Work Description

Title: Finite Element Models of Wheelchairs and Associated Components to Support Wheelchair Transportation Research Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • Models were constructed using LS-DYNA. LS-DYNA is a type finite element modeling software used to simulate high-speed loading events. This set of FE wheelchair and fixture models were validated under frontal, side, and rear impact conditions.
  • As part of a project to develop side impact test procedures for evaluating wheelchairs, wheelchair tiedowns and occupant restraint systems (WTORS), and vehicle-based occupant protection systems for wheelchair seating stations, we created validated finite element (FE) models to support procedure development. Models were constructed using LS-DYNA. Dynamic sled tests were performed to validate the FE models of surrogate fixtures and commercial hardware. Validated FE models were developed for the Surrogate wheelchair base (SWCB), Surrogate wheelchair for side impact (SWCSI), a manual wheelchair (Ki Mobility Catalyst 5), and a power wheelchair (Quantum Rehab Edge 2.0). Additional FE models of a heavy-duty anchor meeting the Universal Docking Interface Geometry (UDIG), surrogate four-point strap tiedowns (SWTORS), a traditional docking station, and the surrogate wall fixture were also developed.
Creator ORCID iD
Contact information
Funding agency
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
Related items in Deep Blue Documents
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Curation notes
  • 2024-03-11 The file was updated because one file within (WheelchairTestFixtures->UDig->power_udig_attach.k) was incomplete. The new version of this file has important material property, contact, and connection information that is needed to run.
Last modified
  • 03/11/2024
  • 08/31/2023
To Cite this Work:
Klinich, K. D., Hu, J., Boyle, K. J., Manary, M. A., Orton, N. R. (2023). Finite Element Models of Wheelchairs and Associated Components to Support Wheelchair Transportation Research [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Files (Count: 4; Size: 98.4 MB)

Date: August 31, 2023

Dataset Title: Finite Element Models of Wheelchairs and Associated Components to Support Wheelchair Transportation Research

Dataset Creators: Klinich, Kathleen D; Hu, Jingwen; Boyle, Kyle J; Manary, Miriam A.; Orton, Nichole R

Dataset Contact: Jingwen Hu

Keywords: finite element, wheelchair, transportation, tiedown

Funding: Department of Transportation (DOT)

Overview: This set of models are part of the deliverables of a research project "Wheelchair Side Impact" funded by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). The project began 2021-10-01 and was completed 2023-03-31.

Methodology: Models were constructed using LS-DYNA. LS-DYNA is a type finite element (FE) modeling software used to simulate high-speed loading events.
This set of FE wheelchair and fixture models were validated under frontal, side, and rear impact conditions.

The manual wheelchair model is based on a Ki Mobility Catalyst 5. The power whelchair is based on a Quantum Rehab Q6 Edge 2.0 with Synergy Seating.
The surrogate wheelchair base model is based on the wheelchair described in RESNA Standard WC-20.
An additional version of the surrogate wheelchair base was also developed for use in side impact.

The geometry and material properties of the wheelchair models were based on examination of the physical wheelchairs.
Some characteristics were tuned based on sled tests in frontal, side, and rear impact conditions.

Fixtures include docking fixtures, 4-point strap tiedowns, and UDIG.
There is also a model for the side impact wall proposed for evaluating wheelchair performance in side impact.

