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Title: Data for Multiple social identities cloud norm perception: What we can learn from responses to COVID-19 among university aged Republicans and Democrats Open Access Deposited

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  • The project builds on samples of students from Rice University, Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) and Texas A&M University (TAMU) that were recruited to participate in two prior studies which began in 2016. Rice University is a private research university in Houston, Texas; Texas A&M is a large public land-grant research university in College Station, Texas and the flagship institution of the Texas A&M University system; and PVAMU is a historically black university also in the Texas A&M University System. The same battery of questions were asked over three waves, which were administered two months apart in time. The first wave began in early April 2020, the second wave began in late July, and the last wave began mid-October 2020. Altogether 633 respondents participated in all three waves of the study.
  • The survey data used in this project is from two larger overarching projects titled the Rice Preferences Study and the Black Student Success Study. The Rice Preferences Study began with a sample of 661 entering undergraduates matriculating in August of 2016. This was 66.7% of the entering class, randomly selected. Of that sample, 553 completed the study with an 83.7% response rate. Prior to coming to campus in fall 2016 Rice students were given a battery of incentivized preference measures including risk aversion, loss aversion, altruism, in-group favoritism, time discounting, competitiveness, and so on. Over the subsequent four years that group was tested with new and repeated measures, in two to four tests per year. As a basis for comparison, each year a smaller sample (between 112 And 148) was drawn from incoming classes and tested with the same instruments. The remaining students from the Class of 2020 who had never been tested were invited in March 2020 to complete the initial study (259 of 376 completed the study). In March 2020, as Rice University closed, the team joined together to build a COVID module for the long-term Rice panel, as well as the other members of the Class of 2020. A total of 670 participated in this wave (67.1% of the graduating class). The Black Student Success Study recruited samples from PVAMU and TAMU in 2017 and again in 2019. This study aimed at understanding the effects of stereotype threat on Black student success in two different university environments in Texas: PVAMU, a historically Black university with about 9,000 students, 65% female, and 83% Black; and TAMU, a large state university with about 70,000 students, 47% female and 3.7% Black. That study was ongoing in 2020 when COVID struck. A total of 880 subjects responded to the initial survey out of a total of 3,709 who were contacted. Black subjects were over-sampled at TAMU, and constituted 37% of the TAMU sample. Respondents completed a one-hour survey that included measures of identity, non-cognitive skills, stereotype-threat vulnerability, and controls for economic preferences (survey measures) and family background. They were paid $20 for completing the study. In March 2020 additional funding was awarded through NSF to expand and follow the Rice, TAMU and PVAMU panels, focusing on the impact of COVID-19.
Contact information
Funding agency
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
Date coverage
  • 2020-04-01 to 2020-10-01
Related items in Deep Blue Documents
  • Multiple social identities cloud norm perception: Responses to COVID-19 among university aged Republicans and Democrats Krupka, Erin; Hoover, Hanna; Ojumu, Oluwagbemiga; Rosenblat, Tanya; Sinha, Nishita; Wilson, Rick K. 2022. DOI: 10.7302/6621
Resource type
Last modified
  • 11/29/2022
  • 11/29/2022
To Cite this Work:
Krupka, E. (2022). Data for Multiple social identities cloud norm perception: What we can learn from responses to COVID-19 among university aged Republicans and Democrats [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Multiple Social Identities Cloud Norm Perception: Responses to COVID-19 Among University Aged Republicans and Democrats

Authors and affiliations:
Erin L. Krupka; School of Information, University of Michigan. 105 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. email:
Hanna Hoover; School of Information, University of Michigan. 105 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. email:
Catherine Eckel; Department of Economics, Texas A&M University. 2935 Research Parkway Suite 200 College Station, TX 77843. email:
Oluwagbemiga Ojumu; Department of Management and Marketing, Prairie View A&M University. 700 University Drive, Prairie View, Texas 77446. email:
Tanya Rosenblat; School of Information, University of Michigan. 105 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. email:
Nishita Sinha; Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University. 2124 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2124. email:
Rick K. Wilson; Department of Political Science, Rice University. 6100 Main MS-24 Houston, Texas 77005-1827. email:

Data was generated using surveys sent out in three waves as described in the manuscript (can be found on E. Krupka's web page)

The main dataset, all_waves_and_demographics.dta, contains all of the survey responses which has been collected, coded, and cleaned by the research team at Rice University.

Copies of the experimental survey are included in an appendix which is available on request from E. Krupka.

The accompanying codebook includes descriptions of each variable. Note that the letter prefix denotes which wave the data was collected.
For example, the prefix "g_" denotes that the variable was collected during the 2020G wave.
Wave 1 of the study (April-May of 2020) the prefix "d_" is associated with this wave.
Wave 2 of the study (July-August of 2020) the prefix "e_" is associated with this wave.
Wave 3 of the study (October-November) the prefix "g_" is associated with this wave.

The variables id and college remain constant across waves. The variables sex is equal 1 if the respondent is male and is equal to 0 if the respondent is female.

The variable race_all is coded as the following: 1 for African-American, 2 for Asian, 3 for White/Caucasian, 4 for Hispanic, and 5 for Other Race

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