Code and example simulations of phase-field crystal model (for cone mosaic formation) This folder contains simulations of an anisotropic phase-field crystal model on a cone The folder contains a folder called ‘actually_run_simulations’ that contains the code for running simulations. Note that ‘crystal_growth_cone_noflux_anisotropic_fft.m’ is the main function for which all others are helper functions. The folder contains a folder called ‘analyze_simulations’ that contains the code for analyzing simulations results. Note that ‘calculate_fraction_of_defects_in_gb_from_param_scan_simulations.m’ is the main function for counting the number of Y-Junctions in grain boundaries in the simulations. The contains example simulations as we vary the degree of undercooling (r) and the magnitude of the noise. Each folder’s name labels the value of both of these parameters. Note that we constrain the mean of the density modulation field to be ψ_0=-√(-r)/2. The folder contains two other examples of phase-field crystal on large cone domains. (see Fig. 7D) To Cite this Work: Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Lorenzo Gonzalez, A., Suzuki, S., Norton, D., Wong, R., Raymond, P., Lubensky, D. Code and example simulations of phase-field crystal model (for cone mosaic formation) [Data set]. University of Michigan - Deep Blue.