Work Description

Title: Data used for the paper "Theory of Magnetic Switchbacks Fully Supported by Parker Solar Probe Observations" Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • The observational data was downloaded from public websites in most cases, and obtained from Marco Velli's collaborators in some cases. The data was processed with various scripts into a common format. The simulation data was produced by running the BATSRUS code also included in the repository. The configuration and input files for the BATSRUS code are all included.
  • Data used in the paper "Theory of Magnetic Switchbacks Fully Supported by Parker Solar Probe Observations" by G. Toth, M. Velli and B. van der Holst, ApJ 2023. The Observations directory contains the PSP observations as simple text files that can be easily read by the IDL macros in the BATSRUS/share/IDL/General/ or any other plotting software. The Simulations directory contains BATSRUS simulations including input and output files. The runlog files show the Git references. The output files are in binary format that can be read by the IDL macros in the BATSRUS/share/IDL/General/ or with the SpacePy software. The BATSRUS directory contains the source code that can be used to reproduce the simulations.
Creator ORCID iD
Contact information
Funding agency
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Date coverage
  • 2023-01-01 to 2023-09-22
Citations to related material
  • G. Toth, M. Velli, B. van der Holst, 2023, Theory of Magnetic Switchbacks Fully Supported by Parker Solar Probe Observations, The Astrophysical Journal, in press
Resource type
Last modified
  • 09/29/2023
  • 09/29/2023
To Cite this Work:
Toth, G., Velli, M., van der Holst, B. (2023). Data used for the paper "Theory of Magnetic Switchbacks Fully Supported by Parker Solar Probe Observations" [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


This work is not a member of any user collections.

Files (Count: 2; Size: 2.52 GB)

Data used in the paper "Theory of Magnetic Switchbacks Fully Supported by Parker Solar Probe Observations" by G. Toth, M. Velli and B. van der Holst, ApJ 2023.

The Observations/ directory contains the PSP observations as simple
text files that can be easily read by the IDL macros in the
BATSRUS/share/IDL/General/ or any other plotting software.

mag_2018_11_05.log Magnetometer data with ~0.25s cadence
mag_2022_06_01.log Magnetometer data with ~0.25s cadence
psp_2018_11_05_hourly.log Merged magnetometer and plasma data with 1h cadence
psp_2022_05_31_hourly.log Merged magnetometer and plasma data with 1h cadence
psp_encounter01_1sec.log Merged magnetometer and plasma data with 1s cadence
psp_encounter01_traj.log Trajectory with 1 day cadence
psp_encounter12_3.5s.log Merged magnetometer and plasma data with 1s cadence
psp_encounter12_traj.log Trajectory with 1 day cadence

The Simulations/ directory contains BATSRUS simulations including input
and output files. Each simulation is in a run directory. The run
directories correspond to the following figures in the paper:

Left panels of Figure 2 run25_bx1dbx0.5lambda40_p1
Middle panels of Figure 2 run22_ux5_0.5_p1/
Right panels of Figure 2 run31_bx0.5dux05_lambda1/
Left column of Figure 4 run24_bx1dux0.5lambda40_p1/
Second column of Figure 4 run25_bx1dbx0.5lambda40_p1
Third column of Figure 4 run26_bx1drho0.3lambda40_p1_long/
Right column of Figure 4 run27_bx1dbx0.5dux0.5lambda40_p1/
Figure 5 run41_solarwind/

In each run directory there are the following files ASCII input file
runlog ASCII output file
GM/log_n000000.log ASCII output file containing average quantities
GM/z*.outs Binary output file containing simulation results

The binary output files can be read by the IDL macros in the
BATSRUS/share/IDL/General/ or with the SpacePy software.

The BATSRUS/ directory contains the source code that can be used to
reproduce the simulations. This is a snapshot of the code from the
Git repository at

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