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The KSU-UMD Dataset for Benchmarking for Audio Forensic Algorithms
1 of 10
Mars Thermospheric Neutral Winds: Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (M-GITM) Simulated Datasets for Comparison to MAVEN Spacecraft Measurements
2 of 10
A taxonomy of seizure dynamotypes - Code & Data
3 of 10
Inferring the behavior of distributed energy resources from incomplete measurements (project outputs)
4 of 10
Dataset for 'Multi‑Step Crystallization of Self‑Organized Spiral Eutectics'
5 of 10
Topological transitions of spiral eutectics
6 of 10
Raw Rheology data in supplement to the 2019 Macromolecules publication: "Assessing the Range of Validity of Current Tube Models Through Analysis of a Comprehensive Set of Star-Linear 1,4-Polybutadiene Polymer Blends"
7 of 10
Demand response algorithms to improve electric power system stability margins
8 of 10
Data for "The Coda of the Transient Response in a Sensitive Cochlea"
9 of 10
Unused Pharmaceutical Disposal Model
10 of 10