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US Electricity and Natural Gas Decarbonization Pathways
1 of 100

On the mechanisms and capacities required at the hip to stand on one leg for an extended duration
2 of 100

Jointed tails enhance control of three-dimensional body rotation (dataset and code)
3 of 100

Dataset for: Large Exciton Binding Energy in a Bulk van der Waals Magnet from Quasi-1D Electronic Localization
4 of 100

dataset for BATSRUS on GPU
5 of 100

pottery (Mali mp4)
6 of 100

CHANGES Project - Treatment Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CTRE)
7 of 100

Michigan Metro Area Communities Study (MIMACS) Ypsilanti Wave 3 - Initial Data Release
8 of 100

Michigan Metro Area Communities Study (MIMACS) Flint Wave 3 - Initial Data Release
9 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 21186, Tritemnodon, right dentary
10 of 100

Detroit Metro Area Communities Study (DMACS) Wave 20 - Initial Data Release
11 of 100

Data in support of the study “Sleep loss diminishes hippocampal reactivation and replay”
12 of 100

A Comprehensive Northern Hemisphere Particle Microphysics Dataset from the Precipitation Imaging Package
13 of 100

CT Data of UMMP VP 119342, 119343, 119344, 119345, 119346, 119347, 119348, 119349, 119350, 119351, 119501, Mississippian Marshall Sst. Vertebrate Slabs with Actinopterygii, Sarcopterygii, and Chondrichthyes
14 of 100

Data for Early Sepsis-Mediated Metabolic Changes in Blood, Kidney, and Liver Precede Clinical Evidence of Organ Dysfunction
15 of 100

National Perspectives of Youth (SoMe) Dataset and Key
16 of 100

Data for Discovery and characterization of a novel telomerase alternative splicing isoform that protects lung cancer cells from chemotherapy induced cell death.
17 of 100

Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 2 Bottom
18 of 100

Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Top
19 of 100

Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Middle
20 of 100

Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 1 Bottom
21 of 100

Marshall Vertebrates, UMMP VP 119342 et seq., Batch Scan 2 Top
22 of 100

Cropped CT Data for UMMP 118281, Stethacanthus depressus, fin spine
23 of 100

Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119343, Cochliodus contortus, tooth plate
24 of 100

Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119346, Saivodus striatus, tooth mold
25 of 100

Cropped CT Data for UMMP 119345, Stethacanthus sp., tooth mold
26 of 100

Batch 2
27 of 100

Batch 1
28 of 100

Batch Scans
29 of 100

Cropped Specimen Scans
30 of 100

CT Scans of Mississippian Marshall Sandstone Vertebrate Slabs
31 of 100
CT data of NMMNH P-80347 type 5 palaeonisciform/“elonichthyid” indeterminate 1
32 of 100

Segmentation masks and surface meshes for NMMNH P-77557 Daemodontiscus harrisae, cranium (holotype)
33 of 100
CT data of NMMNH P-77557 Daemodontiscus harrisae, jaw fragment (holotype)
34 of 100
CT data of NMMNH P-77557 Daemodontiscus harrisae, cranium (holotype)
35 of 100

Segmentation masks and surface meshes for NMMNH P-77557 Daemodontiscus harrisae, jaw fragment (holotype)
36 of 100

Segmentation mask and surface mesh for NMMNH P-80347 type 5 palaeonisciform/“elonichthyid” indeterminate 1
37 of 100

Surface meshes of DNPM 1061-P Brazilichthys macrognathus
38 of 100

Computed tomographic (CT) datasets and derivatives for Carboniferous and Permian macrodont actinopterygians
39 of 100

Data for Development and prenatal exposure to androgens alter potassium currents in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons from female mice
40 of 100

Limnological Survey of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Water Quality, 1999-2003 Dataset.
41 of 100

Decent Estimate of CME Arrival time from a Data-assimilated Ensemble in the Alfvén Wave Solar atmosphere Model
42 of 100

Data for GnRH Neuron Excitability and Action Potential Properties Change with Development But Are Not Affected by Prenatal Androgen Exposure
43 of 100

Machine Learning Dataset to Support Paper "A comparison of machine learning classifiers in predicting safety for a multi-component dynamic system representation of an autonomous vessel"
44 of 100

Sec61A2 Translocon Insulin Biosynthesis Data
45 of 100

Ore Lake, Michigan Water Quality, Physical, Chemical, Biological Survey, 2001 Dataset
46 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Proposals (MNGM)
47 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Record Fish Planting (MNGM_RECF)
48 of 100

