Dataset title: Bulk sedimentary δ15N, total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) for SPR0901-03KC Dataset contact: Wang, Yi. Citations to related material: Wang, Y., Hendy, I. L., and Thunell, R. (2019). Local and Remote Forcing of Denitrification in the Northeast Pacific for the Last 2,000 Years. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. doi: 10.1029/2019PA003577. Latitude: 34.2832°N Longitude: 120.0401°W Water depth:586 m Core retrieval Date:2009.1 Core type: Kasten core Research Vessel: R/V Sproul Overview: This dataset includes bulk sedimentary d15N, total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN), Methods: The bulk sedimentary d15N was measured on unacidified samples with isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). Total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were measured on acidified samples on the elemental analyzer. Files contained: 'Supplemental_Table_1_TOC_TN_03KC.xlsx': TOC and TN data 'Supplemental_Table_2_d15N_03KC.xlsx': d15N data Variables in 'Supplemental_Table_1_TOC_TN_03KC.xlsx': Age(CE): Age (calendar year) for each sample. The age model was generated based on mixed planktonic foraminifera 14C measurements using Bacon 2.2 software (see Du et al. (2018), Marine Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.11.014). Negative values refer to BCE and decimal places in the age data are kept as they were when generated from the software; TN (%): Total nitrogen of the acidified samples (unit: wt.%); TOC (%): Total organic carbon of the acidified samples (unit: wt.%); Molar C/N: Molar ratio of carbon/nitrogen in the acidified samples; TOC(%) after removing flood and turbidite: TOC data after removing flood and turbidite layers in the core (shaded in blue and orange, respectively) that were identified from core fabric changes and low TOC content. Variables in 'Supplemental_Table_2_d15N_03KC.xlsx': Age(CE): Age (calendar year) for each sample. The age model was generated based on mixed planktonic foraminifera 14C measurements using Bacon 2.2 software (see Du et al. (2018), Marine Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.11.014). Negative values refer to BCE and decimal places in the age data are kept as they were when generated from the software. d15N after removing flood and turbidite (‰): d15N data after removing flood and turbidite layers in the core (shaded in blue and orange, respectively) that were identified from core fabric changes and low d15N.