## ---- README This is the description of how to use the provided codes and data to produce results in the paper "Characterizing Multi-Subevent Earthquakes Using the Brune Source Model" by Meichen Liu, Yihe Huange, and Jeroen Ritsema. ## ---- SCARDEC analysis ## Input "SCARDEC.list" is a list of earthquakes that are analyzed in the paper. "sourcefunction_SCARDEC.zip" contains source-time information of all earthquakes in the list. It is also available through SCARDEC website: http://scardec.projects.sismo.ipgp.fr/ (all earthquakes Mw5.5-8.0 in 1992-2017). ## Running codes "decomp.py" decomposes SCARDEC source time functions into Brune sources, plot reconstructed source time functions against the SCARDEC source time functions, and save the info of subevents for each earthquakes. ## Output "SCARDEC_decomp.npz" is the output of "decomp.py" that contains info of subevents for each earthquakes. ## ---- Synthetic analysis "syn.py" generates theoretical two-Brune-source source time functions with adjustable moment ratio, onset time difference, and corner frequencies.