Dataset title: Scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for SPR0901-04BC Dataset contact: Ingrid L. Hendy Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for SPR0901-04BC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository. Latitude: 34.2816°N Longitude: 120.0415°W Water depth:588 m Core retrieval Date:2009.1 Core type: Box core Research Vessel: R/V Sproul Overview: This dataset includes scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data for the core SPR0901-04BC. Methods: SPR0901-04BC were scanned at 200-µm resolution on an ITRAX X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner (Cox Analytical Instruments) at the Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota, Duluth in 2010. The scanner is equipped with a Cr X-ray tube, and operated with an 8-second scan time at 30 kV and 15 mA. Files contained: 'SPR0901-04BC_42.7 to 70.0 cm.csv': scanning XRF data from 42.7-70.0 cm of the core 'SPR0901-04BC_42.7 to 70.0 cm_repro.csv': Re-interpreted 42.7-70.0 cm data with improved peak fitting algorithm and more elements fitted. 'SPR0901-04BC_0 to 42.9 cm_repro.csv': scanning XRF data from 0-42.9 cm of the core Each file contains some or all of the variables listed below. Variables: Position(mm): Scanning XRF sample depth; sample surface: Height above the D-shaped core bottom; validity: 1 if pass the quality check; E-gain, E-offset, F-slope, F-offset: Adjustments to energy-channel relationship during spectral analysis of raw XRF spectra; kcps (kilo counts per second): Total photon counts per second; MSE: Mean square error in the peak fitting; Al: Aluminum peak area; Si: Silicon peak area; P: Phosphorus peak area; S: Sulfur peak area; Cl: Chlorine peak area; Ar: Argon peak area; K: Potassium peak area; Ca: Calcium peak area; Sc: Scandium peak area; Ti: Titanium peak area; V: Vanadium peak area; Mn: Manganese peak area; Fe: Iron peak area; Co: Cobalt peak area; Ni: Nickel peak area; Cu: Copper peak area; Zn: Zinc peak area; Ga: Gallium peak area; Ge: Germanium peak area; As: Arsenic peak area; Se: Selenium peak area; Br: Bromine peak area; Rb: Rubidium peak area; Sr: Strontium peak area; Y: Yttrium peak area; Zr: Zirconium peak area; Mo: Molybdenum peak area; Ba: Barium peak area; Pr: Praseodymium peak area; Eu: Europium peak area; Ta: Tantulum peak area; W: Tungsten peak area; Bi: Bismuth peak area; Po: Polonium peak area; CaA+CaA: Sum peaks generated by the combination of Ca Kα and Ca Kα energy; CaA+CrA: Sum peaks generated by the combination of Ca Kα and Cr Kα energy; 1, 2, 3: Peak fitting algorithm output; inc: Cr (Chromium X-ray tube) incoherent scattering; coh: Cr (Chromium X-ray tube) coherent scattering;