Date: 28 September, 2023 Dataset Title: Damage curves derived from Hurricane Ike in the west of Galveston Bay based on insurance claims and hydrodynamic simulations Dataset Creators: Chaoran Xu, Benjamin T. Nelson-Mercer, Jeremy D. Bricker, Meri Davlasheridze, Ashley D. Ross, Jianjun Jia Dataset Contact: Funding: 2228486 (NSF under the program Strengthening America’s Infrastructure), 202206140090 (China Scholarship Council) Key Points: - We use delft3d-fm numerical model to build a hurricane ike model. - We validated the model results with observaed in water level and wave and they fit well. Research Overview: Hurricane Ike, which struck the United States in September 2008, was the ninth most expensive hurricane in terms of damages. It caused nearly $30 billion in damage, of which nearly $12B were insured losses, after making landfall on the Bolivar Peninsula, Texas. We used the Delft3d-FM/SWAN hydrodynamic and spectral wave model to simulate the storm surge inundation around Galveston Bay during Hurricane Ike. Damage curves were established through the eight hydrodynamic parameters (water depth, flow velocity, unit discharge, flow momentum flux, significant wave height, wave energy flux, total water depth (flow depth plus wave height), and total (flow plus wave) force) simulated by the model. We found that the damage curves are sensitive to the model grid resolution, building elevation, and the number of stories. Methodology: The establishment of a hurricane hydrodynamic model requires adequate input files. In this study, simulations of Hurricane Ike were conducted using the Delft3D-FM hydrodynamic software. The model was driven by input files such as the grid of the study area, tidal boundaries, bathymetry files, hurricane wind field, and atmospheric pressure field. The silumation time of the model is from Sep.07.2008 to Sep.17.2008. This dataset allows for the replication of the hurricane model. After the model was built, validation was performed using NOAA's water level and wave data to verify the model outputs. Instrument and/or Software specifications: Delft3d-fm hmwq 2023.02 or lower versions, Matlab R2022b Files contained here: The folders include flow model input file, wave model input files and validated data. The folders are described below: -flow input folder: this folder includes the flow model input files, the introduction of the files can be seen in the flow user manual Deltares. 2022a. "D-Flow Flexible Mesh. Computational Cores and User Interface. User Manual. Released for Delft3D FM Suite 2D3D 2022. Version: 2022.02 SVN Revision: 75614 28 May 2022 ". -wave input folder: this folder includes the wave model input files, the introduction of the files can be seen in the wave user manual Deltares. 2022b. "D-Waves Simulation of short-crested waves with SWAN User Manual. Version: 1.2 SVN Revision: 75624 28 May 2022." -NOAA.csv: this is the water level data from NOAA currents and waves,the A C E G I columns are the verified waterlevel data from the NOAA tide gauge, the B D F H J columns are the predicted waterlevel data from the 5 observation station in the model. The unit is meter. The timestep is 1h. -T2wind.csv: this is the wind data from NOAA currents and waves in the T2 station. The wind column is the 10-min mean wind, unit m/s; the guest column is the 10-min max wind speed, unit m/s; the p is the atmosphere pressure, unit is hPa. The timestep is 1h. -wavecompare.csv: this is the wave data from NOAA currents and waves. It include the waveheught and peak period. The B D columns are the wave bouy data from NOAA; the A C columns are model data. The unit of wave height is meter, peak period is second. The timestep is 1h. Related publication(s): Xu et al. (2023). Damage curves derived from Hurricane Ike in the west of Galveston Bay based on insurance claims and hydrodynamic simulations. Use and Access: This data set is made available under a Creative Commons Public Domain license (CC0 1.0). To Cite Data: Chaoran Xu, Benjamin T. Nelson-Mercer, Jeremy D. Bricker, Meri Davlasheridze, Ashley D. Ross, Jianjun Jia. Damage curves derived from Hurricane Ike in the west of Galveston Bay based on insurance claims and hydrodynamic simulations [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.