Date: 27 May 2022 Dataset Title: Literature searches: The Current State of Fat Grafting in the Hand--A Systematic Review for Hand Diseases Dataset Creator: M P MacEachern Dataset Contact: Funding: None Key Points: This dataset includes database searches to support a systematic review. Introduction: The literature searches contained in this deposit were designed to support a systematic review project on the topic of fat grafting in the hand. The intent of the searches was to identify all relevant studies and data related to the topic. In the dataset there are searches for the following databases: Ovid MEDLINE, Elsevier Embase, Clarivate Web of Science, and Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Methodology: The searches are presented in their entirety. They combine many variations on the terms fat grafting AND hand. There are animal study exclusions built into the Ovid MEDLINE and Elsevier Embase searches. The searches were run in 2020 and the research was published in Hand in 2022. The searches yielded 889 citations after duplicates were removed in Endnote X8. Files: All literature searches for the project are in the file FatGrafting_LiteratureSearches_20201008.txt Requirements: The searches were designed to work in the following citation databases: Ovid MEDLINE, Elsevier Embase, Clarivate Web of Science, and Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. The terms can be adapted to other databases as well, as long as the search syntax is adjusted appropriately. These databases are proprietary. They may be available through libraries and educational institutions. No installation of software is necessary. Using the searches: * Open the txt file with the searches * Paste the searches into the corresponding databases. If a line is prefaced with a number (such as #1), treat the following text as an isolated search statement. The Ovid MEDLINE search can be executed with one search. The other three require a combination of 3 or 4 individual search statements. * The results will appear after you run the searches. The result numbers are included in the dataset. Note that the result numbers in the dataset will not correspond directly to the present day because of the expanding coverage of time. Related Publication: Khouri AN, Adidharma W, MacEachern M, et al. The Current State of Fat Grafting in the Hand: A Systematic Review for Hand Diseases. HAND. February 2022. doi:10.1177/15589447211066347 Use and Access: To Cite the Dataset: MacEachern, M., Khouri, A., Adidharma, W., Haase, S., Waljee, J., Cederna, P., Strong, A. Literature searches: The Current State of Fat Grafting in the Hand--A Systematic Review for Hand Diseases [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.