Work Description

Title: Zeda Bzvani A050 Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • This is one of the 96 archaeological points of interest recorded by the Vani Archaeological Survey between 2009 and 2011. For a general description of the methods of the survey, See Vani Archaeological Survey Goals and Methods

  • Related Sites: A051, A052, A053

  • The survey team investigated the area around Zeda Bzvani on 24 June 2009 and returned on 14 July 2010 to carry out intensive survey on the southwest slope of Meskhebis Gora (A053), a hill on the eastern edge of Zeda Bzvani. We identified four points of interest.
  • The southeastern hill investigated at Kveda Bzvani actually belongs to the village of Zeda Bzvani to the southeast, but because it is much closer to the complex of sites recorded in Kveda Bzvani (A047, A048, A049) than to the other points of interest identified in Zeda Bzvani (A052, A053), we have grouped it with the former. The hill is occupied by a church and modern cemetery, but ancient pottery is visible in many places on the top and sides of the hill. Of particular interest were large fragments of a Colchian amphora on the southern slope of the hill, and a significant quantity of pottery visible in the slumped scarp of a modern grave plot on the southwestern side of the hill. According to local informants, objects such as bracelets from pithos burials found in this area are now held in the Kutaisi Museum.
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Citations to related material
  • Surveys were carried out here in 1936, 1978, 1984, ans 2008. Stray finds were reported here in 1925, 1936, and 1977.
  • Khoshtaria, N. V. 1959. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya v Vani i Vanskom rayone v 1952 g. [Archaeological studies in Vani and Vani district in1952]. Masalebi sakartvelos da kavkasiis arkeologiisatvis [Materials for the archaeology of Georgia and the Caucasus], vol. II. Tbilisi. pp. 150-51, pl. II, 2. (In Russian.)
  • Lordkipanidze, O. D., R. V. Puturidze, D. D. Kacharava, V. A Tolordava, M. S. Pirtskhalava, A. M. Chqonia, N. N. Matiashvili, D. V. Akhvlediani, G. Sh. Naridze, and G. A. Inauri. 1987. Raboty Vanskoi ekspeditsii [Work of the Vani archaeological expedition]. Polevye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya v 1984-85 godakh [Field archaeological investigations in 1984-85]. Tbilisi. p. 55. (In Russian.)
  • Kharabadze, S. 2008. “Vanis Qveqnis” Arqeologiuri Ruka (dzv.ts. VIII – akh.ts. III ss.) [Archaeological Map of the “Vani Region” (8th Century BC – 3rd Century AD)]. Tsardgenilia Doqtoris Akademiuri Khariskhis Mosapoveblad. Saqartvelos Teqnikuri Universiteti. Tbilisi, 0175, Saqartvelo. Seqtemberi. p. 21-23. (In Georgian with an English summary.)
Resource type
Last modified
  • 05/17/2023
  • 05/17/2023
To Cite this Work:
Vani Archaeological Survey. (2023). Zeda Bzvani A050 [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.

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