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†Macroprosopon hiltoni (holotype, FSAC CP 330), specimen photographs and interpretative weighted-line drawings.
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µCT DATA: Differential performance of aqueous – and ethylic lugol’s iodine stain to visualize anatomy in uCT-scanned vertebrates.
2 of 10
Zeda Tsikhesulori, Natsikharigora B004
3 of 10
Zeda Tsikhesulori B003
4 of 10
Zeda Gora, Natsikhvarisgora A064
5 of 10
Zeda Gora, Natatralitsike A065
6 of 10
Zeda Gora A066
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Zeda Gora A063
8 of 10
Zeda Bzvani, Meskhebisgora A053
9 of 10
Zeda Bzvani, Meskhebisgora A052
10 of 10