ReadMe file for foraging.scans This file contains the data set of foraging scans from adult gelada monkeys analyzed in "Graminivory and fallback foods: Annual diet profile of geladas (Theropithcus gelada) living in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia", by Jarvey, J.C., Low, B.S., Pappano, D.J., Bergman, T.J., & Beehner, J.C. in the International Journal of Primatology. The data were collected by Jarvey, Julie C., Pappano, David J., and Hawley, Caitlin R. in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia from Feb/2/2015-Jan/30/2016. Please contact Julie Jarvey ( with any questions. Data were collected using instantaneous scan samples at 10-minute intervals during, and summarized by diet category to calculate monthly and annual diet profiles. Annual diet was calculated by averaging over the 12-month study period. Each row represents a foraging scan of an adult gelada. Please see Methods section in the paper for details on how scans were collected. COLUMN HEADINGS: Month: scan collection month Date: scan collection date Time: scan collection time Unit: scan individual's unit ID Individual: scan individual's unique ID Sex: scan individual's sex Diet.Item: diet category individual was foraging or feeding on during instantaneous scan sample categories: corms/bulbs, crops, flowers, forb leaves, forb roots, fruits, graminoid leaves, graminoid seeds, graminoid underground, invertebrates, other, unidentified underground Season: Months were classified as ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ season months based on cumulative rainfall 90 days prior to the end of the month. Months with >400 mm of cumulative rainfall in this period were classified as ‘wet season’.