The file Sciuridae_Adults.csv contains the size and shape data of all adults from which species' means were computed and Sciuridae_Ontogeny.csv contains the ontogenetic series. In both files, each row contains the complete data for an individual specimen. The first column contains the Museum acronym (for their names, see below). The next column contains the specimen's museum catalog number, followed by its species' name, then centroid size (CS) and then the x, y coordinates for each shape coordinate (numbered). The coordinates are for the landmarks following Procrustes superimposition, with semilandmarks slid to minimize bending energy. FMNH: Field Museum of Natural History USNM: United States National Museum (Smithsonian Institution) MSU: Michigan State University MVZ: Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (University of California, Berkeley) UMMZ: University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology UM: Specimens housed at the University of Michigan but not accessioned NA: A specimen digitized from a photograph not a museum specimen