Work Description

Title: Kelenga (Bozo) lexical spreadsheets Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • lexical elicitation
  • lexicon of Kelenga, a Bozo language of Mali. French and English glosses are used. The xlsx version has separate sheets for nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, and other. Each of these sheets corresponds to a separate csv file. Each sheet is customized with data relevant to the indicated stem-class, e.g. singular and plural for nouns and perfective and imperfective stems for verbs. The files are also available on Zenodo, as files associated with "A grammar of Kelenga" (
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Funding agency
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
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Last modified
  • 09/27/2024
  • 09/27/2024
To Cite this Work:
Heath, J. (2024). Kelenga (Bozo) lexical spreadsheets [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Bozo languages are a division of the Mande family. J. Heath has worked on four Bozo languages: Kelenga, Cliffs Jenaama, Jenaama/Sorogaama of Djenné, and Tigemaxo. Reference grammars for these languages are published online at Zenodo with backup copies at Deep Blue Documents. As of 08/2024 only Tigemaxo remains to be published. Details on the first three grammars are these: Funding was from the National Science Foundation.
Jenaama/Sorogaama (Djenné):
Cliffs Jenaama:

The spreadsheet format divides lexicon into five categories: nouns, adjectives, numerals, other, and verbs. “Other” includes adverbs, adpositions, and other grammatical elements. In the xlsx version, these are distinct worksheets belonging to a single spreadsheet. In the csv version, each sheet is its own document. The division into multiple sheets allows each category to be formatted in a customized manner with whatever columns of information are appropriate. Users can sort each sheet by any combination of columns. The details are given for each sheet below. In the xlsx version, some cells are greyed out to indicate that the inflectional category in question is not applicable, because of properties (e.g. plural only, intransitive only) of the stem.

“melody” tone pattern for the stem, e.g. H[igh], L[ow], HL, LHL, …
“tones” syllable by syllable, e.g. LLHL
“category” (morphosyntactic), e.g. cpd (compound), drv (derivative), n+adj (noun + adjective)
“stem” (all entries are marked n for noun)
“ŋ/dim” categories ae dim[inutive], ŋ (stems ends in ŋ), subtypes of drv or cpd: sex, fake, ppl (participle), abstr[active], agent, phrase, vbln (verbal noun)
“onset” Cu versus Cw, Ci versus Cy
“bare stem” is the citation form of the noun stem (it occurs before modifiers)
“singular” including obligatory suffix
“class” (semantic): kin, body, and various fl[ora] and fn (fauna) categories
(and for natural species terms:)
“biological order/family”

“after /H/ (sg)” shows tonal form of the singular modifying adjective after /H/-melodic nouns
“after /H/ (pl)”
“after other (sg)”
“after other (pl)”
“stat pred” stative predicate (‘is red’, etc.)
“nom pred” nominal predicate (‘is a red one’, etc.)
“inch Pfv” perfective stem of inchoative verb (‘reddened’)
“inch Ipfv” imperfective stem of stative

“modifying” form after a noun
“counting” form used in counting recitation (“one, two, three, …”) if different from modifying form

“category” adv[erb], aspect, compar[ative], compl[ementizer], dem[onstrative], disc[ourse marker], emph[atic], interrog[ative], like, modal, neg[ative], postp[osition], pred[icate], prepos[ition], pron[oun], quant[ifier], recip[rocal], refl[exive], simil[arity]

“valency” intr[ansitive], tr[annsitive], ditr[ansitive], intr+pp (plus postpositional phrase), caus[ative], ppl (participle), refl[exive], stat[ive]
“shape” in CV (consonant-vowel) formulae
“melody” tone pattern of the stem
“Pfv” perfective stem
“Ipfv” imperfective stem
“Ipfv suffix” for suffixing verbs


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