Work Description

Title: Mtisdziri, Nabambevisgora, Nashuebi A029 Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • This is one of the 96 archaeological points of interest recorded by the Vani Archaeological Survey between 2009 and 2011. For a general description of the methods of the survey, See Vani Archaeological Survey Goals and Methods

  • Related Sites: A023, A024, A025, A026, A027, A028, A030, A031

  • Mtisdziri was visited on 20 and 21 June 2009. We recorded nine points of interest.
  • Nabambevisgora is one of four hills near the modern village of Mtisdziri that were the foci of excavations carried out in the 1970s and the location of a number of accidental finds. These hills are located southeast of the center of the modern village, which lies 10 km west of Vani on the south edge of the Phasis River valley, and rise to elevations 80-120 m above the plain. The eastern limit of Nabambevisgora is formed by a small stream called the Tsabla Ghele. The area to the west of this stream, on the east slope of the Nabambevisgora, is called Nashuebi. Archaeological research at Mtisdziri began with the chance discovery of a rich assemblage of objects in Nashuebi in 1952. The assemblage was found beneath a large slab and possibly belonged to a grave covered by this slab. Included in the assemblage were a number of precious artifacts, including “a gold earring, a gold torque, [and] fragments of a bronze vessel” (G. Gamkrelidze), together with, most notably, a silver rhyton with a protome in the form of a man-headed goat (the figural protome is 0.76 m in both height and length). This rhyton, now in the Vani Museum, has been much studied and published, most extensively by G. Gamkrelidze and F. Knauss, both of whom agree that it combines Achaemenid models with Greek ornament, and was probably made by local artisans in the 4th century B.C. In the 1970s, two trenches were dug in the area of the Tsabla Ghele, where the grave with the silver rhyton had been found, but the grave was not located (Trenches 14 and 15) (Gamkrelidze); it may have been carried away or buried by a landslide. During our visit, we picked up a Thasian amphora toe of the 4th century B.C. on the west bank of the Tsabla Ghele (A029); this point also marks the general area in Nashuebi where the rich grave including the silver rhyton was found and excavations carried out.
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Citations to related material
  • Archaeological research at Mtisdziri began with the chance discovery of a rich assemblage of objects above the west bank of the Tsabla Ghele in the area known as Nashuebi in 1952. Later chance discoveries include two pithos burials found in 1958 in the western part of the village, north of Nabambevis Gora, in the area known as Nikuradzeebis Ubani (or Samkharadzeebis Ubani), presumably of the early Hellenistic period. In 1971 and 1972, the Vani expedition team collected surface pottery. Excavations were conducted in 1973-1977.
  • Khoshtaria, N. V. 1959. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya v Vani i Vanskom rayone v 1952 g. [Archaeological studies in Vani and Vani district in 1952]. Masalebi sakartvelos da kavkasiis arkeologiisatvis [Materials for the archaeology of Georgia and the Caucasus], vol. II. Tbilisi. pp. 149-162, pls. I-XIX. (In Russian.) p. 149-150.
  • 1971. Chronicles. Herald of Kutaisi Historical-Ethnographical Museum. Vol. 2. P. 135-136. (In Georgian.)
  • Ramishvili, A., and O. Lanchava. 1973. Vanis kveqana [The “kveqana” of Vani]. Twenty-five Years of the Vani Archaeological Expedition. Summaries of the Scientific Session. Tbilisi. p. 20. (In Georgian.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1976. Mtisdzirshi napovni qants -ritoni [Horn-rhyton found in Mtisdziri]. Dzeglis megobari, N 41. Tbilisi. pp. 17-20. (In Georgian with a Russian summary.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1977a. Arkeologiuri gatkhrebi sop. Mtisdziris midamoebshi [Archaeological excavations in the environs of the village of Mtisdziri]. Arkeologiuri dziebani. Akhalgazrda mkvlevarta sametsniero sesiis masalebi [Archaeological investigations. Materials of the scientific sessions of young researchers]. Tbilisi. pp. 74-78. (In Georgian.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. A. 1977b. K izucheniyu drevnekolkhidskikh oboronitelnykh sooruzhenii [Towards the study of the ancient Colchian defensive structures]. Sakartvelos metsnirebata akademiis moambe [Bulletin of the Georgian Acad. Sci.], vol. 88, N 2. Tbilisi. pp. 501-505. (In Russian with summaries in Georgian and English.