Work Description

Title: MHD-EPIC simulation data of the GEM dayside kinetic processes challenge event Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • The GEM dayside kinetic challenge event has been simulated with the University of Michigan's MHD-EPIC, ideal-MHD and Hall-MHD models. This data set contains the simulation results that are used to produce the figures in the paper: Chen, Yuxi, et al. "Magnetohydrodynamic with embedded particle-in-cell simulation of the Geospace Environment Modeling dayside kinetic processes challenge event." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04563 (2020).
  • We use the MHD with embedded particle-in-cell model (MHD-EPIC) to study the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) dayside kinetic processes challenge event at 01:50-03:00 UT on 2015-11-18, when the magnetosphere was driven by a steady southward IMF. In the MHD-EPIC simulation, the dayside magnetopause is covered by a PIC code so that the dayside reconnection is properly handled. We compare the magnetic fields and the plasma profiles of the magnetopause crossing with the MMS3 spacecraft observations. Most variables match the observations well in the magnetosphere, in the magnetosheath, and also during the current sheet crossing. The MHD-EPIC simulation produces flux ropes, and we demonstrate that some magnetic field and plasma features observed by the MMS3 spacecraft can be reproduced by a flux rope crossing event. We use an algorithm to automatically identify the reconnection sites from the simulation results. It turns out that there are usually multiple X-lines at the magnetopause. By tracing the locations of the X-lines, we find the typical moving speed of the X-line endpoints is about 70~km/s, which is higher than but still comparable with the ground-based observations.
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Funding agency
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
Citations to related material
  • Chen, Y., Tóth, G., Hietala, H., Vines, S. K., Zou, Y., Nishimura, Y., Silveira, M. V. D., Guo, Z., Lin, Y., & Markidis, S. (2020). Magnetohydrodynamic With Embedded Particle-In-Cell Simulation of the Geospace Environment Modeling Dayside Kinetic Processes Challenge Event. Earth and Space Science, 7(11), e2020EA001331.
  • Chen, Yuxi, et al. "Magnetohydrodynamic with embedded particle-in-cell simulation of the Geospace Environment Modeling dayside kinetic processes challenge event." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04563 (2020).
Resource type
Last modified
  • 11/18/2022
  • 07/02/2020
To Cite this Work:
Chen, Y. (2020). MHD-EPIC simulation data of the GEM dayside kinetic processes challenge event [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Files (Count: 11; Size: 892 MB)

MHD-EPIC simulation data of the GEM dayside kinetic processes challenge event

This data set contains the simulation results that are used to produce the figures in the paper: Chen, Yuxi, et al. "Magnetohydrodynamic with embedded particle-in-cell simulation of the Geospace Environment Modeling dayside kinetic processes challenge event." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04563 (2020). The files are either in '.csv' format or '.out' format. The csv files are plain ASCII files. The description and the IDL scripts to open the .out format files can be found through the web site after registration.

Code Version

The 08-01-2019 version of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF), which is also publicly available through the web site, is used to perform the simulations. The is the input file for the MHD-EPIC simulation.

Variable units

All the data files share the same units:

  • The unit of length ('X','Y' or 'Z') is Earth radius.
  • The unit of the magnecit field ('Bx', 'By' or 'Bz') is nT.
  • The unit of density ('Rho') is amu/cc.
  • The unit of pressure ('P' or 'Pe') is nPa.
  • THe unit of current density ('jx', 'jy' or 'jz') is $mA/m^2$

Data-model comparison

The compressed files, and are the MH-EPIC, Ideal-MHD and Hall-MHD simulation data along the MMS satellite orbit at different time. They are csv files and used to produce Figure 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(a) in the paper.

Global magnetosphere configuration

y_0_t1h.out is the 2D data to show the global magnetosphere configuration in Figure 1.

Magnetopause location

cut_var_3_t00022000_n00480696.out contains 3D information around the magnetopuase. It is used to generate Figure 2.

Flux rope

cut_var_3_t00040000_n00855551.out is the data used to show the flux rope in Figure 7.


  • contains a set of 2D *.out files from the MHD-EPIC simulation to show the evolution of the X-lines. Figures 8, 9 use these files.
  • mhd_xline_t00040000_n00799497.out and hall_xline_t00040000_n00750317.out are the 2D files to the X-line from ideal-MHD and Hall-MHD, respectively. They are used for Figure 10.

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