import sys import math import numpy as np import copy from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # class object for each data class Tornado(object): def __init__(self, longitude, latitude, time_in, fujita): self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude self.time_in = time_in self.fujita = fujita def __repr__(self): return '{}: {} {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.longitude, self.latitude, self.time_in, self.fujita) #INPUT: a Tornado object #EFFECT: return the time for soring def getkey(Tornado): return Tornado.time_in # INPUT: longitude, latitude # EFFECT: calculates the kernel based on longitude and latitude def kernel (longitude, latitude): CONST_e = math.e CONST_pi = math.pi # kernel = (2Pi)^(-1) * (e)^(-(x^2 + y^2)/2) where x is longitude and y is latitude kernel = math.pow(CONST_e, -(math.pow(longitude, 2) + math.pow(latitude, 2))/2) / (2* CONST_pi) return kernel # INPUT: x position as longitude, y position as latitude, the bandwidth for space h # EFFECT: calculate the kernel at M(x,y) def kernel_bandwidth_h(position_x, position_y, bandwidth): kernel_h = (1/ math.pow(bandwidth, 2)) * kernel (position_x/bandwidth, position_y/bandwidth) return kernel_h # INPUT: min_value as the minimum value of longitude or latitude, # max_value as the maximum value of longitude or latitude, # position_value as longitude or latitude # pixel_value as the user input m_x or m_y # EFFECT: Calculate the indice where the point longitude[i], latitude[i] falls in in the matrix_M def indice_calc (min_value, max_value, position_value, pixel_value): indice_value = int(round(pixel_value * (position_value - min_value)/(max_value - min_value))) return indice_value # INPUT: k as the parameter that determines the size of the matrix_N # bandwidth h, row number and column number # EFFECT: calculates the N(row, col) entry of the matrix_N def N_matrix_entries (k, bandwidth, row, col): CONST_e = math.e CONST_pi = math.pi # N(i, j) = e^(-((i - (k+1))/h)^2 - ((j -(k+1))/h)^2) /(2*pi*h^2) entry = math.pow(CONST_e, -math.pow((row - k)/bandwidth, 2) - math.pow((col - k)/bandwidth, 2)) / (2*CONST_pi*math.pow(bandwidth, 2)) return entry #INPUT: round_robin as a 3D nparray that stores the matrix of different time # matrix as the matrix to be stored, position as the indicator and size as the size of the round_robin #EFFECT: store the matrix in round_robin and update position accordingly def screen_shot(round_robin, matrix, position, size, m_x, m_y): round_robin[position]= copy.deepcopy(matrix) if (position < size - 1): position += 1 else: position = 0 return position def main() : CONST_e = math.e x0 = -163.53 x1 = -64.9 y0 = 18.25 y1 = 61.02 k = 20 bandwidth_h = float(k/4.0) # form a smaller matrix N of size 2k+1 x 2k+1 and fill in the values N = np.zeros((2*k+1, 2*k+1)) for row in range (0, 2*k+1): for col in range (0, 2*k+1): N[row][col] = N_matrix_entries(k, bandwidth_h, row, col) # Normalize N N = N/np.sum(N) ###################################################################### m_x = input("Please enter the number of pixels in x direction: ") m_y = input("Please enter the number of pixels in y direction: ") bandwidth_t = float(input("Please enter the bandwidth for time: ")) # initialize the matrix of size m_x by m_y matrix = np.zeros((m_x, m_y)) x = x0 y = y0 t_old = 0.0 ################ round robin data structure ############### size = 9 round_robin = np.zeros((size, m_x, m_y)) #change the screen shot time i = 0 ############################################################ t_original = 10 t_count = 0 map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=x0,llcrnrlat=y0,urcrnrlon=x1,urcrnrlat=y1, projection='cyl',lat_1=33,lat_2=45,lon_0=-95) # draw the map of the US map.drawcountries() map.drawstates() map.drawcoastlines() #draw parallels parallels = np.arange(0, 90,10.) map.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[1,0,0,0],fontsize=10) #draw meridians meridians = np.arange(10.,351.,20.) map.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[0,0,0,1],fontsize=10) filename = open('tornado_complete.txt', 'r') error = 0 points = [] # read in points from the file for line in filename: data = line.split() try: # for invalid inputs longitude = float(data[0]) latitude = float(data[1]) time_in = float(data[2]) fujita = float(data[3]) except ValueError: error += 1 continue point = Tornado(longitude, latitude, time_in, fujita) points.append(point) # sort based on the time points = sorted(points, key=getkey) for ele in points: ix = indice_calc(x0, x1, ele.longitude, m_x) iy = indice_calc(y0, y1, ele.latitude, m_y) ################################################################################## #for smaller matrix N, the range of the indices when it is overlapped completely # # N[0:2k+1, 0:2k+1] # # When it is not overlapped completely, # # we choose the x-range to be the max(0, k-ix) to min(k+m_x-ix+1, 2k+1) # # where as the y-range is the max(0, k-iy) to min(k+m_y-iy+1, 2k+1) # ################################################################################## m_idx_left = max(0,(ix-k)) m_idx_right = min((ix+k+1), m_x) m_idy_left = max(0,(iy-k)) m_idy_right = min((iy+k+1),m_y) n_idx_left = max(0, k-ix) n_idx_right = min(k+m_x-ix,2*k+1) n_idy_left = max(0, k-iy) n_idy_right = min(k+m_y-iy,2*k+1) matrix = matrix*math.pow(CONST_e, -bandwidth_t*(ele.time_in - t_old)); matrix[m_idx_left : m_idx_right, m_idy_left : m_idy_right] += N[n_idx_left : n_idx_right, n_idy_left : n_idy_right]*math.pow(CONST_e, ele.fujita); t_old = ele.time_in t_count += 1 if (t_count % 100 == 0): print t_count, ele.time_in if ((int(ele.time_in)) == t_original): i = screen_shot(round_robin, bandwidth_t*matrix, i, size, m_x, m_y) t_original += 10 screen_shot(round_robin, bandwidth_t*matrix, i, size, m_x, m_y) total_intensity_decade = [] for i in range(0,6): total_intensity_decade.append(np.sum(round_robin[i])) print np.sum(round_robin[i]) diff_matrix = round_robin[0] #- round_robin[0] cax = plt.imshow(diff_matrix.T, cmap = 'seismic', vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto',origin='lower', extent=(x0,x1,y0,y1)) cbar = map.colorbar(cax,location ='right', label='Intensity') np.savetxt('matrix_out.txt', matrix) if __name__ == "__main__": main()