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1977c. Mtisdziris arkeologiuri dzeglebi [Archaeological monuments of Mtisdziri]. Vani III. Pp. 58-70, pls. 25-44. (In Georgian with a Russian summary.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1978. Vanis mtisdziris akhlad aghmochenili adreuli shuasaukuneebis nageboba [Recently discovered building in Mtisdziri of Vani of the early Middle Ages]. Matsne (Istoriis, arkeologiis, etnograpiis da khelovnebis istoriis seria) [Herald of the Academy of Sciences (Series of history, archaeology, ethnography and history of art)], N 3. Tbilisi. pp. 109-123. (In Georgian with a Russian summary.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1979. Drevniye poseleniya v srednem techenii reki Rioni (Mtisdziri v VII v. do n. e. – VII v. v. e.). Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskaniye uchenoi stepeni ckandidata istoricheskikh nauk [The ancient settlements in the middle part of the river Rioni (Mtisdziri in the 7th cent. B.C. – 7th cent. A. D.). Synopsis of thesis to defend the scientific degree of candidate of historical sciences]. Tbilisi. (In Russian.)
  • Tolordava, V. 1980. Dakrdzalvis tsesebi elinisturi khanis sakartveloshi [The burial rites in Georgia of the Hellenistic period]. Tbilisi. pp. 6-23, pls. II-XVIII. (In Georgian with a Russian summary.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1982a. Adreshuasaukuneebis samshenenblo keramika adeishvilebis goridan [The early medieval pottery from the Adeishvili hill]. Arkeologiuri dziebani. Akhalgazrda mkvlevarta II da III sametsniero sesiis masalebi [Archaeological investigations. Materials of the 2nd and 3rd scientific sessions of young researchers]. Tbilisi. pp. 115-122. (In Georgian.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1982b. Tsentraluri kolkhetis dzveli namosakhlarebi [Ancient settlements of Central Colchis]. Tbilisi. (In Georgian with summaries in Russian and English.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1983a. Antikuri importi vansa am is da mis midamoebshi. Mtisdziri [Classical import in Vani and its environs. Mtisdziri]. Vani VII. Tbilisi. pp. 127-128, pl. 52. (In Georgian with a Russian summary.)
  • Gamqrelidze, G. 1983b. Sop. Mtisdziris arkeologiuri dzeglebi [Archaeological monuments of the village of Mtisdziri]. Kartuli sabchota entsiklopedia [The Georgian Soviet Encyclopaedia], vol. 6. Tbilisi. p. 672. (In Georgian.)
  • Gamkrelidze, G. 1990. From Colchian mythology (Ochopintre – a Pantype God). Preprinter. Tbilisi. (Summary in Russian.)
  • Kvirkvelia, G. 1990. La Région de Vani aux VIIIème – Vème Siècles. In Le Pont-Euxin Vu Par les Grecs, Sources Écrites et Archéologique, Symposium de Vani (Colchide), Septembre-Octobre 1987, Otar Lordkipanidze et Pierre Lévêque, ed. Tea Khartchilava et Evelyne Geny, pp. 253-56. Centre de Recherches d’Histoire Ancienne, Vol. 100. Paris: Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon.
  • Gamkrelidze, G. 1992. K arkheologii doliriy doliny Phazisa (Rioni) [Towards the archaeology of the Phasis (Rioni) valley]. Tbilisi. pp. 11, 20-25, 49-100. (In Russian.)
  • Gamkrelidze, G. 1998. Ein Rhyton mit Götterdarstellung aus der Kolchis. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 30. Pp. 211-16.
  • Knauß, F. S. 1999a. “Ein silbernes Trinkhorn aus Mtisdziri. Die Kolchis zwischen Achämeniden und Griechen.” In R. F. Docter and E. M. Moormann (eds.), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam 12. – 17. July 1998. Amsterdam. p. 218-222.
  • Knauß, F. S. 1999b. Bocksdämon und Perserin. Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie und Chronologie der späten graeco-persischen Glyptik, Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 31. Pp. 161-189.
  • Gamkrelidze, G. 2001. Kolkhologiuri narkvevebi [Colchological sketches]. Tbilisi. (In Georgian.)
  • Knauss, F. 2006. “Ancient Persia and the Caucasus.” Iranica Antiqua XLI: 79-118.
  • Kharabadze, S. 2008. “Vanis Qveq’nis” Arqeologiuri Ruk’a (dzv.ts. VIII – akh.ts. III ss.). (Archaeological Map of the Vani Land, 8th Century BC – 3rd Century AD). Tsardgenilia Doqt’oris Ak’ademiuri Khariskhis Mosap’oveblad. Saqartvelos T’eqnik’uri Universit’et’i. Tbilisi, 0175, Saqartvelo. Seqtemberi. P. 29-31. (In Georgian with an English summary.)
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Last modified
  • 05/16/2023
  • 05/16/2023
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Vani Archaeological Survey. (2023). Mtisdziri, Nabambevisgora, Nashuebi A029 [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.

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