Title: Athletics Sprint Results in all Heats for 2004 - 2016 Olympics for both Men and Women Methodology: All the data here are publicly available on the results page of the International Association of Athletics Federation web page (https://www.iaaf.org/results) in separate pages for each Heat for each event. Here we copy and pasted all of them into two separate excel sheets better suitable for analyses. 1- The results of 100 m, 100 m Hurdles, and 110 m Hurdles sprints were copied for 2004 - 2016 Olympics for all the Heats for both Men and Women. 2- The results of all the sprints shorter the 800 m were copied for 2008 - 2016 Olympics for all the Heats for both Men and Women. Description: Investigating minimum human reaction times is often confounded by the motivation, training, and state of arousal of the subjects. We used the reaction times of athletes competing in the shorter sprint events in the Athletics competitions in recent Olympics (2004-2016) to address this issue. The reaction times of sprinters however are only available on the IAAF web page for each individual heat, in each event, at each Olympic. Therefore we compiled all these data into two separate excel sheets which can be used for further analyses. Creator: Mirshams Shahshahani, Payam Depositor: mirshams@umich.edu Contact Information: mirshams@umich.edu Discipline: General Information Sources Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Date coverage: 2017-05-30 Citation to related material: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198633 Rights: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/