This is the data as presented and described in Alan M. Gorchov Negron, Eric A. Kort, Stephen A. Conley, Mackenzie L. Smith. “Airborne Assessment of Methane Emissions from Offshore Platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020. For questions or information, contact the PI Dr. E. A. Kort at There are 46,032 rows and 45 columns in the data. Values of 999 represent NA values and should be excluded along with other extreme anomalous values due to instrument error. Column names: “flt” “box” “yr” “month” “day” “hr” “min” “sec” “timezone” “time” “gpstime” “lat” “lon” “gpsalt” “avialt” “picco2” “picch4” “picco” “pich2o” “wetco2” “wetch4” “picpress” “pictemp” “o3” “ozcell_t” “ozcell_p” “ozflow” “ambpress” “T” “RH” “avipress” “u_speed” “v_speed” “iaS” “tas” “oat” “rot” “vert_speed” “aviheading” “mag_var” “zspeed” “mspeed” “gpsheading” “pitch” “roll” Columns 1-11 are flight number, study site, and time data, ‘time’ column is UTC time in seconds since 12:00:00 1/1/1970 Columns 12-15 are location data for latitude (deg), longitude (deg), gps altitude (msl), avionics altitude (feet agl) Columns 16-23 are Picarro data for CO2 (ppm), CH4 (ppb), CO (ppb), H2O (%), wet molar fraction CO2 and CH4, cell pressure (Torr), and temperature (C). Note that some values need to be removed and viable CO data is limited. Columns 24-27 are Ozone data for O3 (ppb), cell temperature (C), pressure (mb), and flow (cc/min) Columns 28-30 are ambient parameters for pressure (mb), temperature (C), relative humidity (%) Columns 31-40 are Avionics data for pressure (mb), wind speed (m/s), in air speed (kts), true air speed (kts), outside temperature (K), rotation (deg), vertical speed (ft/sec), magnetic variation (deg) Columns 41-45 are GPS data for zonal speed (m/s), meridional speed (m/s), heading (deg), pitch (deg), and roll (deg); Citation for this dataset: Gorchov Negron, A., Kort, E., Conley, S., Smith, M. Aircraft Data for Airborne Assessment of Methane Emissions from Offshore Platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.