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Title: Influence of invasive quagga mussels, phosphorus loads, and climate on spatial and temporal patterns of productivity in Lake Michigan: A biophysical modeling study Tombstone Deposited

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  • These animations were created using output from a lower food web model linked to a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The lower food web was represented using a nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton-detritus (NPZD) model that included a quagga mussel (benthic filter feeder) bioenergetic model. The hydrodynamic model was the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM). The NPZD-mussel model was implemented using the General Ecological Module (GEM), which is part of the FVCOM code. These animations were included in the supplemental material of a paper, additional details can be found there: Mark D. Rowe, Eric J. Anderson, Henry A. Vanderploeg, Steven A. Pothoven, Ashley K. Elgin, Jia Wang, Foad Yousef. 2017. Influence of invasive quagga mussels, phosphorus loads, and climate on spatial and temporal patterns of productivity in Lake Michigan: A biophysical modeling study. Limnology and Oceanography, in review.
  • Animation files show the 12-month “baseline” simulations for 2000, 2005, and 2010 (see Table 1 of the paper cited above). temp_1_animation.wmv: Surface temperature Chl_1_animation.wmv: Surface chlorophyll-a PO4_1_animation.wmv: Surface total dissolved phosphorus Detritus_1_animation.wmv: Surface detritus concentration (particulate organic carbon, excluding phytoplankton and zooplankton). Zooplankton_1_animation.wmv: Surface zooplankton carbon concentration MRATION_1_animation.wmv: Rate of food assimilated by mussels, according to the product f_a F_A P in Equation 2, expressed as mg phytoplankton carbon per mg mussel biomass carbon per day × 100%. BIO_M_1_animation.wmv: Simulated mussel biomass in mg ash-free-dry-mass m^-2
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Date coverage
  • 2000-01-01 to 2010-12-31
Citations to related material
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Last modified
  • 03/28/2017
  • 03/28/2017
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