pro rebinsmpkeo_towang mydevice = !D.NAME SET_PLOT,'PS' mydir='/Users/wzihan/rainbow/' datestr='20130518' restore, filename=mydir+'\keo_smp.sav' cnt=n_elements(utimg) binsz=0.01 ; minimum bin size lat=smplatarr[0:cntsmp-1] res=histogram(lat,min=min_lat,max=max_lat,binsize=binsz,location=latarr) cnt_arr=n_elements(latarr) latkarrb=fltarr(cnt_arr) cntkarrb=0 latkarrb[0]=min_lat num=0 min_num=4 ; require that the pixel number to integrate in the latitudianl bin must be greater than 4 i=1 while i lt cnt_arr do begin while num lt min_num and i lt cnt_arr do begin num+=res[i] i++ endwhile if i lt cnt_arr-1 then begin latkarrb[cntkarrb]=latarr[i] cntkarrb++ endif else break num=0 endwhile latkarrb[cntkarrb]=max_lat cntkarrb++ ;print, latkarrb[0:cntkarrb-1],cntkarrb numkarr=cntkarrb-1 keoarr=fltarr(numkarr,3,cnt) ref_arr=reform(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,0,*],n_elements(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,0,*])) res= percentiles(ref_arr,value=[0.01,0.99]) red_lowL=res[0] red_hghL=res[1] ref_arr=reform(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,1,*],n_elements(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,1,*])) res= percentiles(ref_arr,value=[0.01,0.99]) grn_lowL=res[0] grn_hghL=res[1] ref_arr=reform(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,2,*],n_elements(smpkeoarr[0:cntsmp-1,2,*])) res= percentiles(ref_arr,value=[0.01,0.99]) blu_lowL=res[0] blu_hghL=res[1] print, red_lowl,grn_lowl,blu_lowl print, red_hghl,grn_hghl,blu_hghl for i=0, cntkarrb-2 do begin qq=where(smplatarr[0:cntsmp-1] ge latkarrb[i] and smplatarr[0:cntsmp-1] lt latkarrb[i+1],num) keoarr[i,0:2,0:cnt-1]=mean(smpkeoarr[qq,0:2,0:cnt-1],dimension=1,/double) keoarr[i,0,*]=(keoarr[i,0,*]-red_lowl)*400. keoarr[i,1,*]=(keoarr[i,1,*]-grn_lowl)*400. keoarr[i,2,*]=(keoarr[i,2,*]-blu_lowl)*400. endfor save, utimg,numkarr,latkarrb,keoarr,filename=mydir+'\mlo50_keo.sav' ;WINDOW,/FREE,XSIZE=800,YSIZE=600 xsize=!D.x_size ysize=!D.y_size image24 = BytArr(3, xsize, ysize) device, decomposed=0,FILENAME='' ;TVCRS, 0 st=4.+30./60. et=5.+30./60. xticnum=fix((et-st)*4+.01) xtickstr=strarr(xticnum+1) for i=0, xticnum do begin hr=fix(st+i/4.) mn=round((st+i/4.-hr)*60.) hrmn=hr*100+mn xtickstr[i]=string(format='(I4.4)',hrmn) endfor xticval=st+indgen(xticnum+1)*1./15. latmin=57. latmax=63. cnt=n_elements(utimg) plot, [8.],[60.],/nodata,/xstyle,/ystyle,xrange=[st,et],yrange=[latmin,latmax],pos=[.1,.5,.9,.9], ytitle='MLAT (deg)',title='Sask Rainbow 2013-05-18',$ charsize=1.6,charthick=2.,xticks=xticnum, xminor=3, xticklen=.04, xtickn=xtickstr,yminor=2,yticks=2 for j=1, cnt-2 do begin x1=utimg[j]-3./3600. x2=utimg[j]+3./3600. if x1 lt st then continue if x2 gt et then break for i=0, numkarr-1 do begin y1=latkarrb[i] y2=latkarrb[i+1] if y2 lt latmin+.05 then continue if y1 gt latmax-.05 then break rr=fix(keoarr[i,0,j])>0 rr=rr<255 gg=fix(keoarr[i,1,j])>0 gg=gg<255 bb=fix(keoarr[i,2,j])>0 bb=bb<255 chp=bb*256UL*256UL+gg*256UL+rr polyfill,[x1,x1,x2,x2],[y1,y2,y2,y1],color=gg endfor endfor min_int=grn_lowl*600.0 max_int=255 clb1=50 clb2=100 clb3=150 clb4=200 draw_colorbar, .93,.95,.51,0.022, 'Raw Cnt', [clb1,clb2,clb3,clb4], ['50','100','150','200'] ;image24=tvrd(/true) ;write_png, mydir+'\saskkeo50.png',image24 DEVICE,/CLOSE ;TVCRS, 1 print, 'finish' SET_PLOT,mydevice end function percentiles,data,value=value result = -1 n = n_elements(data) if (n le 0) then return,result ; error : data not defined ; check if speficic percentiles requested - if not: set standard if(not keyword_set(value)) then value = [ 0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 ] ; create a temporary copy of the data and sort ; tmp = data ; tmp = tmp(sort(tmp)) ; NO: simply save the sorted index array ix = sort(data) ; loop through percentile values, get indices and add to result ; This is all we need since computing percentiles is nothing more ; than counting in a sorted array. for i=0L,n_elements(value)-1L do begin if(value(i) lt 0. OR value(i) gt 1.) then return,-1 ; if(value(i) le 0.5) then ind = fix(value(i)*n) $ ; else ind = fix(value(i)*(n+1)) if(value(i) le 0.5) then ind = long(value(i)*n) $ else ind = long(value(i)*(n+1)) if (ind ge n) then ind = n-1 ; small fix for small n ; (or value eq 1.) ; if(i eq 0) then result = tmp(ind) $ ; else result = [result, tmp(ind) ] ; ## change number 2 if(i eq 0) then result = data(ix(ind)) $ else result = [result, data(ix(ind)) ] endfor return,result end