readme.txt Date last updated: 2023-02-02 Dataset title: Cultural Policy of the Oppressed Dataset creators: Antonio Cuyler, Matthew Carruthers, & Jason Imbesi Contact email: Date Coverage: 1969-01-01 to 2022-12-31 Research overview: We conducted an emergent qualitative systematic content analysis of scholarship published in Cultural Trends, the International Journal of Cultural Policy, and the Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society since the peer-reviewed journals’ inceptions. Methodology: We conducted an emergent qualitative systematic content analysis of all issues of three cultural policy journals, Cultural Trends (1989-2022), International Journal of Cultural Policy (1994-2022), and the Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society (1969-2022) since the peer-reviewed journals’ inceptions. We developed a list of 58 concept terms encompassing three concept areas—forms of oppression, social identities, and practices—to use as the basis for developing our search terms. From these 58 concept terms, we devised 109 initial search terms which we used to conduct our searches of the full text of each journal. We used truncation and wildcards to capture variations in terms, including singular and plural forms, parts of speech, and variations in tense. We used quoted phrases in cases of multi-word search terms to help ensure search results included the entire phrase rather than individual words within the phrase. We also developed variations of search terms for differentiations in spelling, including American-English and British-English variations as well as single-word and hyphenated variations. We conducted searches of all 109 terms throughout the full text of the entire content of each of the three journals using the Taylor & Francis online platform between September and November 2022. We placed multi-word and hyphenated search terms in quotation marks to ensure accuracy of results, and we employed an asterisk as a wildcard to help capture variations in search term suffixes. One member of the research team conducted and recorded initial searches for each term. Subsequently, another team member conducted repeat searches to verify the initial results. A team member downloaded results for each search term as individual CSV files, which contained citation information for each journal article where we found at least one match for the search term. The research team separately recorded instances where a search term did not yield any results. We then concatenated and organized results according to concept term and concept area. The results files for each concept term were analyzed for duplicates using OpenRefine, and duplicate results were excluded from the final result counts. Similarly, we found in analyzing the texts of articles found in the search results of non-quoted multi-word or hypenated search terms that they were, in fact, false positives. The Taylor & Francis search algorithm would match on only one part of the multi-word term, rather than the entire search term. These results were also excluded from the final result counts. File inventory: Files containing the complete list of search terms used, as well as counts of results for each journal. Cultural-Policy-result-counts-categories-sorted.csv Folders contain CSV files of citation information for each article listed in the search results for each term. File names contain the search term used, the journal searched, the initials of the searcher, and the date of the search (e.g. equal_CT_JI_20221005.csv). Folders are organized by concept area. Constructs and Practices - Forms of Oppression - Social Identities - Abbreviations: IJCP = International Journal of Cultual Policy CT = Cultural Trends JAMLS = Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society Use and access: This data is available under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 INternational (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, To Cite This Data: Cuyler, A., Carruthers, M., Imbesi, J. Cultural Policy of the Oppressed [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.