Work Description

Title: Model outputs for "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars" Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • Data produced by three computational models run on NASA's Pleiades supercomputer.
  • The data corresponds to outputs from the Mars Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (M-GITM), the multi-species magnetohydrodynamics (MS-MHD) and multi-fluid magnetohydrodynamics (MF-MHD) codes used during the study presented in "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars" by Regoli et al.

  • Dataset citation: Regoli, L.H. (2018). Model outputs for "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars" [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
Contact information
Funding agency
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Citations to related material
  • Regoli, L.H., Dong, C., Ma, Y.J., Dubinin, E., Manchester, W.B., Bougher, S.W., & Welling, D.T. (2018). Multispecies and multifluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.
Resource type
Curation notes
  • On May 21, 2019, Citations for dataset and related publication were added to record metadata

  • On July 1, 2019, revised data files were added to record and readme was updated with citations and revised file information.
Last modified
  • 02/03/2020
  • 04/02/2018
To Cite this Work:
Regoli, L. H. (2018). Model outputs for "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars" [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


This work is not a member of any user collections.

Files (Count: 14; Size: 5.25 GB)

July 1, 2019

Dataset title: "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape at Mars"
Author: Leonardo H. Regoli
Contact: Dr. Leonardo H. Regoli
Funding: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Associated publication:

Regoli, L.H., Dong, C., Ma, Y.J., Dubinin, E., Manchester, W.B., Bougher, S.W., & Welling,
D.T. (2018). Multispecies and multifluid MHD approaches for the study of ionospheric escape
at Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.

Research overview:

The paper presents a detailed comparison between the results provided by a multi-species
and a multi-fluid MHD models to study the escape of heavy ions from the Martian

The research presented in the paper was conducted in 2017 at the Department of Climate
and Space Sciences and Engineering and the simulations were run at NASA's Pleiades


The three models involved (Mars Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model, M-GITM, the multi-
species MHD, MS-MHD, and the multi-fluid MHD MF-MHD) were run until reaching steady
state on the Pleiades supercomputer. M-GITM was run for a month of simulation time, for
the period of time between July and August 2015. The MHD models were run for 50,000
iterations using the neutral densities from M-GITM as ion sources. The details of the
models can be found in Bougher et al. (2015) (M-GITM), Ma et al. (2004) (MS-MHD) and
Najib et al. (2011) (MF-MHD).

File inventory: there are two different sets of outputs for some of the models. The
original set is from the original paper submission, while the updated set corresponds
to some files produced during the review process. The updated set and original files
marked "NOT DEPRECATED" contain the files from which all the analysis and figures in
the published version of the paper were produced.

(UPDATED) The data files correspond to the following:

revised_shl_ful_5_n00050000_mfmhd_paper.out: MF-MHD output in binary format. Spherical D
shells between 2 and 6 Mars radii (RM) in steps of 1 RM.

revised_3d__ful_4_n00050000_msmhd_paper.out: MS-MHD output in binary format. Full domain D
in cartesian coordinates.

revised_3d__ful_4_n00050000_mfmhd_paper.out: MF-MHD output in binary format. Full domain D
in cartesian coordinates.

revised_3d__ful_4_n00050000_mfmhd_paper_nocrustal.out: MF-MHD output in binary format. D
Full domain in cartesian coordinates, no crustal fields included.

revised_3d__ful_4_n00050000_mfmhd_paper_nocrustal_nogitm.out: MF-MHD output in binary D
format. Full domain in cartesian coordinates, no crustal fields included. Symmetric atmosphere
(M-GITM output not used).

revised_3d__ful_4_n00050000_mfmhd_paper_nocrustal_nogitm_antibx.out: MF-MHD output in binary D
format. Full domain in cartesian coordinates, no crustal fields included. Symmetric atmosphere
(M-GITM output not used). IMF Bx inverted.

(ORIGINAL) The data files correspond to the following:

mf_vs_ms_paper_rotated.dat: 3-dimensional M-GITM output in ASCII format; NOT DEPRECATED

read_BATSRUS_ful.m: MATLAB script to read binary BATSRUS output (full 3-dimensional grid). NOT DEPRECATED

read_BATSRUS_shl.m: MATLAB script to read binary BATSRUS output (shell grid). NOT DEPRECATED

shl_ful_5_n00050000_msmhd.out: MS-MHD output in binary format. Spherical shells between
2 and 6 Mars radii (RM) in steps of 1 RM. NOT DEPRECATED

shl_ful_5_n00050000_mfmhd.out: MF-MHD output in binary format. Spherical shells between
2 and 6 Mars radii (RM) in steps of 1 RM. DEPRECATED - SEE REVISED FILES

3d__ful_4_n00050000_msmhd.out: MS-MHD output in binary format. Full domain in cartesian

3d__ful_4_n00050000_mfmhd.out: MF-MHD output in binary format. Full domain in cartesian


M-GITM contains the following variables (details in the header):
#1.LON(deg) 2.LAT(deg) 3.ALT(km) 4.Tn(K) 5.Ti(K)6.Te(K) 7.nCO2(1/cc) 8.nO(1/cc)
9.nN2(1/cc) 10.nCO(1/cc) 11.QCO2(1/s) 12.QOP1(1/s) 13.QOP2(1/s) 14.Ne(1/cc)
15.Un(m/s) 16.Vn(m/s) 17.Wn(m/s) 18.SZA(deg)

The MS-MHD files contain the following fields:
r(RM) lon(deg) lat(deg) rho(Mp/cc) Hp(Mp/cc) O2p(Mp/cc) Op(Mp/cc) CO2p(Mp/cc) ux(km/s)
uy(km/s) uz(km/s) bx(nT) by(nT) bz(nT) p(nPa) b1x(nT) b1y(nT) b1z(nT) e(J/m3)
jx(uA/m2) jy(uA/m2) jz(uA/m2)

The MF-MHD files contain the following fields:
r(RM) lon(deg) lat(deg) Rho Ux(km/s) Uy(km/s) Uz(km/s) Bx(nT) By(nT) Bz(nT) P(nPa)
HpRho(Mp/cc) HpUx(km/s) HpUy(km/s) HpUz(km/s) HpP(nPa) O2pRho(Mp/cc) O2pUx(km/s)
O2pUy(km/s) O2pUz(km/s) O2pP(nPa) OpRho(Mp/cc) OpUx(km/s) OpUy(km/s) OpUz(km/s)
OpP(nPa) CO2pRho(Mp/cc) CO2pUx(km/s) CO2pUy(km/s) CO2pUz(km/s) CO2pP(nPa)
b1x(nT) b1y(nT) b1z(nT) e(J/m3) jx(uA/m2) jy(uA/m2) jz(uA/m2)


- Ma, Y., Nagy, A. F., Sokolov, I. V., & Hansen, K. C. (2004). Three-dimensional, multispecies,
high spatial resolution MHD studies of the solar wind interaction with Mars. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 109, A07211.

- Najib, D., Nagy, A. F., Toth, G., & Ma, Y. (2011). Three-dimensional, multifluid, high spatial
resolution MHD model studies of the solar wind interaction with Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research,
116, A05204.

- Bougher, S. W., Pawlowski, D., Bell, J. M., Nelli, S., McDunn, T., Murphy, J. R., et al. (2015).
Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model: Solar cycle, seasonal, and diurnal variations of the Mars
upper atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120, 311–342.

Dataset citation:

Regoli, L.H. (2018). Model outputs for "Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD approaches for the study of
ionospheric escape at Mars" [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.

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