data in support of the study “Sleep loss diminishes hippocampal reactivation and replay”
5 of 100
A Comprehensive Northern Hemisphere Particle Microphysics Dataset from the Precipitation Imaging Package
6 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 119342, 119343, 119344, 119345, 119346, 119347, 119348, 119349, 119350, 119351, 119501, Mississippian Marshall Sst. Vertebrate Slabs with Actinopterygii, Sarcopterygii, and Chondrichthyes
7 of 100
National Perspectives of Youth (SoMe) Dataset and Key
8 of 100
Data for Discovery and characterization of a novel telomerase alternative splicing isoform that protects lung cancer cells from chemotherapy induced cell death.
9 of 100
Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 2 Bottom
10 of 100
Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Top
11 of 100
Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Middle
12 of 100
Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Bottom
13 of 100
Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 2 Top
14 of 100
Cropped CT Data for UMMP 118281, Stethacanthus depressus, fin spine
15 of 100
Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119343, Cochliodus contortus, tooth plate
16 of 100
Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119346, Saivodus striatus, tooth mold
17 of 100
Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119345, Stethacanthus sp., tooth mold
18 of 100
Data for Development and prenatal exposure to androgens alter potassium currents in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons from female mice
19 of 100
Limnological Survey of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Water Quality, 1999-2003 Dataset.
20 of 100
Decent Estimate of CME Arrival time from a Data-assimilated Ensemble in the Alfvén Wave Solar atmosphere Model
21 of 100
Data for GnRH Neuron Excitability and Action Potential Properties Change with Development But Are Not Affected by Prenatal Androgen Exposure
22 of 100
Sec61A2 Translocon Insulin Biosynthesis Data
23 of 100
Ore Lake, Michigan Water Quality, Physical, Chemical, Biological Survey, 2001 Dataset
24 of 100
CHANGES Project - Management Proposals (MNGM)
25 of 100
CHANGES Project - Management Record Fish Planting (MNGM_RECF)
26 of 100
CHANGES Project - Management Record (MNGM_RECORD)
27 of 100
CHANGES Project - Bottom Food Summary (BOTF)
28 of 100
CHANGES Project - Evaluation Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CEVA)
29 of 100
CHANGES Project - Justification Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CJUS)
30 of 100
CHANGES Project - Limnology (LIMN)
31 of 100
CHANGES Project - Examination Sheet (EXAM)
32 of 100
CHANGES Project - Length/Weight Regression (LWRE)
33 of 100
CHANGES Project - Lake Rehabilitation Report (LRHB)
34 of 100
CHANGES Project - Fish Mortality (MORT)
35 of 100
CHANGES Project - Parasite Record (PARA)
36 of 100
CHANGES Project - Seine Survey Summary (SEIN)
37 of 100
CHANGES Project - Lake Fish Collection and Age-growth Summary (LFCAS)
38 of 100
CHANGES Project - Fish Collection Summary (FISHs)
39 of 100
CHANGES Project - Lake Mapping Record (MAPL)
40 of 100
CHANGES Project - Water Analysis (WATR)
41 of 100
CHANGES Project - Lake Volume Analysis (VOLU)
42 of 100
Linking single-cell dynamics to cell fate in differentiating hPSCs - example data
43 of 100
CHANGES Project - Fish Collection (FISHc)
44 of 100
CHANGES Project - Lake Summary (SUMM)
45 of 100
CHANGES Project - Fish Growth Analysis (GROW)
46 of 100
A kinematic analysis of Micrurus coral snakes reveals unexpected variation in stereotyped anti-predator displays within a mimicry system [dataset]
47 of 100
Equilibrium Path Sampling Data for Two Glycosynthetic Reactions of Thermatoga maratima Alpha-L-Fucosidase D224G
48 of 100
Enhanced word embeddings using multi-semantic representation through lexical chains
49 of 100
Multi-Sense embeddings through a word sense disambiguation process
50 of 100
The CHIME Magnetometer: A Self-Calibrating Approach for Enhanced Accuracy in Spaceborne Applications, Simulation and Experimental Data Analysis
51 of 100
Dataset and Associated Code for Assessment of the national Health, Education, and Air Quality Benefits of the US EPA's School Bus Rebate Program
52 of 100
Dogon Tebul Ure 2015 Audio Recordings
53 of 100
Flight Test Data for a New Aircraft Icing Detection System
54 of 100
Supplement to "Long non-coding RNAs expressed in mouse pituitary development and mature hormone-producing cells"
55 of 100
Dogon Tebul Ure 2022 Audio Recordings
56 of 100
Relative Moment Magnitude (Mw) Estimates for 2019 Ridgecrest, CA Sequence
57 of 100
Dataset for: Solar wind heavy ions and alpha particles within Earth’s magnetosphere and their variability with upstream conditions
58 of 100
Using Wearable Sensors to Provide 3D Tibiofemoral Angle Estimates during Dynamic Actions Data Set
59 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (merged scans)
60 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (scan 2 of 2)
61 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (scan 1 of 2)
62 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium
63 of 100
Double-anonymous Peer Review Mitigates Country Homophily and the Harms of Low Reviewer Diversity: Deidentified data and replication code
64 of 100
Dataset and Associated Code to Assess the Attendance Benefits of the US EPA School Bus Rebate Program
65 of 100
Dataset and Associated Code to Assess the Educational Benefits of the US EPA School Bus Rebate Program
66 of 100
Experimental & numerical investigations of ultra-high-speed dynamics of optically-induced droplet vaporization in soft materials
67 of 100
Online supplementary information: Appendix A for Urban Agriculture - Good for People, Places, and Planet?