CHANGES Project - Management Record (MNGM_RECORD)
49 of 100

CHANGES Project - Bottom Food Summary (BOTF)
50 of 100

CHANGES Project - Evaluation Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CEVA)
51 of 100

CHANGES Project - Justification Report Chemical Rehabilitation (CJUS)
52 of 100

CHANGES Project - Limnology (LIMN)
53 of 100

CHANGES Project - Examination Sheet (EXAM)
54 of 100

CHANGES Project - Length/Weight Regression (LWRE)
55 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Rehabilitation Report (LRHB)
56 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Mortality (MORT)
57 of 100

CHANGES Project - Parasite Record (PARA)
58 of 100

CHANGES Project - Seine Survey Summary (SEIN)
59 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Fish Collection and Age-growth Summary (LFCAS)
60 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Collection Summary (FISHs)
61 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Mapping Record (MAPL)
62 of 100

CHANGES Project - Water Analysis (WATR)
63 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Volume Analysis (VOLU)
64 of 100

CHANGES Project - Aquatic Vegetation Analysis (VEGE)
65 of 100

Linking single-cell dynamics to cell fate in differentiating hPSCs - example data
66 of 100

Behavioral modulation and molecular definition of wide-field vertical cells in the mouse superior colliculus associated dataset
67 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Collection (FISHc)
68 of 100

Collections, Heterogeneous data, and Next Generation Ecological Studies (CHANGES) - Michigan Lake Surveys
69 of 100

CHANGES Project - Lake Summary (SUMM)
70 of 100

CHANGES Project - Fish Growth Analysis (GROW)
71 of 100

Supporting Data from "Co-evolving wing spots and mating displays are genetically separable traits in Drosophila" by Massey et al.
72 of 100
A kinematic analysis of Micrurus coral snakes reveals unexpected variation in stereotyped anti-predator displays within a mimicry system [dataset]
73 of 100
GITM 2017 Eclipse Results
74 of 100
Equilibrium Path Sampling Data for Two Glycosynthetic Reactions of Thermatoga maratima Alpha-L-Fucosidase D224G
75 of 100

JGR Biogeosciences 2019 Gridded and single-point CLM5 dataset
76 of 100
Enhanced word embeddings using multi-semantic representation through lexical chains
77 of 100
Multi-Sense embeddings through a word sense disambiguation process
78 of 100
12 hour data for magnetospheric simulations for a multifluid plasma for 8 different configurations
79 of 100

Comparing turbulent mixing of atmospheric oxidants across model scales
80 of 100
Results from Morales et al. 2018 (JAS) - Orographic precipitation sensitivity analysis
81 of 100

Modeled transient ionospheric upflow as driven by poleward moving auroral forms observed during the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) campaign
82 of 100

Galaxy Shape Catalogs for Dark Energy Survey Science Verification (DES-SV) Data - Additional Regions
83 of 100

The CHIME Magnetometer: A Self-Calibrating Approach for Enhanced Accuracy in Spaceborne Applications, Simulation and Experimental Data Analysis
84 of 100

Dataset and Associated Code for Assessment of the national Health, Education, and Air Quality Benefits of the US EPA's School Bus Rebate Program
85 of 100

Dogon Tebul Ure 2015 Audio Recordings
86 of 100

Flight Test Data for a New Aircraft Icing Detection System
87 of 100

Supplement to "Long non-coding RNAs expressed in mouse pituitary development and mature hormone-producing cells"
88 of 100

Dogon Tebul Ure 2022 Audio Recordings
89 of 100

Relative Moment Magnitude (Mw) Estimates for 2019 Ridgecrest, CA Sequence
90 of 100

Dataset for: Solar wind heavy ions and alpha particles within Earth’s magnetosphere and their variability with upstream conditions
91 of 100

Raw Data for Mechanical Damage to Spinal Cord Tissue from Decompression Bubble Expansion
92 of 100

Using Wearable Sensors to Provide 3D Tibiofemoral Angle Estimates during Dynamic Actions Data Set
93 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (merged scans)
94 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (scan 2 of 2)
95 of 100
CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium (scan 1 of 2)
96 of 100

Supplemental Data for PNAS Nexus paper titled "How Digital Paywalls Shape News Coverage"
97 of 100

CT Data of UMMP VP 3110, Castoroides ohioensis, cranium
98 of 100

Data and Code to Assess the US EPA School Bus Rebate Program
99 of 100

Temporary Combined Lake Superior Surface Water Temperature (LLTM & GLSEA)
100 of 100