Work Description

Title: Amaghleba, Tsikhe B016 Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • This is one of the 96 archaeological points of interest recorded by the Vani Archaeological Survey between 2009 and 2011. For a general description of the methods of the survey, See Vani Archaeological Survey Goals and Methods

  • Related Sites: B010, B011, B012, B013, B014, B015

  • The survey team visited Amaghleba on 25 July 2010. We noted five points of interest.
  • On the southern outskirts of the modern village of Amaghleba is a hill which rises to an elevation of 160 masl and is crowned by a Mediaeval fortress. Visible in the slope of the hill above the modern road is a substantial quantity of pottery and tiles, some at least Hellenistic. The topsoil here is quite shallow, and the bedrock, a type of conglomerate, is visible in outcroppings in numerous places. A square tower, oriented north-south east-west, occupies the highest point of the hill, just northwest of a modern cemetery. The preserved structure has a maximum height of 2.7 m at its southwest corner. The north and best preserved wall is 5.1 m long, and the west wall is 4.14 m long and is pierced by break that is not a doorway. The preserved thickness of the west wall is 0.67-0.7 m. The interior face of the walls is slightly curved. The tower is constructed of crude lime mortared masonry. The tower has a spectacular view over the Kvinsquali toward the Phasis River plain, including the area of Khumlari. Hellenistic pottery was collected from the area surrounding the tower.
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Citations to related material
  • A survey was carried out in Amaghleba in 1962 and additionally in 1986 in an area known as Khumlari.
  • Lordkipanidze, G. 1970. K istorii drevney Kolkhidy. Tbilisi. p. 84.
  • Kharabadze, S. 2008. “Vanis Qveqnis” Arqeologiuri Ruka (dzv.ts. VIII – akh.ts. III ss.) [Archaeological Map of the “Vani Region” (8th Century BC – 3rd Century AD)]. Tsardgenilia Doqtoris Akademiuri Khariskhis Mosapoveblad. Saqartvelos Teqnikuri Universiteti. Tbilisi, 0175, Saqartvelo. Seqtemberi. (In Georgian with an English summary.)
Resource type
Last modified
  • 05/17/2023
  • 05/17/2023
To Cite this Work:
Vani Archaeological Survey. (2023). Amaghleba, Tsikhe B016 [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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