68 of 100
Data for Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanowire Networks Enable Graph-Theoretical Design of Multifunctional Coatings
69 of 100
Light-driven synthesis of C2H6 from CO2 and H2O on a bimetallic AuIr composite supported on InGaN nanowires
70 of 100
Dataset for Multispecies MHD Simulations of the Crustal Field Influence at the Mars Magnetotail Current Sheet
71 of 100
Dataset for: The Impact of the Interphase thickness on the Elastic Properties of Unidirectional SiC/SiC Composites
72 of 100
Native flora-fauna term spreadsheets from interior West Africa
73 of 100
Mali flora images
74 of 100
Literature search files for review on lifestyle therapy for the management of atrial fibrillation
75 of 100
The impact of corporate payments on robotic surgery research - dataset
76 of 100
Literature Search Strategies for "Substance Use Education in United States Schools of Pharmacy: A Systematic Review of the Literature"
77 of 100
Literature Search Strategies for "Effectiveness of anti-osteoporotic drugs to prevent secondary fragility fractures: systematic review and meta-analysis"
78 of 100
The ethical and professional use of social media in surgery - A review of the literature
79 of 100
Literature search strategies for "Substance Use Education in Schools of Nursing: A Systematic Review of the Literature"
80 of 100
Development, feasibility, and efficacy of decision aids to improve decision-making for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
81 of 100
Systematic review of the impact of acellular dermal matrix on aesthetics and patient satisfaction in tissue expander-to-implant breast reconstructions [Literature Search Files]
82 of 100
Spectrum of immune checkpoint inhibitors-induced endocrinopathies in cancer patients [Literature Search Files]
83 of 100
Substance use disorder education in medical schools: A scoping review of the literature [Literature Search Files]
84 of 100
Literature searches for Review of Outcomes in Prepectoral Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction with and without Surgical Mesh Assistance
85 of 100
[Literature search files] Successful decannulation of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: A scoping review
86 of 100
Literature searches for "Risk of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis in Patients With Stage 4 or 5 Chronic Kidney Disease Receiving a Group II Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
87 of 100
Humanities in predoctoral dental education: A scoping review [Literature Search Files]
88 of 100
Father-inclusive perinatal parent education programs: A systematic review [Literature Search Files]
89 of 100
Literature Searches: Optimizing Surgeon Well-Being: A Review and Synthesis of Best Practices
90 of 100
Adverse events associated with intra-hospital transport of critically-ill children: a systematic review dataset
91 of 100
Literature searches: The Current State of Fat Grafting in the Hand--A Systematic Review for Hand Diseases
92 of 100
Literature Searches: Lumbar Neuraxial Procedures in Thrombocytopenic Patients Across Populations--A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
93 of 100
Cliffs Jenaama lexical spreadsheets
94 of 100
Kelenga (Bozo) lexical spreadsheets
95 of 100
Jalkunan language (Mande family, Burkina Faso) media and spreadsheets
96 of 100
Lexical spreadsheets Jalkunan language of Burkina Faso
97 of 100
Jenaama/Sorogaama (Djenné) lexical spreadsheets
98 of 100
Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:mammals:89488-Zygogeomys trichopus trichopus-WholeBody
99 of 100
Computed tomography voxel dataset for ummz:mammals:161558-Rousettus amplexicaudatus AMPLEXICAUDATUS-WholeBody-DiceCT
100 of 100