Dataset for analyzing Y-junction motion in live fish retinae Read me on studying defect motion in photoconversion images ‘Mikiko_LIF_Images_Day0’ store the images at time of photoconversion… Note that .lif files contains all images Note also that I have exported relevant images as stacks of tiffs (and the .xmls store information about voxel dims) ‘Mikiko_LIF_Images_Day234’ store the images at 2 (or more) days after photoconversion… Note that .lif files contains all images Note also that I have exported relevant images as stacks of tiffs (and the .xmls store information about voxel dims) Within ‘code’, ‘new_reaction_coordinate_analysis_4x.m’ is the function for building triangulations over the UV cone positions at photoconversion and later. One can use this function to search for changes in the triangulation (flipped bonds) from time of photoconversion to later imaging. Note that the fish IDs in the raw data are different than the fish IDs in the manuscript. See “readme_for_observation_of_growing_grain_boundaries_in_live_fish” for conversion between two conventions. Also, see S3 Table and S4 Table. Make sure that ‘new_reaction_coordinate_analysis_4x.m’ can access the image files in ‘Mikiko_LIF_Images_Day0’ and ‘Mikiko_LIF_Images_Day234’ To Cite this Work: Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Lorenzo Gonzalez, A., Suzuki, S., Norton, D., Wong, R., Raymond, P., Lubensky, D. Dataset for analyzing Y-junction motion in live fish retinae [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.