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The KSU-UMD Dataset for Benchmarking for Audio Forensic Algorithms
1 of 20
Mars Thermospheric Neutral Winds: Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (M-GITM) Simulated Datasets for Comparison to MAVEN Spacecraft Measurements
2 of 20
A taxonomy of seizure dynamotypes - Code & Data
3 of 20
Inferring the behavior of distributed energy resources from incomplete measurements (project outputs)
4 of 20
Dataset for 'Multi‑Step Crystallization of Self‑Organized Spiral Eutectics'
5 of 20
Topological transitions of spiral eutectics
6 of 20
Raw Rheology data in supplement to the 2019 Macromolecules publication: "Assessing the Range of Validity of Current Tube Models Through Analysis of a Comprehensive Set of Star-Linear 1,4-Polybutadiene Polymer Blends"
7 of 20
Demand response algorithms to improve electric power system stability margins
8 of 20
Data for "The Coda of the Transient Response in a Sensitive Cochlea"
9 of 20
Unused Pharmaceutical Disposal Model
10 of 20
Small Female Pelvis Geometry Model
11 of 20
Statistics and Visualization of Point-Patterns
12 of 20
Michigan Indoor Corridor Dataset
13 of 20
Effects of Age-Associated Regional Changes in Aortic Stiffness on Human Hemodynamics Revealed by Computational Modeling
14 of 20
Simulation Parameters used in the Study titled "Efficient Estimation of Binding Free Energies between Peptides and an MHC Class II Molecule Using Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations with a Weighted Histogram Analysis Method"
15 of 20
A Video-Based Intervention to Improve Belt Fit
16 of 20
Three-Dimensional Body Shape Manikins of Young Children for Child Restraint Design
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Semantic-Based Document Retrieval Using Spatial Distributions of Concepts
18 of 20
Equilibrium configurations of hard polygons near the melting transition
19 of 20
Big Ship Data: Pre- and Post-Processed Spatiotemporal Data for 2006-2014 for Great Lakes Air Temperature, Dew Point, Surface Water Temperature, and Wind Speed
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