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Title: Dynamical Heating in the Martian Thermosphere: Temperatures, Winds and Thermal Balances using M-GITM Open Access Deposited
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(2022). Dynamical Heating in the Martian Thermosphere: Temperatures, Winds and Thermal Balances using M-GITM [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.
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Files (Count: 7; Size: 179 MB)
Thumbnailthumbnail-column | Title | Original Upload | Last Modified | File Size | Access | Actions |
README.txt | 2022-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 7.08 KB | Open Access |
| | 2022-08-30 | 2022-08-30 | 35.3 MB | Open Access |
MY33.LS0.PILINSKI.150619.UT13.HT...c.dat | 2022-08-30 | 2022-08-30 | 18.9 MB | Open Access |
MY33.LS0.YSGW4.PILINSKI.150619.U...c.dat | 2022-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 35.3 MB | Open Access |
MY33.LS0.YSGW4.PILINSKI.150619.U...c.dat | 2022-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 18.9 MB | Open Access |
MY33.LS90.PILINSKI.160104.UT21.u...c.dat | 2022-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 35.3 MB | Open Access |
MY33.LS270.PILINSKI.161129.UT17....c.dat | 2022-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 35.3 MB | Open Access |
Date: 30-August-2022
Who: S. W. Bougher
Dynamical Heating of the Martian Thermosphere
The NASA MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around Mars, has been taking systematic
measurements of the densities and deriving temperatures in the upper atmosphere of Mars (between about 140 to 240 km above the surface) since late 2014.
Wind measurement campaigns have also been conducted once per month for 5-10 orbits since 2016. These densities, temperatures and winds change with time
(e.g. solar cycle, season, local time) and location, and sometimes fluctuate quickly. Global dust storm events are also known to significantly impact
these density, temperature and wind fields in the Mars thermosphere.
For the current project, in-situ measured winds and corresponding argon density derived temperatures are combined to trace the circulation patterns and
investigate their convergence and divergence locations and impacts throughout the Mars thermosphere. M-GITM computed thermal balance terms are subsequently
extracted to investigate the processes required to maintain the temperature distribution around the planet. For this work, Mars Year #33 (MY33)
Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) measurements have been obtained by the MAVEN team for this purpose (see these representative works:
(Bougher et al., 2017; Stone et al., 2018; Benna et al., 2019). These temperature and wind fields are compared to simulations from a computer
model of the Mars atmosphere called M-GITM (Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model), developed at U. of Michigan. Since the global circulation
plays a role in the structure, variability, and evolution of the atmosphere, understanding the processes that drive the winds in the upper atmosphere
of Mars also provides the needed context for understanding temperature distributions and underlying thermal balances throughout the atmosphere. Three dimensional
M-GITM simulations for three of the four Mars cardinal seasons (Ls = 0, 90, 270) for MY33 were conducted for detailed comparisons with NGIMS temperature
and wind distributions (Pilinski et al. 2022). Corresponding M-GITM datacubes used to extract these temperatures (plus winds) along the trajectory of each orbit
path between 140 and 240 km, are provided in this Deep Blue Data archive. A single README file is included that details the contents of each datacube file.
In addition, this general README file summarizes the inputs and outputs of each M-GITM simulation interval used for this study. Finally, a basic
version of the M-GITM code can be found on Github at https:/
Four MY33 Solar Cycle and Seasonal conditions for M-GITM simulations of this project (Pilinski et al., 2022)
Interval Date Range Season (Ls) Narrative
1 19-20 June, 2015 0.0 MY33 Equinox sampling period (no gravity wave formulation activated)
2 19-20 June, 2015 0.0 MY33 Equinox sampling period (standard gravity wave formulation fully activated)
3 4-5 January, 2016 90.0 MY33 Aphelion sampling period (no gravity wave formulation activated)
4 29-30 November, 2016 270.0 MY33 Perihelion sampling period (no gravity wave formulation activated)
MGITM datacubes are presented utilizing a GEO grid (Longitude-Latitude vs Altitude):
Local Solar Time (LST) is fixed in longitude for these datacubes, giving LST = 12.0 at LON = 0.0
3-D Grid Domain:
LONGITUDE (LON): 2.5 to 357.5, by 5.0 degrees
LATITUDE (LAT): -87.5 to +87.5, by 5.0 degrees
ALTITUDE (ALT): 98.75 to 293.75. by 2.5 km
1. Fields (12): State Fields
-- Temperatures (neutral) : Tn
-- Major neutral densites : [CO2], [O], [N2], [CO], [He], [Ar]
-- Neuyral winds : U-zonal, V-meridional, W-vertical
-- Pressure : Press
-- Solar Zenith Angle : SZA
-- Major plasma densities : none here
** Units = Temperatures (K), All neutral densities (#/m3), All Neutral winds (m/s), Pressure (Pascals), SZA (degrees)
2. Fields (5): Thermal Balances (HTBAL)
-- EUV Heating : QEUV
-- Near IR Heating : QNIR
-- CO2 15-micron cooling : Q15
-- Molecular Conduction : QCOND
-- Net Dynamical heating : QTDYN
** Units: ALL K/day
6-Files in the respository for downloading:
Bundled Orbital File Batches:
Interval 1: MY33.LS0.PILINSKI.150619.UT13.userdetic.dat
Interval 2: MY33.LS0.YSGW.PILINSKI.150619.UT13.userdetic.dat
Interval 3: MY33.LS90.PILINSKI.150619.UT13.userdetic.dat
Interval 4: MY33.LS270.PILINSKI.150619.UT13.userdetic.dat
** FISM-Mars daily averaged solar EUV-UV fluxes (1-195 nm) used based upon MAVEN
Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor (EUVM) instrument: Thiemann et al. (2017).
Level 3 EUVM daily products used: v14_r03 (all intervals)
** Standard gravity momentum and energy deposition scheme paramaters implemented as
described in detail in Roeten et al. (2022).
Specific Key References pertaining to MGITM Simulations plus MAVEN NGIMS and EUVM Datasets:
Benna et al. (2019), Science, doi:10.1126/science.aax1553,(2019).
Bougher et al. (2015), J. Geophys. Res., 120, 311-342. doi:10.1002/2014JE004715.
Bougher et al. (2017), J. Geophys. Res., 122, 1296-1313. doi:10.1002/2016JA023454.
Pilinski, M. D., K. J. Roeten, S. W. Bougher and M. Benna, Dynamical Heating in the Martian Thermosphere, Journal Geophysical Res., XXX, (forthcoming - 2022). doi: .....
Roeten et al. (2022), J. Geophys. Res., 127, XXXX-XXXX. doi:10.1002/..............
Stone et al., (2018), J. Geophys. Res., 123 , 2842-2867. doi: 10.1029/2018JE005559.
Thiemann et al. (2017), J. Geophys. Res., 122, 2748-2767. doi:10.1002/2016JA023512.
Citation for this dataset:
Bougher, S. W., M. D. Pilinski (2022). Dynamical Heating of the Martian Thermosphere:
Temperatures, Winds and Thermal Balances using M-GITM. University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.