Model file and folder structure: Individual models are included along with 4 complete example simulation setups to provide examples of how to utilize models.
Folder: Individual_Wheelchair_Models
SubFolder: ManualWheelchair
File: manual_wc.k (manual wheelchair model based on Ki Mobility Catalyst 5)
SubFolder: PowerWheelchair
File: power_wc.k (power wheelchair model based on Quantum Rehab Q6 Edge 2.0 with Synergy Seating)
SubFolder: SurrogateWheelchairBase
File: swcb_wc.k (surrogate wheelchair base model based on RESNA Standard WC-20)
SubFolder: SurrogateWheelchairBaseSI
File: swcb_wc_SI.k (surrogate wheelchair base model altered for side impact testing)
Folder: WheelchairTestFixtures
SubFolder: Docking
File: dock_manual.k (traditional docking station model fit to manual wheelchair model)
File: dock_pwc.k (traditional docking station model fit to power wheelchair model)
File: dock_swcb.k (traditional docking station model fit to surrogate wheelchair base model)
SubFolder: SWTORS (Surrogate Wheelchair Tiedowns and Occupant Restraint System)
File: 4pt_front_td.k (detailed front tiedown model that includes rachet, hook, and belt)
File: 4pt_front_td_2.k (additional detailed front tiedown model that includes rachet, hook, and belt)
File: 4pt_rear_td.k (detailed rear tiedown model that includes rod-end, hook, and belt)
File: 4pt_rear_td_2.k (additional detailed rear tiedown model that includes rod-end, hook, and belt)
File: hook_contacts.k (contacts defined for hooks to wheelchair models when using the detailed tiedown models)
File: front_strap.k (model of strap used during frontal sled impacts to prevent dummy legs from kicking up too high during test)
SubFolder: UDig
File: hd_udig.k (heavy duty udig model used with attachments of the wheelchair models)
File: manual_udig_attach.k (udig attachments model fit to manual wheelchair model)
File: power_udig_attach.k (udig attachments model fit to power wheelchair model)
File: swcb_udig_attach.k (udig attachments model fit to surrogate wheelchair model)
SubFolder: Side_Impact_Wall
File: side_wall.k (wall model used for side impacts with wheelchair models)
Folder: Full_Setup_Examples (each SubFolder here contains full model setups to use as examples).
SubFolder: Frontal_Impact_MWC_Simplified_SWTORS (Full model setup of a frontal impact with the manual wheelchair model and simplified surrogate wheelchair tiedowns)
File: main.k (file to be run in LS-Dyna)
SubFolder: includes (contains all additional include files needed for simulations to run correctly)
File: belts.k (contains simplified tiedown models as well as lap and shoulder seatbelt models fitted to dummy model)
File: h350_pos_nodes.k (nodal locations of the dummy model)
File: LSTC.H3_50TH.DETAILED.190217_BETA_no_nodes.k (dummy model excluding nodal locations)
File: manual_wc.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: pulse.k (crash pulse curve, replicates 30mph impact using UMTRI sled)
File: pusher.k (model that applies pusher block approach for simulating initial deformation and stress/strain bewteen dummy model and seat cushion)
File: sled_fixture.k (model file containing sled platform and anchor locations)
SubFolder: Frontal_Impact_SWCB_Detailed_SWTORS (Full model setup of a frontal impact with the surrogate wheelchair base model and detailed surrogate wheelchair tiedowns)
File: main.k (file to be run in LS-Dyna)
SubFolder: includes (contains all additional include files needed for simulations to run correctly)
File: 4pt_front_td.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: 4pt_front_td_2.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: 4pt_rear_td.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: 4pt_rear_td_2.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: front_strap.k (model of strap used during frontal sled impacts to prevent dummy legs from kicking up too high during test)
File: h350_pos_nodes2.k (nodal locations of the dummy model)
File: hook_contacts.k (contact definitions of front and rear tiedown hooks to the wheelchair model)
File: LSTC.H3_50TH.DETAILED.190217_BETA_no_nodes.k (Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy model excluding nodal locations)
File: occ_belts.k (contains lap and shoulder seatbelt fitted to dummy model)
File: pulse.k (crash pulse curve, replicates 30mph impact using UMTRI sled)
File: pusher.k (model that applies pusher block approach for simulating initial deformation and stress/strain bewteen dummy model and seat cushion)
File: sled_fixture.k (model file containing sled platform and anchor locations)
File: swcb_wc.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
SubFolder: Rear_Impact_SWCB_Udig (Full model setup of a rear impact with the surrogate wheelchair base model and udig attachment)
File: main.k (file to be run in LS-Dyna)
SubFolder: includes (contains all additional include files needed for simulations to run correctly)
File: front_strap.k (model of strap used during sled impacts to prevent dummy legs from kicking up too high during test)
File: h350_pos_nodes2.k (nodal locations of the dummy model)
File: hd_udig.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: LSTC.H3_50TH.DETAILED.190217_BETA_no_nodes.k (Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy model excluding nodal locations)
File: occ_belts_lap_only.k (contains lap seatbelt fitted to dummy model)
File: pulse.k (crash pulse curve, replicates rear impact using UMTRI sled)
File: pusher.k (model that applies pusher block approach for simulating initial deformation and stress/strain bewteen dummy model and seat cushion)
File: sled_fixture.k (model file containing sled platform and anchor locations)
File: swcb_udig_attach.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: swcb_wc.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
SubFolder: Side_Impact_PWC_Docking (Full model setup of a side impact with the power wheelchair model and traditional docking station attachment)
File: main.k (file to be run in LS-Dyna)
SubFolder: includes (contains all additional include files needed for simulations to run correctly)
File: dock_pwc.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: es2re_nodes.k (nodal locations of the dummy model)
File: LSTC.ES-2RE.150624_V0.201.BETA_offset.k (ES-2re dummy model excluding nodal locations)
File: occ_belts.k (contains lap and shoulder seatbelt fitted to dummy model)
File: power_wc.k (see above, nodal locations re-positioned)
File: pulse.k (crash pulse curve, replicates side impact using UMTRI sled)
File: pusher.k (model that applies pusher block approach for simulating initial deformation and stress/strain bewteen dummy model and seat cushion)
File: side_wall.k (model file containing model of side wall fixture used for near side impacts)
File: sled_fixture.k (model file containing sled platform and anchor locations)

Model validation: A subset of these models were validated against sled tests under various impact conditions conducted at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

Software: This set of models can only run in LS-Dyna (ANSYS), and was set up in LS-Dyna version 13.1.0.

Related publication(s): Klinich, K. D., Manary, M. A., Orton, N. R., Boyle, K. J., Hu, J. Development of Side Impact Test Procedures for Improved Wheelchair Transportation Safety, University of Michigan - Deep Blue Documents.

Use and Access:
This data set is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0).

To Cite Data: Klinich, K. D., Hu, J., Boyle, K. J., Manary, M. A., Orton, N. R. Finite Element Models of Wheelchairs and Associated Components to Support Wheelchair Transportation Research [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.

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