# Simple Physics CAM6 Codebase for Training Machine Learning Algorithms ## Creator Garrett Limon (glimon@umich.edu) ## Funding NSF GRFP ## Research and Description This is a collection of Python and NCL scripts intended to process data, train machine learning algorithms to emulate physical parameterization schemes, as well as to analyze the results. See Associated Work for detailed information and findings. ## Format Directory is organized as follows. simplePhysicsML/data_process/ - contains data processing scripts and functions. We use input data from the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) for these tasks; see Associated Work(2) for data initially used for this work. simplePhysicsML/19/ - contains directories for each case studied (HS,TJ,TJBM), each case containing the fields (PTTEND, PTEQ, PRECL, etc) that were emulated with machine learning, and each field directory containing a sub- directory for each machine learning method used (random forests and neural networks). This final directory in this sub-structure is associated with the training of our machine leraning emulators using Python scripts. simplePhysicsML/analysis - contains python and NCL scripts that analyze and plot relevant fields and metrics for us to understand the skillfullness of our emulators. ## Data Citation Limon, G. C. (2023) Simple Physics CAM6 Codebase for Training Machine Learning Algorithms [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data. ## Associated Work (1) Limon, G. C., Jablonowski, C. (2022) Probing the Skill of Random Forest Emulators for Physical Parameterizations via a Hierarchy of Simple CAM6 Configurations [Preprint], ESSOAr. https://10.1002/essoar.10512353.1 (2) Limon, G. C. (2022) Simple Physics CAM6 Dataset for Training Machine Learning Algorithms [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data. https://doi.org/10.7302/r6v3-s064