Work Description

Title: Literature search files for A Scoping Review of Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • Comprehensive searches were run in PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Web of Science, Cochrane, and Scopus. The search strategies were documented, as were the complete result sets from all searches. The resulting citations were moved to the citation manager Endnote X9 (Clarivate Analytics). Duplicates were removed in the program and results were exported to Covidence for screening.
  • The search data supports a literature review project on Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials. This dataset includes the reproducible search strategies (txt file) and the exported results of all citations from all databases (txt, ris, and.nbib files). These searches and exported result files contain all citations originating from the database searches that were considered for inclusion.
Contact information
Funding agency
  • Other Funding Agency
Other Funding agency
  • Genentech
ORSP grant number
  • AWD017298
Date coverage
  • 2021-03-22
Related items in Deep Blue Documents
Resource type
Last modified
  • 11/19/2022
  • 09/17/2021
To Cite this Work:
Saylor, K. M., Arring, N. M., Aduse-Poku, L., Jiagge, E., Walker, E., White-Perkins, D., Israel, B., Hinebaugh, A., Harb, R., DeWitt, J., Molnar, M., Wilson-Powers, E., Brush, B. L. (2021). Literature search files for A Scoping Review of Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Files (Count: 14; Size: 28.8 MB)

Literature search files for A Scoping Review of Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials

How to interpret the files in this collection
The dataset includes all database search strategies and the citation export files from all databases. Access to a program or software that reads .enlx files is necessary to open the compressed EndNote library file. The ris, txt, and nbib files include all citations from the database searches and were formatted especially for use in Endnote X9 (Clarivate Analytics).

Kate Saylor (

Noël M Arring, DNP, PhD, RN
Livingstone Aduse-Poku, PhD Candidate
Evelyn Jiagge, MD, PhD
Eleanor Walker, MD
Denise White-Perkins, MD, PhD
Barbara Israel, DrPH
Analise Hinebaugh
Rayya Harb
Jillian DeWitt, B.S
Maxim Molnar
Eliza Wilson-Powers, BFA
Barbara L. Brush, PhD, ANP-BC, FAAN1

Working files stored locally on Kate Saylor's computer (PAACT.enl) and shared in a Google Drive folder. Finalized files deposited in University of Michigan's Deep Blue Data.

File Names and Descriptions:
* PAACT_Search_Documentation - Document of search strategies for each database
* Search files (ProjectName_DatabaseDateSearched_Results#):
* PAACT_Search_Documentation.txt - Searches run in each of the databases
* PAACT_CINAHL20210322_339.ris
* PAACT_Cochrane20210322_322.ris
* PAACT_Embase20210322_590.ris
* PAACT_PsycInfo20210322_147.ris
* PAACT_PubMed20210322_752.nbib
* PAACT_Scopus20210322_514.ris
* PAACT_WOS20210322_81.ciw
* PAACT_WOS20210322_500.ciw
* PAACT_duplicates_1724.txt - Removed duplicates
* PAACT_TA_1520_.txt - Citations imported for title/abstract screening
* PAACT_Erratum - Articles identified as retractions, erratum, corrections
* PAACT.enlx - Compressed EndNote library

* PubMed, Embase, EBSCO:CINAHL, Embase, EBSCO:PsycInfo, Scopus, Web of Science: Core Collection (SCI-EXPANDED --1900-present, (SSCI) --1900-present, (A&HCI) --1975-present, (CPCI-S) --1990-present, (CPCI-SSH) --1990-present, (BKCI-S) --2005-present, BKCI-SSH) --2005-present, (ESCI) --2015-present, (CCR-EXPANDED) --1985-present

To cite data:
Arring, N. M., Aduse-Poku, L., Jiagge, E., Saylor K. M., Walker, E., White-Perkins, D., Israel, B., Hinebaugh, A., Harb, R., DeWitt, J., Molnar, M., Wilson-Powers, E., Brush, B. L.. Literature search files for A Scoping Review of Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials (PAACT) [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.

Use and Access:
This data set is made available under a Creative Commons NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Genentech ORSP Award # is AWD017298

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