######## README FILE FOR PAPER SUBMITTED TO JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH ######## # LATEST UPDATE: March 15, 2021 #Title: Assessing Margin-wide Rupture Behaviors Along the Cascadia megathrust # Using 3-D Dynamic Rupture Simulations # Authors: Marlon D. Ramos (ramosmd@umich.edu), Yihe Huang, Thomas Ulrich, Duo Li, Alice-Agnes Gabriel and Amanda M. Thomas ######## RESEARCH OVERVIEW ######## This study used three-dimensional, dynamic earthquake simulations to investigate how stress and friction levels on the Cascadia megathrust fault influence the final earthquake size and coastal subsidence patterns from the 1700 A.D. earthquake. ######### METHODS ######## The simulations are carried out using the open-source software, SeisSol. The 3-D finite element mesh (FEM) for the Cascadia and surrounding topography/bathyemtry was created using Simmetrix. Results may be viewed with Paraview (.xdmf files) or if in ascii text form (.txt) with python or similar scientific scripting language. Static stress-drop is calculated from the coupling models using Poly3D, which is freely available. No data was collected during this study. Where appropriate, readers may refer to Table 1 in Wang, P-L et al., (2013) for the tabulated subsidence values. ######## FILE INVENTORY ######## There are eight main figure directories in Paper_Figures/ for the submitted manuscript (subject to change before peer-review process is done). Six additional directories (e.g., S#/) contain data and scripts for plotting suppplemental information. Thus, fourteen figure directories are included with this dataset. There are two directories that include a collection of MATLAB and python scripts for pre- or post- processing the simulation data The directory MESH/ contains the 3-D finite element mesh used to run simulations in this paper A directory containing example simulation input data files (.yaml), the FEMs, and example output data will be made available. ######## USE AND ACCESS ######## Required Software: MATLAB, Python (>3.3), Poly3D (https://github.com/stgl/poly3d), SeisSol (downloadable/clone from https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol.git) SeisSol requires several dependenceis and a comprehensive set of directions for installation may be found at: https://seissol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html Computational Requirements: Simulations for this paper were conducted on the Great Lakes parallel computing cluster at the University of Michigan (https://arc.umich.edu/greatlakes/) or on SUPERMUC-NG, a supercomputing cluster within theLeibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich (Germany).