*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* Author : Dogacan Su Ozturk Affilliation : University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Michigan Geophysical Union 2016 Poster Presentation Title : Study on 15 August 2015 Sudden Impulse Event *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* Contents of the Data File : 1. AMPERE data 2. Data Comparison Plots 3. LICENSE.txt 4. PostProcessing Codes 5. README.txt 6. Simulation Input 7. Simulation Logs 8. Simulation Output 9. Spacecraft data 10. SuperMAG data ------------------------------------------ AMPERE Data ------------------------------------------ Active Magnetosphere and Polar Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) data is taken from http://ampere.jhuapl.edu/AMPERE-README.pdf The netCDF file contains : - AMPERE dB (Raw Vectors) - AMPERE dB (Vectors) - AMPERE dB - AMPERE dB Magnitude - AMPERE Current Density - I Density Color Key - dB Magnitude Color Key - dB Color Key If data is used, please include “We thank the AMPERE team and the AMPERE Science Center for providing the Iridium-derived data products.” in your acknowledgement section. ------------------------------------------ Data Comparison Plots ------------------------------------------ There are two sets of data comparison plots. The formats for these files are PNG. IE Plots >> movie_HP_facs_HHMM.png movie files for Hall, Pedersen conductivities and Field-Aligned Currents. MAG Plots >> imf_at_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.png 2D plasma parameter contour plots for XZ and XY cuts >> pressure_wflYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.png >> ux_wflYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.png ------------------------------------------ LICENSE.txt ------------------------------------------ This is a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. We urge you to acknowledge the following teams when data is utilized for a publication. - AMPERE team - SuperMAG team - CDAWeb - NCAR Yellowstone Supercomputer Cluster - Spacepy Team - Dogacan Su Ozturk, Shasha Zou and James Arthur Slavin ------------------------------------------ PostProcessing Codes ------------------------------------------ >> movieforhallmagfac.py Aim : Produce contour plots of FACs, Hall and Pedersen conductivity contour plots Usage : ipython-2.7 movieforhallmagfac.py Directory : IE Folder >>named_colors.py Color library for the plots >>ocb_ux.py Aim : Produce contour plots for velocity and pressure in XZ and XY cuts Usage: ipython-2.7 ocb_ux.py Spacepy library is needed to run these codes. ------------------------------------------ Simulation Input ------------------------------------------ The input files that are required to configure and run the simulation. >> Earth_grid1_medres : Grid points on Earth for interpolation (medium resolution) >> Earth_grid2_highres : Grid points on Earth for interpolation (high resolution) >> ground_mag_YYYYMMDD.dat : Locations of ground magnetometer stations in MLT coordinates >> imf_negby_posbz.dat : The solar wind parameter file for the run >> LAYOUT.in : Amount of blocks per module >> PARAM.in.YYYYMMDD.ss : Steady-state parameter file >> PARAM.in.YYYYMMDD.ta : Time-accurate parameter file >> sats: Folder with satellite locations in ASCII format in GSM coordinates ------------------------------------------ Simulation Logs ------------------------------------------ Log files in ASCII format procuded during the simulation. >> IE_tYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log : Log file produced in the beginning of simulation for IE module. >> log_n0000001.log : Log file produced in the beginning of simulation for GM Module. >> runlog_YYMMDDHHMM: Runlog for the whole simulation ------------------------------------------ Simulation Output ------------------------------------------ There are two simulation outputs. >> Ionosphere Output: binary IDL and TEC files with : itYYMMDD_HHMMSS_000.idl and itYYMMDD_HHMMSS_000.tec >>Magnetosphere Output : ASCII formatted text data with virtual ground magnetometer output : magnetometers_n00000000.mag ------------------------------------------ Spacecraft Data ------------------------------------------ >> acedataYYYYMMDD.png >> winddataYYYYMMDD.png ACE and Wind data summary plots in png format. The data is taken from CDAWeb. Use the following acknowledgement in case data is used in a publication. " We gratefully acknowledge Community Data Analysis Web Site from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center." ------------------------------------------ SuperMAG data ------------------------------------------ The superMAG data contains 42 station outputs each named with the short code for the station. The files are in csv format. If used include the following acknowledgement in your publications. "For the ground magnetometer data we gratefully acknowledge: Intermagnet; USGS, Jeffrey J. Love; CARISMA, PI Ian Mann; CANMOS; The S-RAMP Database, PI K. Yumoto and Dr. K. Shiokawa; The SPIDR database;AARI, PI Oleg Troshichev; The MACCS program, PI M. Engebretson,Geomagnetism Unit of the Geological Survey of Canada; GIMA; MEASURE, UCLA IGPP and Florida Institute of Technology; SAMBA, PI Eftyhia Zesta; 210 Chain, PI K. Yumoto; SAMNET, PI Farideh Honary;The institutes who maintain the IMAGE magnetometer array, PI Eija Tanskanen;PENGUIN; AUTUMN, PI Martin Connors; DTU Space, PI Dr. Juergen Matzka; South Pole and McMurdo Magnetometer, PI's Louis J. Lanzarotti and Alan T. Weatherwax; ICESTAR; RAPIDMAG; PENGUIn; British Artarctic Survey; McMac, PI Dr. Peter Chi; BGS, PI Dr. Susan Macmillan; Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism,Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN); GFZ, PI Dr. Juergen Matzka; MFGI, PI B. Heilig; IGFPAS, PI J. Reda; University of L’Aquila, PI M. Vellante; SuperMAG, PI Jesper W. Gjerloev."