##---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # README for datacube= 05JUL16 MY33 # MGITM Datacube Results for: YY-MM-DD and UT =16-07-05 at 18:00:03 ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ls (Mars season): 180.0 # FISM-Mars L3 daily averaged solar EUV-UV flux dataset for YY-MM-DD (EUVM instrument) # subsolar_longitude: 0.0 # coord_sys: GEO (longitude, latitude, altitude) # altitude_system: areodetic coordinates # dust conditions: standard Conrath Scheme (tau = 0.5, CR = 0.003) globally uniform # dynamical ionosphere: off # crustal fields: off # horizontal resolution: 5.0x5.0 degrees # vertical resolution: 2.5 km # domain: 293.75 km, 98.75 km (upper and lower boundary conditions for data cube) # linkage to other models: N/A # fields found in file: 15-fields total # Temperature (neutral): units [K] # Density: units [#/m^3] # Species (neutrals: co2, o, n2, co, ar, he) # Pressure: Pascal units # Winds (u,v,w): units [m/s] (zonal, meridional, vertical) # Solar Zenith Angle (SZA) in degree units # Number of longitude points: 72 (2.5 to 357.5) # Number of latitude points: 36 (-87.5 to 87.5) # Number of altitude points: 79 (98.75 km to 293.75 km) # #1.Longitude 2.Latitude 3.Altitude 4.Tn 5.CO2 6.O 7.N2 8.CO 9.He 10.Ar 11.UN 12.VN 13.WN 14.Pressure 15.SZA ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------