To make the figures in the paper, start by making a top level directory. Within this directory, unzip the four zip files: zip file containing the main plotting code arbic_et_al_2022_figures.m and 7 auxiliary files zip file of DRIFTER results plus README description of results and analysis performed to reach the results zip file of HYCOM results plus README description of analysis performed to reach the results zip file of MITgcm results plus README description of analysis performed to reach the results These zip files will create their own directories within the parent directory. The main figure plotting code arbic_et_al_2022_figures.m uses a variable "path_repo = ../." to these other directories. The code arbic_et_al_2022_figures should then run and plot the figures, as long as the jlab and cmocean packages are installed and in your Matlab path (as described at the top of the code). Commands to print the figures are not currently in the plotting code, but can easily be added. There are two additional README files, with self-explanatory names: README_HYCOM_MITgcm_FINALRESULTS README_RAW_HYCOM_OUTPUT