Work Description

Title: Supporting Data for Solving a Seismic Mystery with a Diver's Camera Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • This material accompanies a study of the seismo-acoustic signals in the Persian Gulf region and how they can be used to enhance the monitoring of offshore seismic events. The authors of this study model an acoustic signal recorded by local divers from a magnitude ML=5.6 earthquake near the Kish Island on 25 June 2022. As such, the signal is described as a trapped acoustic wave (converted from acoustic body waves of the shallow earthquake) in the shallow Persian Gulf. Numerical simulations of the signal using the proposed model are then used to constrain the earthquake location and also explain the unusual shaking from the earthquake felt on the far side of the Persian Gulf, more than 170 km away from the moderate size earthquake. Using the diver's video, the authors of this study propose seismic early warning instrumentation.
  • The items in this bundle are supporting videos to a study of subsea seismo-acoustics carried out regarding an earthquake in the Persian Gulf. The main data used in the study is a diver's recording of the acoustic waves from the earthquake. The epicenter and topography data used in this study are publicly available as cited in the README.txt file.
Contact information
Funding agency
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
Date coverage
  • 2022-06-25
Resource type
Last modified
  • 05/08/2023
  • 05/08/2023
To Cite this Work:
Salaree, A., Spica, Z., Huang, Y. (2023). Supporting Data for Solving a Seismic Mystery with a Diver's Camera [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


This work is not a member of any user collections.

Files (Count: 7; Size: 32.7 MB)

## Supplementary videos to the study of Persian Gulf seismo-acoustics ##
## by Salaree et al (2023) #############################################


The items in this bundle are supporting videos to a study of subsea
seismo-acoustics carried out regarding an earthquake in the Persian
Gulf. The main data used in the study is a diver's recording of the
acoustic waves from the earthquake. The epicenter and topography data
used in this study are publicly available as cited below.

All the included files are videos in MPEG-4 or more commonly known as
MP4 formats. This is a common container file which may include both
audio and video. As of 2023, MP4 files can be read in a large variety
of platforms such as OSX, Windows, Linux distributions, Android, and
iOS using mostly non-commercial software.

1. SV1.mp4
The June-July 2022 earthquake sequence in southern Iran. No
audio is included. Earthquakes are from the Iranian Seismological
Center (IRSC) catalog and are shown as yellow circles the sizes
of which are proportional to their magnitude. The background
is topography obtained from GEBCO (GEBCO, 2021). The bottom
panel shows the seismic energy released each day. The maps are
created using Generic Mapping Tools or GMT (Wessel et al, 2013).

2. SV2.mp4
The CCTV footage of the 25 June 2022 Kish Island earthquake
recorded at a local shop. The footage includes both audio and
video. The video is obtained from the Hormozgan Young Journalists
Club of Iran.

3. SV3.mp4
A diver's recording of the 25 June 2022 Kish Island earthquake.
The footage includes both audio and video. The video is obtained
from Saeed Parvin of the IranMarina Diving School in the Kish
Island. The video was recorded at latitude 26.59556N and
longitude 54.10806E.

4. SV4.mp4
Motion tracking of the fish in a portion of the diver's
recording (SV3.mp4) of the 25 June 2022 Kish Island earthquake.
No audio is included.

5. SV5.mp4
Animation of the ray-tracing model of the trapped acoustic
signal from the diver's recording along with an audio track
created from a time series of reflections. The graphics are
made using Generic Mapping Tools or GMT (Wessel et al, 2013).
The conversion of time series to audio was carried out using
SoX available at

6. SV6.mp4
3D topographic map of the Kish Island from the GEBCO model
(GEBCO, 2021). The graphics are made using Generic Mapping Tools
or GMT (Wessel et al, 2013).

7. README.txt
Description of contents (this file).


This material accompanies a study of the seismo-acoustic signals in the
Persian Gulf region and how they can be used to enhance the monitoring
of offshore seismic events. The authors of this study model an acoustic
signal recorded by local divers from a magnitude ML=5.6 earthquake near
the Kish Island on 25 June 2022. As such, the signal is described as a
trapped acoustic wave (converted from acoustic body waves of the shallow
earthquake) in the shallow Persian Gulf. Numerical simulations of the
signal using the proposed model are then used to constrain the earthquake
location and also explain the unusual shaking from the earthquake felt
on the far side of the Persian Gulf, more than 170 km away from the
moderate size earthquake. Using the diver's video, the authors of this
study propose seismic early warning instrumentation.


- GEBCO, 2021. Gebco Compilation Group: GEBCO 2021 Grid, The General
Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans,

- IRSC, 2023, Iranian Seismological Center earthquake catalog,
available at

- Wessel, P., Smith, W.H., Scharroo, R., Luis, J. and Wobbe, F., 2013.
Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released. Eos,
Transactions American Geophysical Union, 94(45), pp.409-410,


Among the authors, Amir Salaree and Yihe Huang were supported at the
University of Michigan by the National Science Foundation grant PREEVENTS
geosciences directorate No. 1663769. Amir Salaree was also partially
supported by National Science Foundation award EAR2022716.

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